Six Traits Rubric for Primary Writers

College Essay Rubric Name: ____________________________ Period: _________ Date:___________


|5 |*Clear and focused paper holds the|*Organization enhances the central |*Writer is individual, compelling,|*Words are powerful and |*Writing flows with rhythm and |*Conventions are used for |

| |reader’s attention |idea and compels the reader through |and engaging |engaging, specific and accurate|cadence |stylistic effect |

| |* Ideas are fresh, original, and |the text |*Strong commitment to topic is |*Language is natural and |*Purposeful and varied sentence|*Only minor “touch-up” is |

| |show insight as to what is |*Introduction and conclusion engage |clear |effective |structure enhances meaning |needed to publish |

| |important. |the reader and focus attention |*Many moments of surprise and |* Striking words and phrases |*Writer has thought about the |*Spelling of difficult words is|

| |*Quality details go beyond the |*Pacing, support, and transitions are|delight |catch the reader’s eye |sound of the words as well as |usually correct |

| |obvious and predictable |controlled, logical, and effective | | |the meaning | |

|4 |*Paper is clear and focused |*Effective introduction and |*Writer reveals personality and |*Writing is energetic with |*Sentences are well built and |*Conventions are generally |

| |*Topic is narrow and manageable |conclusion |attitudes |lively verbs and precise nouns |varied in structure |correct and contribute to |

| |*Details are relevant and provide |*Sequencing and details are logical |*Strong involvement with topic is |and modifiers |*Writing has rhythm and flows |clarity |

| |important information |and effective |evident |*Words and phrases create |naturally |*Piece is close to being ready |

| | |*Transitions work |*Some surprise and delight |pictures | |to publish |

| | | | | | |*Spelling is usually correct |

|3 |* Topic is recognizable but may be|*Introduction and conclusion are |*Writer is sincere but not fully |*Language lacks energy and |*Writing has pleasant, steady |*Some errors are distracting |

| |unfocused |present |involved. |precision |beat |but not serious |

| |*More general observations than |*Sequence is logical but “programmed”|*Earnest and pleasant, with |*Words are adequate but without|*Sentences are usually |*Moderate editing would fix |

| |specific details |*Transitions and pacing are |occasional delight |flair and originality |grammatical but not well |most errors |

| |*Ideas are reasonably clear, but |inconsistent |*Voice is expressed inconsistently|*Occasional colorful language |crafted |*Spelling inconsistent |

| |there’s no strong sense of purpose|*Organization doesn’t always support | | |*Some occasional variety in | |

| | |main idea | | |sentence structure | |

|2 |*Topic is yet undefined and |* Attempts at introduction and |*Writing is neither unique nor |*Language is only functional |*More mechanical than fluid |*Many errors distract from |

| |development is basic |conclusion are recognizable |distinctive |*Words are generally used |*Sentences are routine and |readability |

| |*More information and details are |*Connections are fuzzy |*One or two moments of voice, but |correctly |unvaried |*Extensive editing required for|

| |needed for support | |mostly generalities and vague |*Overuse of thesaurus |*Writing is inconsistent with |publication |

| | | |language |*Cliches are present |some awkward phrasing |*Difficult words often |

| | | | | | |misspelled |

|1 |*No clear sense of purpose or |*No real introduction or conclusion |*Writer is indifferent and |*Language is vague and |*Sentences are choppy, |*Errors repeatedly distract the|

| |topic |*Order seems random |uninvolved from topic and/or |vocabulary is limited |incomplete, awkward, and |reader and make the text |

| |*Information and details are |*Connections are missing |audience |*Redundancy and incorrect word |unvaried |difficult to read |

| |limited and unclear | |*Writing is lifeless and |use distract the reader | |*Extensive editing required |

| | | |mechanical | | | |


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