Mendocino College

EOPS Information ( EOPS Checklist ( EOPS Application

What is EOPS?

Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) is a state-funded program that assists eligible students in pursuit of their goal of a college degree, certificate, or transfer to a university.

What does EOPS offer?

EOPS offers assistance with textbooks, grants, tutoring, specialized counseling, Priority Registration, bus passes, and more.


Who is eligible for EOPS?

To receive assistance from EOPS, a student must:

• be a California resident or AB-540 student

• be eligible for a Board of Governors (BOG) Fee Waiver Method A or B

• enroll full-time (DRC students and some students enrolled in 9-11 units may be eligible for a waiver of this requirement)

• have not completed more than 48 degree applicable college credits

• meet qualifying educational standards (did not graduate from high school, did not place in college level English and/or math, did not graduate high school with at least a 2.50 grade point average, previously enrolled in remedial courses, or first generation college student)

How do students apply for EOPS? 

μ  STEP 1 - Complete a Mendocino College Admissions Application

All students enrolling at Mendocino College for the first time or returning after an absence of two or more semesters must complete a Mendocino College Admissions Application before their EOPS Application can be processed.


μ  STEP 2 - Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

All students should complete a FAFSA to determine eligibility for free money to support their education. Students who are accepted into the EOPS program are strongly urged to complete a FAFSA. To complete a FAFSA go online and visit fafsa.. Students who cannot complete a FAFSA will need to complete a Board of Governor’s Fee Waiver Application before eligibility for EOPS can be determined, and then submit income documentation within two months. AB-540 students are encouraged to complete a Dream Act Application at csac.dream_act.asp


μ  STEP 3 - Placement Tests

Math and English Placement Test scores are needed to determine which math and English courses are suitable for you.  There are multiple ways to meet the placement criteria.  Placement Tests are free, and you cannot fail them.  Placement Test scores from other colleges are not acceptable.  If you have completed a college math and English course with a “C” or better, you do not need to take the Placement Test for that subject.  Otherwise, check with a counselor or Learning Center staff to see if you meet the requirements in any other way.  Visit the Learning Center website at (click on For Students, then Placement Tests) or call 468-3046 for the days and times Placement Tests are given.  The Learning Center is located in #4100 in the new Library building.


μ  STEP 4 - College Transcripts

EOPS cannot process your EOPS Application until grade transcripts from all other colleges you have attended are received. Contact each college you have attended since high school (other than Mendocino College) and request they send a copy of your academic transcript to Mendocino College’s EOPS Office. Unofficial transcripts, such as those printed from the school’s website, are acceptable.

μ  STEP 5 – Complete an EOPS Application

Answer all the questions on the EOPS Application and submit it to the EOPS Office. The various methods for submission, including the FAX number and mailing address, are listed on the EOPS Application. Call EOPS Office at 468-3113 if you have any questions.

Revised: 11/13/15

Student Information:

First Name: _____________________________________ Last Name: __________________________________________

Birthdate: ______________________________________ College ID Number: ___________________________________

Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ Primary Phone: ___________________________

City & Zip Code: ____________________________________________ Other Phone: _____________________________

Email address (please print neatly): ______________________________________________________________________

How often do you check your email? ρ Daily ρ Weekly ρ Rarely ρ I don’t use email

Students may not receive services from EOPS and CAMP during the same semesters. CAMP (College Assistance Migrant Program) is a campus support program that assists students who are migratory or season farmworkers (or children of such workers) enrolled in their first year of college. If you are currently receiving CAMP services, you will need to wait until after you graduate from the CAMP program before applying to EOPS. Please answer the following:

Are you currently a student in the CAMP program? ρYes ρNo ρI don’t know

Are you in the process of applying for or being accepted to the CAMP Program? ρYes ρNo ρI don’t know

Have you ever received EOPS services in the past? ρNo ρYes – If yes, list school: ___________________________

1. Enrollment: Are you/will you be attending full-time (at least 12 units)? ρNo ρYes

If you checked “No,” are you/will you be attending at least ¾ time (9-11.5 units)? ρNo ρYes

2. DRC: Are you receiving services from the campus’ DRC Office? ρDon’t know ρNo ρYes

3. College: Have you attended any other colleges (besides Mendocino College)? ρNo ρYes

If you checked “Yes,” list all colleges you have attended since high school: _____________________________________

4. High School: Are you a High School Graduate? ρNo ρYes

If “Yes,” did you receive a High School Diploma, GED, or complete H.S. Proficiency Exam? _________________________

If “Yes,” list the last high school attended: _______________________________________ Year last attended: ________

If “Yes,” what was your high school cumulative grade point average? ρless than 2.5 ρ2.5-4.0 ρDon’t know


( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( Continued on back side ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

5. What is your Mother’s highest level of education? ρAA/AS degree ρBA/BS degree ρMA/MS degree

ρdid not graduate high school ρgraduated high school ρI have never lived with my Mother

6. What is your Father’s highest level of education? ρAA/AS degree ρBA/BS degree ρMA/MS degree

ρdid not graduate high school ρgraduated high school ρI have never lived with my Father

7. Parents’ native language: _______________________ Primary language spoken at home: _______________________

8. Are you a current or former Foster Youth? ρNo ρYes

9. What is your ethnicity? ρCaucasian ρHispanic ρAsian ρBlack ρNative American ρOther

Answer the following questions so that we can determine your eligibility for additional services from the CARE program:

10. Do you/your child(ren) receive cash assistance from CalWORKs, TANF or Tribal TANF? ρDon’t know ρNo ρYes

11. What is your Marital Status? ρSingle (never been married) ρDivorced ρWidowed

(check one) ρSeparated (Married, not living with spouse) ρMarried (living with spouse)

12. What is your Housing Status? ρLive with my child(ren) – List age of each child: ______________________

(check all that apply) ρLive with my spouse

ρLive with my partner (boyfriend/girlfriend)

ρOther ___________________________

14. What is your major field of study? _______________________________________

15. What is your educational goal at Mendocino College?

ρAssociate Degree ρUndecided

ρCertificate ρTransfer to a 4-year university

Student Certification:

I declare under penalty of perjury that the information on this EOPS Application is correct. I agree to inform the EOPS Program of any changes to this application during the school year. I understand that false and/or incorrect information given by me will result in termination from the EOPS Program, will require repayment of EOPS funds, and/or may result in fraud charges.


Signature ___________________________________________________________ Date ___________________________

Return this form to the EOPS Office via one of the following:

• Mail to Mendocino College, Attention: EOPS Office, 1000 Hensley Creek Road, Ukiah, CA 95482

• Scan and email copy to

• FAX to (707) 468-3197

• Take to the EOPS Office, Room #1130 in MacMillan Hall, Ukiah campus

• Take to one of the centers (Lake, Willits/North County, or Fort Bragg)

Revised: 11/13/15


Make sure you have a valid email address.

Students will be notified about their eligibility by email.


Mendocino College

1000 Hensley Creek Road, Ukiah, CA 95482

Office: (707) 468-3110 ( Fax: (707) 468-3197


Extended Opportunity Programs & Services























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