United Friends of the Children

College Sponsorship Program Reflection:

5th Year Spring Checkpoint

As you prepare to become College Sponsorship Program alumni, we would like to provide you the opportunity to reflect upon your time in CSP. Not only can reflection help you grow and process your experiences, it can provide us with invaluable feedback about how to improve the program. Take a few minutes to thoughtfully and completely answer the following questions with at least a few sentences each. Return the completed sheet to your College Sponsorship Counselor via email as directed.

1. How was this program most helpful to you in completing your college education?

2. What has been the most influential extracurricular activity in which you have been involved, and why?

3. Please list at least three post-graduate opportunities to which you have applied/will apply (e.g., jobs, internships, graduate school programs, fellowship opportunities):

Name of Company/University:


Salary/Cost of Attendance:

Name of Company/University:


Salary/Cost of Attendance:

Name of Company/University:


Salary/Cost of Attendance:

4. What insights or helpful hints would you offer incoming CSP scholars to help them become more successful and independent college students?

5. If there was one thing you could change about or add to CSP to significantly improve the overall quality of the program or student experience, what would it be?

6. How did your UFC counselor impact your college journey? What was really positive about the experience with her/him? What could your college counselor have done differently to help you be more successful in college?




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