Retrieve Survey Results - SBCTC


Title: Database Reporting Mailman Mailing List Standards

Version: 1.1

Date of Issuance: 4/28/09

Author: Erin Becker


Revision History

|Ver No.|Date of Release |Prepared or Updated By |Reviewed By |Summary of Changes |

|1.0 |12/20/07 |Erin Becker | Kelly Smith |Updated former CIS Actuate Listserv Standards document |

| | | | |to reflect the list conversion to Mailman |

|1.1 |4/28/09 |Erin Becker |Kelly Smith |Updated CIS references to SBCTC-ITD. Also updated |

| | | | |Actuate references to Database Reporting. |


Database reporting Mailman Mailing List Standards 2

General Usage 2

Subscribing to the List 2

Using the Mailing List 3

Subject Lines 3

Email Key Words 3

Key Word Definitions 3

Replying to Messages 4

Database Reporting Mailman Mailing List Standards

General Usage

The SBCTC-ITD Database reporting (Dbreport) list is a permission only private domain mailing list, available only to the Washington State Community and Technical Colleges (WCTC). The list owner for the SBCTC-ITD Dbreport list is Kelly Smith.

Use the Dbreport list to communicate with other database reporting developers in the college system. Topics for discussion are open and can include general database reporting functionality questions, sharing of design files, tips, and notices from the SBCTC-ITD (database updates, software upgrades, etc.).

For more information about using Mailman mailing lists, see the documentation at .

Subscribing to the List

The use and membership for this list is intended for WCTC staff who perform database reporting functions. In addition, a number of SBCTC-ITD technical support staff are subscribers. To subscribe to the list, follow the instructions below:

1. From your web browser, go to .

The Mailing Lists page appears.

2. Click on the Dbreport mailing list.

The Dbreport – Database Reporting page appears.

3. In the Your Email Address field, type your email address. This is the address to which the list's emails will be sent.

4. In the optional Your Name field, type your name.

5. In the Pick Your Password field, type your password.

Note: If you do not create a password, Mailman will create one for you. Mailman provides several ways for you to change your password. For more information, see FAQs.

6. In the Reenter Password to Confirm field, type your password again.

7. At the "Would you like to receive list mail batched in a daily digest?" prompt, click No to receive each email as it is sent to the list (this is the default). Click Yes to receive one daily email containing all the messages from that day.

8. Click the Subscribe button.

Mailman will automatically send you an email asking you to confirm your request.

9. To complete the subscription process, reply to the email as instructed in the message.

Note: If you do not respond to this email within three (3) days, your request will become invalid. You can then subscribe to the list again by following the steps above.

Once you have successfully subscribed, Mailman will automatically send you an email welcoming you to the list.

Using the Mailing List

Subject Lines

Any member can send email messages to the other members of the list. In an effort to organize our list notices, please preface each email subject line with DB; (followed by semi-colon). This will sort all Dbreport list emails together.

Email Key Words

In the subject line, following “DB;”, use one of the following key words to alert the reader as to the importance and general content of the notice.









Key words are defined in the next section. Follow the key word with a colon and the desired subject title.



DB; TIP: Snapping labels to grid

Key Word Definitions

HELP: Use this key word when you need help with something.

INFO: Use this key word if you are just sharing general information. Different from a tip in that the information in more generic like “You will soon be receiving a new copy of the GI database.”

OPPORTUNITY: Use this key word if you are offering an opportunity to anyone in the group. For example, the SBCTC-ITD periodically holds training sessions for staff. If we have open seats, we often offer them to groups in the college. Database reporting-related opportunities will be offered to this group.

REPLY: Use this key word if you wish to prompt a reply from the group.

SURVEY: Use this key word if you are issuing general survey of some type.

TIP: Use this key word if you are offering a database reporting tip to the group. We’d like to get these tips posted to the web. Please share even those tips that might seem trivial.

URGENT: Use this tip if you want everyone to READ NOW and either reply or take some action.

REVIEW: Use this key word when sending documents or information that needs reviewing.

Replying to Messages

To reply to a message, reply as you would to any email message. Your reply will be sent to the list and will be received by everyone subscribed to the list. By default, the list is configured so that messages are "Reply to All."


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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