ENC 1101, FRESHMAN COMP (3 Credits) - Valencia College


Spring, 2011

Instructor Helen M. Clarke

Office East Campus, Bldg. 1-342

Phone (407) 582-2273

Email hclarke@atlas.valenciacc.edu

Office Hours M-W-F 10:55 am - 11:55 am

T-TH 1:00 pm -2:30 pm

Virtual Office M-W-T-TH 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm @ hclarke@atlas.valenciacc.edu


Virtual and office meetings by appointment also

Course Blackboard Login with Atlas username and password

Required Textbook: Strategies for Successful Writing, 9th edition, Reinking and von der Osten. This is the only book you need for this course and can be purchased at the Valencia Bookstore or online.

Course Prerequisite: Score of 83 on writing component of CPT or equivalent score on other state-approved entry test or minimum grade of C in ENC0012 and ENC0012L or ENC0012C or EAP1640 or ENS1441; also, a score of 83 on REA0002 and REA0002L or REA0002C or EAP1620 or ENS1421.

Course Description: Development of essay form, including a documented essay; instruction and practice in expository writing. Emphasis on clarity of central and support ideas, adequate development, logical organization, coherence, appropriate citing of primary and/or secondary sources, and grammatical and mechanical accuracy. ENC 1101 is a Gordon Rule course in which the student is required to demonstrate college-level writing skills through multiple assignments. Minimum grade of C is required since ENC 1101 is used to satisfy Gordon Rule and general education requirements at Valencia Community College.

Course Objective: In ENC 1101, you will learn how to produce a well-structured, thoroughly developed, fluid, college-level essay. Through emphasizing the recursive process of writing, collegial and instructor critiques, you will learn to be a critic of your own writing--an essential skill to master for your success in other courses…and in life.

When you successfully complete ENC 1101, you will be able to write a college-level essay structured in several rhetorical (thinking) patterns, using outside sources to support your ideas. Your improved writing skills will be highly useful as you continue your college and career goals.

Course Learning Outcomes and Outcome Assessments: Upon completion of ENC 1101 you will be able to: 1) compose expository essays, 2) write a documented essay, 3) write in standard American English, and 4) demonstrate competence in the basic use of computers. These course outcomes will be assessed through your in-class and out-of-class writing assignments as well as your final essay exam. Rubrics that describe quality of college-level writing will be provided for each essay.

Student Core Competencies are the following basic areas you will develop over your time studying at Valencia: Think, Value, Communicate, and Act. See the Valencia Catalog for a more complete reference.

Communications Center (Bldg. 4-120): East Campus has a fabulous resource to help students with individual writing needs. The Center welcomes drop-in consultations as well as those scheduled. Don’t be bashful…get help early and often. We can all use another set of eyes on our writing! Also, if I feel you may benefit from this resource, I will make recommendations to individuals as the course progresses. For more information on the Center, please visit: .

Students with Disabilities: If you have a disability please contact to me so we can be sure to provide you with the best accommodations possible. If you are a student with a disability who qualifies for academic accommodations, you must provide me with a letter from the office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) so we can discuss your specific needs, preferably during the first two weeks of class. The office for Students with Disabilities determines accommodations based on appropriate documentation of disabilities (East Campus, Building 5-216, 407-582-2229).

Valencia’s Student Code of Classroom Conduct will be honored by all of us in this class. Violation of the Code is grounds for student disciplinary action as provided in Policy 6Hx28:10-04

Atlas Email Policy: In order to minimize the risk of computer-virus transfers, I will only communicate with students via the student's Atlas account. My Atlas e-mail address is hclarke@atlas.valenciacc.edu.

Important Notice: As much as I may like to help you with technical support, technology is not my area of expertise. If you are experiencing problems with Atlas, Blackboard, etc. you can receive help by calling the following: (407)582-5600 or webcthelp@valenciacc.edu. The ATLAS help desk phone # is (407)582-5590.

A special note about computers: Even though computers and word-processing software are marvelous time and energy-saving devices, we all realize they can and do cause problems with the production of our documents from time to time. Please be aware that a broken or ill-functioning computer, or the inability to retrieve, produce or submit your assignments from a computer will not be accepted as a valid excuse for a document that is submitted late. I advise you to save all your documents to a flash drive and your hard drive. Also, planning ahead and not leaving assignments to the last minute can help when problems (technical or otherwise) arise.

REQUIREMENTS: Each student must submit five essays.

• Ten points will be deducted for each class period the final out-of-class essay is late. The purpose of exacting submission guidelines is to ensure that papers are returned to you in a timely manner so that you can use my written feedback to revise your next paper.

• If you do not bring revision and edit draft(s) to class, you cannot earn the 25 points since the purpose of the drafts is to review them collegially in class.

• Final out-of-class essays must be typed and follow MLA format established in the SSW. These format guidelines will be discussed in class.

• Emailing an essay is not an accepted form of submission and the essay will not be graded. Only paper copies of essays are accepted.

▪ ALL assignments (revision, edit and final drafts) are due at the beginning of the class on the assigned due date.

• As a Gordon Rule course that is subject to state mandates, failure to submit a single essay will result is an "F" for the course.

• Plagiarism of any form is a serious breech of academic ethics. Any instance of academic dishonesty will result in disciplinary action. Actions may range from an “F” for the paper to an “F” for the course.

• Participation in collegial review, essay discussion and cooperative learning activities in groups is expected. Collegial review exercises have in-class writing points attached to them.

• Please read your Atlas email daily as I will make important class announcements though this method.

Class Meetings: Class meetings are designed to emphasize the collaborative approach to writing. Readings from Strategies for Successful Writing are designed to provide examples of professional and student writers, focus your understanding of your role in the collaborative process, and provide insight into writing as a process. Your collegial reviews of classmates’ papers will be specific and slowly build your revision and editing skills.

Attendance Policy: Research indicates those who attend class regularly receive better grades than those who do not: therefore, you should attend all classes. Missing class can negatively impact your grade, for you are responsible for material covered during an absence. In addition 5 points will be deducted from the overall points for each absence.

There are also a number of assignments (reading quizzes and draft essay workshops), which require you to be in class to receive credit. These in-class assignments cannot be made up because the classroom experience cannot be replicated.

After the withdrawal deadline, I may withdraw (W grade) any student who has accumulated 4 absences in a MWF class and 3 absences in a T-TH class from the beginning of the term. I will take roll each day for College withdrawal deadline attendance requirement and financial aid records, but attendance will not be a direct component of the course grading scale.

Please make a personal commitment to arriving on time. Your classmates and I will appreciate it. I generally take attendance at the beginning of class. If you come late to class, it is your responsibility to have your absence changed to a “late” in my grade book. Please notify me after class. Two tardy arrivals will result in a 5 point deduction from the overall points.

Withdrawal deadline: March 25, 2011. This is the last day for students to withdraw themselves from a class. After March 25, only the professor can with draw a student, and only then for excessive absences as described in the following policy statement.

Valencia Withdrawal Policy: Per Valencia Policy 4-07 (Academic Progress, Course Attendance and Grades, and Withdrawals), a student who withdraws from class before the established deadline for a particular term will receive a grade of “W.” A student is not permitted to withdraw after the withdrawal deadline. A faculty member MAY withdraw a student up to the beginning of the final exam period for violation of the class attendance policy. A student who is withdrawn by faculty for violation of the class attendance policy will receive a grade of “W.” Any student who withdraws or is withdrawn from a class during a third or subsequent attempt in the same course will be assigned a grade of “F.” For a complete policy and procedure overview on Valencia Policy 4-07 please go to: .


Essays written outside of class: These essays that must be typed and in accordance with the MLA manuscript form. Further details will be explicit in the assignment description.

Draft Essay Workshops: These are structured, in-class peer reviews of revision and edit drafts of each out-of-class essay. These cannot be made up under any circumstances since the value of the workshop cannot be replicated in any other forum.

NOTE: Essays that are not fastened or do not conform to any of the assignment formatting rules will not be accepted and will be counted as a late assignment.

Required Modern Language Association (MLA) heading format for all typed essays: (see p. 384 in textbook for a complete MLA essay example)

Your Last Name 1

Your Full Name (Jon J. Jones)

Professor’s Name (Professor Helen Clarke)

Course and Section Day and Time (ENC 1101, MWF 10 am)

Date (January 9, 2011)

Name of the Assignment (Essay #1)

Timed Writing Essay: This is a timed writing that you take in the East Campus Testing Center. Further details will be explained in the assignment description.

Reading Quizzes: Reading quizzes are based on the essays assigned from your textbook. Each quiz is worth 20 points. If we have more than five quizzes over the term, them the five highest grades will count. Reading quizzes cannot be made up.

Final Examination: This is an essay examination where you will be expected to answer questions based on the assigned readings using your ideas and the ideas of others. Further details will be explained in the final exam description.

Final Examination College Policy: To receive credit for a course for which you are registered, you must take the final examination. It is your responsibility to know when and where the final examination is scheduled and to be present and on time. You may be absent from a final examination or deviate from the examination schedule only with approval by the professor and the appropriate provost. If you do not attend the final examination and do not have an approved absence, you will receive an F for the course. Here’s the exact policy:


|Assignments |Possible Points |

|Essay #1 Description |100 |

|Essay #2 Compare & Contrast |100 |

|Essay #3 Cause & Effect |100 |

|Essay #4 Timed Writing |100 |

|Essay #5 Argument |200 |

|Final Essay Exam |100 |

|Draft Essay Workshops |200 |

|Reading Quizzes |100 |

|Total Possible Points |1000 |

Grading Scale: Essays will be graded according to rubric guidelines established for each assignment.

|900 -1000 |A |

|800 - 899 |B |

|700 - 799 |C |

|600– 699 |D |

|0 – 599 |F |

*The syllabus and assignment schedule may change with the needs of the class. You will be notified of any changes in class as well as in writing via the class web site and/or Blackboard.


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