1980 - 2009 - Colonial Williamsburg

Colonial Williamsburg Interpreter Index

1980 - 2009

The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation's Department of Interpretive Education produced The Colonial Williamsburg Interpreter for employee education. The majority of the articles were written by staff researchers and interpreters. Each issue was approximately twenty-five pages long, with black and white illustrations. Supplements to the magazine include Fresh Advices, Questions and Answers, and A Cultural Timeline & Glossary for Williamsburg in the Eighteenth Century. Originally a monthly, The Colonial Williamsburg Interpreter was published as a quarterly 1996-2002. In 2003 the frequency of publication changed to 3 issues per year. The last issue was Spring 2009 (Vol. 30 #1). The index was compiled by Library volunteer, Laura Arnold.

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All issues of the Interpreter, Fresh Advices, Questions & Answers, as well as the Glossary are available digitally at

Abbreviations Used in This Index:

I Interpreter

Ja January Jy July

Sp Spring

F Fresh Advices

F February Ag August

Su Summer

G Glossary

Mr March S September Fa Fall

Q Questions & Answers Ap April

O October

Wi Winter

My May

N November

Je June

D December

Sample Entry

sheep I Sp98 20

An article on sheep appears in the Colonial Williamsburg Interpreter, Spring 1998, on page 20.


abolition of slavery I Sp99 20-22, I Wi99/00 19-25, "Abuse of History: Selections from Dave Barry Slept Here, The," article I Ag92 1?4 "Abraham of Barbados", article I Fa/Wi 07/08 17-9 "According to the Ladies" I Mr86 6 account books Q Ag84 #24, 27&3l "Achieving More Effective Interpretation," article I Jy88 2?4 actors I My83 4, 6; I Fa01 4-9 Act of Toleration G F90 27 Acts Concerning Servants and Slaves G F90 24 Adam, Robert G F90 3 Adams, John Q F87 4, Vice President Q F87 8 Adams, Samuel Q D86 2 Admiralty law I Wi96 19, I Su98 12?17 adultery I Su02 41 advance, over prime cost Q My83 7 (Bergstrom article insert) Africa, West (See also Ghana, Mali, Senegal, Songhay) Africa, West Art I My95 9 Africa, West Description and travel I Wi96/97 12-17 Africa, West History I N91 1-3, I My95 8-11, I Wi01/02 19-25 Africa, West Politics and government I N91 3 Africa, West Religion I My95 9-10 Africa, West TraditionsI My86 1, I My95 8-11, I Wi01/02 19-25, I Sp02 9-13 African American (See also African Americans, free blacks, fugitive slaves, slavery, slaves,) African American agriculture I Jy86 2, I N87 4, I Ag93 9-10, I Fa99 9-13 African American artists I Ja88 6 African American children I My86 6, Q Je86 5, I Jy87 2, I Fa99 31-32, African American families F Ja81 iii, I N81 1, I My88 2, I Wi97 9 African American foodways I Sp05 2-3 African American housing F N82 i-ii,iv, I Ja88 5, I Sp09 1-6 African American interpretation I N81 1-3, I My86 1,6, I Jy86 5, I Ja88 1-6, I Wi01-02 19-25, African American males Q D85 #8, (See also Adam Waterford (Waterford, Adam), Bristol,

Caesar, George, Isaac, Isaac Bee (Bee, Isaac), James, James Ireland (Ireland, James), Johnny, Moses, Selim, Will) African American soldiers I Su96 16-17, I Fa96 1-6, I Sp99 9-12, I Wi00/01 24-27, I Wi01/02 42-50, I Sp06 18 African American women Q F83 #10, #14, I My84 1-4, I Ja88 6, 8, I My88 2&3, I Sp96 27, I Wi96/97 10-11, (See also Clarissa, Eve, Judith, Kitty, Lydia Broadnax (Broadnax, Lydia), Lydia Cooper (Cooper, Lydia), Nanny, Phillis Wheatley (Wheatley, Phillis), Sally Hemings (Hemings, Sally), Sylvia, Venus, Violet ), I Wi08/09 25 African Americans Bibliography F N82 ii, F Jy87 iv,I Fa96 7, I Fa99 29, I Wi99/00 25, I Fa00 36, I Wi01/02 52, (See also Slavery Book reviews) African Americans Education I N80 3, Q Ag84 #34, I Jy87 2, I Ja88 1, Q F89 #1, G F90 6, I My95 6-7 African Americans History F Jy83 iii-iv, I Jy87 3, Q F88, I Ja89 1,2,5, I N92, I My 95 9-10, I Sp96 27, I Wi96/97 10-11, I Sp99 1-2, African Americans History (Virginia) Q Je81 2, Q O81 2, I N81 1-2, Q Je83 #20, Q Ap84 #6, Q Ag84 #34-#40, F Jy87, I Sp99 3-12, I Wi99-00 9-12, 27-29, I Wi00/01 9-15, I Su01 51-54, I Su03 2-5 African Americans Juvenile Literature I Fa99 31-32


African Americans Legal status, laws, etc. I Jy80 4, Q Ap82 1,3, Q Je82 1, Q D82 #23, Q F83 #5,#11,#12, #19, #20, I My83 1-2 & 5, Q Ap84 #6, Q Ag84 #36, Q D84 #2,#4,Q O85 #3, G F90 24, I Sp98 13, I Sp99 1, I Fa99 1-9, I Wi99/00 2-8, I Fa02 1-6, I Su04 1-3

African Americans Oral history F Jy 87, I N92 1-15 African Americans Religion I N80 3, I N81 2, Q F83 #1, #6, #18, I My86 1, G F90 4, I N91

4-5, I Fa98 8-13, I Sp00 10-14 African Americans Social Life and Customs Q F83 #4,#6,#14, Q Je85 #9, I My86 1,2,6, I

My88 2, I My95 10, I Wi97 9, I Sp99 19, I Fa99 1-13, 20, I Wi08/09 25 African-American Gardens and Yards in the Rural South by Richard Westmacott, book

review I Ag93 9?10 "African Traditions," article I My86 1 "African Virginians and the Colonial Virginia Militia", article I Wi00/01 24-27 "Afro-American Tour of Williamsburg," article I N81 1?3 "After 1723, Manumission Takes Careful Planning and Plenty of Savvy", article I Su04 1-3 Aggy (Great Aggy) I Sp03 17 "Aging in the Colonial Chesapeake," article I Ag91 1?5 agricultural economy, I Wi0809 25-6 agricultural products and activities Q Je84 #1, #2 & #3 "Agricultural Story, The," article I Jy86 3 Albemarle parish, rector of I Mr93 6?7 alcoholic beverages Q O81 3 "Alcoholic Drink in the Eighteenth Century", article I Sp04 8-9 aldermen, in Williamsburg Q Je81 1, Q O81 2, Q F84 #5& #8 "Ale, Beer, Porter, and Mum: A Description of Eighteenth-Century Malt Beverages", article I

Fa01 15-16 Alexander, Edward P., review of book by I S81 4 "All the Divertisment One Could Wish," article I Mr94 1?4, 10 Allan, Adam (Loyalist) I Wi05/06 10 all-fours (game) Q Je85 #12 Allen-Byrd House F My86 ii almond custard (recipe) I Sp03 25 "Am I Not a Man and a Brother: Abolition and Anti-Slavery in the Early Chesapeake", article

I Sp99 20-21 Amelia County Courthouse, plan of F N84 v American Association of Museums I N85 5 American Cream Draft Horse, I Wi00/01 31-32 American Milking Devon Cattle, I Wi00/01 29 American Revolution Q F81 1&3, I S81 1?2, I My83 1&5, Q O83 #1, I N83 4 amusements Q Je85 #2 anatomy, study of I Sp05 12 ancestral worship, West Africa I My95 9 Anderson, James, forge F N83 ii, I N83 1&4, public armorer I N83 4, Public Hospital work I

Mr85 2, purchase of lot 19 I N83 4 Anderson, Jay, review of book by, I My85 4 Anderson Shop I N83 4 anesthesia Q Je88 #8 Anglican canons I Mr87 3 "Anglican Theology and Devotion in James Blair's Virginia, 1685-1743, Private Piety in the

Public Church", article I Fa/Wi03 6-19


Anglican Virginia, The Established Church of the Old Dominion 1607?1786 by Arthur Pierce Middleton I Mr87 3

angry visitors I Jy89 4?5 "Animals and Attitudes," article I Ag89 5?6 animism, West Africa I My95 10 ankles I N90 11 Annapolis I Fa/Wi 07/08 13 "Another Look at Christmas in the Eighteenth Century," article I Wi95 5?8 antiseptics Q Je88 #8 antislavery (See abolition of slavery) anti-slavery samplers and needlework I Wi99/00 19-25, APVA, I Su01 57 Apollo Room Q O85 #4 apothecary I Jy81 3, Q Je82 2, I Mr85 2, I Fa02 18 apple pudding (recipe) I Sp03 25 appraisers I Jy83 3 apprentices Q O85 #2, I Ag92 5 apprenticeship I Jy81 l-2, Q Ap86 #11, arbors Q Ap88 #10 "Archaeological Evidence for Casement Windows in Williamsburg," article I Sp98 26,

correction to article I Su98 27 archaeological excavation I Jy83 1?2, John Page House site I Wi95 9?13, Richneck

Plantation site I Fa96 24?27, Peyton Randolph House site I Fa96 24?27, Cary Peyton Armistead site I Fa96 24?27 "Archaeological Excavations at The James Wray Site," article I Wi03 1-13 archaeological museum I Jy86 2, I Ag91 9&12 archaeological research I Sp98 26, I Sp08 21-25 archaeology I Jy83 1?2, I Ja88 4, I Mr92 1?4, Nassau Street site I Su99 6-7, Peyton Randolph site I Special Edition 99 12-18, James Wray Site I Su/Fa08 8-12, Charlton Coffeehouse I Wi08/09 1-6 "Archaeology at Jamestown: A Century-Long Pursuit", article I Fa/Wi 07/08 15-6 Archibald Blair House F My86 iii architectural elaboration, hierarchies of F N84 i?vi architectural fieldwork F N83 i architecture Q O80 #11?12&14, Q Ap81 2, I My82 1, F N82 i?ii & iv, Q D82 #13?14&24, F Jy83 v?vi, F N83 i, F N84 i?vi, courthouse I My87 1, Wythe House I My93 6?10, Peyton Randolph House I Mr93 1?5, I Je94 1, 6?9, Benjamin Powell House I Ag93 4?8, James Geddy House I N93 1?5,7, Brush-Everard House, I Mr94 5?9, I Je94 1, 6?9, overview of architectural investigation of several houses at Colonial Williamsburg I Je94 1, 6?9, architecture, Peyton Randolph site I Special Edition 99 5-11, 19-24 "Are We Having Fun Yet?" article I Ag90 1?3 Arming America; The Origins of a National Gun Culture, book review I Fa01 27-34 Armonica I Wi04 1-2 armorer, public I My81 3, I N83 4 arms, British Q O81 2 Arne, Thomas A. G F90 3 Arnold, Benedict Q F87 4, I Su07 1-4 Arnold, Laura, articles by I Sp96 12?15, I Su97 24?26, I Fa97 22?23, I Sp98 21?22, I Su98 26, I Fa98 16?17, I Wi98 6?7, I Sp99 19, I Su99 9-10, I Fa99 29-30, I Wi99/00 2526, I Sp00 17-19, I Su00 18-19, I Fa00 34-35, I Wi00/01 28-35, I Sp01 13-14, I Su01


37-38, I Fa01 1-4, I Wi01-02 37-8, I Su02 6-7 & 29-31, I Wi03 24-26, I Sp03 24-25, I Fa/Wi03 26-8, I Su04 15-16, I Sp05 2-3, I Su06 21-23, I Su07 6-7, I Su/Fa08 13-15 Ar'nt I a Woman? Female Slaves in the Plantation South by Deborah Gray White, book review I Ja88 6 arrack, I Jy81 4 arrack punch (recipe) I Wi98 7 "Art of Asking Questions, The", article I Wi03 32 Art of the Old South, The, by Jessie Poesch, book review I Jy85 1 Arthur, Mildred, book review by I Ja81 3?4 Articles of Confederation Q Ag87, Q O87 17-22 "Arts & Mysteries", articles I Fa01 10-13, I Sp02 19-21, I Su02 20-22, I Fa02 22-23, I Sp03 19-23, I Su03 9-12, I Sp05 4-9, I Su/Fa05 24-28, I Wi05/06 16-18, I Su06 10-12 "As the Dust Settles," article I Fa96 24?26 "As the Dust Settles (A Department of Archaeological Research Update) Rediscovering Ravenscroft", article I Sp08 21-25 "As the Dust Settles: An Update from the Department of Architectural and Archaeological Research (Ravenscroft Site), I Sp09 1-6 "As the Dust Settles: An Update on the Archaeological Excavations at the James Wray Site", article I Su/Fa08 8-12 Asbury, Francis G F90 3 "Assessment Bill: Virginia's Attempt to Legislate Virtue, The", article I Su00 30-33 Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities, The (See APVA) asylum, patients admitted to Q O80 #4, Q Ap84 #8 AT&T Foundation I Ja88 6 Atherton, James, I Sp00 3-4, I Sp03 26-27 attorney, definition of I Wi96 18 auction catalogs, index to objects in pictures I Fa01 1-4 "Autumn 1774 Calendar", article I Fa02 14-16 Ayscough, pronunciation of I Ja83 1?2


Bach, Johann Christian G F90 3 backgammon (game) Q Je85 #12 Bacon's Castle F N81 iv, F N84 i, I My91 9 Bacon's Rebellion G F90 4 Badminton I Ja81 1 badminton (sport) Q Je85 #13, I Fa02 16 Bailyn, Bernard, review of book by I My92 6?7 Bakari, Harvey, articles by I Wi01-02 19-25, I Sp02 9-13 baked calf's head (recipe) I Special Edition 99 46 Balderson, Trish, article by I Sp03 45 Balfour, James I Su06 24 ballast Q Ag84 #12 balsam I Jy85 3 bamboo I Su03 22 bands I N84 4 banishment Q Ag88 #7 banns of marriage I Sp09 16 banyan I S80 2, I Su03 16-17



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