Plant Systems is a pathway within the Agriculture, Food, and …

Plan of Study for MBAResearch Courses

|[pic] |Pathways: Marketing Communications, Marketing Management, Marketing Research, Merchandising, Professional |

| |Sales/Sales Management |

| |Plan of Study: (Insert students career choice. Examples listed below.) |

|Career Goal (O*Net Code): Examples: Advertising Clerk (43-4151), Customer Service Representative (43-4051), Retail Sales Associate (41-2031), Sales |

|Representative (413099), Department Manager (41-1011), District Sales Manager (11-2022), Marketing Research Director (13-1161), Chief Marketing Officer |

|(11-1011) |

|Suggested High School Courses |

|High School |9th |Core Academic |Language Arts, Algebra, Physical Science, US Government/Geography, World Language I|Suggested Electives: |

|* Default | |Courses*: | |Computer Applications |

|includes | | | | |

|CDHE Higher | | | | |

|Education | | | | |

|Admission | | | | |

|Requirements| | | | |

| | |Career Path Courses: | Leadership, Personal Finance | |

| |10th |Core Academic |World Literature, World History, Geometry, Biology, World Language 2 |Suggested Electives: |

| | |Courses*: | |Accounting, Marketing Lab |

| | |Career Path Courses: | Business and Marketing Essentials | |

| |11th |Core Academic |American Literature, American History, Algebra 2, Chemistry, World Language 3 |Suggested Electives: |

| | |Courses*: | |Accounting, Marketing Lab, |

| | | | |Advanced English &/or Math |

| | | | |w/Business focus |

| | |Career Path Courses: |Marketing Principles | |

| |12th |Core Academic |Language Arts, Pre-Calculus or Trigonometry, Physics, Social Studies (as needed to |Suggested Electives: |

| | |Courses*: |complete requirements) |Accounting, Marketing Lab, |

| | | | |Advanced English &/or Math |

| | | | |w/Business focus |

| | |Career Path Courses: | Marketing Applications | |

| | |Secondary to Postsecondary Linkages & Certifications |

|Recognition |Postsecondary Credit Options: ACP, Concurrent Enrollment Credit, PSEO, Fast College-Fast Jobs, Articulated Credit. Individual secondary |

|for Advanced|programs will need to contact the community college and/or university in their area to set up an agreement. Agreement must be reviewed every |

|Learning |year. |

| |Industry Recognized Certificate(s) or License(s): Individual secondary programs will need to insert certification options where appropriate. |

| |Colorado Postsecondary Programs Available |Colorado Institutions |Entrance Exams/ |

| | | |Requirements |

|Postsecondar|Certi|Examples: Small Business Management, Business | |High School Diploma |

|y Education |ficat|Administration, Entrepreneurship, Sales & Customer |Colorado Community Colleges: Aims, Arapahoe, Northwestern, |or GED Accuplacer |

|Opportunitie|e |Service, Sales & Marketing, Marketing, |Aurora, Denver, Front Range, Lamar, Morgan, Pikes Peak, | |

|s | |Marketing/Management |Pueblo, Red Rocks | |

| |Assoc|Examples: Small Business Management, Marketing, | |High School Diploma |

| |iate |Entrepreneurship, Management emphasis in Sales & |Colorado Community Colleges: Aims, Arapahoe, Northwestern, |or GED Accuplacer |

| |Degre|Customer Service, Business Administration |Aurora, Denver, Front Range, Lamar, Morgan, Pikes Peak, | |

| |e | |Pueblo, Red Rocks, Trinidad State. Northeastern, Otero Junior| |

| | | |Colleges, Colorado Mountain College. Check private | |

| | | |institutions and technical colleges for similar programs | |

| |Bache|Examples: Advertising, Mass Communication, Marketing,| |See each school's |

| |lor |Public Relations/Advertising, Information Systems & |Adams State College; Colorado State University; Colorado |admissions website |

| |Degre|Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Small Business |State University Pueblo; Fort Lewis College; Mesa State | |

| |e |Management, Business Administration |College; Metropolitan State College of Denver; University of | |

| | | |Colorado: Boulder, Colorado Springs, Denver; University of | |

| | | |Northern Colorado, Western State College of Colorado. Check | |

| | | |private institutions and technical colleges for similar | |

| | | |programs | |

| |Gradu|Examples: Business to Business Marketing MBA; | |See each school's |

| |ate |Business to Consumer Marketing MBA, Marketing MBA, |Adams State College; Colorado State University; Colorado |admissions website |

| |Degre|Entrepreneurship, General MBA |State University - Pueblo, University of Colorado - Boulder, | |

| |e | |Colorado Springs, Denver; University of Northern Colorado | |

| | | |Check private institutions and technical colleges for similar| |

| | | |programs | |


|Cluster Overview: The Marketing Career Cluster includes career opportunities whose processes create, communicate, and deliver value to customers and |

|manage customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders. |

|Extended Learning Experiences |

|Curricular Experiences: |Extracurricular Experiences: |

| |Mock Trial |

|DECA - an Association of Marketing students |National Honor Society |

| |Speech and Debate |

| |Student Council |

| |Yearbook |

|Work-Based Learning Experiences: |Program Accreditation and/or Professional Association(s): |

| |Examples: Advertising Research Foundation (ARF), American Advertising Federation (AAF),|

|Career Preparation – Paid and Unpaid, Job Shadowing, Internships |American Marketing Assoc. (AMA), Assoc. for Interactive Marketing (AIM), Assoc. of |

| |International Product Marketing and Management (AIPMM), Assoc. of Strategic Marketing |

|Examples include, but are not limited to: |(ASM), Business Marketing Assoc. (BMA), Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), Direct |

|School Based Enterprise, School Store, Credit Union, Concession |Marketing Assoc. (DMA), eMarketing Association (eMA), ESOMAR, Institute of Direct and |

|Sales, Food and Beverage Facility Management |Digital Marketing (IDM), International Advertising Assoc. (IAA), International Customer|

| |Service Assoc. (ICSA), International Public Relations Assoc. (IPRA), International |

| |Internet Marketing Assoc. (IIMA), International Social Media Assoc. (ISMA), Marketing |

| |Research Assoc. (MRA), Marketing Research Society (MRS), Mobile Marketing Assoc. (MMA),|

| |National Assoc. of Sales Professionals (NASP), National Retail Federation (NRF), |

| |Product Development and Management Assoc. (PDMA), Professional Pricing Society (PPS), |

| |Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), Sales and Marketing Executives |

| |International (SMEI), Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization (SEMPO), Trade |

| |Show Exhibitors Assoc. (TSEA), Web Analytics Association (WAA) |

|Service Learning Experiences: | |

| | |

|DECA chapter projects | |

|Career Options: |Salary Range: |

|Certificat|Advertising Clerk, Amusement/Recreation Attendant, Call Center Representative, Cashier, |$ |

|e |Concierge, Customer Service Representative, Front Desk Clerk, Order Filler, Host/Hostess, | |

| |Merchandise Displayer, Product Ambassador, Product Demonstrator, Retail Sales Associate, | |

| |Sales Representative, Stock Clerk, Wait Staff, Window Trimmer | |

|Associate |Advertising Sales Agent, Department Manager, Event/Conference Planner, Concierge, Hotel |$ - $$ |

|Degree |Front Office Manager, Merchandise Displayer, Online Merchant, Retail Sales Associate, | |

| |Sales Representative, Store Manager, Ticket Agent, Travel Agent, Wholesale/Manufacturing | |

| |Sales Representative, Window Trimmer | |

|Bachelor |Advertising: Account Executive , Coordinator, Coordinator, Director, Manager, Sales |$$ - $$$ |

|Degree |Director/Manager, Media Buyer, Director, Planner | |

| |Marketing: Analyst, Communications Director, Manager | |

| |Research: Interviewer, Analyst, Consultant, Director, Manager, Supervisor | |

| |General: Assistant Account Executive, Assistant Buyer, Assistant Market Analyst, Assistant| |

| |Media Buyer, Associate Account Executive, Buyer, Communications Director | |

|Graduate |Chief Marketing Officer, Marketing Director, Marketing Manager, Vice President of |$$$ - $$$$ |

|Degree |Marketing, Vice President of Sales | |

$ = $15-25,000; $$ = $25-55,000; $$$ = $55-90,000; $$$$ = Above $90,000

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