Resume Wizard - Colorado FFA – Agriculture Education

Junior and Senior level Ag Bus. | |Colorado Agriscience Curriculum

|Section: |Advanced Agribusiness |

|Unit: |Ag Law |

|Lesson Title: |Colorado Ag Regulations |

|Colorado Ag Education Standards| |

|and Competencies |AGB11/12.04 - The student will understand the influences of agricultural economy and its influences on the |

| |overall economy. |

| | |

| |Identify the economic costs of environmental regulations. |

| | |

|Colorado Model Content |English Standard 1: Students read and understand a variety of materials. |

|Standard(s): | |

| |English Standard 4: Students apply thinking skills to their reading, writing, speaking, listening, and |

| |viewing |

| | |

| |English Standard 5: Students read to locate, select, and make use of relevant information from a variety of |

| |media, reference, and technological sources. |

|Student Learning Objectives: | |

| |The student will have a better understanding of the environmental laws affecting the Colorado livestock |

| |industry |

| | |

| |The student will have a better understanding of the environmental laws affecting the Colorado crop industry |

|Time: |50 minutes |

|Resource(s): | |

|Instructions, Tools, Equipment,|Power Point presentation |

|and Supplies: |Current news articles dealing with food contamination and food born pathogens |

| |Computer, projector |

|Interest Approach: |In the fall of 2006, an e-coli outbreak occurred in spinach, in southern California. You were only affected |

| |by the outbreak because, you love spinach and had to throw out several prepackaged bags of spinach. |

| |Then in January 2007, you attend the National Western Stock Show with your FFA chapter. You are proudly |

| |wearing your FFA jacket when a person approaches you, that person asks the following questions: “Isn’t the |

| |FFA for Farmers?”, “Do you raise cows?”, “Why are people like you contaminating our food?”, “Why do farmers |

| |dump animal feces in water for people and plants?” |

| |How do you respond to this consumer? Allow students to debate these questions, lead the group in discussion |

| |about educating the general population about how safe our food supply is compared with other countries. Talk|

| |about the amount of commodities American agriculture exports. This discussion will eventually lead into the |

| |need for environmental regulations. |

| |Slide 1 |

| |Instruction |

| |Slide 2 |

| |Agriculture regulations can be broke into two very broad categories. |

| | |

| |Livestock Regulations |

| |Livestock regulations deal with the removal and application of animal feces. |

| |Farm/Chemical Regulations |

| |Farm chemical regulations deal with the application and storage of herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers, and |

| |insecticides. |

| | |

| |How do I know if my operation is required to follow these regulations? |

| |Slide 3 |

| |Livestock |

| |AFO (Animal Feeding Operations) |

| |A confined animal operation that produces meat, milk, or eggs. |

| |Animals are confined for more than 45 days in 12 months |

| |Crop ground is not sustained in the area of production |

| |All AFO’s that are located near a water source that may be used for human consumption are considered a CAFO |

| |CAFO (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation) |

| |A confined animal operation that produces meat, milk, or eggs |

| |They house more than: |

| |1,000 feeder cattle |

| |700 mature dairy cattle(dry or milking) |

| |2,500 feeder swine ( over 55 pounds) |

| |500 horses |

| |10,000 sheep or lambs |

| |55,000 turkeys |

| |100,000 laying hens |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |What are the requirements for AFO’s and CAFO’s? |

| | |

| |AFO’s |

| |Protect surface water, groundwater, and soil resources through best management practices |

| |Best Management Practices |

| |using adequate manure and wastewater storage |

| |using efficient land application practices |

| |CAFO’s |

| |Prohibited from discharging manure or wastewater in to any Colorado waters |

| |Manure- includes litter, bedding, and waste feed |

| |The only exception to this law is a 25-year, 24-hour storm |

| |Management practices should include: |

| |earthen storage structures made of low permeable materials (clay): ex. Lagoon |

| |formed storage tanks made of wood, steel, or concrete |

| | |

| |Land Application of Manure |

| |Any new facility that plans on applying manure must submit a land application plan |

| |Application rate should not exceed the soil infiltration rate |

| |There should be no application of manure when the ground is frozen, full saturated, or during rainfall, if |

| |the application site may result in runoff into a waterway |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Farm/Chemical |

| |Colorado regulates the registration, labeling, transportation, distribution, storage, commercial application,|

| |and disposal of pesticides and fertilizers. |

| |This regulation is done through three acts: the Pesticide Act, the Pesticide Applicators’ Act, and the |

| |Colorado Chemigation Act |

| |Colorado Pesticide Act |

| |Regulates the registration, labeling, transportation, distribution, storage, use, and disposal of pesticides |

| |All pesticides and pesticide devices must be registered |

| |A restricted-use pesticide dealer must obtain a pesticide dealer license |

| |Unlawful acts include: |

| |Selling and delivering incorrectly labeled products |

| |Selling and delivering pesticides in the incorrect container |

| |Promoting yourself wrongly as a licensed pesticide dealer |

| |Any violation may result in a penalty up to $5000 and can also result in misdemeanor charges |

| |Producers who limit their handling of pesticides to field mixing and loading do not need to be concerned with|

| |the rules that deal with pesticide storage facilities |

| |Colorado Pesticide Applicator’s Act |

| |Regulates the persons that apply pesticides |

| |There are several different classifications |

| |Qualified Supervisor |

| |Certifies Operator |

| |Commercial Applicator-business is applying pesticides, must keep 3 years of specific records |

| |Limited commercial applicator-applies chemicals on their own land or that land of their employer, not |

| |required to have a license, but must keep 3 year of records |

| |Public applicator |

| |Unlawful acts include: |

| |Performing act without a license that require a license |

| |Inconsistent storage and/or labeling |

| |Using unlawful chemicals or chemical application devices |

| |Failing to maintain records |

| |Violators may be fined up to $1000 or be charged with a misdemeanor |

| |These regulations do not apply to a person who is applying pesticides for the production of agricultural |

| |products on his/her own or rent property, or someone who is an employee of that person |

| |Colorado Chemigation Act |

| |Chemigation is a type of irrigation that incorporates chemicals (fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and |

| |insecticides) by mixing water with these chemicals in a closed irrigation system. |

| |A closed irrigation system is a combination of devices such as pipe, hose, or other conduit that directly |

| |attaches to the ground water or surface water source |

| |An agriculture producer is required to obtain a permit for this type of irrigation and application system |

| |Failure to obtain this permit can result in a class six felony and a fee up to $1000 |

| | |

| |Nonpoint Source Pollution |

| |A result of a rainfall or snow melting event that picks up and carries away pollutants |

| |This pollution may end up in a Colorado waterway |

|Objective 1: |The student will have a better understanding of the environmental laws affecting the Colorado livestock |

| |industry |

| | |

| |So you are involved in the production of food with your SAE namely meat by raising livestock what |

| |environmental regulations effect you now and which ones may effect you in the future as a large scale |

| |producer. Move into slides 4 through 8 to present the information that directly effects livestock |

| |production and feeding. Knowing these regulations you should evaluate your SAE and see if you are complying |

| |with the regulations set forth. |

|Objective 2: |The student will have a better understanding of the environmental laws affecting the Colorado crop industry |

| | |

| |On the other hand you may be involved in the production of fiber or growing crops with your SAE, what |

| |environmental regulations effect you now and which ones may effect you in the future as a large scale |

| |producer. Move into slides 9 through 14 to present the information that directly effects crop production. |

| |Now that you better understand the regulations facing the crop production industry you should also evaluate |

| |your SAE and determine if you are complying with the regulations. |

|Review/Summary: |Using a “quick draw” technique have the students quickly summarize the lesson in two to three sentences. |

| |This should be done quickly and rapidly moving from student to student. |

|Application--Extended Classroom|Separate students into groups of 4 or 6. Allow students to review information covered in class and select a |

|Activity: |topic dealing with agriculture regulations in Colorado. With-in each group students should be split into |

| |affirmative and apposing sides. Give students plenty of time to prepare for a 10-minute debate session. The |

| |debate should cover all areas of the topic including the point of view of the producer, consumer/public, and |

| |the law/legislation. |

| | |

| |Evaluate students on the above activity according to participation. |

|Application--FFA Activity: |Attend Ag Outlook Forum |

| |Attend a Legislative Day at the Capital |

|Application--SAE Activity: |Have a class discussion where each student shares their own SAE and how these laws may or may not affect |

| |their SAE. |

|Evaluation: | |

| |See attached. |

|Evaluation Answer Key: | |

| |Quiz |

| |1) What are the two categories that Agriculture Regulations can be divided into? |

| | |

| |Livestock Regulations |

| |Farm/Chemical Regulations |

| | |

| |2) What does AFO stand for? |

| | |

| |Animal Feeding Operation |

| | |

| |3) What does CAFO stand for |

| | |

| |Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation |

| | |

| |4) A feeder cattle enterprise must house more than ______________ head before it is consider a CAFO? |

| | |

| |1,000 head |

| | |

| |5) Which operation has more regulations, an AFO or a CAFO? |

| | |

| |CAFO |

| | |

| |6) In a fifty-word essay, explain why a CAFO may have more regulations than that of an AFO. |

| | |

| |Grade student essay on the relevance to the information provided. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |7) What are the three Acts that affect the Farm/Chemical aspect of agriculture? |

| | |

| |Colorado Pesticide Act |

| |Colorado Pesticide Applicator’s Act |

| |Colorado Chemigation Act |

|Other: |Obtain the Private Pesticide Applicators Licensure test and handbook from your local extension |

| |office. Assist the students with understanding and taking this test so that they all have their |

| |private pesticide applicators license. |

Name: ________________

Date: ________________


1) What are the two categories that Agriculture Regulations can be divided into?

2) What does AFO stand for?

3) What does CAFO stand for?

4) A feeder cattle enterprise must house more than ______________ head before it is consider a CAFO?

5) Which operation has more regulations, an AFO or a CAFO?

6) In a fifty-word essay, explain why a CAFO may have more regulations than that of an AFO.

7) What are the three Acts that affect the Farm/Chemical aspect of agriculture?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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