

NAME David Mushinski

ADDRESS C316 Clark Building,

Colorado State University

Fort Collins, CO 80523-1771

PHONE 970-491-3911


1996 Ph.D. Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI

Dissertation Title: Micro-enterprise and Small Business Access to Credit

Major Area: Public Economics

1994 MS Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI

1983 JD, University of Virginia School of Law, Charlottesville, VA

1979 BA (Honors) Economics, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA


July 2011 – present. Professor of Economics.

Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523-1771

July 2003 – June 2011. Associate Professor of Economics.

Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523-1771

August 1997 - June 2003. Assistant Professor.

Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523-1771

January 1997 - May 1997. Visiting Assistant Professor, Georgetown University,

Washington, DC 20057

August 1995 - May 1996. Visiting Lecturer. The College of William and Mary,

Williamsburg, VA 23187

September - December 1992. Lecturer. University of Wisconsin-Madison,

Madison, WI

Spring 1989 - Spring 1992. Teaching Assistant. University of Wisconsin-

Madison, Madison, WI


November 2019. Visiting Faculty. Foreign Trade University, Hanoi, Vietnam.

November 2017. Visiting Faculty. Foreign Trade University, Hanoi, Vietnam.

December 2015. Visiting Faculty. Foreign Trade University, Hanoi, Vietnam.

November 2014. Visiting Faculty. Foreign Trade University, Hanoi, Vietnam.

November 2011. Visiting Faculty. Foreign Trade University. Hanoi, Vietnam.


Spring 2013. Colorado State University. Undertook research on the role played by preferences, generally, and preferences regarding health and health insurance in individual decisions to change jobs and submitted two papers to journals concerning this research. Submitted article concerning measuring market areas of retail industries in rural areas to the Annals of Regional Science, and worked on revisions for a revise-and-resubmit.

Fall 2003. Colorado State University. Undertook research which led to publication of book entitled Welfare Reform in Persistent Rural Poverty: Dreams, Disenchantments and Diversity and manuscript entitled “Inferring Geographic Interdependencies From Retail Base Spectra.”


December 1987 – August 1988. Staff Attorney. Dakota Plains Legal Services,

Pine Ridge, S.D.

January 1986 – August 1987. Corporate Associate. Foley, Hoag and Eliot,

Boston, MA.

October 1984 – January 1986. Litigation Associate. Updike, Kelly and Spellacy,

Hartford, CT

August 1983 – August 1984. Law Clerk. Honorable David G. Lowe, U.S. District Court,

Eastern District of Virginia, Richmond, VA

June 1979 – August 1980. Research Assistant. Data Resources, Inc. Washington, D.C.



Kathleen Pickering, Mark Harvey, Gene Summers, and David Mushinski. (2006). Welfare Reform in Persistent Rural Poverty: Dreams, Disenchantments and Diversity

The Pennsylvania State University Press: University Park, Pennsylvania.

Refereed Journal Articles:

Zahran, Sammy, David Mushinski, Shawn McElmurry, and Christopher Keyes (2020). “Water Lead Exposure Risk in Flint, Michigan after Switchback in Water Source: Implications for Lead Service Line Replacement Policy.” Environmental Research (forthcoming).

Zahran, Sammy, David Mushinski, Hsueh-Hsiang Li, Ian Breunig, and Sophie McKee (2019). “Clinical Capital and the Risk of Maternal Labor and Delivery Complications: Hospital Scheduling, Timing, and Cohort Turnover Effects.” 39(7) Risk Analysis: An International Journal 1476-1490.

Zahran, Sammy, Shawn McElmury, Paul Kilgore, David Mushinski, Jack Press, Nancy Love, Richard Sadler and Michelle Swanson (February 2018). “Assessment of the Legionnaires’ Disease outbreak in Flint, Michigan.” 115(8) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences E1730-1739.

Mushinski, David, Alexandra Bernasek and Stephan Weiler (2015). “Job Lock in Rural

Versus Urban Labor Markets.” 46(2) Growth and Change 253-273.

Mushinski, David, Stephan Weiler and Ben Widner (2014). “The Impact of Retail

Establishments in Hinterlands on the Export Role of Retail Establishments in Rural

Places.” 52(2) Annals of Regional Science 469-487.

Mushinski, David and Donald Nichols (2011). “Identifying the Export Component of Industries That Produce Partly For Local Consumption.“ 46(2) Annals of Regional Science 313-29

Shields, Martin, David Mushinski and Lisa Davis (2009). “Provision of Employer-Sponsored Health Care In Small Businesses: Does Rural Matter?” 39(1) Review of Regional Studies 129-147.

Mushinski, David and Kathleen Pickering (2007). “Heterogeneity in Informal Sector

Mitigation of Micro-Enterprise Credit Rationing.” 18 Journal of International

Development 19: 567-581.

Thilmany, Dawn, Nicole McKenney, David Mushinski and Stephan Weiler (2005).

“Beggar-thy-neighbor economic development: A note on the effect of geographic

interdependencies in rural areas.” Annals of Regional Science. 39: 593-605.

Mushinski, David W. and Kathleen Pickering. (2005). The Impact of Welfare Reform on

Labor Markets in Impoverished Areas.” Journal of Economic Issues. XXXIX (2): 401-407.

Nichols, Donald and David Mushinski. (2003). "Identifying Export Industries Using Parametric Density Functions." 26(1) International Regional Science Review. 26(1):


Mushinski, David and Stephan Weiler. (2002). "A Note on the Geographic Interdependencies of Retail Market Areas." Journal of Regional Science . 42(1):75-86.

Pickering, Kathleen and David Mushinski. (2001). “Making the Case for Culture in

Economic Development: A Cross-Section Analysis of Western Tribes.” American

Indian Culture and Research Journal. 25(1): 45-64.

Pickering, Kathleen and David Mushinski. (2001) “Cultural Aspects of Credit Institutions: Transplanting the Grameen Bank Credit Group Structure to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.” Journal of Economic Issues . XXXV(2): 459-467.

Mushinski, David. (2001). “Using non-parametrics to inform parametric tests of Kuznets’ hypothesis.” Applied Economics Letters . 8:77-79.

Mushinski, David and Kathleen Pickering.(2000). “Inequality in Income Distributions:

Does Culture Matter? An Analysis of Western Native American Tribes.” Journal of Economic Issues . XXXIV: 403-412.

Mushinski, David. (1999). “An Analysis of Offer Functions of Banks and Credit Unions in Guatemala.” Journal of Development Studies. 36(2): 88 -112.

Mushinski, David and Kathleen Pickering. (1996). "Micro-enterprise Credit in Indian Country." Research In Human Capital And Development. 10: 147-170.

Refereed Chapters in Books:

Mushinski, David and Ronnie J. Phillips (2008). “The Role of Morris Plan Lending Institutions in Expanding Consume Microcredit in the United States.”In: Entrepreneurship In Domestic Emerging Markets: Barriers and Innovation. Glenn Yago, James R. Barth, and Betsy Zeidman, eds. Springer, pp. 121-139.

Pickering, Kathleen and David Mushinski. (2004). “Locating The Cultural Context of

Credit: Institutional Alternatives on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation” In: Values and

Valuables: From the Sacred to the Symbolic. Cynthia Werner and Duran Bell, eds. Altamira Press, pp. 185-205.

Non-Refereed Chapters in Books:

Mushinski, David and Ronnie Phillips. (2001). “Micro-Credit,” In International Encyclopedia of Business and Management. Thomson Learning: 4465-4473.

Non-Refereed Proceedings/Transactions:

Mushinski, David and Donald Nichols. (2000). “Supplementing The Location Quotient

Technique With The V-W Test,” In: 2000 National IMPLAN User’s Conference: Proceedings

of Conference. CSU Center for Research on the Colorado Economy, USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station and MIG, Inc., 151:156

Phillips, Ronnie and David Mushinski (2001). "Morris Plan Banks." Online Encyclopedia

of Economic History. Net Encyclopedia. Robert Whaples (ed.).


“A Spatial Analysis of Risk around the World: An Operationalization of the Pinkerton Approach to Corporate Risk Management.” Co-authored with Sammy Zahran, Martin Shields, and Terry Iverson.

“A Spatial Analysis of Risk in the United States: An Operationalization of the Pinkerton Approach to Corporate Risk Management.” (2015) Co-authored with Sammy Zahran, Martin Shields, and Terry Iverson.

“Estimating the Employee Take Up Rate of Securitas’ Health Insurance Offer.” Report prepared for Securitas Security Services. Co-authored with Alexandra Bernasek, Martin Shields, and Sammy Zahran (May 2013).

“The Impact of the Affordable Care Act on the Market for Security Guard Services.” Report prepared for Securitas Security Services. Co-authored with Alexandra Bernasek, Martin Shields, and Sammy Zahran (April 2013).

“The Role of Health Insurance in Individual Decisions to Become Entrepreneurs.” Report for the Kaufmann Foundation (December 2008).

“What Explains Recent Increases in Poverty in Larimer County and Fort Collins?” Co-authored with Martin Shields, Matthew Aronson and David Keyser (November 2008).

“Analyzing Reservation Economies” Co-authored with Stephan Weiler for the Four Times Foundation (1999).

“Access to Credit on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation: Banks, Alternative Sources of Credit, and the Lakota Fund.” Co-authored with Kathleen Pickering for the Lakota Fund (1999).


Funded Projects as PI

2018. “Present a paper at the Western Economic Association meetings in Vancouver BC.

College of Liberal Arts, Colorado State University: $1205.

2016. Enhanced Disease Surveillance and Environmental Monitoring, Phase II-2016.

Wayne State University. $63,292.

2012. “Presenting a Paper at the Biennial Conference of the American Society of Health

Economists.” College of Liberal Arts, Colorado State University.” $960.

2012. “Presentation of paper at the annual North American Regional Science Association

International conference.” College of Liberal Arts, Colorado State University. $1,464.

2010. “Attend and be discussant on papers presented at the Third Biennial meeting of the

American Society of Health Economists. Professional Development Program. College of Liberal

Arts. $1,014.

2009. “The Role of Infectious Diseases in the Liberal Arts.” Infectious Diseases Supercluster. Colorado State University. $19,205.

2008. “The Role of Employer Sponsored Health Insurance in Individual Decisions to Become Entrepreneurs.” Colorado State University, Professional Development Program. $1,086.

2007-2008. “The Role of Health Insurance in Individual Decisions to Become Entrepreneurs.” Kaufmann Foundation, $15,403.

2006. “Heterogeneity in Informal Sector Mitigation of Microenterprise Credit Rationing.” Colorado State University, Professional Development Program. $1,000.

2006. “Using Geographic Interdependencies to Assess Retail Base Strata.”

Colorado State University, Faculty Development Award. $5,000.

2004. “Using Geographic Interdependencies to Assess Retail Base Strata.” Colorado State University, Professional Development Program.

2002. “The Cultural Context of Micro-Entrepreneur Access to Financial Markets on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.” Colorado State University, Professional Development Program. $888.

2001. "Geographic Interdependencies and Regional Base Industries in Rural Retail Areas." Colorado State University, Professional Development Program. $633.

2000. “Identifying the Export Base of Industries That Produce Partly For Local Consumption.” Colorado State University, Professional Development Program.

2000. Purchase of 1980 Decennial Census data on income distributions on Native American Reservations. Colorado State University, Equal Opportunity Council. $4,950.

1999. Research into critical population levels at which industries appear in regions. Colorado State University, Equal Opportunity Council. $1,000.

1999. “Identifying Export Base Industries Using Parametric Density Functions.” Colorado State University, Professional Development Committee. $768.

1998. Research on the impact of cultural factors on income distributions on Native American Reservations. Colorado State University, Equal Opportunity Council. $5,000.

1998. “Identifying Export Base Industries Using Parametric Density Functions,” Colorado State University, Professional Development Committee. $600.

Funded Projects as CoPI

2005. “Social Capital and Native American Reservation Communities: Ethnicity, Social Institutions and Networks.” Co-Principals: Kathleen Pickering and John Allen. Northwest Area Foundation. $20,000.

2002. “Long-Term Impacts of Welfare Reform on Rural Pockets of Poverty.”

Co-Principals: Kathleen Pickering and Gene Summers. Annie E. Casey Foundation. $35,000.

2001-2002. “Long-Term Impacts of Welfare Reform on Rural Pockets of Poverty.” Co-Principals: Kathleen Pickering and Gene Summers. USDA Project # 5-31459. $135,000.


June 2018. “Physician Behavior and Malpractice Risk: Patient Conditions and Estimating Defensive Medicine.” Paper presentation at the annual meetings of the Western Economic Association in Vancouver, B.C.

June 2015. “Offensive Medicine or Aggregation Bias: Reversal Paradox in the Case of Cesarean Sections.” Poster session at the 6th Biennial Meetings of the American Society of Health Economists.

June 2015. Discussant on paper presented at the 6th Biennial Meetings of the American Society of Health Economists.

Fall 2015. Organized a session entitled Regional/Rural Development I: Health Care” at the Annual Conference of the North American Regional Science Association, Portland, Oregon.

Fall 2015. Discussant on three papers at Annual Conference of the North American Regional Science Association, Portland, Oregon.

Fall 2015. “The Impact of Oregon Tort Reform on Cesarean Sections in Portland, Oregon.” Annual Conference of the North American Regional Science Association, Portland, Oregon.

Spring 2012. “Choosing Self Employment: Gender Differences in the Effects of Preferences For

Risk Taking and Health Insurance.” Colorado State University Department of Economics

seminar series. Fort Collins, CO.

Spring 2012. “Choosing Self Employment: Gender Differences in the Effects of Preferences For Risk Taking and Health Insurance.” Colorado College Department of Economics seminar series.

Colorado Springs, CO.

Summer 2012. “The Role of Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance and Individual Preferences in Employment Transitions.” 4th Biennial Meetings of the American Society of Health Economists, Minneapolis, MN.

Fall 2012. “Job Lock in Rural versus Urban Areas.” Colorado State University Department of Economics seminar series. Fort Collins, CO.

Fall 2012. “Job Lock in Rural versus Urban Areas.” Annual conference of the North American Regional Science Association, Ottawa, Ontario.

2010 (June) Discussant on two manuscripts. American Society of Health Economists. 3rd Biennial

Meeting. Ithaca, NY.

2009 (December). “Health Care Reform.” Economics Club. Department of Economics. Colorado State University.

2009 (November). “Economic Aspects of Health Care Reform: Are People Like Potatoes?” Annual Meyer Nathan Lecture. Department of History. Colorado State University.

2008 (June) “The Role of Employer Sponsored Health Insurance In Individual Decisions to Become Entrepreneurs.” Second Biannual Meeting of the American Society of Health Economists, Durham, NC.

2008 (October) “The Role of Employer Sponsored Health Insurance In Individual Decisions to Become Entrepreneurs.” Colorado State University Economics Department Seminar.

2008 (November) “The Role of Employer Sponsored Health Insurance In Individual Decisions to Become Entrepreneurs.” Regional Science Association International, Brooklyn, NY.

2006 “Heterogeneity in Informal Sector Mitigation of Microenterprise Credit Rationing.” Regional Science Association International, Toronto, Ontario.

2006 “Using Geographic Interdependencies to Assess Retail Base Strata.” Colorado State University Economics Department Seminar Series, Fort Collins, CO.

2005 “Culture and Economics.” Association For Evolutionary Economics Summer School, Fort Collins, CO.

2005 “Using Geographic Interdependencies to Assess Retail Base Strata.” University of Colorado-Denver, Denver, CO.

2005 “The Impact of Welfare Reform on Labor Markets in Impoverished Rural Areas.” Association For Evolutionary Economics. Philadelphia, PA.

2004 “Using Geographic Interdependencies to Assess Retail Base Strata.” Regional Science Association International, Seattle, WA.

2003 “Non-monotonicities in the Relationship Between Credit Rationing and Micro-enterprise and Small Business Firm Size.” Rocky Mountain Bankers Association, Fort Collins, CO.

2003 “A Comparison of the Roles of the Morris Plan of Lending and Credit Unions in the Growth of Consumer Micro-Credit Between 1910 and 1930.” Western Economic Association, Denver, CO.

2002 “The Cultural Context of Micro-Entrepreneur Access to Financial Markets on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.” Regional Science Association International, San Juan, PR.

2002 “The Cultural Context of Micro-Entrepreneur Access to Financial Markets on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.” Society For Economic Anthropology, Toronto, Ontario.

2002 “The Cultural Context of Micro-Entrepreneur Access to Financial Markets on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.” Colorado State University Monday Lunch Seminar Series, Fort Collins, CO.

2001 "Geographic Interdependencies and Regional Base Industries in Rural Retail Areas." Regional Science Association International, Charleston, S.C.

2001 “Cultural Aspects of Credit Institutions: Transplanting the Grameen Bank Credit Group Structure to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.” Association for Evolutionary Economics, New Orleans, LA.

2000 “Identifying the Export Base of Industries That Produce Partly For Local Consumption.” Regional Science Association International, Chicago, IL.

2000 “Identifying Export Industries Using Parametric Density Functions.” National IMPLAN Conference, Fort Collins, CO.

2000 “Inequality in Income Distributions - Does Culture Matter? An Analysis of Western Native American Tribes.” Association for Evolutionary Economics, Boston, MA.

1999 “Identifying Export Industries Using Parametric Density Functions.” Regional Science Association International, Montreal, Quebec.

1999 “An Analysis of Offer Functions of Banks and Credit Unions in Guatemala.” Society For Socio-Economics, Madison, WI.

1998 “Identifying Export Industries Using Parametric Distributions.” Western Economic Association, Lake Tahoe, NV.

1998 “An Analysis of Loan Offer Functions of Banks and Credit Unions in Guatemala.” Colorado State University Economics Brown Bag Lunch, Fort Collins, CO.

1995 "Credit Unions and Business Enterprise Access to Credit in Guatemala." Latin American Studies Association Conference, Washington, D.C.


Works in Progress and Papers Accepted For Publication

Mushinski, David, Sammy Zahran, and Aanston Frazer. “Physician Behavior, Malpractice Risk, and Defensive Medicine: An Investigation of Cesarean Deliveries.” (Submitted to Health Economics, Policy and Law.)

Bernasek, Alexandra, David Mushinski, and Ian Breunig. “Gender Differences in the Impact of Preferences On the Decision to Become an Entrepreneur.”

Mushinski, David, Alexandra Bernasek, and Ian Breunig. “The Role of Employer Sponsored Health Insurance and Individual Preferences In Employment Transitions.


Year Semester Course No./Title Cr. Hrs. Enrollment

2011 Spring EC380A1 Health Economics 3 38

2011 Spring EC306 Intermediate Microeconomics 3 43

2011 Spring EC735 Econometric Theory II (1/3) 3 24

2011 Summer EC320 Economics of Public Finance 3 19

2011 Fall EC635 Econometric Theory I (PhD) 3 26

2011 Fall EC306 Intermediate Microeconomics (FTU) 3 85

2012 Spring EC325 Health Economics 3 41

2012 Spring EC325 Health Economics 3 40

2012 Spring EC735 Econometric Theory II (1/3) 3 23

2012 Summer EC202 Principles of Microeconomics 3 30

2012 Fall EC720 Public Economics II 3 9

2012 Fall EC635 Econometric Theory I 3 19

2013 Summer EC202 Principles of Microeconomics 3 36

2013 Fall EC327 Law and Economics 3 36

2013 Fall EC635 Econometric Theory I 3 19

2014 Spring EC735 (10 weeks) 2 19

2014 Spring EC736A (5 weeks) 1 21

2014 Spring EC325 3 39

2014 Spring EC325 3 37

2014 Summer EC320 3 11

2014 Fall EC635 (11 weeks) 3 26

2014 Fall EC335 (FTU) 3 88

2015 Spring ECON735 2 22

2015 Spring ECON202 (§3) 3 171

2015 Spring ECON202 (§4) 3 164

2015 Summer ECON202 3 35

2015 Fall ECON736A 1 5

2015 Fall ECON635 3 18

2015 Fall ECON306 (FTU) 3 100

2016 Spring ECON325 3 36

2016 Spring ECON325 3 36

2016 Summer ECON320 3 6

2016 Fall ECON635 3 3

2016 Fall ECON736A 1 3

2016 Fall ECON327 3 40

2017 Spring ECON325 3 38

2017 Spring ECON435 3 33

2017 Fall ECON635 3 11

2017 Fall ECON335 (FTU) 3 77

2018 Spring ECON435 3 24

2018 Spring ECON325 3 36

2018 Summer ECON202 3 20

2018 Fall ECON635 3 23

2018 Fall ECON327 3 33

2019 Spring ECON325 3 33

2019 Spring ECON435 3 16

2019 Summer ECON306 3 10

2019 Fall ECON635/AREC635 3 17

2019 Fall ECON736A/AREC736A 1 13

2019 Fall ECON306 (FTU) 3 91

Examples of Course Improvements

Over the last 10 years, I have constantly re-organized the PhD Econometric Theory I course to reflect changes in the econometrics field over time. I have removed some topics in favor of topics which have emerged as important in the field, and I have adopted new software programs (I am now using STATA) to reflect the programs which are most used by empirical economists worldwide. Along with colleagues, I revised the major topics covered in Econometric Theory II (and prepared notes for those materials), to include the broad approaches used in identifying estimators for population parameters.

Development of New Courses

I have introduced three new undergraduate courses to the Economics Department’s curriculum: Law and Economics, Health Economics, and Intermediate Econometrics. The Law and Economics course is attractive to students thinking of attending law school. It introduces students to Tort, Contract, and Property laws in addition to reviewing economic analyses of those areas of common law. The Health Economics course introduces students to the basic issues which arise in the context of United States health care markets. A primary focus is health insurance, since it is important to receipt of health care in the United States. This course is especially important because the health care sector will soon represent one-fifth of the overall U.S. economy.

The Intermediate Econometrics course (ECON435) introduces students to topics not covered in ECON335 (such as endogenous variables, panel data, and limited and qualitative dependent variable econometric models) and it introduces students to the STATA software language. At the graduate level, I developed a one-credit PhD econometrics module (ECON736A) which focuses on limited and qualitative dependent variables.




# Current Undergraduate Advisees: 0

# Previous Undergraduate Advisees– 2013: 41

# Previous Undergraduate Advisees– 2012: 53

# Previous Undergraduate Advisees – 2011: 53

# Previous Undergraduate Advisees – 2010: 32

# Previous Undergraduate Advisees – 2009: 32


Current Graduate Advisees:

30 Students. See: Graduate School Committee Service Report.


Levi Altringer (PhD) Co-advisor

Yeva Aleksanyan (PhD) Co-advisor

Christopher Keyes (PhD) Co-advisor

Hiep Nguyen (PhD)

Aanston Frazier (PhD)

Current Graduate Committee Memberships (excluding those chaired):

_____# Plan C

# Plan B

13 # MS/MA

_____# MFA

17 # PhD

Graduate Degrees Completed Under Your Supervision (past 5 years)

Sophie McKee 2018 PhD (co-advisor)


University Committee

Faculty Council: Executive Committee (Spring 2012)

Faculty Council: Committee on Committee on Scholarship, Research, and Graduate Education (2018-present)

Faculty Council: Department of Economics Representative (Fall 2009 – Fall 2012).

Panel Member. Third Annual McNair Research Symposium and Graduate Education Conference.

Colorado State University (1998).

Native American Recruitment and Retention Group: 1999.

College Committee

Tenure and Promotion Committee: 2016-present

Sabbatical Committee: 2003

International Development Studies Board Member: 2003.

Department Committees

Advisory Committee: 1999-2000; 2000-2001; 2001-2002; 2002-2003; 2006-2007, 2014, 2016.

Graduate Program Committee: 2002-2003; 2006-2007; 2007-2008, 2008-2009.

Research and Engagement Committee 2017-2018

Hiring Committee: 2002-2003; 2005-2006(2 positions); 2006-2007;

2007-2008, 2012-2013, 2014-2015, 2019-2020. (Chair of three committees).

Microeconomics qualifying examination committee: 1997 to 2014, 2017.

Public Economics field examination committee: 1997 – 2013 (chair of committee several times).

Econometrics field examination committee: 1997 – 2014 (chair of committee four times).

AREC Econometrics Qualifying Exam Committee: 2017-present.

Regional Economics Field Examination: 2003.

Tenure and Promotion Committee: 2003 – present (chair of committee: Fall 2008 - Spring 2012).

Graduate and Undergraduate Student Award Committee: 1999-2000; 2002-2003.

Technology coordinator for the Economics Department: 2009 - present.


Senior Honors Thesis Advisor: Sharon Han (2019), Bailey Blythe (Fall 2016), Ryan Winklehake (Spring 2015).

Faculty Advisor for the Mortar Board Student Honor Society at CSU: 2013-2017.

Cluster leader for the Societal, Organizational, and Policy cluster of the Infectious Disease Supercluster.

Organized symposium at Colorado State University entitled “The Role of The Liberal Arts In Infectious Disease Research.” Symposium date: March 25, 2010.

Faculty advisor for University Chapter of Amnesty International (2006-2007).

Did research for Laurence Carson of the Havasupai tribe in Arizona on the relationship between unemployment and criminal activity (Fall 2006).

Analyzed potential impacts of phase-out aspects of public assistance programs on employee labor force participation for Pine Ridge Chamber of Commerce (Fall 2003).

Analyzed preference data for “Oglala Oyate Woitancan Empowerment Zone Report;” a report submitted by Kathleen Pickering to the Pine Ridge Empowerment Zone director and to the Pine Ridge Chamber of Commerce (2002).

Resource person for a Four Times Foundation annual meeting in Denver (November 2000).


Memberships in professional societies

American Society of Health Economists, American Economic Association, Regional Science Association International. District of Columbia Bar (Retired), Connecticut Bar (retired), Massachusetts Bar (inactive).

Manuscript Refereeing

Journal of Regional Science, World Development, Journal of Income Distribution, International Regional Science Review, Agricultural Economics, The Review of Regional Studies, Economic Systems, The Journal of Environment and Development, Journal of Economic Issues, Southern Economic Journal, Journal of Agricultural Economics, and Review of Social Economy.

Interviews by Press

“Important Factors at Delivery.” 3/12/2019. New York Times.

“Insurance Costs, Entrepreneurship Link Explored.” 3/23/2007. Northern Colorado Business Report.

“How does health insurance fit in entrepreneur’s world?” 4/16/2007. Northern Colorado Business Report.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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