Colorado State University

Colorado State University Performance Management Program

Planning Confirmation and Overall Evaluation Form

Planning Period: From: April 1, 2015 To: March 31, 2016

Employee: Employee # (Oracle):

Job Title: Position Number:

Dept & 4-digit mail code: Facilities Management/6030 Supervisor:

This section must be completed during the Performance Planning Stage

The PDQ for this position was reviewed and is current and accurate. Supervisor Initials:      Date:      

The performance plan has been reviewed and understood.

Supervisor Signature ________________________________________________ Date:__________________

Employee Signature ________________________________________________ Date:__________________

This section must be completed during the Mid-Year Progress Review

At least one coaching, or progress review, meeting is required for each evaluation period; more are recommended. Indicate the date the meeting was held and the issues that were discussed.

Issues Discussed:

Supervisor Signature ________________________________________________ Date:__________________

Employee Signature ________________________________________________ Date:__________________

This section must be completed during the Performance Evaluation Process

Check (√) the overall performance rating for the evaluation period (see rating level definitions below):

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Supervisor Signature______________________________________________ Date:______________

Reviewer Signature ________________________________________________ Date:__________________

Employee Signature ________________________________________________ Date:__________________

I agree with this evaluation:_____ I disagree with this evaluation:_____

Definitions of Overall Performance Rating Levels:

Level 3 (Exceptional Performer)

This rating represents consistently exceptional and documented performance or consistently superior achievement beyond the regular assignment. Employees make exceptional contribution(s) that have a significant and positive impact on the performance of the unit or the organization and may materially advance the mission of the organization. The employee provides a model for excellence and helps others to do their jobs better. Peers, immediate supervision, higher-level management and others can readily recognize such a level of performance.

Level 2 (Successful Performer)

This rating level encompasses a range of expected performance. It includes employees who are successfully developing in the job, employees who exhibit competency in work behaviors, skills, and assignments, and accomplished performers who consistently exhibit the desired competencies effectively and independently. These employees are meeting all the expectations, standards, requirements, and objectives on their performance plan and, on occasion, exceed them. This is the employee who reliably performs the job assigned and may even have a documented impact beyond the regular assignments and performance objectives that directly supports the mission of the organization.

Level 1 (Needs Improvement)

This rating level encompasses those employees whose performance does not consistently and independently meet expectations set forth in the performance plan as well as those employees whose performance is clearly unsatisfactory and consistently fails to meet requirements and expectations.

Marginal performance requires substantial monitoring and close supervision to ensure progression toward a level of performance that meets expectations. Although these employees are not currently meeting expectations, they may be progressing satisfactorily toward a level 2 rating and need coaching/direction in order to satisfy the core expectations of the position.

Make department/employee copies and forward original to Human Resource Services by due date. Performance Evaluation Section MUST include employee, supervisor and reviewer signatures.

Training and Development Plans

Narrative Section

Performance Planning and Evaluation


Employee: _______________________

Weight Rating Score

___% Job Knowledge/Potential *(Min 10%) 1___ 2____ 3____ ____

___% Accountability *(Min 5%) 1____ 2____ 3____ ____

___% Communications/Verbal and Written *(Min 5%) 1____ 2____ 3____ ____

___% Interpersonal Relations *(Min 10%) 1____ 2____ 3____ ____

___% Customer Service *(Min 10%) 1____ 2____ 3____ ____

___% Diversity **(Min 5%) 1____ 2____ 3____ ____

___% Competence/Responsibility 1____ 2____ 3____ ____

___% Motivation/Commitment 1____ 2____ 3____ ____

___% Problem Solving/Reasoning 1____ 2____ 3____ ____

___% Safety 1____ 2____ 3____ ____

___% Quality Management 1____ 2____ 3____ ____

___% Equipment/Shop Area/Vehicle 1____ 2____ 3____ ____

___% Programs of Emphasis and Specific Goals 1____ 2____ 3____ ____

Sum ____

Total Rating 1____ 2____ 3____

* State Core Competency (% indicates minimum allowable weight factor)

** Facilities Management Core Competency

|Conversion of Total Numeric Score to Descriptive Rating |

|1.00 – 1.64 |1.65 –2.64 |2.65 - 3.00 |

|(Level 1) |(Level 2) |(Level 3) |

Rating Level Explanations:

Job Knowledge/Potential: Possesses knowledge of established policies and procedures. Interprets applicable laws, rules, regulations, codes, or policies. Possesses sufficient skills and knowledge to perform all parts of the job effectively and efficiently. Provides technical assistance to others and is consulted by others on technical matters. Pursues professional development. Displays innovation.

|Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |

|Fails to apply job related knowledge and |Possesses knowledge of established policies and |Consistently seeks new job-related knowledge and|

|practices. |procedures. Seeks new job related knowledge and|practices, and finds ways to apply them. |

|Fails to follow and apply applicable laws, |practices. |Highly knowledgeable of applicable laws, rules, |

|rules, regulations, codes or policies. |Interprets, follows, applies, and expands |regulations, codes or policies, consulted by |

|Needs oversight or constant coaching in |knowledge of applicable laws, rules, |others, and effectively coaches co-workers. |

|performance of job. |regulations, codes or policies. |(P-CARD) |

|Time cards are turned in behind schedule and/or |Possesses sufficient skills and knowledge to |Highly knowledgeable and skilled relative to job|

|contain numerous errors. |perform all parts of the job effectively and |knowledge; consulted by others, effectively |

|Fails to follow proper procurement procedures. |efficiently. |coaches co-workers. (KUALI) |

|Does not understand how to use the work order |Time cards are consistently turned in on time |Time cards are always submitted on time and the |

|management system or fails to use it |with minimal errors. |information provided is complete and highly |

|effectively. |Follows procurement procedures with minimal |accurate. |

|Insufficient job knowledge to assist others. |errors. |Follows procurement procedures and helps others |

|Generally needs assistance. Refuses to |Understands and effectively utilizes the work |learn and follow proper procedures. (SHOWING |

|willingly share knowledge. |order management system. |Co-Workers how to attach documents; scanning) |

|Fails to attend training about job related |Sufficient job knowledge to assist others. |Thoroughly understands the work order management|

|developments. |Willingly provides assistance and asks for |system and its underlying concepts. Effectively|

|Insufficient knowledge to apply job skills to |assistance when needed. |utilizes the system and incorporates the |

|non-routine applications. |Attends training as assigned or directed. Seeks|information to be more productive. |

| |out new training and learning opportunities |Consistently provides technical assistance to |

| |Able to apply job skills to non-routine |others and is consulted by others on technical |

| |applications and provide alternative solutions |matters. |

| |to recurring problems. |Seeks, learns, and applies new knowledge and |

| | |disseminates to co-workers. Is willing to |

| | |embrace new methodologies and practices, giving |

| | |honest feedback in pursuit of business |

| | |excellence. |

| | |Able to apply job skills to non-routine |

| | |applications on a consistent basis with |

| | |innovative solutions. Shares innovative |

| | |solutions with others. |

| | |EXTRA – Offers to voucher documents that are NOT|

| | |related to purchase orders that are created by |

| | |owner) |


Accountability: Meets changing conditions and situations in work responsibilities. Accepts constructive criticism and suggestions and makes appropriate changes. Handles conflict in a constructive manner. Seeks solutions acceptable to all. Willing to accept supervision. Can consistently be relied on to perform in a professional manner. Seldom needs to be reminded. Is fully ready to work at the beginning of work schedule and continues until workday is done. Does not abuse leave practices. Does not abuse department, University, or State of Colorado policies and practices. Appropriately uses University resources. Coordinates with others to establish and implement plans.

|Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |

|Refuses to accept change or consistently |Meets changing conditions and situations in work|Embraces change and encourages others to do the |

|complains about change. |responsibilities. Actively accepts and |same. |

|Unwilling to accept constructive criticism from |incorporates change. |Alters conduct and procedures based on |

|others – defensive. |Accepts constructive criticism and suggestions |constructive criticism. Seeks out advice on |

|Is loud and vociferous in dealing with conflict.|and makes appropriate changes. |how to accomplish the job better. Never |

|Does not handle conflict effectively. |Handles conflict in a constructive manner. Does|satisfied with the status quo. |

|Refuses to compromise and find acceptable |not seek out controversy, seldom has complaints,|Effectively deals with conflicts. Seeks out |

|solutions. |is easy going and gets along with all |methods to amicably solve problems. |

|Refuses to accept supervision. Negative |associates. |Actively pursues win-win and synergetic |

|demeanor when given tasks to perform. |Seeks solutions acceptable to all. |solutions. |

|Displays poor professional image in actions, |Willingly accepts supervision. Is usually |Willingly accepts supervision and offers |

|dress, and demeanor. |positive about tasks assigned. Displays a |suggestions based upon input from supervisor. |

|Frequently needs to be reminded on tasks and |positive attitude about job assignments, but |Represents department and the University in a |

|processes. |occasionally has an off day. |highly professional manner at all times. |

|Frequently late for work, slow at starting the |Displays professional image in actions, dress, |Rarely needs to be reminded on tasks and |

|day, abuses break privileges, and finishes the |and demeanor. Can consistently be relied on to |processes and can always be relied upon to |

|work day before assigned quitting times. Does |perform in a professional manner |follow through without reminders. |

|not comply with guidelines for punctuality and |Seldom needs to be reminded on tasks and |Actively prepares for the workday in order to |

|call-in procedures. |processes. |improve productivity. Does not abuse breaks. |

|Abuses annual/sick leave policies. Does not |Is fully ready to work at the beginning of work |Encourages others to do the same. |

|comply with guidelines for attendance. |schedule and continues until workday is done. |During absence ensures that all aspects of the |

|Disregards department, University and State of |Does not abuse breaks. |job are covered. |

|Colorado polices and practices. |Complies with departmental guidelines for |Encourages others to abide by department, |

|Misuses University resources. |punctuality, call-in and attendance. Considers |University and State of Colorado policies and |

|Refuses to work and coordinate with others. |work commitments when requesting leave. |practices. |

| |Does not abuse department, University of State |Considers and applies best practices in using |

| |of Colorado policies and practices. |University resources, encourages others as well.|

| |Appropriately and efficiently uses University |Routinely takes the lead to coordinate with |

| |resources. |others to establish and implement plans. |

| |Coordinates with others to establish and | |

| |implement plans. | |


Communication/Verbal and Written: Uses appropriate language and terminology. Communicates in a manner that is understood, courteous and effective. Demonstrates effective listening skills. Seeks and considers ideas from others on issues. Keeps supervisor, co-workers and internal units informed. Is considerate of the communication styles of others. Prepares written communications/documents that are complete, clear and understandable.

|Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |

|Uses inappropriate language and terminology |Uses appropriate language and terminology in an|Uses appropriate language and terminology in an|

|while performing tasks. |effective manner. |effective manner while encouraging others to do|

|Fails to communicate in a manner that is |Communicates in a manner that is understood, |the same. |

|understood, courteous and effective. |courteous and effective. Communicates based |Consistently promotes and encourages courteous |

|Fails to demonstrate effective listening |upon fact. Can express them self clearly. Is |and effective communication. Can express them |

|skills. Is argumentative. |courteous and respectful in communication with |self exceedingly well and is a source of |

|Intolerant of new ideas or the views of others.|customers, staff and supervisors. Uses tact |information to others. Demonstrates and |

|Fails to share job-related information. |and diplomacy when dealing with customer |promotes leadership and integrity in all |

|Fails to keep supervisor, co-workers and |issues. Demonstrates open and honest |interactions with customers, staff and |

|internal units informed. |communication among peers. |supervisors. Promotes open and honest |

|Is intolerant of the communication styles of |Demonstrates good listening skills. Willing to|communication among peers. |

|others. |discuss pros and cons in a harmonious manner. |Demonstrates effective listening skills. |

|Fails to prepare written |Willing to consider ideas from others on |Responds accordingly to promote effective |

|communications/documents that are complete, |issues. Consistently effective and |understanding of ideas. |

|clear and understandable. |appropriate in sharing job related information.|Consistently seeks and considers ideas from |

|Disregards job-related communication, |Keeps supervisor, co-workers and internal units|others on issues. Willing to consider |

|information. |informed. |different points of view in an encouraging |

|Is unreliable in responding to written/verbal |Is considerate of the communication styles of |manner. Anticipates, seeks and provides |

|communications. |others. |job-related information. |

| |Prepares written communications and documents |Keeps supervisor, co-workers and internal units|

| |that are complete, clear and understandable. |informed. Takes extra effort to suggest |

| |Verifies and corrects misinformation in job |solutions. |

| |related communications. |Is considerate of the communication styles of |

| |Responds to job-related written/verbal |others. Actively attempts to adjust personal |

| |communication effectively and in a timely |communication style in order to accommodate |

| |manner. |other styles. |

| | |Prepares written communications/documents |

| | |rarely need to be revised once submitted. |

| | |Interprets, disseminates, archives, contributes|

| | |to further communication. |

| | |Consistently and pro-actively responds to |

| | |written/ verbal communications in an effective |

| | |and timely manner. |

| | | |

| | |Works until caught up |


Interpersonal Relations: Maintains smooth working relations, support and respect for others.

Demonstrates tact and diplomacy in negotiations or confrontations with others. Contributes to employee morale and motivation. Is accessible to others and responsive to their questions, needs and concerns. Supports and appreciates the diversity of co-workers, students, customers and visitors. Shares information, credit and opportunities. Displays an appropriate balance between personal effort, team effort and ability to establish rapport with internal and external clients.

|Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |

|Lacks respect for others. Discourages a |Maintains smooth working relations, support and |Fosters, promotes, and initiates smooth working |

|positive work environment. |respect for others. Contributes towards a |relations, support and respect for others. |

|Fails to demonstrate tact and diplomacy in |positive work environment. |Fosters, promotes, and initiates a positive work|

|negotiations or confrontations with others. Is |Demonstrates tact and diplomacy in negotiations |environment. |

|disrespectful and/or displays unprofessional |or confrontations with others. Demonstrates |Promotes respect and professionalism in self and|

|behavior. |respectful and professional behavior. |others. |

|Undermines employee morale and motivation. |Contributes to employee morale and motivation. |Promotes employee morale and motivation. |

|Starts rumors. |Discourages negative comments. |Perceived as a leader. |

|Avoids others and is unresponsive to questions, |Responds to others questions, needs and |Is accessible to others and responsive to their |

|needs and concerns. |concerns. |questions, needs and concerns. Volunteers to |

|Fails to appreciate the diversity of co-workers,|Accepts the diversity of co-workers, students, |assist, train and promote understanding. |

|students, customers and visitors. |customers and visitors. |Promotes the diversity of co-workers, students, |

|Refuses to share information, credit and |Willing to share information, credit and |customers and visitors. Incorporates these |

|opportunities. |opportunities. |values in routine actions. |

|Disregards the importance of rapport. Undermines|Displays an appropriate balance between personal|Promotes the sharing of information, credit and |

|team building effort. |effort, team effort and ability to establish |opportunities. Believes accomplishments are a |

| |rapport with internal and external clients. |team effort. |

| |Cooperates in team building effort. |Promotes and models good rapport-building |

| | |behaviors and seeks opportunities. Consistently |

| | |models strong team building behaviors. |


Customer Service: Provides prompt and friendly service to internal and external customers. Is willing to invest extra effort to meet or exceed customer’s expectations. Helps identify customer needs through courteous questioning and a sincere desire to be helpful. Follows up with customers, as appropriate, to insure satisfaction. When asked about issues out of the normal area of responsibility, ensures customer is directed to the individual who can assist. Does not promise something that cannot be delivered. Considers and recommends viable options to meet customer’s needs and expectations.

|Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |

|Deals with customers inappropriately. |Provides prompt and friendly service to |Successfully works with all customers. Knows |

|Frequently gets negative reports from |internal and external customers. Deals with |actions in dealing with the customer will be a |

|customers. Customers frequently have to make |customers appropriately. Deals with conflict |reflection of the entire operation. Rarely |

|two or three request for service. Tend to be |appropriately . |receives complaints and often receives |

|somewhat rude. Seldom introduces themselves. |Is willing to invest extra effort to meet or |accolades. Consistently manages conflict |

|Reacts to conflict inappropriately. |exceed customer’s expectations. |skillfully. |

|Is not willing to take the extra effort to |Helps identify customer needs through courteous|Consistently offers or volunteers to invest |

|ensure customer satisfaction. |questioning and a sincere desire to be helpful.|extra effort to meet or exceed customer’s |

|Disregards customer needs. |Explores best way to accommodate customer |expectations. |

|Fails to provide customer follow-up. |needs. |Consistently works with customers to ensure |

|Portrays a “not my job” attitude with customer |Follows up with customers, as appropriate, to |high level of customer satisfaction. |

|requests. |insure satisfaction. Regularly leaves a |Provides consistent customer follow-up, seeks |

|Fails to follow through on promises. |hang-tag with complete and accurate |or disseminates additional information. Always |

|Ignores customer’s needs and expectations. |information. |leaves a hang-tag with complete and accurate |

| |When asked about issues out of the normal area |information. Those returned regularly have |

| |of responsibility, ensures customer is directed|positive comments on the services provided. |

| |to the shop supervisor or individual who can |Consistently demonstrates a sincere desire to |

| |assist. Responds appropriately to customer |be helpful. |

| |requests and complaints. |When asked about issues out of the normal area |

| |Does not promise something that cannot be |of responsibility, directly assists the |

| |delivered and usually refers customer to |customer with the contact and coordination with|

| |supervisor for alternative actions or solutions|the individual who can assist. Is highly |

| |if they are unable to personally assist. |responsive to requests and complaints from |

| |Considers and recommends viable options to meet|customers. |

| |customer’s needs and expectations. |Does not promise something that cannot be |

| | |delivered and regularly offers alternative |

| | |actions or solutions if they are unable to |

| | |personally assist. |

| | |Actively and routinely seeks viable options to |

| | |meet customer’s needs and expectations. |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Helps customers as they arrive in the office |

| | |−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− |


Diversity: Strive for a work environment that provides an equal and fair playing field for all employees including racial, gender and other minority issues, community and civility.

|Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |

|Engages in behavior that is disrespectful to |Actively cooperates with people of different |Provides leadership in promoting acceptance of |

|others, particularly those different from |cultural, racial, gender backgrounds or other |people of different cultural, racial, gender |

|themselves. |minorities. |backgrounds or other minorities. |

|Does not cooperate to improve the work |Promotes respect for others, particularly those|Facilitates beneficial solutions to resolve |

|environment. |different from themselves. |issues arising from negative comments or |

| |Consistently works to cooperate to improve the |unfavorable working conditions in order to |

| |work environment. |promote mutual respect for those different from|

| | |themselves. |

| | |Provides leadership in developing innovative |

| | |ways to create a better work environment. |


Competence/Responsibility: Maintains quality/quantity standards. Accepts responsibility for all areas of job. Uses time effectively with minimal errors. Completes work thoroughly in a reasonable amount of time. Meets or surpasses established goals. Works accurately, neatly, and attends to detail.

|Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |

|Quantity and quality of work is lacking. Does |Maintains quality and quantity standards. |Finished work is almost always of exceptional |

|not complete assigned workload within expected |Consistently completes assigned workload to |quantity and quality. Consistently completes |

|time frame and to the specified standards. |acceptable quality standards. |assigned workload to the highest quality |

|Fails to accept responsibility. Blames others. |Accepts responsibility for all areas of the job.|standards. |

|Gets by doing as little as possible. |Understands ramifications of actions. |Accepts full responsibility for all areas of |

|Eventually completes assigned tasks but takes |Uses time effectively with minimal errors. Does|job. Takes extra effort to ensure problems do |

|too much time due to excessive visiting, |all assigned work in an acceptable time span. |not re-occur. |

|shopping around when procuring materials, |With the exception of scheduled breaks, remains |Usually has multiple tasks going at the same |

|general lolly gagging, etc. Has trouble |productive through entire shift. Does not spend|time and plans and materials are thought out |

|completing job assignments. Does not stay |excess time preparing for the task. Displays |well out in advance. Is able to complete job |

|focused on task at hand. Does not seek out work|tenacity and perseverance in tasks assigned. |assignments on time while working on other tasks|

|to do when things are slow. General idleness. |Seeks out work to do when caught up with |simultaneously. Purchases items for more than |

|Confusion is displayed. |assigned tasks. Is seldom idle. |one task at a time there by limiting trips to |

|Fails to meet established goals. |Completes work thoroughly in a reasonable amount|the store. Tasks are seldom finished behind |

|Work place is often in disarray. |of time. Is organized. Knows job assignments |schedule. Is extremely reliable. The person |

| |well and does not need to spend excess time |that is turned to when something must get |

| |thinking about how to accomplish tasks assigned.|accomplished. Is never idle. Does not sit |

| | |around waiting for the day to end. Finds |

| |Meets and occasionally surpasses established |constructive activities that contribute to the |

| |goals. |shop performance or appearance. |

| |Works accurately, neatly, and attends to detail.|Exceptionally organized. Knows job thoroughly |

| |Work place, vehicle and job site is kept clean |and time spent on organization is minimal. |

| |and organized. |Finishes work ahead of schedule and consistently|

| | |seeks additional work or assists others. |

| | |Consistently surpasses established goals. |

| | |Regularly provides suggestions on improvements |

| | |to established goals or suggestions on future |

| | |goals. |

| | |Not only ensures the work place, vehicle and job|

| | |site are clean and orderly but also identifies |

| | |and assists with other areas that need |

| | |attention. |


Motivation/Commitment: Displays drive and energy in accomplishing tasks. Handles several responsibilities concurrently. Conveys positive and professional image of work unit to others. Represents the department and the University in an exemplary fashion. Puts forth-extra effort when needed. Agrees to modify schedule or adapt plans when necessary. Self-starter. Displays positive attitude in work assignments and interactions with others.

|Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |

|Has an apathetic attitude or exerts the least |Willingly accomplishing tasks. Accomplishes |Energetic while accomplishing tasks and |

|amount of energy possible. |duties with little prodding. |encourages others to do the same. Is an |

|Unable to handle several responsibilities |Handles several responsibilities concurrently. |inspiration and motivator to others. |

|concurrently. Seldom works on more than one | |Highly organized and capable of handling |

|task at a time. |Conveys positive and professional image of work |multiple responsibilities and tasks, with high |

|Is usually vocal about displaying apathy or |unit to others. Usually has positive comments |quality and minimal supervision. |

|disdain for the work place. Likes to engage in |about the work place. Looks to enhance the work|Always has positive comments. Rarely is in a |

|gossip and start rumors. Does not contribute to|environment. Usually displays a positive |bad mood. Enhances the work environment on a |

|the morale of the team by displaying a positive |attitude that contributes to the morale of the |regular basis. Sets the example for positive |

|attitude. |team Does not participate in gossip and rumors.|attitudes and teamwork. Promotes open and |

|Fails to represent the department and the |Represents the department and the University in |honest communication. |

|University in an acceptable fashion. |an acceptable fashion. |Represents the department and the University in |

|Rarely puts forth extra effort or complains |Puts forth extra effort when needed. |an exemplary fashion. Sets an example for |

|while doing so. Is reluctant to venture outside|Occasionally does jobs out of assigned area to |others. Always acting in the best interest of |

|assigned work area. Displays a “That’s not my |stay busy and help others. Does not seek out |the department. |

|job” attitude. |special praise. Feels helping out is part of |Can be counted on to fill in whenever needed. |

|Is on the On-Call list but rarely accepts or |the job. Has a team attitude. |Routinely puts forth extra effort. Feels an |

|responds to calls. |Is on the On-Call list and can be relied upon to|obligation to the team and is always striving to|

|Refuses to modify schedule or adapt plans when |respond and handle the concern effectively. |help out. Displays an attitude of humility. |

|necessary. |Agrees to modify schedule or adapt plans when |Is on the On-Call list and is frequently the |

|Is unmotivated and consistently needs to be |necessary. Maintains a positive attitude while |person that is turned to respond and effectively|

|encouraged. |doing so. |solve the problem. Volunteers to assist others |

|Is rude and unfriendly to clients. |Requires minimal encouragement to start work. |if needed for fill-in. |

| |Works as a self-starter. |Volunteers to adjust schedule or plans when the |

| |Displays positive attitude in work assignments |need arises. Always willing to assist if no one|

| |and interactions with others. Has a friendly |else is available. |

| |attitude and is aware of surroundings and acts |Self-starter and motivator of others. |

| |appropriately. |Rarely has a negative word to say. Has a |

| | |virtuous demeanor. Is well respected by others.|

| | |------------------------------------------------|

| | |--------- |


Problem Solving/Reasoning: Recognizes and analyzes work related problems. Uses available resources to evaluate and recommend potential solutions. Possesses the ability to use good judgment to arrive at sound conclusions. Takes timely action. Assures decisions are made at, or referred to, the appropriate level.

|Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |

|Fails to recognize and analyze work related |Has a solid understanding of the job and can |Has a thorough understanding of the job and can |

|problems. Has trouble establishing a workable |apply that knowledge to recognize, analyze and |easily recognize, analyze and solve work related|

|order. Tasks are often out of order so that |solve work related problems. |problems. |

|they have to be redone. |Uses available resources to evaluate and |Uses available resources to evaluate and |

|Lacks the understanding of the available |recommend potential solutions. |recommend potential solutions. Assists others |

|resources and rarely recommends potential |Routinely applies good judgment and arrives at |to locate and understand these resources. |

|solutions. Usually asks for a solution rather |sound conclusions. |Recommends additional resources that may be |

|than offering a solution. |Takes timely action. Can regularly analyze a |needed. Routinely provides or recommends |

|Rarely uses good judgment and often conclusions |problem or task and come up with a solution or |solutions. |

|are not sound. Often chooses course of action |game plan in an acceptable time period. |Able to see the entire picture. Can easily |

|that is not reasonable budget wise. Tends to |Assures decisions are made at or referred to, at|arrive at sound judgments and conclusions. |

|make the project or task more that it has to be.|the appropriate level and frequently offers |Rarely leaves anything uncovered. Others often |

|Procrastinates or fails to take timely action. |suggested solutions. |seek advice on solutions. |

|Spends too much time or over analyzes the | |Can easily analyze a problem or task and arrive |

|project or task. | |at sound decisions in a short time frame. Is |

|Fails to insure decisions are made at, or | |able to handle a higher quantity of work due to |

|referred to, the appropriate level. | |this ability. |

| | |Assures decisions are made at or referred to, at|

| | |the appropriate level and always offers |

| | |suggested solutions. |


Safety: Aware of job safety procedures. Keeps abreast of changes in safety procedures. Practices safe work habits. Reports possible safety hazards to supervisor. Attends safety-training programs, as appropriate. Develops safety programs for section employees and identifies needed training or resources.

|Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |

|Unaware of job safety procedures. |Aware of job safety procedures and routinely |Highly knowledgeable of job safety procedures |

|Fails to keep abreast of changes in safety |applies this knowledge while performing job |and routinely applies this knowledge while |

|procedures. |duties. |performing job duties. Trains and encourages |

|Refuses or fails to practice safety work |Practices safe work habits. Wears PPE when |others to do the same. |

|habits. Is generally apathetic in regards to |required and does not have to be reminded. |Takes safety procedures very seriously and |

|safety practices. Does not wear personal |Operates equipment safely. |seeks out knowledge concerning them. Shares |

|protective equipment (PPE) when required. Does|Will usually notice any type of safety hazard |this knowledge with others. |

|not safely operate equipment. |and act accordingly to alleviate the problem. |Takes safety procedures very seriously and has |

|Fails to report or over looks possible safety |Reports possible safety hazards to supervisor |a thorough understanding of procedures |

|hazards. |and frequently offers suggestions. |involving their general area and areas of |

|Fails or refuses to attend safety-training |Attends safety-training programs, as |others. Is very aware of their surroundings |

|programs or participate in safety initiatives |appropriate. Participates in safety |and keeps an eye out for any safety hazards |

|such as Safety Minutes and Safety Stand Down. |initiatives such as Safety Minutes and Safety |that might endanger anyone. Will act upon the |

|Does not pay attention in class and does not |Stand Down. |safety violation themselves or immediately call|

|apply what is learned. Feels safety training | |it to the attention of their supervisor. |

|is a waste of time. | |Consistently wears PPE when required and |

| | |reminds others to do so. Consistently operates|

| | |equipments safely and consistently instructs |

| | |others on the safe operation. |

| | |Reports possible safety hazards to supervisor |

| | |and regularly offers solutions. |

| | |Attends safety-training programs, as |

| | |appropriate. Seeks out new training. Is an |

| | |active participant in the training session. |

| | |Willing to share what is learned with others. |

| | |Actively participates in safety initiatives |

| | |such as Safety Minute and Safety Stand Down to |

| | |teach/inform co-workers of safety issues |

| | |pertaining particularly to their work |

| | |environment. |

| | |Develops safety programs for section employees |

| | |and identifies needed training or resources. |

| | |Actively participates on the Safety Committee. |


Quality Management: Participates on a departmental, divisional or university quality project team. Sought input from internal and external customers regarding services. Maintain benchmark comparative data. Made or suggested changes to be more responsive to the needs of various customers. Developed and followed long range plans for improvements. Identified and recommended changes suppliers could adopt to improve their product or service. Dedicated time to learn more about quality management.

|Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |

|Fails to recognize the benefit of quality |Recognizes the benefit of quality management |Is an active and enthusiastic participate on a |

|management and its concepts. |and its concepts. |departmental, divisional or university quality |

|Refused to consider input from internal and |Sought input from internal and external |project team. |

|external customers regarding services. |customers regarding services. |Routinely seeks input from internal and |

|Refuses to assist with data collection. |Assists with data collection as requested. |external customers regarding services and makes|

|Fails to consider customers needs. |Made or suggested changes to be more responsive|appropriate adjustments. |

|Comfortable with status quo and complains about|to the needs of various customers. |Assists with the development and collection of |

|having to make adjustments. |Accepts directions regarding long range |benchmark data, and recommends process or |

|Refuses to assist or comply with long range |improvements. |service adjustments based on this information. |

|plans for improvements. |Complies with supplier service improvements |Maintain benchmark comparative data. |

|Refuses to comply with supplier service |once identified. |Developed and followed long range plans for |

|improvements once identified. |Understands the basics behind quality |improvements. |

|Fails to understand the basics behind quality |management. |Identified and recommended changes suppliers |

|management and its applications. | |could adopt to improve their product or |

| | |service. |

| | |Dedicates time to learn more about quality |

| | |management and seeks out improvement |

| | |opportunities. |


Equipment/Shop Area/Vehicle: Maintains equipment, tools and materials in proper working order. Insures proper storage of equipment, tools and material. Utilizes the proper process for checking out equipment and tools and insures they are returned in a timely manner in good working condition. Shop area is clean, organized and well maintained. Equipment rooms are clean, organized and well maintained. Vehicle is in good repair.

|Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |

|Uses equipment and tools and does not take the |Maintains equipment, tools and materials in |Equipment is always in top-notch condition |

|time to clean them properly or clean the area |proper working order. Makes or suggests |ready to be used for the next person. Actively|

|they were used in properly. |repairs that may be needed. |ensures repairs are made. Shows pride in the |

|Often equipment is put away in disrepair or |Equipment, tools and materials are properly |condition of the equipment, tools and |

|lacking something to make it completely |stored and organized. |materials. |

|operational. Often uses tools improperly |Utilizes the proper process for checking out |Equipment, tools and materials are well |

|resulting in the need for repair. |equipment and tools and insures they are |organized and easily accessible. Actively |

|Fails to follow proper procedures or fails to |returned in a timely manner in good working |insures proper working order. |

|return items in a timely manner. |conditionShop area is clean, organized and well|Always utilizes the proper process for checking|

|Leaves messes or items out of place in the |maintained. |out equipment and tools and insures they are |

|shop. |Equipment rooms are clean, organized and well |returned in a timely manner in good working |

|Leaves messes or items out of place in |maintained. |condition. Makes repairs when necessary. |

|mechanical/electrical areas around campus. |Vehicle is maintained in good condition and |Shop area is clean, organized and well |

|Fails to clean up after work is complete. |organized. |maintained. Willingly assists with cleaning up|

|Vehicle is often in disrepair, disorganized, | |after others. Not concerned with who made the |

|dented, and lacking proper maintenance. | |mess. The person who takes the lead and |

| | |encourages others to assist. Disposes of |

| | |unnecessary items on a regular basis. Knows |

| | |the difference between salvageable materials |

| | |and trash. |

| | |Mechanical and equipment rooms are clean, |

| | |organized and well maintained. Willingly |

| | |assists with cleaning up after others. Not |

| | |concerned with who made the mess. Disposes of |

| | |unnecessary items on a regular basis. Knows |

| | |the difference between salvageable materials |

| | |and trash. |

| | |Vehicle is well maintained, organized and |

| | |clearly shows the operator’s pride. |


Programs of Emphasis and Specific Goals: In order to meet the changing needs of the University, and to improve overall reliability, responsiveness, and quality of Facilities Management’s performance various programs and processes require analysis, modification and monitoring for the desired outcome. Willing to participate. Willing to accept change. Willing to provide input and suggestions. Dedicated time to understand desired outcomes.

|Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |

|SAMPLE: Time cards required consistent review |SAMPLE: Time cards were completed accurately |SAMPLE: Time cards were completed accurately |

|and modifications. |including such things as work order number, |including such things as work order number, |

| |task completion time and service description |task completion time and service description |

| |and equipment number; with occasional |and equipment number; with minimal |

| |modifications. |modifications. |

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Peak Performance Dispute Resolution Form

(If this form is not applicable, please discard.)


Employee’s Name____________________________________ Job Title________________________________

Department & 4-digit mail code ________________________ Supervisor______________________________

I wish to have the following reviewed:

_____ 1. My performance plan or lack of a plan. The error or problem is:

_____ 2. My performance rating. The error or problem is:

_____ 3. The application of the CSU Peak Performance plan, process, or policies to

my plan or evaluation. The error or problem is:

_____ 4. Full payment of my award. The error or problem is:

To resolve this issue, I have taken the following actions:


RESOLUTION BEING REQUESTED: _____________________________________________________________



Employee’s Signature:_________________________________ Date: ______________

For additional information, consult your supervisor or Human Resource Services. Submit copies to your supervisor and to Human Resource Services.


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