Letterhaed Colour

Friday 15th February 2019

Dear Parents,

Over half term we would ask that your child starts to work on their Public Speeches in readiness for our Public Speaking competition which will be held on Monday 8th April 2019. The children are asked to prepare a short speech about a favourite topic of theirs, or about a topic such as their family, pets, hobbies ect. In the past we have had speeches about Lego, Sloths, Unicorns. It really can be about anything that interests your child. The idea is for your child to do this on their own, with minimal support from parents – that isn’t to say you can’t help, but that you shouldn’t write the speech for them as they will have to present it, and it is easier to do if they have written it themselves. The speech should last between 3-5 minutes. Your child can bring in any props relevant to the speech, and photographs also, but we do not allow powerpoint presentations.

Every child in Key Stage 2 takes part in this competition. The first round of speeches are heard within our class, and approximately eight children will be chosen to go through to the next round which will again be held within our classroom. We will then choose three children to go through to the final, which will be held in the hall in front of the rest of the Juniors.

All Public Speeches will need to be presented in class during the first few weeks of our next half term. Once your child has prepared their speech, they can bring it into school and present it. They do not need to learn their speech off by heart, but they will be expected to have practised their delivery of it at home before bringing it into school to present. If I could ask all speeches to be brought in no later than Friday 15th March 2019.

Please come and see me if you have any questions about this.

Many thanks

Miss Whatmough

Year 3 Class Teacher




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