The Independence Movement in Latin America

The Independence Movement in Latin America

1. What country controlled St. Domingue (now Haiti)? France

2. What was Toussaint L’Ouverture’s occupation? slave

3. Who was in L’Ouverture’s army? slaves

4. What general led the battle for independence in Gran Columbia? Simon Bolivar

5. What two nicknames are sometimes used to describe Simon Bolivar? The Liberator and George Washington of South America

6. Which country did Simon Bolivar fight against for Latin America independence? Spain

7. What was Miguel Hidalgo’s occupation? Catholic priest

8. Who made up the group of protestors or army of Hidalgo? Peasants or common people

9. How did Hidalgo die? Captured and executed by the Spanish

10. What was one thing all three men had in common? They all were educated and could read and write...wanted freedom and equality

|Leader |Background |Opponents |Followers |Reason for fighting |

|L’Ouverture |Born a slave in St. Domingue |Plantation owners/French army |slaves |Freedom for the slaves in St. |

| |(Haiti) | | |Domingue |

|Bolivar |Born to wealthy family in |The Spanish government/army |People of South America who |To become a free region and not |

| |Venezuela | |want to be free from Spanish |under Spanish control |

| | | |rule | |

|Hidalgo |Born in Mexico and became a |Spanish government/army |Peasants and common people of |To gain equality for Mexicans |

| |Catholic priest | |Mexico |(social reform) |

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