FRANCIS E. CLARK 01 January 2010


Department of Teaching, Learning, and Culture

College of Education and Human Development

Texas A&M University

College Station, Texas 77843-4232

(979) 845-8255 Office

(979) 845-9663 FAX E-mail

(979) 693-0651 Home


Administration and Supervision

Communication Technologies

Inquiry Strategies/Methodologies

Learning/Cognitive Theory

Learning from Instruction/Modeling

Learner/Teacher Attributes

Task/Resource Attributes


B.S. Secondary Education, Pittsburg State University, 1964

M.Ed. Industrial Education, Engineering Design Graphics, Texas A&M University, 1965

Ed. D. Industrial Education, Administration and Supervision, Curriculum and Instruction, University of Missouri-Columbia, 1971



Professor, Department of Teaching, Learning, and Culture, College of Education, Texas A&M University (IX, 2000 to present)

Professor, Department of Educational Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education, Texas A&M University (1999 to 2000)

Interim Head and Professor, Department of Educational Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education, Texas A&M University (VIII, 1997 to VIII, 1999)

Assistant Head, Coordinator of Graduate Programs and Professor, Department of Educational Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education, Texas A&M University (VIII, 1995 to VII, 1997)

Professor, Department of Educational Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education, Texas A&M University (I, 1991 to VII, 1995)

Professor, Department of Interdisciplinary Education, College of Education, Texas A&M University (IX, 1987 to XII, 1990)

Associate Dean, The Graduate College; Professor, Department of Interdisciplinary Education, College of Education, Texas A&M University (VI, 1986 to VIII, 1987)

Associate Dean, The Graduate College; Professor, Department of Industrial, Vocational and Technical Education, College of Education, Texas A&M University (IX, 1984 to V, 1986)

Assistant Dean, The Graduate College; Professor, Department of Industrial, Vocational and Technical Education, College of Education, Texas A&M University (I - VIII, 1984)

Director, Educational Technology Program and Educational Media Center; Professor, Department of Industrial Education, College of Education, Texas A&M University (1982 to 1984)

Director, Educational Technology Program and Educational Media Center; Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Education, College of Education, Texas A&M University (1976 to 1982)

Director, Educational Technology Program and Educational Media Center; Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Education, College of Education, Texas A&M University (1973 to 1976)

Research and Development Specialist, The Center for Vocational Education, Columbus, Ohio; Assistant Professor, Trade and Industrial Education, College of Education, The Ohio State University (1971 to 1973)

Teaching Assistant (Summers), Department of Practical Arts and Vocational-Technical Education, College of Education, University of Missouri-Columbia (1970 to 1971)

Instructor (half-time), Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Missouri-Columbia (1969 to 1971)

Assistant Professor, College of Applied Arts and Technology, Eastern Kentucky University (1966 to 1969)

Instructor, School of Technology and Applied Science, Pittsburg State University (1965 to 1966)


Cabinet maker, ten months, summers and part-time

Draftsman, ten months, summers and part-time


American Educational Research Association (AERA)

Special Interest Group on Instructional Technology (SIG/IT)

Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT)

Research and Theory Division (RTD)

Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD)

Council of Graduate Schools in the United States (CGS)

Conference of Southern Graduate Schools (CSGS)

Southwest Educational Research Association (SERA)

Texas Association for Educational Technology (TAET)


Phi Kappa Phi (PKP)

Phi Delta Kappa (PDK)

Kappa Delta Pi (KDP)

Iota Lambda Sigma (ILS)

Epsilon Pi Tau (EPT)

Invited delegate to the "New Spirit in Leadership Conference," Lakeside Laboratory, Okoboji, Iowa, 1980

Texas Delegate to the "Lake Okoboji Educational Media Leadership Conference," Lakeside Laboratory, Okoboji, Iowa, 1979

Fellowship to the "NDEA Institute on Instructional Computer Graphics," Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois, 1968


State and National Professional and Honorary Societies

Paper and Symposia Reviewer, AERA Instructional Technology Special Interest Group (SIG/IT), 1993 to present

Consulting Editor, Educational Technology Research and Development, 1989 to present

Paper and Symposia Reviewer, AECT Research and Theory Division, 1980 to present

Planning Committee, Professors of Instructional Design and Technology, 1989 to 1990; 1999 to 2001

PKP Past President, TAMU Chapter, 1989 to 1990; Chair, Outstanding Juniors Committee, 1989 to 1992; President, 1988 to 1989; Vice President, 1987 to 1988; Treasurer, 1985 to 1987; Chair, Initiation Banquet Committee, 1984; Banquet Committee, XXXI Triennial Convention, College Station, Texas, 1980

Conference Coordinator and Member of the Regional Coordinator's Principal Office staff, South Central Region Holmes Group, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, 1988 to 1989

Editorial Board, Educational Communication and Technology Journal, 1980 to 1983; Consulting Editor, 1983 to 1989

CSGS Committee on Issues and Planning, 1984 to 1989

Conference Coordinator, "Induction: How To Make It Work in Texas," John Gray Institute, Lamar University System, Beaumont, Texas, 1988

AECT Research and Theory Division Board of Directors, 1983 to 1987

Professional Materials Review Panel, Educational Technology, 1981 to 1984

Book Review Board, Instructional Innovator, 1981 to 1983

Editorial Advisory Board, Instructional Innovator, 1981 to 1983

AECT Continuing Education Committee, 1977 to 1983

TAET Executive Committee, 1975 to 1983; Past President 1981 to 1982; President, 1980 to 1981; President Elect, 1979 to 1980; Executive Secretary, 1978 to 1979; Vice President, 1977 to 1978

PDK Past President, TAMU Chapter, 1980 to 1981; President, 1979 to 1980; First Vice President, 1978 to 1979; Second Vice President, 1977 to 1978; Secretary, 1976 to 1977; Awards Committee, 1975 to 1976

Delegate, AECT State Affiliate Relations Conference, Washington, D.C., 1981; Dallas, Texas, 1980; Louisville, Kentucky, 1979; Denver, Colorado, 1978

Delegate, AECT National Convention, Author, ECT Foundation Funded Leadership Development Proposal, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1981; Council Steering Committee, Denver, Colorado, 1980; New Orleans, Louisiana, 1979; Kansas City, Missouri, 1978; Miami Beach, Florida, 1977

Delegate, AECT Region VII Leadership Development Conference, (Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas) Hot Springs, Arkansas, 1981; Springfield Missouri, 1980; Tulsa, Oklahoma, 1979; Returning Chair, Monroe, Louisiana, 1978; Elected Chair, Wichita Kansas, 1977; Planning Committee Member, Dallas, Texas, 1976

TAET/NAVA Spring Leadership Conference Coordinator, Dallas, Texas 1981

TAET Chair, Leadership Development Committee, 1978 to 1980

TAET Chair, State Conference, Dallas, Texas, 1980

Conference Coordinator, "TAET Constitutional Revision Workshop," Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, 1978

TAET Area VI Affiliate President, 1977 to 1978

TAET Area VI Leadership Conference Coordinator, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, 1978

TAET Membership Committee, 1976 to 1978; Chair, 1977 to 1978

AIAA Curriculum Committee, 1974 to 1978

ACIATE Grants and Awards Committee, 1976 to 1978

ACESIA Newsletter Editor, 1976 to 1978

Referee, The Journal of Vocational Education Research, 1977

Texas A&M University

Graduate Faculty, Texas A&M University, 1974 to present

Chair, University Placement Committee for International Students, 1984 to 1995

Chair, Departmental Focus Group on Technology, 2000 to 2002

Chair, Departmental Committee on Equipment Access, 1999 to 2002

College Strategic Planning Committee for Technology and Distance Learning, 1999 to 2002

Rewarding Teaching/Enhancing Student Learning, 1998 to 2001

Transition Committee for the College of Education, 1999 to 2001

Dean’s Council, College of Education, 1997 to 1999

Graduate Instruction Committee, College of Education, 1995 to 1997

Chair, Graduate Faculty, Department of Educational Curriculum and Instruction, 1995 to 1997

Faculty Development Leave Committee, Texas A&M University, 1994 to 1997

Committee on Academic Freedom, Responsibility, Tenure, and Promotion, Texas A&M University, 1989 to 1992 and 1994 to 1997

Faculty Advisory Council, College of Education, 1994 to 1997; Chair, 1976 to 1978; Vice Chair, 1975 to 1976

Chair, Tenure and Promotion Committee, Department of Educational Curriculum and Instruction, 1995 to 1997

Faculty Representative Council, Department of Educational Curriculum and Instruction, 1994 to 1995

ad hoc Faculty Evaluation Advisory Committee, Department of Educational Curriculum and Instruction, 1993, 1994, and 1995

Committee on Teacher Preparation for the Middle Grades, Department of Educational Curriculum and Instruction, 1993 to 1995

Committee on the Mission/Philosophy of Teacher Preparation, Department of Educational Curriculum and Instruction, 1993 to 1995

Teacher Preparation Task Force, Department of Educational Curriculum and Instruction, 1993 to 1995

College Representative, Committee on University Electronic Information Resource Planning, Texas A&M University, 1993 to 1995

TEC Project Participant, College of Education, 1992 to 1995

Advanced Academic Research Unit, Department of Educational Curriculum and Instruction, 1991 to 1995

College Representative, Undergraduate International Programs Committee to Study the English Language Proficiency Certification Process, Texas A&M University, 1990 to 1995

Model Middle School Task Force, College of Education, 1990 to 1995

College Representative, Committee to Study Integrated Graphic-Identity Mechanisms; Chair, Subcommittee to Develop Program of Requirements, Texas A&M University, 1988 to 1995

Committee to Respond to Coordinating Board Report, Department of Educational Curriculum and Instruction, 1991 to 1992

Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, College of Education, 1989 to 1992

Steering Committee, NCATE Institutional Report, College of Education, 1989 to 1992

Rules and Regulations Committee, Texas A&M University, 1984 to 1989

Computing Council, Texas A&M University, 1984 to 1989

SIMS Project Working Groups: Student Records, Admissions, Student Accounting, Student Financial Aid, Texas A&M University, 1984 to 1989

Chair, Degree Audit Committee, Texas A&M University, 1986 to 1989

Computer Steering Committee, Texas A&M University, 1986 to 1989

College Delegate to the Fourth Symposium of the Texas A&M University System, 1988

University Academic Forum, 1985 to 1988

Faculty Senate Academic Affairs Subcommittee on Add/Drop Period, Texas A&M University, 1986 to 1987

Transition Committee for the Graduate College, Texas A&M University, 1987

Calendar Committee, Texas A&M University, 1985 to 1987

Academic Operations Committee, Texas A&M University, 1984 to 1987

College Representative, ad hoc Program Planning Committee for the Second Annual Symposium for the Texas A&M University System, 1984

Faculty Selection Committee, Department of Educational Curriculum and Instruction, 1983 to 1984

ad hoc Committee on Computer Aided Instruction, Texas A&M University, 1982 to 1984

Teaching Excellence Project, Department of Educational Curriculum and Instruction, 1982 to 1984

Committee on the PLATO Pilot Project, Texas A&M University, 1981 to 1984

American Humanics Youth Agency Leadership Advisory Committee, Texas A&M University, 1981 to 1984

Tenure Advisory Committee, Texas A&M University, 1978 to 1984; Chair, 1982 to 1984; Vice Chair, 1981 to 1982; Secretary, 1978 to 1979

Graduate Studies Committee, Department of Industrial Education, 1978 to 1984

Chair, College of Education Media Center Advisory Committee, 1973 to 1984

Inquiry Group on Research Assistance and Computer Technology; Chair, Subcommittee on Staff Development; Member, Subcommittee on Inquiry Products, College of Education, 1981 to 1983

Steering Committee on Fostering Educational Inquiry, College of Education, 1981 to 1983

Committee on Follow-Up of Graduates and Evaluation of Teacher Preparation Program, College of Education, 1979 to 1983

Instructional Director, Microcomputer Program, Summer Adventures for Gifted and Talented Youth, Galveston Island, July, 1982 to 1983

Coordinator, College of Education Microcomputer Fair and Satellite Teleconference, October, 1982

College Coordinator, Faculty Development Workshops on Microcomputers, January, May, June, 1982

Temporary Graduate Science Education Committee, Department of Educational Curriculum and Instruction, 1981 to 1982

Data Processing Center Coordinator, Department of Industrial Education, 1978 to 1982

Task Force on Faculty and Graduate Student Research, Development, Data Processing, and Computer Usage, College of Education, 1980 to 1981

Task Force on Technological Literacy, College of Education, 1980 to 1981

Interdisciplinary Planning Committee, College of Education, 1980 to 1981

Committee for Examining Faculty Evaluation Procedures and Policies, College of Education, 1980

DHEW Dean's Grant, No. G007801893, Mainstreaming Project, 1978 to 1980

Discussion Leader, Education's Agenda for the 80's, College of Education Faculty Workshop, 1980

Search Committee for the Dean of the College of Education, Texas A&M University, 1979

Faculty Affairs Council, Texas A&M University, 1976 to 1978; Vice Chair, 1977 to 1978

Academic Council, Texas A&M University, 1976 to 1978

Advisory Committee for the research project, "A Study of Structured and Non-Structured Work Experience Programs in Texas," College of Education, 1974


Denton, J.J., Davis, T.J., Smith, B.L., Strader, A., Clark, F.E., & Wang, L. (2006).

Net generation undergraduates as technology mentors for teacher educators.

National Forum of Teacher Education Journal 17E:3.

Denton, J.J., Davis, T.J., Smith, B.L., Strader, A., Clark, F.E., & Wang, L. (2006).

Technology mentor fellowship program: A technology integration

professional development model for classroom teachers. National Forum

of Teacher Education Journal 16:3.

Denton, J.J., Davis, T.J., Smith, B.L., Strader, A., Clark, F.E., & Wang, L. (2005)

Net generation college students as technology mentors for teacher

educators. Preceedings of the Society for Information Technology and

Teacher Education, 2005. 16th International Conference. 3150-3154.

Clark, F. E. (1995). Learning from learning from instruction: Reconceptualizing the research environment. In Simonson, M. R. (Ed), Proceedings of Selected Research Paper Presentations; Research and Theory Division; National Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, 17, 5-9.

Clark, F. E. (1990). Extrapolating from Richard E. Clark's argument. In Simonson, M. R. (Ed), Proceedings of Selected Research Paper Presentations; Research and Theory Division; National Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, 12, 155-161.

Angert, J. F., Denton, J. J. & Clark, F. E. (1987). A quantitative synthesis of pictorial complexity on learner achievement. In Zellner, R. D., Denton, J. J., Burger, M. J. & Kansky, R. J. (Eds), Technology in education: Implications and applications. College Station, Texas: Instructional Research Laboratory, College of Education, Texas A&M University.

Denton, J. J., Clark, F. E., Rossing, R. G., & O'Conner, M. J. (1985). Assessing instructional strategies and resulting student attitudes regarding two-way television instruction, Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 13 (4), 281-298.

Denton, J. J., Clark, F. E., Rossing, R. G. & O'Conner, M. J. (1984). An examination of instructional strategies used with two-way television. The Journal of Classroom Interaction, 19 (2), 12-20.

Clark, F. E. & Angert, J. F. (1984). Is there a light at the end of the tunnel vision? Instructional Innovator, 29 (2), 10-14.

Clark, F. E. & Angert, J. F. (1981). Teacher commitment to instructional design: The problem of media selection and use. Educational Technology, 21 (5), 9-15.

Clark, F. E. & Angert, J. F. (1980). A meta-analytic study of pictorial stimulus complexity. In Simonson, M. R. (Ed), Proceedings of Selected Research Paper Presentations; Research and Theory Division; National Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, 2, 125-165.

Clark, F. E. & Angert, J. F. (1980). Needed: A new research model. Instructional Innovator, 25 (5), 33-34

Clark, F. E. & Angert, J. F. (1980). Inadequacies in media research. Instructional Innovator, 25 (1), 36-37.

Rupley, W. H., Clark, F. E. & Blair, T. R. (1979). A model for individualizing instruction. In Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Conference of the Western College Reading Association, 12, 117-121.

Clark, F. E. & Angert, J. F. (1979). Research on media -- Where do we go from here? AECT Research and Theory Division Newsletter, 9 (4), 11-14.

Clark, F. E. & Angert, J. F. (1979). Research on media -- Where do we go from here? In Simonson, M. R. (Ed), Proceedings of Selected Research Paper Presentations; Research and Theory Division; National Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, 1, 1-19.

Baker, G. E. & Clark, F. E. (1978). Once upon a bounce. Industrial Education, 67 (7), 27.

Clark, F. E. & Sheriff, D. E. (1977). A factor analytic study of Hill's "Cognitive Style Inventory." AECT Research and Theory Division Newsletter, 6 (3), 7-9.

Clark, F. E. (1977). All together. Industrial Education, 66 (5), 9.

Clark, F. E. (1977). Using "strong units" in designing instructional materials. Industrial Education, 66 (4), 54.

Clark, F. E. (1977). The use of "weak" units in audiovisual software. Industrial Education, 66 (3), 76-78.

Clark, F. E. (1977). The good and the not so good of three common teaching resources. Industrial Education, 66 (2), 66.

Clark, F. E. (1976). Educational Technology for teachers of humans varying in everything. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference of the American Industrial Arts Association, 5, 82-85.

Leeper, H. T., Sheriff, D. E. & Clark, F. E. (1976). Competencies, learners, and resources -- a potpourri. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference of the American Industrial Arts Association, 5, 36-39.

Clark, F. E. (1976). Designing instructional materials -- depth. Industrial Education, 65 (10), 26-27.

Clark, F. E. (1976). Designing instructional materials -- contrast. Industrial Education, 66 (9), 22.

Clark, F. E. (1976). Sensory channels, signs, and media. Industrial Education, 65 (8), 16.

Clark, F. E. (1976). Designing instructional materials -- figure/ground. Industrial Education, 65 (7), 14.

Clark, F. E. (1976). Designing and selecting media for learning. Industrial Education Product Guide, 65 (6), 9

Clark, F. E. (1976). Educational technology -- from then to now . . . Industrial Education, 65 (5), 5.

Baker, G. E., Clark, F. E. & Miller, F. M. (1975). A study of the attitudes of vocational teachers concerning preparation. Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, 12 (2), 5-17.

Clark, F. E. (1974). Evaluation of high school industrial arts within the career education framework. School Shop, 33 (6), 49-50.

Clark, F. E. (1973). Now you can teach classes of one. Industrial Education 62 (9), 28-29.

Clark, F. E. (1973). NAITTE journal index -- fall 1972 through summer 1973. Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, 11 (1), center insert.

Clark, F. E. (1970). NAITTE journal index -- summer 1969 through fall 1970. Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, 8 (1), 49-52.


Denton, J. J., Clark, F. E., Rossing, R. G. & O'Connor, M. J. (1983). Final report: Interactive television project. College Station, Texas: College of Medicine, Texas A&M University.

Angert, J. F. & Clark, F. E. (1981). The differential effectiveness of static visuals. College Station, Texas: College of Education, Texas A&M University.

Clark, F. E., Angert, J. F., Dwyer, F. M., Cochran, L. M., Grabowski, B. L., Hustuft, D. & Volker, R. (1979). Some uses for principles of learning, derived from research and theory, in promoting educational technology. In Promoting Educational Technology (Summary Report). Iowa City, Iowa: Audiovisual Center, The University of Iowa.

Alexander, M., Angert, J. F., Ault, M., Brody, P. J., Cannon, H., Chase, C., Chashmi, A. K., Clark, F. E., Cranfill, J., Gorena, A., Jenkins, S., Lawrence, R., Price, R. D., Roodssari, M., Scott, J. P. & Weems, C. (1979). Committee report -- common generalizations: fact or fiction? In Today's Foundation -- Tomorrow's Challenges. Tulsa, Oklahoma: Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Region VII Leadership Development Conference.

Clark, F. E. (Ed.), (1977). Instructional technology: Dealing with today's reality. Wichita, Kansas: Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Region VII Leadership Development Conference.

Clark, F. E., Clark, L. E., Cobb, J., Korman, F., Lipford, M. A., Mims, B., Murphy, B., Raines, D., Smith, P., Stocum, R., Swanner, R., Trussell, B., Tucker, B. & Ueoka, T. Y. (1976). Committee report -- the identity crisis in media and education. In Identity, Direction, Emphasis, and Action. Dallas, Texas: Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Region VII Leadership Development Conference.

Denton, J. J., Clark, F. E., Rosser, R. S. & Hickl, M. J. (1975). Educational personnel development system: Competency assessment -- program evaluation. Houston, Texas: Teacher Corps Professional Development Center, University of Houston.

Clark, F. E. (1975). Learning resource centers. In Frank W. R. Hubert (Ed.) Looking forward: An educational audit of the Spring Independent School District. College Station, Texas: Corporation for Research and Engineering in Education.

Clark, F. E. (1975). Learning resources centers. In Frank W. R. Hubert (Ed.). Spring Independent School District educational audit: Summary of findings and recommendations. College Station, Texas: Corporation for Research and Engineering in Education.

Clark, F. E. (1973). Final report: The conditions of learning. Jefferson City, Missouri: Division of Career and Adult Education, State Department of Education.

Clark, F. E. & Hamilton, J. B. (1972). Cooperative development of performance-based vocational teacher education curricula. Columbus, Ohio: The Center for Vocational Education.

Clark, F. E. (1972). Final report: Survey of the need for entry level draftsmen. Lincoln, Nebraska: The Institute for Education and Technology, Inc.

Andreyka, R. E., Clark, F. E., Finch, C. R. & Hamilton, J. B. (1971). Cooperative development of vocational-technical teacher education curricula: A progress report. Columbus, Ohio: The Center for Vocational Education.


Denton, J. J., Smith, B. L., Davis, T. J., Strader, A., Clark, F. E. (2002). Technology professional development enabled by an electronic management system. College Station, TX: College of Education, Texas A&M University. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED ????)

Denton, J. J., Clark, F. E., Allen, N. J. (2002). A dilemma for technology professional development in colleges of education: Building capacity vs. providing tech support. College Station, TX: College of Education, Texas A&M University. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED ?????)

Angert, J. F., Denton, J. J. & Clark, F. E. (1987). A quantitative synthesis of pictorial complexity on learner achievement. In Zellner, R. D., Denton, J. J., Burger, M. J. & Kansky, R. J. (Eds), Technology in education: Implications and applications. College Station, Texas: Instructional Research Laboratory, College of Education, Texas A&M University. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 301 153)

Denton, J. J., Clark, F. E., Rossing, R. G., & O'Conner, M. J. (1985). Assessing instructional strategies and resulting student attitudes regarding two-way television instruction. College Station, Texas: College of Education, Texas A&M University. (ERIC Document Reproducation Service No. ED 259 709)

Denton, J. J., Clark, F. E., Rossing, R. G. & O'Conner, M. J. (1984). An examination of instructional strategies used with two-way television. College Station, Texas: College of Education, Texas A&M University. (ERIC Document Reproducation Service No. ED 238 407)

Clark, F. E. & Angert, J. F. (1980). Integrating communication research: Theory or "impulsive reckoning?" College Station, Texas: College of Education, Texas A&M University. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 191 105)

Clark, F. E. & Angert, J. F. (1980). A meta-analytic study of pictorial stimulus complexity. College Station, Texas: College of Education, Texas A&M University. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 196 405)

Clark, F. E. & Angert, J. F. (1980). A meta-analytic study of pictorial stimulus complexity. In Simonson, M. R. (Ed), Proceedings of Selected Research Paper Presentations; Research and Theory Division; National Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology. (ERIC Document Reproducation Service No. ED 194 061)

Clark, F. E. & Angert, J. F. (1980). Instructional design and research on teacher education. College Station, Texas: College of Education, Texas A&M University. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 183 528)

Clark, F. E. & Angert, J. F. (1979). Research on media -- Where do we go from here? College Station, Texas: College of Education, Texas A&M University. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 172 784)

Clark, F. E. & Angert, J. F. (1979). Research on media -- Where do we go from here? In Simonson, M. R. (Ed), Proceedings of Selected Research Paper Presentations; Research and Theory Division; National Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology. (ERIC Document Reproducation Service No. ED 171 329)

Clark, F. E., Clark, D. L. & Garrison, H. D. (1974). Developing school and community support for career education and education for the handicapped: Brazoria county cluster. College Station, Texas: College of Education, Texas A&M University. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 105 163)

Clark, F. E. (1971). Effects of two learning treatments on the understanding of orthographic projection by students varying in visual-haptic aptitude. Columbia, Missouri: College of Education, University of Missouri-Columbia. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 057 187)


Denton, J. J., Davis, T. J., Strader, A., Clark, F. E. & Jolly, D. V. (2003 February). Technology professional development of teacher education faculty by net generation mentors. Southwest Educational Research Association, San Antonio, Texas.

Barker, L. J., Best, T., Zittle, R., Smith, M. & Clark, F. E. (2002 November). Threshold tool: Planning and evaluating educational technology integration programs. Sixteenth Annual Conference of the American Evaluation Association, Evaluation 2002, Washington, D.C.

Clark, F. E., Smith, B. L., Davis, T. J., & Denton, J. J. (2002 July). The technology mentor program: An intergenerational model for professional development. PT3 Annual Grantees’ Meeting, Washington, D.C.

Davis, T. J., Strader, A., Clark, F. E., & Denton, J. J. (2002 July). The eEmpowerment zone portal: Resources and strategies that support field-based Instruction. PT3 Annual Grantees’ Meeting, Washington, D.C.

Denton, J. J., Davis, T. J., Smith, B. L., & Clark, F. E. (2002 July). On-line alternative certification program for secondary science teachers. PT3 Annual Grantees’ Meeting, Washington, D.C.

Smith, B. L., Strader, A., Davis, T. J., & Clark, F. E. (2002 July). The I-Folio system: An on-line portfolio documentation tool. PT3 Annual Grantees’ Meeting, Washington, D.C.

Denton, J. J., Clark, F. E., & Allen, N. J. (2002 April). Technology professional development: Building capacity and providing support. Texas Distance Learning Association, Fort Worth, Texas.

Clark, F. E. & Jolly, D. V. (2002 April). An intergenerational model for technology integration. Texas Distance Learning Association, Fort Worth, Texas.

Jolly, D. V. & Clark, F. E. (2002 March). Intergenerational learning: A model for teacher preparation and technology infusion. Society for Information Technology and Teacher Evaluation, Nashville, Tennessee.

Denton, J. J., Smith, B. L., Davis, T. J., Strader, A., Clark, F. E. & Jolly, D. V. (2002 February). The technology mentor fellowship program (TMFP). Southwest Educational Research Association, Austin, Texas.

Denton, J. J., Clark. F. E., & Allen, N. J. (2001 September). A dilemma for technology professional development in colleges of education: Building capacity vs. providing tech support. Fall Technology Leadership Academy, Austin, Texas.

Clark, F. E., & Jolly, D. V. (2001 August). Intergenerational Learning: A Model for teacher preparation. Seventh IFIP World Conference on Computers in Education, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Clark, F. E. & Jolly, D.V. (1999 November). What is TMFP? The Sixth Annual Educational Technology Teaching and Learning Symposium, San Antonio, Texas.

Aston, J. R. & Clark, F. E. (1998 February). A path model of instruction. The Educational Research Exchange, College Station, Texas.

Aston, J. R. & Clark, F. E. (1998 January). From planning to implementation to planning: A path model of instruction. Southwest Educational Research Association, Houston, Texas.

Rodriguez, M. S., Rupley, W. H., Willson, V. L., Clark, F. E., Hall, R. J., Ip, C. F., & Mergen, S. L. (1997 December). Effects of structural features on word recognition by hispanic and non-hispanic second graders. National Reading Conference, Scottsdale, Arizona.

Clark, F. E. (1997 February). A path model of that that precedes and that that follows instruction. The Educational Research Exchange, College Station, Texas.

Clark, F. E. (1996 April). A path model of that that precedes and that that follows instruction. American Educational Research Association, New York, New York.

Clark, F. E. (1996 January). Rethinking instructional planning: A path model of ontological and functional relations. Southwest Educational Research Association, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Clark, F. E. (1995 April). A path model depicting ontological and functional relations among instructional variables. American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, California.

Clark, F. E. (1995 February). Learning from learning from instruction: Reconceptualizing the research environment. Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Anaheim, California.

Clark, F. E. (1995 January). Encoding conditions that prefigure learning from instruction. Southwest Educational Research Association, Dallas, Texas.

De Leon, N. J. & Clark, F. E. (1994 December). Active teaching and learning: A staff development program. National Diffusion Network Statewide Awareness Conference, Austin, Texas.

Clark, F. E. (1994 April). Preinstructional conditions that facilitate or suppress learning from instruction. American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Clark, F. E. (1993 April). A hypothesized model of encoding conditions that foster learning from instruction. American Educational Research Association, Atlanta, Georgia.

Clark, F. E. (1993 January). An arrow diagram of preinstructional conditions that influence the acquisition of expertise. Southwest Educational Research Association, Austin, Texas.

Moshinskie, J. F. & Clark, F. E. (1992 February). Effects of two interactive video sequences when symbolic elements are isomorphic. Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Washington, D.C.

Clark, F. E. (1991 February). Static and dynamic attributes that influence learning from instruction. Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Orlando, Florida.

Clark, F. E. (1990 February). Extrapolating from Richard E. Clark's argument. Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Anaheim, California.

Clark, F. E., Koetting, J. R. & Martin, B. L. (1990 February). Seventh annual open forum on foundations of educational technology. Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Anaheim, California.

Angert, J. F., Clark, F. E. & Denton, J. J. (1985 January). Applications of the meta-analysis technique to research in instructional technology. Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Anaheim, California.

Denton, J. J., Clark, F. E., Rossing, R. G. & O'Conner, M. J. (1985 January). Assessing instructional strategies and resulting student attitudes regarding two-way television instruction. Southwest Educational Research Association, Austin, Texas.

Denton, J. J., Clark, F. E., Rossing, R. G. & O'Conner, M. J. (1984 April). An examination of instructional strategies used with two-way television. American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Clark, F. E., Brody, P. J., Koetting, J. R. & Martin, B. L. (1983 January). Open forum on the foundational issues of the field of instructional technology. Association for Educational Communications and Technology, New Orleans, Louisiana.

McNamara, J. F., Clark, F. E., Owens, A. M. & Harter, C. C. (1983 January). Assessing microcomputers. Southwest Educational Research Association, Houston, Texas.

Clark, F. E. (1982 May). Finding the rose among the thorns: Some thoughts on integrating media research. Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Dallas, Texas.

Clark, F. E. (1982 February). Instructional design and resource selection: Eliminating the "seat of the pants" syndrome. Southwest Educational Research Association, Austin, Texas.

Angert, J. F. & Clark, F. E. (1981 April). The differential effectiveness of static visuals. Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Clark, F. E. & Angert, J. F. (1981 January). Instructional effectiveness of illustration iconicity. Southwest Educational Research Association, Dallas, Texas.

Clark, F. E. & Angert, J. F. (1980 October). Instructional design: Implications for teacher trainers. Texas Association for Educational Technology, Dallas, Texas.

Clark, F. E. & Angert, J. F. (1980 May). Integrating communication research: Theory or "impulsive reckoning?" XXX International Conference on Communication, Acapulco, Mexico.

Clark, F. E. & Angert, J. F. (1980 April). A meta-analytic study of pictorial stimulus complexity. Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Denver, Colorado.

Clark, F. E. & Angert, J. F. (1980 February). Instructional design and research on teacher education. Southwest Educational Research Association, San Antonio, Texas.

Clark, F. E. (1979 November). Using educational media in instruction. Phi Delta Kappa, College Station, Texas.

Clark, F. E. (1979 September). Leadership styles: Blatant or subtle? Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Region VII Leadership Development Conference, Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Rupley, W. H., Clark, F. E. & Blair, T. R. (1979 April). A model for individualizing instruction. Western College Reading Association, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Clark, F. E. & Angert, J. F. (1979 March). Research on media -- where do we go from here? Association for Educational Communications and Technology, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Rupley, W. H., Blair, T. R. & Clark, F. E. (1978 October). A model for individualizing reading instruction: Improving the effectiveness of the teacher. College Reading Association, Washington, D. C.

Clark, F. E. & Sheriff, D. E. (1978 March). Hill's "Cognitive Style Inventory" in retrospect. American Educational Research Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Clark, F. E. (1978 February). An analysis of a cognitive style inventory: A research report. Mountain View Community College, Dallas, Texas.

Clark, F. E. & Sheriff, D. E. (1977 April). A factor analytic study of Hill's "Cognitive Style Inventory." Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Miami Beach, Florida.

Clark, F. E. (1976 October). Educational technology at Texas A&M -- practicing what we teach. Texas Association for Educational Technology, McAllen, Texas.

Clark, F. E. (1976 April). Educational technology for teachers of humans varying in everything. American Industrial Arts Association, Des Moines, Iowa.

Leeper, H. T., Sheriff, D. E. & Clark, F. E. (1976 April). Competencies, learners, and resources -- a potpourri. American Industrial Arts Associations, Des Moines, Iowa.

Clark, F. E. (1975 April). What's new in educational technology? Bryan High School, Bryan, Texas.

Clark, F. E. & Clark, D. L. (1974 December). An analysis schemata for evaluating school and community awareness of career education. American Vocational Association, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Clark, F. E. (1974 March). Educational technology at Texas A&M University. Phi Delta Kappa, College Station, Texas.

Clark, F. E. & Hamilton, J. B. (1972 December). Cooperative development of performance-based vocational teacher education curricula. American Vocational Association, Chicago, Illinois.

Clark, F. E. (1972 September). The entry level draftsman. The Institute for Education and Technology, Inc., Lincoln, Nebraska.

Andreyka, R. E., Clark, F. E., Finch, C. R. & Hamilton, J. B. (1971 December). Cooperative development of vocational-technical teacher education curricula: A progress report. American Vocational Association, Portland, Oregon.


Preparing tomorrow’s teachers to use technology (Catalyst), (2001-2002). U. S. Department of Education, Washington, D. C., Partner Staff.

Knowledge development for the technology integration community, (2001-2002). U. S. Department of Education, Washington, D. C., Partner Staff.

Learning, linking, and leading knowledge development, (2001-2002). U. S. Department of Education, Washington, D. C., Evaluation Consultant.

The technology mentor fellowship program: A model to support intergenerational learning, (1999-2002). U.S. Department of Education, Washington, D. C., Co-P.I., Project Director.

After school program in mathematics and science, (1994-1995). College of Education and the Somerville Junior High School, Somerville, Texas, Project Evaluator.

Technology in education center, (1984). College of Education and the Educational Technology Program, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, Author. (Selected by the University to receive priority funding to establish it as a Center of national and international preeminence.)

Technology in education, (1983). College of Education and the Texas Engineering Experiment Station, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, Project Coordinator.

4-H Foundation computer education project, (1982-1983). College of Education and the 4-H Youth Development Foundation, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, Project Coordinator.

Evaluation of interactive television's effectiveness with second year medical students at Texas A&M University, (1982). Colleges of Education and Medicine, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, Co-Director and Co-Investigator.

An integration of research findings from investigations of pictorial stimulus complexity, (1981). University Mini-Grant, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, Director.

Improving junior and community college instruction: Performance-based teaching, (1975). EPDA Part E, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, Contributing Author.

An exploration of the possible isomorphism of cognitive style and spatial perception, (1975). College of Education Research Grant, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, Director.

Learning packages based upon the conditions of learning, (1973). Division of Career and Adult Education, State Department of Education, Jefferson City, Missouri, Principal Investigator.

Performance-based individualized learning packages for 'special needs' students in drafting, (1972-1973). USOE Developmental Research Project, The Institute for Education and Technology, Inc., Lincoln, Nebraska, Joint Project Investigator.


An On-Line Alternative Certification Program at Texas A&M University, (2002-2007), U. S. Department of Education, Washington, D.C., Internal Program Evaluatior, ($2.8 M).

The Technology Fellowship Program: A Model to Support Intergenerational Learning, (2001-2004). U.S. Department of Education, Washington, D.C., Principal Investigator, Project Director, ($2.4 M).

The Technology Mentor Fellowship Program: A Model to Support Intergenerational Learning, (2000-2003). U.S. Department of Education, Washington, D.C., Principal Investigator, Project Director, ($2.1 M).

Texas and Mexico: On the Border of Cultural Understanding, (1992). Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Abroad, CFDA #84.021, Joint Project Director.

Development and Implementation of a State-Wide Delivery System for Faculty Professional Development Utilizing Telecommunications and/or other Appropriate Technology, (1989). Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Austin, Texas, Project Director.

Center for Technology in Education, (1988). U.S. Department of Education, Washington, D. C., Consultant.

Interactive video instructional activities for secondary level physical science students, (1983-1984). National Science Foundation, Washington, D. C., Consultant.

Evaluation of a closed circuit television system linking five stations, (1983-1984). Veteran's Administration Center, Temple, Texas, Project Consultant.


M.Ed.; M. S. Committee Memberships, other than Advisorships (1973 to 2010): 79

M. Ed. Advisorships (1973 to 2010): 169

Ed.D.; Ph.D. Graduate Council Representative (1973 to 2010): 25

Ed.D.; Ph.D. Committee Memberships, other than Advisorships (1973 to 2010): 89

Ed.D.; Ph.D. Advisorships (1973 to 2010)

Davis, Trina J., Relationship of Technology Level of Progress to School District Demographic Variables, Ph.D. Dissertation, Texas A&M University, College Station, August, 2005.

Robinson, Kevin L. Predicting the academic performance of preservice teachers, Ed.D. Record of Study, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, August 2001.

Sandford, Sonia L. Effects of inclusion on the free play interactions of children with and without disabilities, Ed.D. Record of Study, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, December 1998.

Schulze, F. Reneé. Effects of instruction strategies on levels of abstract thought, Ed.D. Record of Study, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, December 1997.

Moshinskie, James F. Effects of two instructional sequences when selected symbolic elements are identical, Ph.D. Dissertation, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, May 1992.

McDermott, Brian G. The implementation of an innovation in a public junior high school, Ph.D. Dissertation, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, May 1988.

Heuberger, Gregory. The effect of selected symbol systems used as presentation forms for concepts related to orthographic projection, Ph.D. Dissertation, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, May 1987.

Makaramanee, Rossukhon. Pictorial stimulus complexity in textbooks, Ph.D. Dissertation, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, August 1985.

Duffey, Delia R. A study to develop and test a computer literacy curriculum for the 4-H program of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service, Ed.D. Record of Study, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, May 1985.

Angert, Jay F. An integration of research findings from investigations of pictorial stimulus complexity, Ph.D. Dissertation, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, December 1982.

Sheriff, Dennis E. A factor analytic study of Hill's "Cognitive Style Inventory," Ph.D. Dissertation, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, August 1977.


Trustee, Little League Baseball, College Station, Texas 1985 to 1988

Chairman-of-the-Board, Little League Baseball, College Station, Texas 1983 to 1984

Vice President, Little League Baseball, College Station, Texas, 1982 to 1983

Player Agent, Little League Baseball, College Station, Texas, 1981 to 1982

Coach, Little League Baseball, College Station, Texas, 1978 to 1980

Coach, College Station Soccer Club, College Station, Texas, 1980, 1981, 1983

Cubmaster, Pack 602, College Station, Texas, 1978 to 1979

Assistant Cubmaster, Pack 602, College Station, Texas, 1977 to 1978


Brownsville Independent School District, Brownsville, Texas, 1994 to 1996

Brenham Independent School District, Brenham, Texas, 1983

American Humanics Seminar, "A to Z in Audiovisuals," Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, 1981

Lufkin Independent School District, Southern Association Evaluation, 1980

Continuing Education Workshop, "Reaching and Teaching Your Audiences," Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, 1980

Advisory Committee, Instructional Media Technology, Texas State Technical Institute, Waco, Texas, 1978 to 1980

College Station Independent School District, College Station, Texas, 1979

Mountain View Community College, Dallas, Texas, 1978

Statewide Project for the Deaf, Texas School for the Deaf, Austin, Texas, 1975 to 1978

United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C., 1976 to 1977

Pinnell-Anderson-Wilshire and Associates, Bryan, Texas, 1974 to 1977

Corporation for Research and Engineering in Education, Bryan, Texas, 1973 to 1975

Center for Career Development and Occupational Preparation, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, 1975

Bryan Independent School District, Bryan, Texas, 1975

Calvert Independent School District, Calvert, Texas, 1975

Dean Junior College, Franklin, Massachusetts, 1974

State Department of Education, Jefferson City, Missouri, 1973

The Institute for Education and Technology, Inc., Lincoln, Nebraska, 1972 to 1973

Department of Practical Arts and Vocational-Technical Education, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, Missouri, 1970 to 1971


Reviewer/Reactor/Lone Reference for Chapter II, "Individualizing Corrective and Remedial Reading Instruction," the " . . . core around which subsequent chapters are based" (p. xvii). Rupley, W. H. & Blair, T. R. Reading diagnosis and remediation. Chicago, Illinois: Rand McNally College Publishing Company, 1979

Editor of 14 learning packages developed for the performance-based educational technology curriculum, Educational Technology Program, Department of Industrial Education, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, 1974 to 1975

Author of 30 individualized learning packages for a performance-based professional vocational teacher education curriculum, The Center for Vocational Education, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, 1971 to 1973

Author of 24 performance-based individualized learning packages for "special needs" students in drafting, The Institute for Education and Technology, Inc., Lincoln, Nebraska, 1972 to 1973

Author/Programmer of two learner-hours of hierarchically sequenced computer-assisted instruction, The University of Missouri-Columbia Computer Center, Columbia, Missouri, 1971


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