Alison Edwards

Name: ____________________________________________________________

Below, there are nine options for activities. You will need to choose and complete three of them. Your three selections need to form a Tic-Tac-Toe design – horizontal line, vertical line or diagonal line (for example, you can do 1, 2 and 3 (horizontal line), or 1, 4, and 7(vertical line) or 1, 5 and 9 (diagonal line)). We will take the class time until the break to work on and finish this project.

|Vocabulary Focus |Movie Poster |Drawing |

|Define the terms from the list provided. |Create a movie poster for The Hunger Games or |Choose your favorite chapter from the novel and|

|(sheet provided) |Catching Fire. This should contain enough |draw a comic book strip that illustrates the |

| |information about the plot to make us want to |actions and events from that chapter. |

| |see it. |(sheet provided) |

| | | |

|Board Game |Test |Travel Brochure |

|Create a board game for The Hunger Games or |Take an open-book final about the Hunger Games.|Create a travel brochure, complete with |

|Catching Fire that captures the main events and| |descriptions and visuals that will encourage |

|obstacles found in the arena (include game | |people to vacation at the Capitol to enjoy all |

|pieces, a rule book, etc) | |the fantastic things there. |

| | | |

|Compare/Contrast |Casting and Soundtrack |Design a Tribute |

|Compare the story of The Hunger Games with |Cast the movie of The Hunger Games with who you|Pick a district and design the ultimate male |

|another movie of your choice. Pay attention to |think should have been cast. I will give you a |and female tributes. What are their skills? |

|plot, characters and conflict. |character list. Then, plan a 10 track |What is their age? How do they look? What would|

|(sheet provided) |soundtrack, indicating the song, the artist and|they wear in the tribute parade and in the |

| |when the song would occur in the movie. (sheet |arena? |

| |provided) | |

My choices: ____________, ________________, and __________________

Starting Points:

1. Vocabulary – These are words that have occurred through the novels. You may need to use a dictionary (or ) to help you out.

2. Movie Poster – You’ll have to decide what is the best image to put on a movie poster to represent either The Hunger Games or Catching Fire. Be original but stay true to the novel. In addition, you should know enough about the characters to be able to visualize what they look like.

3. Drawing – Choose your favourite chapter and jot down at least eight main events and actions from that chapter to include in your work.

4. Board Game – a good way to start designing a game is to start at Chapter 11 and move to the end of the book. Make a list of all events and obstacles that are found in the arena and see how to include them in your game.

5. Novel Test – Testing your general knowledge of the book.

6. Travel Brochure – Begin by jotting down the benefits of living in the Capitol. The whole point of a travel brochure is to promote the positive aspects and ignore the negative ones. Persuade people to visit. Write down all the positive things about the capitol that you can remember (and use the book!)

7. Compare/Contrast – How does The Hunger Games compare to another movie? How are they the same and how are they different? Look past some of the on the surface ideas and see how the main characters, the plot and the conflicts in both are the same and how they are different.

8. Casting/Soundtrack – While there may have already been a movie, no movie is ever exactly what you want. Think about the characters, how they look and their ages and figure out who you would have cast. For the soundtrack, you’re showing off your knowledge of scenes in the book and music that would be appropriate.

9. Design a tribute – Pick a district (it doesn’t have to be district 12!) and figure out who the perfect tribute would be from that district. What skills would they have because they live in that district? What weapons would they be good with?


Name: _____________________________________________________


Matching: Match each word with its definition or synonym.


| |1. Utopia |a. food and drink regarded as a source of strength; nourishment |

| |2. Dystopia |b. a person who prepares and sells medicines and drugs. (pharmacist or healer) |

| |3. entrails |c. lacking in quantity or quality |

| |4. apothecary |d. showing luminous colors that seem to change when seen from different angles. |

| |5. iridescent |e. an imagined place in which everything is perfect. |

| |6. paraffin |f. the crime of betraying one's country |

| |7. meager |g. feel or express sincere regret or remorse about one's wrongdoing or sin |

| |8. sustenance |h. an imagined place in which everything is unpleasant or bad. |

| |9. repentance |i. a person or animal's intestines or internal organs. |

| |10. treason |j. a flammable, whitish, translucent, waxy solid used in candles, cosmetics, polishes, and sealing|

| | |and waterproofing. |


| |1. urn |a. care or provision for the future |

| |2. catacombs |b. the devil; someone wicked or evil |

| |3. serrated |c. an underground passageway; underground cemetery |

| |4. smoldering |d. Hell; a place of fiery heat or destruction |

| |5. foresight |e. notched on the edge, like a saw |

| |6. imprudent |f. in a daze, shock |

| |7. inferno |g. unwise; not cautious |

| |8. stupor |h. show off or bragging; showy defiance; false expression of courage |

| |9. fiend |i. to burn without a flame |

| |10. bravado |j. a large decorative vase, usually with ornamental feet or a pedestal |


| |11. peevishly |a. obvious; tangible; capable of being touched or felt |

| |12. extricating |b. gradual wasting away of the skin; abnormally thin |

| |13. emaciated |c. rhythmic movement or flow |

| |14. dissonant |d. a bad mood; showing annoyance |

| |15. wielding |e. a connection or relation; fellowship |

| |16. feral |f. to free or release from entanglement; to liberate |

| |17. cadences |g. determined by chance or impulsive |

| |18. garish |h. reverting to a natural or wild state of being (like a wild animal) |

| |19. arbitrary |i. disagreeing; out of harmony |

| |20. rapport |j. crude or tastelessly colorful; showy; elaborate |

| |21. palpable |k. to exercise power; to dominate |

Activity Three – Comic Strip

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Name: ___________________________________

Characters - Fill in the Blank

Use the character names from the Word Bank (each one used just once):

Katniss Everdeen Primrose Everdeen Mrs. Everdeen Rue

Peeta Mellark Mr. Mellark (the baker) Haymitch Abernathy Cinna

Gale Hawthorne Effie Trinket Mr. Undersee Cato

Madge Undersee President Snow Claudius Templesmith Clove

Glimmer Foxface District 3 Boy Thresh

District 9 Boy District 1 Boy Portia

Caesar Flickerman

|Description |Choice |

|She & Katniss were allies during the Games. | |

|He is the District 12 mentor | |

|Her name was called at the District 12 reaping | |

|He taught Katniss how to make snares and traps | |

|She has pink hair and is from the Capitol | |

|He is Katniss’s stylist | |

|Katniss grabbed the backpack from this boy on the first day. | |

|She gives Katniss a mockingjay pin. | |

|Peeta killed this tribute, even though he didn’t realize it at the time. | |

|She fell into a depression after her husband died and was unable to take care of her two | |

|children. | |

|He was the last of the Careers to survive. | |

|Katniss retrieved the bow & arrow from this tribute. | |

|This tribute was an ally with the Careers until he did his job too well. | |

|She has to fend for her family in order to survive. | |

|He is the mayor of District 12. | |

|He saved Katniss’s life during the Games because he owed her one--as payback. | |

|He is the commentator of the Games--the only voice the tributes hear from the outside. | |

|She injures Katniss by throwing a knife at her & hitting her in the forehead; she is almost | |

|successful at killing Katniss | |

|He has loved Katniss since they were five years old. | |

|He is especially not happy with Katniss’s “stunt” with the berries, but crowns her anyway. | |

|She is Peeta’s stylist. | |

|He kills Rue; Katniss kills him. | |

|He interviews the tributes before the Games and the Victor(s) after the Games. | |

|He gave Katniss cookies and promised he’d make sure her sister was fed. | |

Multiple Choice - Circle the BEST answer.

25. Katniss finally finds water on the ______________ day.

A. second B. third C. first D. fourth

26. In all, there were this many pairs of night-vision goggles.

A. one B. two C. three D. fourth

27. The Careers set up camp next to this feature in the arena.

A. the cave B. the stream C. the woods D. the lake

28. The dandelions symbolized __________________________.

A. survival B. death C. rebellion D. weeds

29. The citizens of District 12 showed Katniss ______________ when they gave her the

“silent salute.”

A. deception B. respect C. a secret sign D. love

30. Circle the answer that was NOT a sign or symbol of hope in the novel:

A. Prim’s goat B. Peeta’s bread C. Gale Hawthorne D. Mockingjays

31. Katniss was able to trust all of these characters, except _________________.

A. Rue B. Haymitch C. Peeta D. Cinna

32. We learned that the Peacekeepers were not as friendly in which district?

A. District 11 B. District 10 C. District 5 D. District 2

33. The Hunger Games is set in this former continent:

A. Europe B. Asia C. South America D. North America

34. ________________ is the name of this new country.

A. Panama B. Panem C. Parrend D. Mandem

35. Katniss lives in _____________________.

A. the Hob B. the Square C. the Seam D. Victor’s Village

36. ________________ is the District 12’s industry.

A. coal mining B. agriculture C. luxury items D. fishing

37. _________ saved Katniss’s life from Cato.

A. Thresh B. Rue C. Haymitch D. Peeta

38. Katniss went to the “feast” to get ______________________.

A. armor B. lamb stew C. medicine D. sleep syrup

39. Peeta and Katniss hide out here during the rain.

A. tree B. cave C. copse D. stream

40. All of these are Capitol muttations, except _______________.

A. tracker jackers B. jabber jays C. mockingjays D. wolf tribute

Activity Seven – Compare


Movie Casting


|Katniss Everdeen | | |

|Primrose Everdeen | | |

|Mr. Everdeen | | |

|Mrs. Everdeen | | |

|Gale Hawthorne | | |

|Greasy Sae | | |

|Peacekeepers | | |

|Effie Trinket | | |

|Haymitch Abernathy | | |

|Mayor Undersee | | |

|Madge Undersee | | |

|Peeta Mellark | | |

|Gamemakers | | |

|Cinna | | |

|Portia | | |

|Avox girl | | |

|Caesar Flickerman | | |

|Rue | | |

|Thresh | | |

|Foxface | | |

|Cato | | |

|Clove | | |

|Glimmer | | |

|Claudius Templesmith | | |

|Mr. Mellark | | |


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