Creating a Comic Strip

Creating a Comic Strip

Technology Project Description:

Students will create a series of 6 slides to create a comic strip. The slides will be printed and presented in comic strip form.

Teacher Directions:

1. Gather information on comic strips and show examples.

2. Open the templates named ComicStripPlanner_template and ComicStrip_template (They will open in PowerPoint.)

3. Go to File to Save As then navigate to where you want the template saved for student use.

4. Students will create a rough draft of their comic strip using the planner template. This may be done using the computer or printing the template and draw their comic strip.

Student Directions:

1. Open the template and save it to your home directory.

2. Design Slide 1 – this is the title frame of your comic strip. Click to Insert a text box. Change fonts, sizes, etc. as desired (WordArt can also be used for the title.)

3. Add a graphic from either clipart or the internet. Remember to copy and paste the URL if a graphic is from the Internet.

4. Add thought or speech bubbles;

a. Click the AutoShapes option on the drawing toolbar.

b. Go to the Callouts.

c. Click on the desired callout shape.

d. Click and drag to “draw” the callout shape on your slide.

5. Add text to the callout shape.

6. Continue to create the other slides.

7. Save and Print your Comic Strip – Choose to print as a handout with 6 slides per page.




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