Interactive Read Aloud Sample

Interactive Read Aloud Sample

4th Nine Weeks - 2nd Row

3-6.1 Generate a topic for inquiry.

3-6.2 Use print sources (for example, books, magazines, charts, graphs, diagrams, dictionaries, encyclopedias, atlases, and thesauri) and nonprint sources (for example, pictures, photographs, video, and television) to access information.

3-2.5 Use heading, sub-heading, print styles, chapter headings to gain information.

3-2.6 Use graphic features (including illustrations, graphs, charts, maps, diagrams, and graphic organizers) as sources of information.

SS –

3-5.1 Summarize developments in industry and technology in South Carolina in the late nineteenth century and the twentieth century, including the rise of textile industry, the expansion of the railroad, and the growth of the towns.

3-5.2 Summarize the effects of the state and local laws that are commonly known as Jim Crow laws on African Americans in particular and on South Carolinians as a whole.

3-5.3 Summarize the changes in South Carolina’s economy in the 20th century, including the rise and fall of the cotton/textile markets and the development of tourism and other industries.

3-5.4 Explain the impact and the causes of emigration from South Carolina and internal migration from the rural areas to the cities, including unemployment, poor sanitation and transportation services, and the lack of electricity and other modern conveniences in rural locations.

3-5.5 Explain the effects of the Great Depression and the New Deal on daily life in South Carolina, including the widespread poverty and unemployment and the role of the Civilian Conservation Corps.

Book: Coolies By: Yin

Book Introduction: Today we are going to read the story a grandmother tells about her great grandfather and his brother. These fictional characters will teach us the important role the Chinese played in building America’s Transcontinental Railroad. Our story begins with a brief glimpse of the present day life in a Chinese household as they begin to celebrate the Ching Ming Festival. Then on the next page we will take journey back to the mid 1800s which is being told by the grandmother.

Day 1 Questions:

|Interactive Read Aloud Questions |Correlation to Standard |Testing as a Genre Item |

|As I read the first page think about other things you|3-6.1 Generate a topic for inquiry. |Which question would lead to the most information |

|would like to know about the Ching Ming Festival. | |about the role of the Chinese in America? |

|Turn and Talk | |How did the Chinese live on the ships that brought |

| | |them to America? |

| | |Did the Chinese know how to write? |

| | |What was the role of the Chinese in American History |

| | |in mid 1800’s? |

| | |Were the Chinese strong enough to do heavy work? |

| | | |

| | |Test Strategy: Teaching students to choose the |

| | |broadest answer in response to the need for the |

| | |largest amount of information (volume of information)|

| | |vs. when the word most is being used to indicate |

| | |there being two answer choices being relatively |

| | |close. |

| | | |

| | |3-6.1 Generate a topic for inquiry. |

|Teacher points out that the author has done us a |3-2.5 Use heading, sub-heading, print styles, | |

|courtesy by using italics to draw the readers’ |chapter headings to gain information. | |

|attention to the letter Shek and Wong have written to| | |

|ma. The author draws our attention again when the | | |

|characters use the Chinese language. The author then| | |

|immediately explains the meaning of the word in | | |

|English. | | |

|Read “Every year PawPaw…” to the end of “After almost| | |

|two months…” | | |

| | | |

|What similarities do you see from our studies about | | |

|the slavery coming to America and the Chinese coming | | |

|to America? | | |

|Turn and Talk | | |

|Read “Chinese laborers had been hired…” to the end of| 3-1.5 Analyze the relationship among characters, | |

|“The brothers step in a tent…” |setting, and plot. | |

| | | |

|Do you think Shek would be a good big brother to | | |

|have? Why or why not? | | |

|Turn and Talk | | |

|Read “One hot afternoon, the brothers were still…” to|3-1.10 Analyze cause and effect relationships in | |

|the end of “The Chinese worked in twelve hour shift…”|literary texts. | |

| | | |

|Read to the end of the 3rd paragraph. | | |

|What causes the Chinese to go on strike? | | |

|Discuss | | |

|(Stop after reading the remaining portion of the | | |

|page.) | | |

Day 2 Questions:

|Interactive Read Aloud Questions |Correlation to Standard |Testing as a Genre Item |

|Read to the end of “The cooks sneaked barrels of hot |3-1.10 Analyze cause and effect relationships in | |

|tea….” |literary texts. | |

| | | |

|Why would Shek tell what he did in his letter? | | |

|Turn and Talk | | |

|Read “The United States government…” to the end of |3-1.1 Analyze the details that support the expression| |

|“The workers worked to dig…” |of the main idea in a given literary text. | |

| | | |

|What details did the writer use over the last two | | |

|pages that show Wong now has the role of the big | | |

|brother? | | |

|Are there other details that the writer could have | | |

|included? | | |

|Discuss | | |

|Read “As the days passed…” to the end of “After the |3-6.1 Generate a topic for inquiry. | |

|ceremony…” | | |

| | | |

|What do you think you have learned about the early | | |

|life of the Chinese in America? | | |

|What other questions do you still have about their | | |

|early life in America? | | |

|Discuss | | |

|Do you think Wong has changed over the course of this|3-1.5 Analyze the relationship among characters, | |

|story? What makes you think this? |setting, and plot. | |

|Turn and Talk | | |

|Read Author’s Note |3-6.1 Generate a topic for inquiry. | |

|What questions do you think the author had about the | | |

|Transcontinental Railroad that motivated Yin to write| | |

|the book Coolies? | | |

|Turn and Talk | | |


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