Commercial Appraisal


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{ CITY }, { COUNTY }, { STATE } { ZIP }

FOR { MrMrs } { ClientFirstName } { ClientLastName } { ClientName } { ClientAddress } { ClientCity }, { ClientState } { ClientZip }

BY { AssignedAppraiserName } { AppraisalCompany } { CompanyAddress } { CompanyCSZ }

DATE OF VALUATION { ValuationEffectiveDate1 }

FILE REFERENCE SAS File: #{ InternalFileNumber } { ClientFileNumber }


{ ReportDate }


{ MrMrs } { ClientFirstName } { ClientLastName } { ClientName } { ClientAddress } { ClientCity }, { ClientState } { ClientZip }

Re: A { AppraisalReportType } Appraisal Report of the { LOWERCASE_TSUDescription } building located at { ADDRESS }, in { City }, { County }, { State } { Zip } SAS File #: { InternalFileNumber } { ClientFileNumber }

Dear { MrMrs } { ClientLastName }:

In accordance with your request, we have conducted an appraisal report on the abovereferenced property. Our analysis and conclusions are transmitted in this { AppraisalReportType } Appraisal Report. The purpose of this appraisal is to provide an estimate the market value of the subject's { LOWERCASE_PropertyInterestAppraised1 } interest as of { ValuationEffectiveDate1 }, the date of valuation. I was asked to provide a { LOWERCASE_CurrentOrProspective1 }, { LOWERCASE_ValuationPremise1 }, { LOWERCASE_ValuationType1 } for the subject property as of the date of valuation. Other Value Types? (Disposition/Replacement?) Add from Library/Report Components/Snippets

After a careful analysis of the subject property and current market conditions, my conclusion of { LOWERCASE_ValuationType1 } of the subject property as of the date of valuation, in the "{ LOWERCASE_ValuationPremise1 }" condition is as follows.

FINAL INDICATED MARKET VALUE, { PropertyInterestAppraised1 } { ValueTypeAndPremise1 } { Final_Value_Estimate }

The value estimate above is based on a cash sale or terms equivalent to cash, with an estimated marketing period of { ValuationMarketingTime1 }. No Hypothetical Conditions or Extraordinary Assumptions have been considered in this valuation.

The subject is identified as a { NRA } leasable square foot, { Stories }-story { LOWERCASE_TSUDescription } building. The building was constructed in { YOC } and is occupied by { OccupancyType } doing business as { DoingBusinessAs }. { BuildingDescription } The building is in { LOWERCASE_BuildingCondition } condition.

COMPANY ADDRESS ? CITY, STATE ZIP FAX: __.___.____ ? ___.___.____

{ MrMrs } { ClientFirstName } { ClientLastName } { ClientName } { ReportDate } PAGE TWO

The subject site totals { LandSF } square feet or { LandAcres } acres. The site is generally { LOWERCASE_Shape } in shape and has { FrontFt } feet of frontage along { StreetAccess }, with a depth of approximately { Depth } feet. The property has a { Zoning } zoning which is a { LOWERCASE_ZoningDescr } classification. The subject is found on FEMA map { FloodMapNumber }, revised { FloodMapEffectiveDate }. { FloodDescr } { Parking } { SiteDescription }


The current lease commenced { LeaseCommenceMYr } and expires { LeaseExpirationDate }. Over the term of the base lease, the rent increased { EscalationsDescr } annually. The tenant is currently paying { CurrentRate } per square foot { LOWERCASE_RateMonthlyAnnual } on a { LOWERCASE_LeaseLeaseType } basis. { ExpenseStructure }


The subject is currently listed at price totaling { ListingPrice } or { LandUnitValue } per square foot. The listed price would produce an Overall Rate of { OARStab }. { ListingRemarks }. A summary of limiting conditions is contained in the beginning of this report and is an important part of the appraisal. I certify that this report has been prepared in accordance with and is subject to the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) as established by the Appraisal Foundation, relevant sections of the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act (FIRREA) of 1989, and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) Guidelines. This appraisal is intended to conform to the typical banking appraisal guidelines. My signed certification is on the second page of the limiting conditions. I appreciate the opportunity to have been of service in this matter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Respectfully submitted,

{ AssignedAppraiserName } { AssignedAppraiserCertification }



TABLE OF CONTENTS LIMITING CONDITIONS................................................................................................. 2 CERTIFICATE OF APPRAISAL ...................................................................................... 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................ 5 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 8

Property Identification .................................................................................................... 8 Intended Use ................................................................................................................... 8 Intended User .................................................................................................................. 8 Appraisal Assignment..................................................................................................... 8 Limiting Conditions ........................................................................................................ 8 Certification .................................................................................................................... 8 Definitions ...................................................................................................................... 8 Competency Provision .................................................................................................... 9 Marketing and Exposure Time ....................................................................................... 9 Market Participant Interviews....................................................................................... 10 Legal Description Pima County Assessor .................................................................... 11 Interest Appraised ......................................................................................................... 11 Property Ownership and History .................................................................................. 11 Important Dates............................................................................................................. 11 Scope of the Appraisal .................................................................................................. 11 Important Assumptions and Limitations....................................................................... 12 Method of Valuation: Leased Fee................................................................................. 13 PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION ..................................................................................... 16 Metropolitan Area Description ..................................................................................... 16 Neighborhood Description............................................................................................ 17 Immediate Neighborhood ............................................................................................. 20 Property Description ......................................................................................................... 22 Site Description............................................................................................................. 22 Improvement Description ............................................................................................. 26 HIGHEST AND BEST USE ANALYSIS........................................................................ 31 Highest and Best Use, As If Vacant ............................................................................. 32 Highest and Best Use, As Improved ............................................................................. 33



THE INCOME APPROACH TO VALUE....................................................................... 35 Introduction................................................................................................................... 35 Methodologies .............................................................................................................. 35 Market Rent Analysis ................................................................................................... 36 Contract Rent/Conclusion of Market Rent ................................................................... 39 Vacancy ........................................................................................................................ 39 Expenses ....................................................................................................................... 40 Net Operating Income................................................................................................... 44 Direct Capitalization ..................................................................................................... 45 Conclusion; Direct Capitalization................................................................................. 47

COST APPROACH TO VALUE ..................................................................................... 49 Land Value.................................................................................................................... 49 Analysis and Adjustment .............................................................................................. 51 Replacement Cost ......................................................................................................... 55 Estimate of Accrued Depreciation ................................................................................ 56 Developer's Profit......................................................................................................... 56 Conclusion of the Cost Approach ................................................................................. 57

DIRECT SALES COMPARISON APPROACH TO VALUE ........................................ 59 Analysis and Adjustment .............................................................................................. 60 Conclusion of Value; Direct Sales Comparison Approach .......................................... 65

RECONCILIATION / FINAL ESTIMATE OF VALUE ................................................ 67 Addenda { Addendum_1 }..............................................................................................................A { Addendum_2 } .............................................................................................................. B { Addendum_3 }..............................................................................................................C { Addendum_4 }..............................................................................................................D { Addendum_5 } .............................................................................................................. E { Addendum_6 } ............................................................................................................... f





{CompanyName} Page 1


LIMITING CONDITIONS This appraisal report is to be used in whole and not in part. In particular, no part of the contents

of this report shall be conveyed to the public through advertising, public relations, news, sales or other media, without the written consent and approval of the authors, particularly as to valuation conclusions, the identity of the appraiser or firm with which he or she is connected, or any reference to the Appraisal Foundation, or the MAI designation. The distribution of value between land and building applies only under the present program of utilization and is invalidated if used in making a summation appraisal. No responsibility is assumed by the undersigned Appraiser for any matter, which is of a legal nature, nor is any opinion on the title rendered herewith. Good title is assumed. This property has been appraised as if free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, except as herein described. The management of the property is assumed to be competent and the ownership in responsible hands. No survey has been made. Valuation is reported without regard to questions of boundaries, encumbrances and encroachments. The author of the report is not required to give testimony in Court unless arrangements have been previously made therefore. Possession of this report does not include the right to publish or advertise any of its conclusions, nor may any except the applicant use the same for any purpose without the previous written consent of the appraiser or the applicant. This appraisal assumes that no hazardous substances are, or have been contaminating, directly or indirectly, the subject property and that the property has been and is in compliance with all applicable federal and state environmental protection statutes and regulations. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) became effective January 26, 1992. No specific compliance survey or analysis of the property to determine whether or not it is in conformity with the various detail requirements of the ADA has been made. It is possible that a compliance survey of the property, together with a detailed analysis of requirements of the ADA, could reveal that the property is not in compliance with one or more of the requirements of the act. If so, this fact could have a negative effect upon the value of the property. Since no direct evidence has been made available to the appraiser relating to this issue, possible non-compliance with the requirements of ADA in estimating the value of the property was not considered.

Sinclair Appraisal Services, L.L.C. Page 2


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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