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HYPERLINK "javascript:ponents.lcContent.loadDoc(null,%20%7b%20docid:%20'GUID-F0B971C0-FB2F-43FF-BE3D-94988FF4154E',%20filename:%20'GUID-F0B971C0-FB2F-43FF-BE3D-94988FF4154E.xml'%20%7d);" Before You BeginStep 1 - Import Configuration Data Files into ProjectWiseStep 2 - Upgrade WorkSpace and WorkSet Folders to ProjectsStep 3 - Create Configuration Settings BlocksStep 4 - Link CSBs to Projects / GroupsStep 5 - Test the ConfigurationTroubleshootingBefore You BeginThe purpose of this document is to walk you through the process of setting up a managed configuration in ProjectWise CONNECT Edition using your Substation CONNECT Edition configurations. This document is a suggested setup and follows the WorkSpace > WorkSet format provided from Substation. ProjectWise CONNECT Edition continues to support managed workspaces using Substation V8i, which is documented in the ProjectWise Administrator help. RequirementsProjectWise and Substation versions: Managed configurations in ProjectWise CONNECT Edition Update 2.2 require Substation CONNECT Edition Managed configurations in ProjectWise CONNECT Edition Update 2 require Substation CONNECT Edition Managed configurations are not supported in previous CONNECT Edition versions of ProjectWise and Substation. This setup assumes a fully operational ProjectWise server and datasource, and that you have already installed: ProjectWise Design Integration ServerProjectWise AdministratorSubstationProjectWise Explorer with the iDesktop Integration > Bentley Application Base Integration installation option turned on. ProjectWise managed configuration requires an active connection to a ProjectWise server, and does not support an offline or briefcase mode. ProjectWise managed configuration requires Substation integration with ProjectWise Explorer, and is therefore not supported with ProjectWise Web Parts. RecommendationsIt is recommended that ProjectWise administrators and users turn on their user setting, Document > Leave local copy on check in. This will improve performance for large projects. If changes in files are detected, ProjectWise will synchronize as required. Substation IntegrationProjectWise Explorer must be installed with iDesktop Integration > Bentley Application Base Integration turned on. Install and configure Substation onto a client workstation. This will ensure that the application WorkSpace has all the required components for your application prior to importing it into ProjectWise. Use this client workstation to complete the instructions in this document. The Substation CONNECT Edition installer automatically installs the components for ProjectWise desktop integration, so that when Substation is installed on the same computer as ProjectWise Explorer, launching Substation from an application shortcut opens the ProjectWise Log in dialog to select a datasource to log into, instead of the standard Substation Welcome page. Local Disc SpaceIn a managed configuration, documents from the ProjectWise server are downloaded to the user's computer (working directory) and made available to the intended applications. The user's computer may require a significant amount of available disk space to accommodate several projects, datasets and other supporting documents. Once project documents are local, the exchange between the ProjectWise server and the user's computer is done using delta file transfer. Delta file transfer is a ProjectWise technology that improves performance when sending large files over networks by only sending the changes needed to update the file, rather than the entire file. Use the Local Document Organizer dialog in ProjectWise Explorer (Tools > Local Document Organizer) to view the managed configuration documents that have been downloaded from the server. ? LimitationsThe WorkSpace and WorkSet configuration files must be included in the ProjectWise managed configuration. Meaning, the CONFIGURATION (root)/WORKSPACENAME/WORKSETNAME along with the associated configuration files must be stored in ProjectWise. WorkSpace and WorkSet configuration files located in ProjectWise are automatically processed and are incorporated as part of the ProjectWise managed configuration. Diligence is required to ensure the configuration files contained within ProjectWise do not contaminate the ProjectWise managed configuration. The Managed WorkSets and Sheet Sets require access to the file. It is currently recommended that you store the .dgnws files outside of the managed configuration. This can be done by setting the variable, _USTN_WORKSETSDGNWSROOT to a shared location outside of ProjectWise. This is described in Step 3 - Create Configuration Settings BlocksStep 1 - Import Configuration Data Files into ProjectWiseOpen ProjectWise Administrator and login to your datasource. Expand the WorkSpaces datasource node, then right-click Managed and select Import Managed Configuration. When the Managed Configuration Import Wizard opens, click Next. On the Choose Desired Action page, select Import Data to ProjectWise, from File System and click Next. On the Import and Validate ProjectWise Folder Structure and Documents page, do the following: In the Local File System list, navigate to and select the local WorkSpace you want to import. Default path (Windows 8.1/Windows 10): C:\ProgramData\Bentley\Bentley Substation CONNECT Edition\ConfigurationIn the ProjectWise list, create a new folder called "Substation CE Configuration Data" and select it. This is the folder in ProjectWise that the local WorkSpace will be imported into and managed from. To create the folder, right-click somewhere in the folder structure and select New Folder. Click the Map button, then click Validate. The wizard compares the contents of the local folder with the contents of the selected ProjectWise folder. Because the ProjectWise folder we are importing to is empty, there will not be any files to compare, and so this process should be quick. In the future, you can use these same steps to update the ProjectWise folder with any local changes. It will compare the two directories and identify whether files exist or not. It does not compare the contents of the file, only whether the files exist or not. Once the validation is complete, the Validation of File System Structure against ProjectWise page opens. A red ‘X’ on a file or folder indicates there is no corresponding file or folder in ProjectWise. A green checkmark on a file or folder indicates there is a corresponding file or folder in ProjectWise. You can also select an item in the list to see what the exact status of the item is in ProjectWise. Because the ProjectWise folder you are importing to is empty, all items in the local WorkSpace will be marked as being not present in ProjectWise. Click Resolve to import the selected items into ProjectWise. The Resolving ProjectWise Structure based on File System Mappings page opens, showing the progress of the import. When import is finished, click Next. Click Close to close the wizard. Note: For the purpose of this document we imported the entire configuration. For your own workspaces, you can streamline the workspace by importing and managing only what is necessary. Reducing the number of files being exchanged between the ProjectWise server and client computers means shorter download times and greater performance for your users. Step 2 - Upgrade WorkSpace and WorkSet Folders to ProjectsAfter importing the configuration into ProjectWise, you need to upgrade the individual WorkSpace and WorkSet folders to ProjectWise projects in ProjectWise Explorer. This way, the _USTN_WORKSPACENAME and _USTN_WORKSETNAME (which will be created in the next section) can be automatically extracted by using ProjectWise project macros. The folders can be upgraded to regular ProjectWise projects, or to ProjectWise CONNECTED projects. The corresponding WorkSpace and WorkSet configuration files (*.CFG) are stored directly under the WorkSpaces and WorkSets folders. In the image below, the 'Example' folder has been upgraded to a ProjectWise project, and the 'MetroStation' folder has been upgraded to a ProjectWise project and then also associated to a CONNECTED project. Note: A managed configuration can also be set up using ProjectWise folders instead of projects, however it is not covered in this document. If you were to use folders, you would need to create individual CSB's for each WorkSpace and WorkSet folder. Note: To make further use of the MetroStation example data, run the reference scanner in ProjectWise Explorer (Tools > Scan References and Linksets) to reconnect and resolve all the references and link sets. Step 3 - Create Configuration Settings BlocksOnce you have imported your configuration and upgraded the WorkSpace and WorkSet folders to projects, the next step is to create your configuration settings blocks (CSBs) for Substation in ProjectWise Administrator. In this section, you will create the following CSBs: a Predefined level CSB called MSta_CE_Configuration_Roota Global level CSB called MSta_CE_Global_Config_Variablesa WorkSpace level CSB called MSta_CE_Dynamic_WorkSpaceNamea WorkSet level CSB called MSta_CE_Dynamic_WorkSetNameCreate a new ‘Project’ Level CSB called ‘WorkSet_Link’Create a Predefined level CSB called MSta_CE_Configuration_RootIn ProjectWise Administrator, expand WorkSpaces > Managed. Right-click the Predefined level and select New > Configuration Block. The New Configuration Block Properties dialog opens. On the General tab, do the following: Set Name to Substation_CE_Configuration_RootSet Description to Substation CONNECT Edition Configuration RootClick Apply.The Properties dialog title changes to MSta_CE_Configuration_Root Properties. Next, add a configuration variable to this CSB called _USTN_CONFIGURATION that defines the location of the folder in ProjectWise that contains the entire managed configuration. On the Configuration tab, click the Add (+) button and select Add Variable. In the New Variable dialog, do the following: Set Name to _USTN_CONFIGURATIONSet Description to MSta CE PW Configuration (_USTN_CONFIGURATION)Turn on Locked. Click Add.In the Edit Value dialog, do the following: Set Operation type to '=' - AssignmentSet Value type to ProjectWise FolderSet Value to pw:\\<server>:<datasource>\Documents\MSta CE Configuration Data(click Browse (...) to select this folder) Click OK. The new value is added to the Values list on the New Variable dialog. Click OK on the New Variable dialog. The new variable definition is added to the Configuration tab. In the New Variable dialog, do the following: Set Name to _TF_WORKSPACEROOTSet Description to Configuration Root (_TF_WORKSPACEROOT)Turn on Locked. Click Add.In the Edit Value dialog, do the following: Set Operation type to '=' - AssignmentSet Value type to StringSet Value=$(_USTN_CONFIGURATION) Click OK. Click OK to save changes and close the MSta_CE_Dynamic_WorkSpaceName Properties dialog. Create a Global level CSB called MSta_CE_Global_Config_VariablesIn ProjectWise Administrator, expand WorkSpaces > Managed. Right-click the Global level and select New > Configuration Block. The New Configuration Block Properties dialog opens. On the General tab, do the following: Set Name to MSta_Global_Config_VariablesSet Description to Substation CONNECT Edition Global Configuration VariablesClick Apply.The dialog title changes to MSta_Global_Config_Variables Properties. Next, add a configuration variable to this CSB called _USTN_DISPLAYALLCFGVARS. This variable displays all system level configuration variables and is useful for administrators during testing and debugging. On the Configuration tab, click the Add (+) button and select Add Variable. In the New Variable dialog, do the following: Set Name to _USTN_DISPLAYALLCFGVARSSet Description to Display All Configuration Variables (_USTN_DISPLAYALLCFGVARS)Turn on Locked. Click Add.In the Edit Value dialog, do the following: Set Operation type to '=' - AssignmentSet Value type to StringSet Value to 1Click OK.The new value is added to the Values list on the New Variable dialog. Click OK on the New Variable dialog. The new variable definition is added to the Configuration tab. Next, define the root folder for the DGN WorkSet files (<worksetname>.dgnws) by creating a folder outside of ProjectWise called "WorkSet_Dgnws_Files" and then adding a configuration variable to this CSB called _USTN_WORKSETSDGNWSROOT that points to the "WorkSet_Dgnws_Files" folder. (This folder is located outside of ProjectWise to avoid ProjectWise check out/check in issues.) Create a folder called "WorkSet_Dgnws_Files" on the local disk or a shared network drive. For example: C:\ProgramData\Bentley\ Bentley Substation CONNECT Edition\Configuration\WorkSpaces\WorkSet_Dgnws_FilesNote: In the process of creating a workset in Substation, a workset configuration file (<worksetname>.cfg) and a corresponding DGN workset file (<worksetname>.dgnws) are created. By default Substation will look for the <worksetname>.dgnws file in the same folder as the <worksetname>.cfg file. Therefore, when setting up a managed configuration, you may need to remove the existing <worksetname>.dgnws file from the local configuration and/or from ProjectWise in order for the <worksetname>.dgnws file to be created and used from the location defined by the _USTN_WORKSETSDGNWSROOT variable in this CSB. On the Configuration tab, click the Add (+) button and select Add Variable. In the New Variable dialog, do the following: Set Name to _USTN_WORKSETSDGNWSROOTSet Description to Defines the root folder for the <WorkSet.dgnws> files (_USTN_WORKSETSDGNWSROOT)Turn on Locked. Click Add.In the Edit Value dialog, do the following: Set Operation type to '=' - AssignmentSet Value type to DirectorySet Value to C:\ProgramData\Bentley\ Bentley Substation CONNECT Edition\Configuration\WorkSpaces\WorkSet_Dgnws_Files(this is the local folder you created in step 6) Click OK.The new value is added to the Values list on the New Variable dialog. Click OK on the New Variable dialog. The new variable definition is added to the Configuration tab. Click OK to save and close the MSta_Global_Config_Variables Properties dialog. Create a WorkSpace level CSB called MSta_CE_Dynamic_WorkSpaceNameThis CSB will make the connection between the CSB and the ProjectWise workspace. In ProjectWise Administrator, expand WorkSpaces > Managed. Right-click the WorkSpace level and select New > Configuration Block. The New Configuration Block Properties dialog opens. On the General tab, do the following: Set Name to MSta_CE_Dynamic_WorkSpaceNameSet Description to Substation CONNECT Edition Dynamic WorkSpacesClick Apply.The Properties dialog title changes to MSta_CE_Dynamic_WorkSpaceName Properties. Next, add a configuration variable to this CSB called _USTN_WORKSPACENAME. This variable sets the name of the active WorkSpace configuration. Substation will look for the $(_USTN_WORKSPACENAME).cfg file in the folder defined by the variable _USTN_WORKSPACESROOT. The default location for the _USTN_WORKSPACESROOT is $(_USTN_CONFIGURATION)WorkSpaces/. On the Configuration tab, click the Add (+) button and select Add Variable. In the New Variable dialog, do the following: Set Name to _USTN_WORKSPACENAMESet Description to Define Dynamic WORKSPACENAME Variable (_USTN_WORKSPACENAME)Turn on Locked. Click Add.In the Edit Value dialog, do the following: Set Operation type to '=' - AssignmentSet Value type to StringSet Value to $(lastdirpiece (dms_parentproject (_dgndir)))Click OK. The new value is added to the Values list on the New Variable dialog. Click OK on the New Variable dialog. The new variable definition is added to the Configuration tab. Click OK to save changes and close the MSta_CE_Dynamic_WorkSpaceName Properties dialog. Create a WorkSet level CSB called MSta_CE_Dynamic_WorkSetNameThis CSB will make the connection between the CSB and the ProjectWise WorkSet. In ProjectWise Administrator, expand WorkSpaces > Managed. Right-click the WorkSet/Project level and select New > Configuration Block. The New Configuration Block Properties dialog opens. On the General tab, do the following: Set Name to MSta_CE_Dynamic_WorkSetNameSet Description to Substation CONNECT Edition Dynamic WorkSetsClick Apply.The dialog title changes to MSta_CE_Dynamic_WorkSetName Properties. Next, add a configuration variable to this CSB called _USTN_WORKSETNAME. On the Configuration tab, click the Add (+) button and select Add Variable. In the New Variable dialog, do the following: Set Name to _USTN_WORKSETNAMESet Description to Define Dynamic WORKSETNAME Variable (_USTN_WORKSETNAME)Turn on Locked. Click Add.In the Edit Value dialog, do the following: Set Operation type to '=' - AssignmentSet Value type to StringSet Value to $(lastdirpiece (dms_project (_dgndir)))Click OK.The new value is added to the Values list on the New Variable dialog. Click OK on the New Variable dialog. The new variable definition is added to the Configuration tab. Click OK to save changes and close the MSta_CE_Dynamic_WorkSpaceName Properties dialog. Note: The configuration variable dms_project(_DGNDIR) resolves the directory path to the first ProjectWise project it encounters as it traverses backwards through the directories. This could resolve to a subproject, or to a single parent project with no subprojects. The configuration variable dms_parentproject(_DGNDIR) resolves the directory path to only the parent ProjectWise project. Note: The configuration variable LastDirPiece (dms_project(_DGNDIR)) resolves the project name based on the directory path to the first ProjectWise project it encounters as it traverses backwards through the directories. This project name may be required or used in other CSB's. Create a new ‘WorkSet/Project’ Level CSB called ‘WorkSet_Link’In this step, you are going to complete the following tasks:Create a new ‘WorkSet/Project’’ CSB called WorkSet_LinkInclude Dynamic_Workspace_CE CSBInclude Dynamic_WorkSet_CE CSBInclude Dynamic_Dataset CSBCreate a new ‘WorkSet/Project’ Level CSB called " WorkSet_Link“ ?In ProjectWise Administrator, under WorkSpaces >Managed>Workset/Project, right mouse click over the ‘Project’ Level and select New> Configuration BlockIn the New Configuration Block Properties, enter the name WorkSet_Link and the description WorkSet_Link. Once complete click Apply. The dialog title will change to WorkSet_Link Properties. Add Directive to WorkSet_Link CSBDirective%includeDescriptionCONNECT Edition Dynamic WorkSpacesAdd ValueValue type: Configuration Setting BlockValue: Dynamic_WorkSpace_CE : CONNECT Edition Dynamic WorkSpaces Add Directive to the WorkSet_Link CSBDirective%includeDescriptionCONNECT Edition Dynamic WorkSetsAdd ValueValue type: Configuration Setting BlockValue: Dynamic_WorkSets_CE : CONNECT Edition Dynamic WorkSets ?Add Directive to WorkSet_Link CSBDirective%includeDescriptionDynamic DatasetAdd ValueValue type: Configuration Setting BlockValue: Dynamic_Dataset : Dynamic Dataset The Final WorkSet_Link CSB: Step 4 - Link CSBs to Projects / GroupsIn ProjectWise Explorer, locate the configuration folder. For example: pw:\\<servername>:<datasourcename>\Documents\MSta CE Configuration DataRight-click the folder and select Properties. Select the WorkSpace tab. Associate the Predefined level with the Predefined CSB called MSta_CE_Configuration_Root. Associate the Global level with the Global CSB called MSta_Global_Config_Variables. Associate the WorkSpace level with the WorkSpace CSB called MSta_CE_Dynamic_WorkSpaceName. Associate the WorkSet level with the WorkSet CSB called MSta_CE_Dynamic_WorkSetName. The result should be similar to the image below. Step 5 - Test the ConfigurationIn ProjectWise Explorer, navigate to the following folder: pw:\\<servername>:<datasourcename>\Documents\MSta CE Configuration Data\WorkSpaces\Example\WorkSets\MetroStation\DGN\3DModel\Double-click any DGN in the folder to open it. If everything has been configured properly, you will see the Managed WorkSpace Export Progress dialog, showing the progress of the initial WorkSpace download.Managed WorkSpace Export Progress dialog, showing successful completion of all tasks Errors in the first three tasks usually are the result of an error in the application definition or association. Please validate the application definition in ProjectWise Administrator. Opening a managed configuration for the first time will require ProjectWise to download the WorkSpace and datasets locally, which can take five minutes or more the first time, depending on your connection speed and size of your WorkSpace and dataset. Please be patient, subsequent loads will have much faster load times. In many cases you will experience performance better than that of loading the same DGN from a typical LAN server or shared network drive. From within Substation you can verify that you are successfully using a ProjectWise managed workspace by selecting File > Settings > Configuration > About WorkSpace. The ProjectWise Managed Configuration dialog opens: Troubleshooting'Substation must be restarted' Alert dialogIf you receive a message prompting you to restart to Substation in order to load the new workspace configuration, then there is something different in the managed configuration that requires a change in your managed configuration. This dialog is common and is to be expected if you are opening files from another WorkSpace or WorkSet or if you are using ProjectWise desktop integration. However, this dialog does not typically appear if you are opening different files from within the same project. If it does occur: Verify that the files contain the same ProjectWise managed WorkSpace assignments. They should all be inherited from the MSta CE Configuration Data folder. CSB’s assigned must match or you will receive this restart dialog. Verify that there are no ProjectWise managed WorkSpace CSB assignments on the ProjectWise application associated to the document. This alert will appear if you switch to a file that does not share the same application association as the original file opened and the application has a CSB assigned to the application definition. Inspect your configuration files. Any configuration variable defined to equal _DGNDIR or _DGNFILE will need to be added to the exclusion list defined by PW_MWP_COMPARISON_IGNORE_LIST in the ProjectWise? mcm.cfg file. You can use a file compare utility (for example, Beyond Compare 4) to compare the generated <DocID>.cfg file to look for any differences in the configuration. Inspect the ProjectWise MCM integration log files. In the mcm.log.xml file, find this section: <!-- Change following priority to "all" to see managed workspace differences that cause MS restart --> <category name="pwise.dms.workspace.pare"> <priority value="warn"/></category>Change the priority value from "warn" to "all". Recreate the conditions that prompted the Substation restart, then inspect the mcmintgr.log file. This file will show the difference which prompted Substation to restart. Enabling 'Export relative path errors handling'ProjectWise Explorer offers some error handling that may assist you in troubleshooting a managed configuration. By enabling the user setting, Export relative path errors handling, ProjectWise can report on any directory/file validation issue it encounters during the CSB processing. Please note, there are a couple of situations in which this tool may report a validation warning against a valid configuration options and are not indicative of a managed WorkSpace configuration problem. The following scenarios are reported as errors but are not truly since they cannot be explicitly resolved. Any time a configuration variable uses a wild card to define a series of files (for example, *.cell, *.rsc, *.dgn, *.dgnlib). Since ProjectWise is not able to explicitly validate this definition, it will register a warning. Resource and user setting files created on demand or on the fly. To enable the user setting, select Tools > Options in ProjectWise Explorer, then in the User Properties dialog, select the Settings tab, expand Managed WorkSpace Profiles > Export relative path errors handling and select Prompt user. Once enabled, a new dialog will appear after the processing of the managed configuration. This dialog will display files and directories that could not be resolved. This could indicate an error in the configuration, missing directories, or even that your configuration is not being resolved where you think it is. Below is an example of the Managed Configuration Export Error dialog, based on the configuration of the Example WorkSpace and Metrostation WorkSet used in this document. In this case, there are no significant errors and it results in a correctly configured Substation. Remember, this tool does not resolve relative paths and files where the file is defined with a wildcard or the directories and/or files are created on the fly. Warnings of these type will have no impact on the performance of your managed configuration environment and are informational in nature. A valid and totally acceptable ‘Manage WorkSpace Export Error’ report and configuration for Substation CONNECT Edition. Once you have addressed any potential configuration issues, set Export relative path errors handling back to the default (Ignore invalid relative path errors) for day to day operations. ‘No WorkSet Alert’ or ‘Mismatch Alert’ DialogsIn a managed configuration, if you see the No WorkSet Alert or Mismatch Alert then most likely Substation is unable to locate the WorkSpace or WorkSet configuration files being resolved by the managed configuration. Substation needs to locate the WorkSet configuration files (*.CFG) to properly load the configuration. Evaluate the configuration resolving around the _USTN_WORKSPACESROOT, _USTN_WORKSPACENAME, _USTN_WORKSETSROOT, and _USTN_WORKSETNAME. Verify the appropriate *.CFG file can be located and processed. If you see either of these dialogs when opening a DGN with a managed configuration, the configuration will most likely be corrupt: ................

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