acostarse (o(ue) – to lie down, go to bed – se acuesta

afeitarse – to shave – se afeita

arreglarse – to get ready – me arreglo

bañarse – to bathe – se baña

cepillarse – to brush (hair or teeth) – se cepilla

cortarse – to cut (one’s hair or nails, or accidentally)

despertarse (e ( ie) – to wake up – se despierta

ducharse – to shower – se ducha

enojarse – to become angry – se enoja

ensuciarse – to get dirty

hacerse – to become – se hace – me hago

lavarse – to wash – se lava

llamarse – to be called, named – se llama

levantarse – to get up – se levanta

morirse (o ( ue) – to die – se muere

pintarse – to paint, put on lipstick – se pinta

ponerse – to put on, to become + adj – se pone – me pongo

prepararse – to get ready, to prepare oneself – se prepara

probarse (o ( ue) – to try on – se prueba

quitarse – to take off – se quita

reírse (e ( i) – to laugh – se ríe

romperse – to break – se rompe

secarse – to dry – se seca

sentarse (e ( ie) – to sit down – se sienta

subirse – to get on, climb in/up – se sube a

verse – to seem appear

vestirse (e ( i) – to get dressed – se viste

other helpful vocab:

las uñas – nails

los labios – lips

la toalla – towel

la bañera – bathtub

la razuradora – razor

el champú – shampoo

el secador – blowdryer

el cuerpo – the body

el espejo – the mirror


aburrirse – to become bored – se aburre

ahogarse – to drown, choke – se ahoga

alegrarse – to become happy – se alegra

amarrarse – to tie – se amarra

asustarse – become scared – se asusta

bajarse – to get off, climb down – se baja de

caerse – to fall down – se cae

callarse – to be quiet – se calla

cuidarse – to be careful, take care – se cuida

darse cuenta – to realize – se da cuenta – me doy cuenta

darse prisa – to hurry – se da prisa – me doy prisa

desvestirse (e(i) – to get undressed – se desviste

divertirse (e(ie) – to have fun

dormirse (o(ue) – falls asleep – se duerme

enamorarse – to fall in love

enfermarse – to become ill – se enferma

engordarse – to gain weight

hundirse – to sink – se hunde

irse – to leave – se va – me voy

maquillarse – to put on makeup – se maquilla

mirarse – to look at oneself – se mira

mojarse – to get wet – se moja

moverse (o(ue) – to move (one’s body)

peinarse – to comb – se peina

preocuparse – to worry – se preocupa

quedarse – to stay, remain – se queda

quejarse – to complain – se queja

relajarse – to relax

rizarse – to curl (hair) – se riza

sentirse (e(ie) – to feel – se siente

taparse – to cover (something on yourself) – se tapa


amarse – to love one another

besarse – kiss each other – se besan, nos besamos

acercarse – to approach something – se acerca a

alejarse – to move away from something – se aleja de

casarse – to get married

despedirse (e( i) – to say goodbye – se despide




There are many many reflexive verbs in Spanish. They all follow the same patterns of conjugation you have already learned. Here are some of the most common reflexive verbs.

You probably can figure out the meaning of most of these because you already know another similar word. How many of these would you be able to figure out without the definition?


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