Lakeside Community Club By-Laws

Lakeside Community Club By-LawsRevised July 30, 2017Article IName and ObjectSection 1.The name of the corporation shall be Lakeside Community Club.Section 2. The purposes for which this corporation is formed are: to promote and regulate social, civic, recreational and athletic activities among the property owners at Lakeside, West Milford Township, Passaic County, New Jersey and for other objects as set forth in the Certificate of Incorporation.Article IIMembershipSection 1. Hereinafter, whenever the “Member” is used without qualification, it shall be understood to refer to a membership described in Section 2Section 2. Membership in Lakeside Community Club shall be limited to:(a) Those persons who own by deeds of record in the Passaic County Registrar’s office or by contract of purchase, any lot or lots or plots or ground in Lakeside on which a residence or structure has been built;(b) Spouses of the aforesaid;(c) Sons and daughters of the aforesaid until age 21.(d)Sons and daughters of the aforesaid 21 and over must reside in the primary residence of the deed holder to be considered a member. (e)Rentee- eligible for membership by residing in a Lakeside community house and payingrent on that residence. Membership is limited to the period of the rental. Rentee members cannot vote. They may be members of committees and enjoy/organize functions.(f) Election to membership shall be determined by Executive Board approval acting upon an application duly filed with payment of membership dues.Section 3. Ownership of a residence or structure in Lakeside shall not automatically constitute the owner(s) thereof for membership. Section 4. Should any member sell or dispose of his property by deed or otherwise, then his rights as a member shall immediately cease. Should such a member be an officer or trustee, such office or trusteeship shall then become vacant and shall be filled as hereinafter provided in Article IV, Section 1.Section 5. No member shall have as his guest a person or persons who are eligible for membership and have not filed with the Membership Committee. Section 6. A member shall be responsible to Lakeside Community Club for the acts and conduct of his household and guests.Section 7. A member or guest may be suspended for due cause by two-thirds vote of the Executive Board but such member shall have the right of appeal within seven (7) days to the Executive Board and will abide by the decision. A quorum of the membership can further appeal the decision.Section 8.It is the responsibility of each member to notify the Correspondence Secretary of any changes to personal information.ARTICLE IIIDuesSection 1. Fiscal year is from January 1 to December 31.Section 2.The annual dues and registration or fees of the Lakeside Community Club shall be the amount established by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members present in person or by legitimate proxy at any meeting of the Club in which a quorum is present provided that ten (10) days previous written notice (preferred correspondence as noted in membership application) has been sent to each member of the Club. Senior citizens (aged 65 and older) are entitled to a discount of annual dues which shall also be established at the aforementioned meeting. Section 3. Members may pay dues in one lump sum by Jan. 15; in two payments, Jan. 15 and Mar. 15; or on the 6 month plan, beginning Oct. 1 and ending Mar. 15. Regardless of method of payment, half of all fees must be received by the membership chair or be postmarked by Jan. 15 and the other half paid by, or postmarked by, Mar. 15 of the membership year, unless other arrangements are made in advance. A $10.00 late fee will be imposed if half dues are paid after January 15th and an additional $10.00 if full dues are paid after March 15th. Another $10.00 fee will be imposed if full dues not paid by May 15th for a total of $30.00. This fee schedule shall apply to all payments owed to Lakeside Community Club. Section 4. All privileges of membership shall be withheld from the members and guests of any householduntil the applicable dues are paid in accordance with this schedule. Dues may not be refunded.Section 5. Any member who shall fail to pay such dues by such dates shall be liable to suspension by theExecutive Board. ARTICLE IVOfficersSection 1. The officers of Lakeside Community Club shall be a President, a First Vice-President, a Second Vice-President, a Recording Secretary, a Correspondence Secretary, a Membership Secretary, a Treasurer, a General Counsel, and six (6) Trustees. All of the said officers shall be elected by ballot after the August Meeting, and shall serve a term of one year or until their successors are chosen. Three trustees shall be elected by same ballot after the August Meeting and shall serve a two year term. The said officers and trustees shall constitute the Executive Board, and shall have the power to fill vacancies as needed.Section 2. The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Club and shall perform all dutiesand have general supervision of the affairs of the Club, subject to the approval of the Executive Board. He shall ensure that Standing Committees are formed in addition to Special Committees as needed and he may attend committee meetings at will. He shall sign, together with the Treasurer, and execute all deeds, bonds, mortgages, and other contracts for and on behalf of Lakeside Community Club with approval of the membership. At each LCC Meeting, he shall submit a report to the membership reviewing the affairs of Lakeside Community Club, and shall make such other reports to the membership or to the Executive Board as required. Section 3. The First Vice-President shall have and exercise all the powers and duties of the President in case of his absence or inability to act. He shall perform other duties as may be prescribed by theExecutive Board.Section 4. The Second Vice-President shall have and exercise all the powers and duties of the President in the absence of the President and the First Vice-President. He shall chair the Entertainment Committee and shall perform other duties as may be prescribed by the Executive Board.Section 5. The Recording Secretary shall keep accurate minutes of all the meetings of the membership andExecutive Board, conduct all necessary filing of documents and records all relating to the business of the Lakeside Community Club, have charge of the Corporate Seal, make reports to the membership and Executive Board as may be required, and perform other duties pertaining to this office as may be prescribed by the Executive Board.Section 6. The Correspondence Secretary shall conduct correspondence, give notices of meetings to the members and shall post meeting notices at the mailboxes. The correspondence secretary shall act as editor of any club newsletter and perform such other duties pertaining to this office as may be prescribed by the Executive Board.Section 7. The Membership Secretary shall maintain an up-to date membership list, handle distribution ofmembership cards and beach buttons, and shall chair the Membership Committee. The Membership Secretary shall post the names of all members after the March meeting on the bulletin board in the Club House.Section 8. The Treasurer shall collect and receive all monies due to the Lakeside Community Club, and deposit the same in an interest bearing account at a local Bank to the credit of Lakeside Community Club. He/she shall make disbursements and shall report the same in writing at each regular meeting of the membership or Executive Board. All checks drawn by the Treasurer shall be countersigned by the President and/or Recording Secretary. Section 9. The General Counsel shall, together with the President, serve as liaison with Legal Counselretained by Lakeside Community Club and shall make reports to the membership on all legal matters in which the Club is involved. He shall serve as Parliamentarian at meetings of themembership and Executive Board, and shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Executive Board.Section 9a. Each trustee is responsible for serving on a Standing Committee or acting as a liaison between the Lakeside Community Club and the Lakeside Road Improvement Corporation or Lakeside Boat Owners Committee.Section 10. The Executive Board shall have general control of the Lakeside Community Club and shallmanage its business. It shall make such rules, in addition to those contained in these By-laws asmay be deemed discreet and necessary for the proper management, control and use or lease of all property of the Lakeside Community Club, subject to the approval of the membership. It shall have the power to set the rules, conditions, and regulations for the use and enjoyment of Club property by members and guests. The Executive Board may, when the occasion requires, by a majority vote of its members present at a membership meeting, authorize the borrowing of money in behalf of the Club to provide for its temporary needs; provided, however, that such borrowings shall be limited to a total that can be repaid from current or anticipated income with due regard for all other current liabilities. It may not authorize expenditures of more than $2,000.00 (amended 7/30/17) without approval of the membership, except for such emergency expenses necessary to maintain the Clubhouse in a habitable and safe condition.The Executive Board shall meet at least once a month at Lakeside, or at such times as it shall deem necessary. A majority vote of its members shall designate the time and date of each meeting.Section 10a. The President and Recording Secretary shall be the key-holders for the Safe Deposit Box and access to the Safe Deposit Box requires a key-holder and an additional non-related Executive Board Member.ARTICLE VNomination and Election of OfficersSection 1. Nomination.At the July General Membership meeting of the Club, a Nominating Committee consisting of three members will be formed and chaired by an assigned trustee. The Nominating Committee shall meet to investigate and determine nominees for the offices of the Club. The report of the Nominating Committee specifying the names of all candidates nominated by it shall be submitted at the August meeting. Candidates may also be nominated from the floor at the August meeting.Section 2. Election.Officers and trustees shall be elected at the August meeting each year. They shall assume theirduties thirty days (30) after the closure of the August meeting which shall be closed no later than October 1st of the same year. The officers shall hold office for a one year term, and the trustees for a two year term or until their successors are chosen. If needed, a majority vote of the members, voting by mailed numbered ballot, shall be sufficient to elect. It is expected that from the August meeting until November of the current year, both incoming and outgoing Executive Board meet jointly. The outgoing members will serve in an advisory capacity only.ARTICLE VIMeetingsSection 1. Regular meetings of the Lakeside Community Club shall be held on the last Saturday of March, June, July, and August, and the first Saturday of November and at such times as shall be deemed necessary by the membership or the Executive BoardSection 2. Quorum.The presence of ten percent (10%) of the eligible voting membership shall constitute a quorum for a meeting of the Lakeside Community Club. The Executive Board shall be included in the quorum count, however, shall not exceed 75% of the quorum. Section 3. Voting.Every member household is entitled to two votes. Should a member own more than one dwelling house within Lakeside Community, the voting rights of that member shall not be increased thereby. Written proxy votes are acceptable. Voting members must be 18 or older. A ballot Committee will be formed to facilitate the distribution and counting of ballots. Section 4. Conduct of all meetings of Lakeside Community Club and the Executive Board shall be inaccordance with Robert’s Rules of Order in all cases in which they are not in conflict these By-Laws.Section 5. The order for the conduct of all meetings will be:?Call to order.?Reading of the minutes of previous membership minutes.?Communications.?Treasurer’s Report.?Report of Standing Committees.?Report of Special Committees.?Old Business.?New Business.?Adjournment.ARTICLE VIICommitteesSection 1. The Lakeside Community Club shall have the following Standing Committees: Audit, Planning,Entertainment, House, Beach, Nominating and Membership.(a) All Standing Committees, with the exception of the Entertainment Committee, shall beappointed by the President at the November Meeting.(b) Only paid-up members shall be entitled to serve on any Committee.(c) Committees shall meet upon the call of their Chairperson.Section 2. The Audit Committee shall consist of three members, one of whom shall be a trustee. It shallaudit the books of the Treasurer at least once each year.Section 3. The Planning Committee shall consist of three members, one of whom shall be a trustee. It shallstudy the needs of Lakeside Community Club and make recommendations to the membership as to the actions it believes are required for the short and long-range well-being of the Club. It shall also recommend to the membership methods of financing such actions. Section 4. The Entertainment Committee shall be chaired by the Second Vice-President and shall consist of three members. It shall provide for all entertainment for the community. All monies received from entertainment shall be deposited in the treasury. Section 5. The House Committee shall consist of the President, 1sr Vice President, Treasurer andfour members of the Lakeside Community Club. It shall be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the Community Clubhouse.Section 6. The Beach Committee shall consist of three members, one of whom shall be a trustee. It shall be responsible for the maintenance of the beach, floats and such other property as may be part of the beach.Section 7. The Membership Committee shall consist of three members and shall be chaired by theMembership Secretary. It shall be responsible for introducing new homeowners intomembership in the Lakeside Community Club. It shall keep an updated list of rules andregulations of the club and distribute the By-Laws of the Club. It shall approve the candidatesfor membership according to Article II, Section 2. Section 8. Special Committees shall be appointed by the President, subject to the approval of the Executive Board, and shall hold office until discharged or until their duties have been fulfilled.ARTICLE VIIIMembers as LandlordsSection 1. Should a member decide to rent his residence he maintains all rights and privileges of membership for that membership year which does not include renter(s). Club membership cannot be bartered, traded or sold. Section 2. The renter may apply for membership directly to the Executive Board as described in Article II,Section 2e. ARTICLE IXAmendmentsSection 1. A committee may be appointed to submit a revised set of By-Laws as a substitute for these By-Laws only by a majority vote at a meeting of the association or by two-thirds of the ExecutiveBoard.Section 2.These By-Laws may be amended by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members present in person or by legitimate proxy at any meeting of the Club in which a quorum is present provided that ten (10) days previous written notice (preferred correspondence as noted in membership application) has been sent to each member of the Club. This notice shall set forth the entire section of the By-Law then in effect and immediately following it, the proposed amendment. All proposed amendments to the By-Laws of the Corporation also should be posted in theClubhouse for at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting at which the proposal is to be considered by the membership. ................

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