MbrMtg 3-20-14(1).docx - Community Health Task Force of …

January 19, 2017In Attendance:Heather Kretzer, Community Health Task Force Liaison, DOH-BayPreston Matthews, Big Bend AHECMaryann Roberts, Healthy Start CoalitionAngie Dyer, DRCTara Hudson, Big Bend Community Based CareSherl Morden, Second Chance NWFLBarbara Day, AARP Bay County 1315Rena Bentley, AARP Bay County 1315Natalie Lathrop, Gulf Coast Sexual Assault Program Sonya Lowe, Gulf Coast Sexual Assault Program Kari Peterson, Gulf Coast Sexual Assault Program Rachel Duvall, Panama City Rescue Mission, Bethel VillageBob Harned, Concerned CitizenMatt Standish, Bay County VeteransBill Dozier, Bay County CommissionSandy McCroan, DOH-BayBrandy Hughes, DOH-Bay, Bay H.E.A.T.Tammy Stewart, DOH-Bay, Freedom 180Jo Colville, DOH-Bay, Diabetes Action TeamDeneica Rouhc, Basic NWFLKayleigh Cosson, CARESabra Quinn, Early Education & CareLisa Nixon Mabry, Panama City Rescue MissionPam Dorwarth, ADAJulie Tindall, DOH-BayNed Ailes, Life Management CenterTricia Pearce, Life Management CenterJames Lewis, Big Bend AHEC James Lewis, Treasurer, presided. Called to order at 3:00 pm.MINUTESThe minutes from the September meeting were reviewed. Motion to accept by Preston Matthews, seconded by Barbara Day. The motion carried. TREASURER’S REPORT James Lewis provided the treasurer’s report. Motion to approve by Bob Harned, seconded by Barbara Day. The motion MUNITY REPORTSBrandy Hughes provided an update on the actions of the healthy weight/healthy lifestyle, Bay H.E.A.T. (Health Education Action Team) Community Health Improvement Plan, CHIP, workgroup. Worksite wellness information was shared including information on the CDC scorecard to the Bay County and Panama City Beach Chamber joint meeting sponsored by the Community Health Task Force on January 13. In addition, the group is now focusing on community gardens and farmer’s market in areas where healthy food is considered low-access. Sandy McCroan provided an update on the Breastfeed Bay, Bay and surrounding counties Breastfeeding Task Force. The group is working to carry out actions of the CHIP. This includes empowering employers and childcare providers to support breastfeeding. She also discussed the upcoming minority breastfeeding roundtable that was held on Saturday, January 28.Tricia Pearce provided an update from the mental health/substance abuse action team of the CHIP. She made those in attendance aware of the goal to get 2-1-1 updated and about discussion regarding a social media campaign aimed at reducing stigma associated with seeking treatment. In addition, she mentioned the sub-committee project that will focus on mental health within the criminal justice system, specifically the Bay County jail. The project is a collaboration of the CHIP group, Big Bend Community Based Care, Life Management Center and DOH-Bay. Heather Kretzer let everyone know that the chronic diseases including diabetes action team is getting ready to conduct mass screenings similar to the diabetes ones done in the past. These will include blood sugar, weight, and blood pressure checks. More details will be coming soon.Jo Colville provided an update from the Diabetes Action Team. She let everyone know that she is working on a diabetes resource guide and if anyone has any input to email jo.colville@. Tammy Stewart gave an update for Freedom 180. The group will be hosting Community Awareness Day at Kingdom Life Ministries on February 18. There is room for more vendors and they will be giving away food. OLD BUSINESS The Community Health Task Force is still looking to replace two board members. The Task Force also needs to replace the secretary. Nominations are open. Cheryl from Second Chance and Preston from Big Bend AHEC have been nominated. Please send nomination to heather.kretzer@. Steve Sumner, President, presented the CHIP plan to the Bay County and Panama City Beach Chamber’s joint meeting on Friday, January 13. The presentation was well received. Steve has had several meetings with community leaders lately and he will share some of his interactions with us with he returns in February. NEW BUSINESSBay County Commissioner Bill Dozier asked about the goal, function of the task force and its successes? Several members including Jo Colville, Bob Harned, Cheryl, Preston Matthews, and Barbara Day provided information. Commissioner Dozier said he is particularly interested in mental health, its effect on the Bay County Jail population and the drug abuse epidemic in Bay County. ANNOUNCEMENTSEarly Education and Care will have its Inaugural Girlfriends Gaga on Feb. 25 to benefit head start summer expansion. Tickets are $75. Bay County received the Healthiest Weight Community Champion Award this year!Life Management Center annual report was sent out recentlyLife Management Center will offer Mental Health First Aid on Feb. 15, the class is freeAARP will be offering their tax program at the fairgrounds and a location on Panama City Beach. The service is free. Appointments are suggested.The Panama City Rescue Mission is looking for people to help with their garden at Bethel Village on Fridays from 8:00 a.m. – NoonThe Panama City Rescue Mission offers tours monthly. The tours offer a walk-through, explanation of their programs, and lunch. Check with them for a schedule. Second Chance will have their 21st Annual Blessing of the Fleet on April 8. They will be holding a Valentine Dance at AD Harris on Feb. 4 and they will be in the Mardi Gras parade on Feb. 17. The group also has a garden. Gulf Coast State College has a program that offers grants to displaced homemakers who are looking to return to the workforce. Bethel Village and the Rescue Mission currently have bed openings. The meeting adjourned at approximately 3:45 p.m. The next meeting will be held on February 16, 2017 at 3:00 pm at the Bay County Public Library, 898 W. 11th Street.Heather Kretzer, Liaison850-252-9670Heather.Kretzer@ ................

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