To community Leaders: - Community Health Task Force of …

Membership Meeting

September 15, 2016

Andrew Miller, Medical Reserve Corps

Angie Dyer, DRC

April Wisdom, Tyndall Air Force Base Health Promotion

Barbara Day AARP Bay County Ch. 1315

Bob Harned, SAIC

Bree Thaxton, Department of Juvenile Justice

Deneika Roulhac, BASIC NWFL

Gregory S Dossie, Student Advocacy Center of Bay County

Heather Kretzer, Community Health Task Force Liaison

James Lewis, Big Bend AHEC

Kay Freeman, University of Florida Family Nutrition Program

Kayleigh Cosson CARE

Lisa Sims, UF/IFAS Extension Family Nutrition Program

Marsha Sumner, Florida Department of Health in Bay County

Matt Standish, Bay County Vet Center

Miranda Fenot, Florida Department of Health in Bay County

Preston Matthews, Big Bend AHEC

Rena Bentey, AARP

Rick Vitale, Florida Department of Health in Bay County

Sabara Quinn, Early Education and Care

Sandy McCroan, IBCLC

Shanta Sapp, System of Care Coordinator

Tricia Pearce, Life Management

Steve Sumner, Chair, presided: Called to order at 3:03 PM

1) Presentation was made by members of the SWAT Team from the Florida Department of Health in Bay County with the theme “Why point of sale makes a difference in health.” Students surveyed 210 stores in Bay County which has the 7th highest concentration of tobacco retailers in the state.

2) Minutes from August 18th were reviewed. Barbara Day motioned to accept the minutes as written; seconded by Bob Harned. The motion carried.

3) Treasurer’s report from August was submitted. Barbara Day motioned to accept the report; seconded by Bob Harned. The motion carried

4) Committee reports:

a. CHIP update provided by Heather Kretzer:

i. 100 copies of the CHIP will be printed using CHTF funds

ii. Requested $2971 to print a four page spread in the News Herald on 25 September. This will also be available online. Approved by the group (motion by Barbara Day, seconded by Preston Matthews).

iii. Group also approved spending $1500 to host the First Friday event in January or February depending on feedback about the availability. Greg Dossie suggested buying CHTF swag to provide at the First Friday event.

iv. Grant application updates: Heather submitted a grant to the Florida Blue Foundation to request funding for OrganWise Guys Kits for all Pre-K classrooms in Bay District Schools. She is also waiting to hear back on the request to the St. Joe Community Foundation on funding kits for Early Education and Care, Inc. in their Head Start and Early Head Start centers.

v. The St. Joe Community Foundaiton declined funding for uninsured to receive diabetes education. A grant request to Publix to assist with the Diabetes Bridge Walk was also denied.

5) Old Business: the by-law committee will designate a time to meet very soon and will also develop a policy and procedure handbook.

6) New Business: Steve would like to start having the meetings at lunch once a quarter. Those meetings will have a speaker who will discuss potential areas of need or gaps that need to be filled related to the CHIP areas of focus. The first one will be in January and will be focused on chronic disease prevention since February is Heart Health Month. The second will be in April and will focus on Mental Health since May is Mental Health Awareness Month.

7) Announcements:

a. The Blue Tea is on track; people can still sign up to sponsor a table

b. The Diabetes Awareness Bridge Walk is coming up November 12

c. The VA Center has two new counselors and can now see anyone that the service member designates as “family” and anyone who has worked in a combat related field; they don’t have to have been involved directly/deployed to be seen.

d. The Student Advocacy Center is having a Family Fun Voting Day on 24 September to help register voters and are hosting a 5k on 15 Oct. People can register for the 5k on .

e. There is a Veterans Stand Down on 22 September at the Baptist Church

f. There is an HIV Awareness and update symposium on 19 October for health care practitioners; online registration will be available.

8) Adjournment

Next meeting scheduled for October 20th, 2016 at 3 pm at Bill Kramer Chevrolet on W 23rd street in support of Type I diabetes awareness.


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