The Boyertown Area School District Music League

The Boyertown Area School District Music League

Proudly Presents:

Dinner and a Show!

A chicken dinner to benefit music students in Boyertown’s Schools.

Adult and Student Tickets:_________ x $9.00 per ticket= $__________

Take-out meals are available, but need to be ordered in advance. Donations and Volunteers are also needed. Applesauce

cups, paper plates, 12oz soda cans, bottled water or dessert can be brought to JH West music suite grey doors on March 8th (3-6:30 p.m.) or Saturday (10 a.m.-1 p.m.) or they can be given to your director at any time. If you can help out for a shift, please fill out the time slot that best suits your schedule.


I can donate the following: ____ Applesauce Cups (not colored) ____ Paper plates ____ Case of Soda

____ Bottled Water ____Dessert

I can volunteer my time! Name___________________________________________________________

Email: _____________________________________________________Phone ___________________

______ 11 a.m.-1 p.m. _____ 1- 3 p.m. _____ 3 -5 p.m. _____ 5-7 p.m.

Kauffman's Bar-B-Que Chicken

Baked Potato


Bread and Butter

Beverage and Dessert

Dinner will be served from

1 PM to 6 PM

Please return form with payment to your music director by March 1st or contact Michael Jordan for questions or ticket orders: boyertown.chicken.dinner@

Chicken Dinner benefitting the BASD Music Programs

Meal Ticket Pre-Order Form

Payment form: Either cash or checks made out to Boyertown Music League

Saturday, March 9th, 2013

in the Junior High West

Cafeteria and MAIN GYM

Dinner will include: Performance Schedule:


Student’s Name:_____________________________________ School:______________

Homeroom & Teacher ____________________________________________________


1:15 BES Show Choir

1:30 East-West Jazz Ensemble

1:50 Bearly In Tune, WES

2:05 Elementary Jazz Band

2:20 NHUF Vocal Ensemble

2:35 Jr. High East Percussion Ensemble

2:50 JHW Concert Band

3:05 Drift

3:25 Elementary Orchestra

3:40 Guitar Solo, student from CES

3:50 Jr. High Orchestra

4:10 BASH Concert Band

4:30 BASH Jazz Band

4:50 BASH Chorus

5:10 BASH Orchestra


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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