Customized Newsletter Sign Up Form

Customized Newsletter Sign Up Form

Sorrell Associates Customized Newsletter Service

Please complete and e-mail this form to Gary@ ~ 740-824-4842

|Name:  [pic] |

|Company Name:  [pic] |

|Address:  [pic] |

|City:  [pic]State:[pic]  Zip:[pic] |

|Phone: [pic]Fax:[pic] |

|Alt phone:  [pic]Alt Contact: [pic] |

|E-Mail address:  [pic] |

|Web Site:  [pic] |

|Newsletter Name:  [pic] |

|Title, slogan, or motto:[pic] |

|[pic] |

|Today's Date: [pic]Start Date:[pic] |

|Billed yearly, Quarterly, or Monthly [pic]Amount $[pic] |

|Credit card billing information: (If you prefer, you can give us this information over the phone) |

|Credit Card Number:[pic] Exp Date: [pic] |

|Card Type: Visa - MasterCard - American Express:  [pic] |

|Credit Card Billing Address - type same if billing address is the same as above: [pic] |

|Address:  [pic] |

|City:  [pic]State:[pic] Zip:[pic] |

|Name as it appears on the credit card:  [pic] |

|Electronic Authorized signature: [pic]Title: [pic] |

|Signature constitutes agreement for newsletter and credit card authorization. Initials here: [pic] |

|Print name here:  [pic] |

|Enter Newsletter code here:  [pic] Set Up Fee: $250 – Waived Deposit: 1 issue |

|If you would like your logo included in your newsletter, enter YES here: [pic]and e-mail it in JPEG format. |

|Constant Contact Account Info.: Log-in |

|User Name: [pic] Password: [pic] |

|Member of any associations please indicate here: [pic] |

|How did you hear about us? [pic] |

There is an initial 1 issue deposit that will be credited to your 12th/24th issue. Non refundable if you cancel before your 12th/24th issue.

Automatic roll over yearly or cancel after your 12th/24th issue with a 30-day notice. See our terms & conditions before signing up.

|Join our refer a friend program and receive $$$ for every friend that signs up for our newsletter service. Yes - No - Maybe later |

|Friends name and phone number: |

| |

|Friends name and phone number: |

| |

|Friends name and phone number: |

| |

| |

| |

For detailed descriptions go to

If you have any questions please call Gary Sorrell at 740-824-4842 or e-mail Gary@

Sorrell Associates Customized Newsletter Service 740-824-4842 phone 24681 State Route 60, Warsaw, OH 43844

Please fill this form out, save it to your desktop, and e-mail it back to Gary@

Sorrell Associates, LLC


BRONZE/BASIC: (Boiler-plate Template) Includes Content, Formatting, and graphics. You add your company information, motto or slogan, and newsletter name. Areas you need to modify are indicated in “RED”. You control the distribution via mail or e-mail. Within minutes you will have a completed newsletter. See samples

~ 2-page sample click here  ~  4-page sample click here

SILVER/STANDARD: Includes everything that comes with the basic newsletter but we do all of the formatting for you. Every issue will be customized with your company name, the name you would like for your newsletter, phone number, fax number, e-mail address, logo, and motto / slogan. You will receive an original personalized "camera or e-mail ready" newsletter complete with content via e-mail in PDF format or by mail around the 5th of each month. Then all you do is e-mail or make copies and mail your newsletter to your prospects and clients. We will add your article, calendar of events, photo, or logo for free. See samples. 

~  2-page standard sample click here  ~  4-page standard sample click here

GOLD/YOU CHOOSE THE ARTICLES: Includes everything in the standard package plus you will have an opportunity to choose some of the articles you would like in each issue from our content. We will give you a link to articles so you can decide which articles you would like in each issue. After you choose the articles we put your newsletter completely together including, format, layout, graphics, and articles. See samples

 ~  2-page choose the articles sample click here  ~  4-page choose the articles sample click here

PLATINUM/COMPLETE: You send us your articles and we do the rest. We will take your articles, proof read, format, design, and create your newsletter. We will add some of our articles if you do not have enough information to fulfill an entire newsletter. See Samples

 ~  2-page complete sample click here  ~  4-page complete sample click here



Take advantage of the most robust e-newsletter service available today.

• We create your entire e-newsletter with your content, our content, or a mix of both.

• We create the format, layout, and design of your e-newsletter per your instructions.

• AND deliver your newsletter to your contact management system list via e-mail.

• One system, one decision, multiple solutions.

• Choose the Customer Relationship Management system of choice. Click here for info.

 ~ Sample 1 click here  ~  Sample 2 click here

Sorrell Associates, LLC

24681 State Route 60 Warsaw, OH 43844



Internal use only

• Newsletter manager ___________

• Payment option ______________

• Susan _____________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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