National Land Agency, Jamaica

NLA – ST 1

| | |

| |In the Matter of the Registration of Titles Act and the application for a splinter Titles registered at Title Volume |

| |___________ Folio _________Of the Register Book of Titles |

| |ALL THAT PARCEL of land situate in the place and parish stated below and being all the land comprised in the |

|Describe land in accordance with the |Certificate(s) of Title mentioned below. |

|description stated in the Certificate of |Place Parish Volume |

|Title. |Folio |

| | I/We, |

|Give full name, address and | |

|occupation of the applicants |Name(s) __________________________________________________________________ |

| | |

| |Address __________________________________________________________________ |

| | |

| |Occupation_______________________________________________________________ |

| | |

| |_____________________________ a company incorporated under the Laws of Jamaica with |

| | |

| |registered offices at _________________________in the parish of _______________________ |

| | |

| |That I/We are the registered proprietor(s) of the land stated herein |

| If you are a representative of the | |

|Registered owner please state the |I/We do solemnly and sincerely declare as follows:- |

|capacity in which you are applying E.g. |I ___________________________ do solemnly and sincerely declare that my address for the purpose of this application |

|officials of a company. If you are |is _____________________________________________________ and I am the _____________________and the person |

|representing a company please state |authorized to make this application on behalf of the Applicant |

|expressly that you are authorized to make| |

|the | |

|declaration on behalf of the company | |

| | |

|Please indicate the type of |( That a pre-checked subdivision plan of the lots part of the said Certificate of Title |

|application being requested |registered at Volume ________ Folio _________ was prepared by Commissioned Land |

| |Surveyor and bear Survey Plan Examination Number _______________ and is |

| |deposited at the Office of Titles and allotted Deposited Plan Number ____________ |

| | |

| |( That a pre-checked subdivision plan of the said land was prepared by |

| |__________________Commissioned Land Surveyor bearing Survey Plan Examination |

| |Number _______________ is lodged with the Application herewith for Simultaneous |

| |Lodgement |

| | |

| |( That a subdivision plan of the said land was prepared by Commissioned Land Surveyor |

| |____________________ and is lodged with the Application for Simultaneous Lodgement |

| | |

|The applicant should state |That the applicant desires to surrender/partially surrender the said Certificate of Title and |

|number of new titles to be issued | |

| |to have ____________________________ Certificates of Title issued under The Registration |

| | |

| |of Titles Act in the name of the applicants for each of the lots. |

|Additional Restrictive Covenants | |

|including Forms of Transfer | |

|The Value of each lot is to be | |

|Stated. | |

| | That enclosed with his application are:- |

| | |

| |Parish Council approval with Roads and Works Certificate |

| | |

| |Surveyor’s Declaration |

| | |

| |Duplicate Certificate of Title registered at Volume ___________ Folio_________ |

| | |

| |Survey Plan prepared by ____________________ Commissioned Land Surveyor |

| | |

| |Dated the _________/_______/________ |

| | |

| |Pre-checked Survey Diagram bearing Survey Plan Number ____________ |

|All applicants must sign the |AND I/WE make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true under and |

|application form |by virtue of the Voluntary Declarations Act |

| | |

| |Taken and Acknowledged |

| |By the said |

| | |

| | |

| |________________________________ ____________________________________ |

| |Name of Applicant Signature |

| | |

| | |

| |____________________________ |

| |Witness |

|Please state the calling of the witness | |

| | |

|Marksman Clause – To be used when the | AND I/WE make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true under and by virtue of the |

|applicant is unable to sign due to |Voluntary Declarations Act. |

|illness or illiteracy. | |

| | |

| |If the individual is unable to read or write by reason of illiteracy or illness |

| | |

| |Signed by |

| | |

| |_______________________________ ______________________________ |

| |Name of Applicant Signature/Mark |

| | |

| |After the same was read over and explained to him or her and who expressed themselves as |

| |understanding the nature and effects of the contents. |

| |In the presence of |

| | |

| |________________________________________ |

| |Witness |

| | |

|Please state the calling of the witness | |

|Execution by a company | |

| |Executed under the Common seal of /Signed for and on behalf of |

| | |

| |____________________________________________________ |

| |Name of Company |

| | |

| |Was affixed by ___________________________/_______________________________ |

| |Name of Person Capacity |

| | |

| |_______________________ |

| |Signature |

| |And _____________________________/______________________ |

| |Name of Person Capacity |

| | |

| |______________________ |

| |Signature |

| |In the presence of |

| | |

|State the calling of the witness |______________________________________________ |

| |Witness |

|Lodged by | |

| |Name__________________________________________________________ |

| | |

| |Address _________________________________________________________ |

| | |

| |Telephone Number: Fax Number: |

| | |

| |Email: |

N.L.A. 2003 (




R.T.A. Section 77

Please note the following:

Please ensure that covenants prohibiting this type of application have been modified and/or discharged.

The plan must conform to the subdivision approval, that is, it should contain the same number of lots sanctioned by the subdivision approval. The subdivision approval submitted must be the original bearing the signature and the Seal of the local authority or be a certified copy thereof.

Ensure that where the conditions of approval indicate that any lots are to be splayed (or that an area for road improvement be reserved) that this ha been done on the plan. Where the plan contains slight deviations from the subdivision approval, it is advisable that a letter from the local authority sanctioning the deviation be obtained.

Please note that where the Resolution contains restrictions on the issuing of Splinter Titles, a Registrar’s caveat will be lodged against the Title to protect the interest of the local authority until a Certificated as directed by the Resolution is submitted to the Registrar releasing the lots. Further if the Resolution calls for Certification by the local authority (Parish Council, KSAC) the Certificate must be signed by the secretary of the Parish Council or the Town Clerk in the case of the KSAC. A Certificate signed by the Superintendent of Roads and Works is only acceptable where the resolution expressly calls for it.

Where mortgages are on the Title, the application must be expressed to be subject to same unless discharge of mortgages are being submitted.A Consent of Mortgagee is to be submitted.

Easement/Right of Way – These are grants of interest in land and so are required to be the subject of a grant or transfer and cannot be properly imposed by inclusion in a surrender application.

Where a document is executed before a Notary Public in a Foreign State or Country then a Certificate from the relevant body appointing notaries public should be produced verifying the commission of the notary public.

Where a company is registered proprietor of land then a Certificate under the hand and seal of the Registrar of Companies should be produced stating that the company is still on the register and that no proceedings have been started to have it removed from the register.

The regulations to the Registration (Strata Titles Act) require that Strata Plan should not be creased, (folded) and be free from discoloration and blemishes. They may be rejected for this.

• The stamp of the local authority must appear on each strata sheet

• Sheets must be 151/2 in Length by 10” in width, Margin 11/2” on left side and ½” on right side, top and bottom.

• Surveyors Certificate should be completed and signed

• Unit entitlement must be in whole numbers

• Address for service must be stated on the strata plan

• Strata Corporation – comes into operation once the plan is registered in the Office of Titles


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