NLA – TR 1 - National Land Agency, Jamaica

NLA – TR 1

| | |

| |In the Matter of the Registration of Titles Act |

| | |

| |In the Matter of Certificate of Title registered at Volume __________________ Folio ________________ |

| |of the Register Book of Titles |

|Describe the land in | |

|accordance with description |ALL THAT PARCEL of land situate in the place and parish stated below and being all the land comprised in the Certificate of Title |

|stated on Certificate of |mentioned below. |

|Title. |Place Parish *Lot. No. Volume |

| |Folio |

| | |

| Give full name, address and | I/We |

|occupation of the | |

|Transferor(s). |Name: ________________________________________________________________________________ |

| | |

| |Address: ________________________________________________________________________________ |

| | |

| |Occupation: ______________________________________________________________________________ |

| | |

| |Do HEREBY TRANSFER to the Transferee(s) named herein for the consideration stated below all my/our estate and interest in the land |

| |comprised in above-described Certificate of Title, subject to the encumbrances stated below and the restrictive covenants (if any) |

| |endorsed on the said Certificate of Title. |

| Details of Transferee. | |

| |Name: ________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Where Transferee is a minor, | |

|state his date of birth. |Address: ________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Where Transferee is a | |

|registered company, state its|Occupation: _____________________________________________________________________________ |

|Act of incorporation. | |

| If more than one Transferee,| |

|state the tenancy. |Joint Tenants |

| | |

|Unequal shares to be stated |Tenants-in-Common in equal shares |

|in fractions. | |

| |Tenants-in-Common in unequal shares as to |

| | |

| |Other - |

| | |

|State the encumbrances, e.g. | |

|caveat, mortgage, lease. | |

| Consideration | |

|Amount to be stated in words.|the sum of __________________________________________________________________________ |

| |[receipt of which is hereby acknowledged by the Transferor(s)] |

| | |

| |by way of gift |

| | |

| |pursuant to the Intestates’ Estates and Property Charges Act |

| | |

| |in pursuance of the devise contained in the will of the _____________________________ |

| | |

| |pursuant to Order of the Court in a Suit No. ____________________________________ |

| Supporting Documents | |

| |That enclosed with this application is/are - |

| | |

| |Duplicate Certificate of Title registered at Volume ___________ Folio ___________ |

| | |

| |Original Transfer Tax Certificate |

| | |

| |Consent of Caveator / Mortgagee / Lessor |

| | |

| |Attested Copy of Court Order |

| | |

| |Other – |

| Additional Restrictive | |

|Covenants or Easements | |

|(If necessary, add annexure | |

|sheet). | |

|Execution by a company | |

| |Signed for and on behalf of / |

| |Executed under the Common Seal of _______________________________________________________ |

| |Name of Company |

| |by |

| | |

| |_________________________________________ / ____________________________________ |

| |Name of Person Capacity |

| | |

| |________________________________________ |

| |Signature |

| |AND |

| | |

| |_______________________________________ / ______________________________________ |

| |Name of Person Capacity |

| | |

| |______________________________________ |

| |Signature |

| |In the presence of: |

| | |

| |________________________________________ |

|State the calling of the | |

|witness. | |

| Signing under a Power | |

|of Attorney |Executed for and on behalf of ____________________________________________________________ |

| | |

| |Name of Transferor/Transferee |

| | |

| |by ________________________________________ ________________________________ |

| |Name of Attorney Signature |

| | |

| |and ______________________________________ ________________________________ |

| |Name of Attorney Signature |

| | |

| |under the Power of Attorney No. _________________________________________________________ |

| | |

| | |

| |In the presence of: |

| | |

| |________________________________________ |

| | |

|State the calling of the | |

|witness. | |

| General Execution | |

| |Signed by |

| | |

| |__________________________________________ _________________________________ |

| |Name of Transferor/Transferee |

| |Signature |

| | |

| | |

| |In the presence of: |

| | |

| |_______________________________________ |

|State the calling of the | |

|witness. | |

| Marksman Clause – To be used| |

|when a party is unable to |Signed by |

|read or write by reason of | |

|illiteracy, illness or |___________________________________________ _________________________________ |

|blindness. |Name of Transferor/Transferee |

| |Mark |

| | |

| |After the same was read over and explained to him or her and who expressed themselves as understanding the nature and effects of the |

| |contents. |

| | |

| |In the presence of : |

| | |

| | |

| |________________________________________ |

| | |

| | |

|State the calling of the | |

|witness. | |

| | |

|To be completed when the |Appeared before me at __________________________ in the Parish of _______________________________ |

|attesting witness is not one | |

|of the officials listed in s.|on the ___________ day of ______________________, __________ the attesting witness to this instrument, and |

|152 of the Registration of | |

|Titles Act. |declared that he/ she personally knew ___________________________________________________________ |

| |Name of Transferor/Transferee |

| |the person signing same, and whose signature the said _______________________________ attested, and that |

| |Name of Witness |

| |the name purporting to be the signature of the said ________________________________________________ |

| |Name of Transferor/Transferee |

| |is his/her/their own handwriting and that he/she was of sound mind and voluntarily signed such instrument. |

| | |

| | |

| |___________________________________________ |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|State the calling of the | |

|witness. | |

| Date | |

| |Dated the _________ day of ____________________________, _____________. |

| |Day Month Year|

|* Land Valuation Number | |

| Lodged By | |

| |Name: __________________________________________________________________________________ |

| | |

| |Address: ________________________________________________________________________________ |

| | |

| |*Telephone Number: __________________________________ *Fax Number: ____________________ |

| | |

| |*Email: _____________________________________________ |

N.L.A. 2003(



R.T.A. Section 88


Please note the following:

* denotes optional fields. Please note, however, that the information may be required by Stamp Office.

Where more than one Certificate of Title is involved the applicant should attach a schedule of all the lands.

Persons who may witness this document in Jamaica are a Justice of the Peace, a Notary Public, an Attorney-at-Law, a judge of the Supreme Court, the Governor-General or the Registrar of Titles. For witnessing of documents outside of Jamaica, please refer to section 152 of the Registration of Titles Act.

Where a document is executed before a Notary Public in a Foreign State or Country then a certificate from the relevant body appointing notaries public should be produced verifying the commission of the notary public at the date on which the document was signed.

This Form must be presented to the Tax Payer Audit & Assessment Department before lodgment at the Office of Titles.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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