Grading Scale

Course: Spanish I Fee: $10.00 A= 93-100

Book/s: ¡Exprésate! B= 85- 92

Length of course: Year Number of Credits: 1 C= 77- 84

Type: Unweighted Instructor: Señora Derrick-Chong D= 70- 76

E-mail: Voice Mail: 476-3000 Extension 3108 F= Below 70

Brief description of course: Spanish I is designed for the beginning language learner. Listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing skills are taught in the topical units. Each unit of study focuses on topics dealing with practical daily life and includes relevant cultural material and grammatical structures that the first year student should master. Supplementary material may be used to broaden the student’s knowledge of complimentary issues as they relate to the Hispanic world. During the course, the student will:

• Develop comprehension and pronunciation skills;

• Develop oral and written skills in asking and answering questions;

• Communicate orally and in writing using simple grammatical structures and learned vocabulary in teacher-directed and student-created situations;

• Practice the use of the present tense and the near future;

• Read and comprehend brief, authentic and adapted materials;

• Develop an awareness of and respect for the Hispanic culture.

Class Requirements: Always come to class prepared to learn. Always bring the Spanish textbook, Spanish workbook, and a notebook. Bring a black pen, pencils, and writing paper. Do not bring permanent markers.

Important Links: I maintain a personal site via . Some teachers use to list the daily assignments and project due dates for the parents and students. I link my individual page to it. The link is directly under my Irmo e-mail address on the homework site. There are pictures from this year’s and last year’s, and the year before that trips abroad and in addition to the homework assignments there are practice games, word searches, flashcards, etc. to help reinforce material presented in class. The direct address is: . I will also have links on the school website as soon as I can get it restarted.

Grading Procedures: IHS will use a computer-assisted grade reporting system this year and issues report cards at the end of each nine weeks grading period, with interim report cards issued every 4 1/2 weeks. Numerical grades are reported on the report cards and permanent records. I supply a grade printout to each child when these reports are issued. They receive extra credit for having them signed and returning them to me.

Interim and quarterly averages will be determined according to the following factors:


Graded Homework------------ 10%

Graded Classwork------------- 20%

Test and Quizzes*--------------60%

Class Participation--------------10%

* Many extra credit assignments count as test grades plus the daily questions (Preguntas Del Día) are counted as a test every five classes.

All work will be evaluated based on accuracy, neatness and completeness. If a student does not have the required issued textbook or workbook for an open book evaluation or daily assignment, he/she will receive a score of zero. In this instance, no make-up will be allowed. Bonus points will be awarded for exceptional class participation and presentations. Bonus points will be reflected in the teacher’s grade book and added to a quiz/test grade. First semester exams and final exams are cumulative and are weighted as 20% of each semester’s grade. It is imperative that students address their papers with the heading designated by the teacher as presented in class. If the teacher is unable to read the name on the paper or the student forgets to annotate his/her name on assignment, a zero will be given.

Attempts will be made to return all homework, quizzes, and class presentations at our subsequent meeting. Notebooks, chapter exams, unit exams, quizzes, and semester/final exams may take more time to grade and will normally be returned within two class meetings. The students will review their tests/quizzes, be able to ask questions, and check their scores. After reviewing most tests and all exams will be returned to me to be kept on file. Copies of graded homework, classwork, and other published products need to be kept in the student’s notebook until the end of the academic year. This is very important because this material can be used for the final comprehensive exam review.

Make-up work: All make-up work is due 5 calendar days from the date of an excused absence. It is the student’s responsibility to keep up with missed work (due to an excused absence) and turn it in within the allotted time limit.

Late work: No late work will be accepted unless it was late due to an excused absence. If the student has a problem concerning an assignment, he/she needs to contact me. E-mail:

Extra Credit: Extra credit may be earned on most assessments except semester and final exams. Several projects will be given during the year; some of these will be for extra credit, and others will be required. Extra credit is also given for returning the signed syllabus and the grade printout forms.

Attendance: Any student absent from class more than 5 times for a year long course or 3 times for a semester course

will not receive credit for the course. This refers to unexcused absences. Please see the student handbook.

Classroom rules and consequences:

• Arrive on time with all necessary materials.

• Be seated and ready when the bell rings.

• Raise your hand to obtain permission before speaking or leaving your seat.

• No eating or drinking during class.

• Do not interrupt other students' learning or stop the teaching process.

• Keep hands, feet, objects, and comments to yourself.

• Obey all rules found in the Student Handbook.

Negative Consequences

• FIRST INFRACTION: warning (Name on board)

• SECOND INFRACTION: teacher-student conference and /or detention

• THIRD INFRACTION: parent-teacher conference or phone call and /or guidance referral and


• FOURTH INFRACTION: administrative referral

(Note: A student who habitually behaves inappropriately will receive no further warnings. A parent/guardian will be notified if possible and infractions will result in the student being sent to an administrator. )

Positive Consequences

Rewards for good behavior include, but are not limited to: praise, calls or notes home, and opportunities to earn bonus points and homework passes.

Units of Study:

• First Nine Weeks: My Family, My Friends, and I Unit(s) – Lexical content includes*: Classroom vocabulary and commands, the alphabet, greetings and leave-taking, formal and informal expressions, introductions and courtesy phrases, family members (including pets), subject pronouns, vocabulary to identify people (relationships, physical characteristics, personality traits and emotions/moods), cognates vs. false cognates, numbers to talk about ages of family members (0 – 100+). Also a brief history of languages and Spanish, pronunciation, and cultural notes.

• Second Nine Weeks: My School Life Unit(s) – Lexical content includes: Names of school subjects, classroom vocabulary and activities, school-day vocabulary, places on the school campus, adjectives to describe classes, “All”/”Every”, expressions for likes and dislikes, expressions to tell time, ordinal numbers, doing math computations, days of the week, interrogative words, common adverbs (a lot, very, etc.), and adverbs of place (here, there).

• Third Nine Weeks: My Free Time Unit(s) – Lexical content includes: Leisure-time vocabulary (sports, games, eating out, television, movies, working, shopping, etc.), the 24 hour clock, dates, vocabulary about seasons/seasonal activities, weather, metric system for temperature, expressions of chronology (tomorrow, next week, after, before, etc.), adverbs of frequency (sometimes, usually, often, never, etc.), TV/movies/sports schedules, clothing, and colors.

• Fourth Nine Weeks: My Community Unit(s) – Lexical content includes: Public places (train station, museum, park, etc.), descriptive words for local tourist destinations, addresses, ordinal numbers (revisited and expanded), vocabulary for directions, distance vocabulary, metric system for distances, invitations, modes of transportation, geographical terms, and prepositions of location.

*Lexical content includes the above, but it is not limited to those topics.

Note 1. The units of study are subject to change depending on curriculum needs, school requirements and cultural activities.

Note 2. There will be four required presentations that will be integrated into the course of study and again will be dependent on the unit of study criteria and the school required examination dates.

Note 3. The main reason a student fails to make progress in Spanish classes is his/her failure to learn the vocabulary. If one does not understand what is being described or requested, one cannot comply and function.

Additional information: Extra help is available on Friday’s. This may be arranged by contacting the instructor at the above e-mail address or by phone. Parents/guardians will be contacted as necessary regarding academic or behavioral problems. That is why it is essential that the contact sheet that follows this syllabus be completed and returned promptly. As with all material that I ask students to get signed and return, extra credit is given for those doing so in a timely manner. We will also have the H.E.L.P. Center again this year. This center provides free tutoring to students after school with transportation home provided.

Student’s name _________________________________________________________

Last First Middle




Parents’ names_____________________________________________________________________________________

Home Phone Number________________________________ Work Phone Number________________________

E-Mail address: ______________________________________________________________________________________

My child may be photographed or videotaped in connection with this class. Failure to return this form will be considered as permission to photograph or videotape.

Please check one. _____________YES ______________ NO

I have read and am familiar with the course requirements/syllabus for ______SPANISH I___________________________

(Course Name)

__________________________________________ ____ ________________________________

Parent’s signature Date Student's signature

Additional information parent wishes teacher to know:



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