Grammar 1 语法一: 死 Sǐ(Textbook p. 139-140) 死Indicating an Extreme DegreeI don’t like getting a shot. It’s extremely painful to get a shot.I have a terrible toothache!I am so exhausted.It’s awfully cold/hot today! [Most complimentary adjectives cannot be followed by 死。Here is an exception.He was elated after he learned about this.Language Practice A: Extreme Cases (Textbook, p. 145)请先跟你的同学练习说中文,然后再写【Please practice speaking with your classmate first, then write.】_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Grammar 语法 2:次(cì)Times of Actions (Textbook p.140)If the object is not a person or a place, 次(cì)should be placed between the verb and the object. If the object represents a person or a place, , 次(cì)can go either between the verb and the object or after the object.I have called you several times this morning!I have been to China two times. First time, I went to Shanghai, the second time, I went to Beijing.He came to look for you twice yesterday. You were not here in either time. [If the object is a personal pronoun, 次must follow the object.]Please say it one more time.Please read the text once.Take this medicine three times a day, two tablets each time.Language Practice B: Last Night (Textbook, p. 146)请先跟你的同学练习说中文,然后再写【Please practice speaking with your classmate first, then write.】A: B:A:B:1._______________________________________________________________A: B:A:B:2._______________________________________________________________A: B:A:B:3._______________________________________________________________Grammar 语法 3:起来(qǐlái) p.141) Indicating the Beginning of an ActionWe began chatting as soon as we met as if we were old friends.He began to dance happily as soon as he heard that he can go to Ohio State University! He went to sleep as soon as he got home.Grammar 语法 4:把(bǎ)Construction (I) (Textbook p.142)Sentences with 把 are commen in Chinese.Here is the basic 把 construction:Sub+把(bǎ)+ Object+ Verb+ Other Element (Complement/了, etc.)Usaually this sentence construction highlights the subject’s disposal of or impact upon the object.A: Have you given the money to him? B: Yes, I have given your money to him.Please give this book to him.You wrote this character incorrectly. Sorry, I have gotten your name incorrectly.Would you take a look at this text?Finish up your dinner!How can you forget your wife’s birthday? She is going to kill you!Please put your cell phone into your bag.Please put away your bag to another place.Please put your pen down after finishing up your test.Please deliver this letter to the Principal’s office.Language Practice C: Moving Day (Textbook, p. 147)请先跟你的同学练习说中文,然后再写【Please practice speaking with your classmate first, then write.】________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Language Practice D.口语练习(Textbook, p. 149)Take turn to ask the questions, and write down the answer to each question:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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