Kirkliston Community Council

Kirkliston Community Council


29 - 10 - 13

1. Attendance

S. Lee, D. Buchanan, B. Brooks, J. Henderson, M. Elder, N. Davidson, M. Brechin,

J. Paterson, J. Mackay, P. Hull, Cllrs. N. Work, A. Shields, L. Paterson, P.C. Palin and 11 members of the public

2. Apologies

S. Boyack M.S.P.

3. Election

Cllr. N. Work, as Returning Officer for the Community Council election chaired the meeting initially and thanked S. Lee for his chairmanship over the past seven years, and M. Elder for his work as Secretary as well as his assistance with the election process. He also spoke of how good it was to see new interest in the Community Council. Cllr. Work moved to the election for Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer of the Council. The result was as follows: -

Chair – D. Buchanan – Proposed by N. Davidson and Seconded by J. Henderson

Vice-Chair – J. Paterson – Proposed by D. Buchanan and Seconded by S. Lee

Secretary – N. Davidson – Proposed by D. Buchanan and Seconded by P. MacLeod

Treasurer – B. Brooks – Proposed by J. Henderson and Seconded by S. Lee

All four nominations were accepted and the above duly elected to their relevant positions

There are four other members of the Community Council – J. Henderson, S. Lee and G. Wells, M. Elder

The following people are representatives for various organisations –

P. Hull – Kirkliston Scouts

J. Mackay – Gala Committee

J. Paterson – K.P.S.A. – It is acceptable under the Constitution for J. Paterson to be both Vice-Chair and a representative for an organisation.

D. Buchanan then took over as Chair and thanked Cllr. N. Work for his work in the role of Returning Officer. He also thanked S. Lee and M. Elder for their past work and thanked the Community Council for putting its trust in him.

4. Minutes of Previous Meeting

These were proposed and seconded by B. Brooks and N. Davidson respectively as being a correct record

5. Matters Arising

• Noticeboard in place and being used

• Allotments are now opened; there are seven of them in use; water main to be installed

• Defibrillator – Scotmid is reliant on the review by the Ambulance Service before making a decision

• Bowling Club Path – the finance is now in position but the Lighting Dept. is still to confirm the lighting standard positions

• Bike Track – A grant is available through Cycling Scotland and other avenues for funding can be explored; planning permission may be needed; worry the track may attract anti-social behaviour and therefore should it go ahead – P.C. Palin stated that the Police could keep an eye on things if the track is set up; KCC was not against the track going ahead if it is possible and J. Paterson will continue to pursue

• Right of Way – D. Buchanan, M. Duncan Access Officer CEC, D. Sinclair Environmental Services Manager West Neighbourhood Team and a representative from Scotways met to discuss this issue. The Scotways rep. declared after extensive checking and collabaration that the right of way was indeed a right of way and will update the Scotways database to reflect this. This decision would be communicated to the Hopetoun reps. at the later meeting with CEC.

Hopetoun Estates met with Inverdunning reps. and the result produced good news regarding the path between Manse Road and Path Brae.  Hopetoun Estates and Inverdunning have reached an agreement which, subject to legals, should be finalised in next few weeks. In the meantime Inverdunning representatives will be in touch with Kirkliston Community Council and adjacent neighbours to discuss short and longer term options relative to the re establishment of the public route.

Inverdunning needs to complete a path now they own it. B. Barrs will discuss options with the neighbours re the right of way, but it may not be the original route. KCC is flexible on the actual route. When the path is constructed it was felt it should be of an adoptable standard with a proper surface and lighting. D. Sinclair CEC is willing to have a temporary surface installed dependant on agreement with the respective parties. Inverdunning will come back to KCC with its decisions.

• Pike’s Pool Fireworks – these are not going ahead due to lack of funding

6. Police Report

• Only nine recorded crimes this month

• P.C. Palin to check on clear-up rates; also to check on ASBO’s; N. Davidson will write to Drumbrae Centre for information on the supervision and the implementation of the ASBO’S

• Tickets have been issued to drivers who offend at the traffic lights on the main street

• Special patrols are going out to monitor anti-social behaviour

• 30mph has been extended beyond Breastmill but traffic is still speeding; Stirling Road is also bad again; P.C. Palin will try to get the Traffic Wardens to carry out speed checks

• As far as P.C. Palin is aware Queensferry Police Station is not closing; from January there will be no front desk staff; however, there will be an extra officer within the shift system

|Lothian and Borders Police Report |

|Date |25th September 2013 - 28th September 2013 |

| |PC11292 Tony Palin |

| | |

|WA03 - Kirkliston/ |

|During the period between the 25/09/2013 and 28/10/2013 there have been 9 recorded crimes in the Kirkliston area. They can be broken down as follows;|

|1 x Vandalism |

|1 x Assault |

|1 x Telecommunications Act |

|1 x Sect 38 Threats |

|1 x Housebreaking WI |

|1 x Theft HB |

|1 x Assault & Robbery |

|1 x Theft M/V |

|1 x HB WI |

| |

| |

|WA03 - Kirkliston |

|Crimes of note throughout this period |

|Date |Crime Type |Description |

|10/10/13 |HB WI |Liston Road Kirkliston , Padlock clipped and nothing taken from within.(Linked) |

|11/10/13 |Theft HB |Shed Broken into items taken from within.(Linked) |

|29/09/13 |Assault/ |Alcohol Taken from complainer pushed to the ground and punched - Solved |

| |Robbery | |

|25/09/13 |Theft M/V |Black Suzuki Motorbike taken while chained up outside house. Enquiries ongoing at this time. |

|23/09/13 |HB/WI |Patio door forced nothing taken . |

| | | |

|No V/A ‘S in the Kirkliston area between the dates stated. |

| |

|Edinburgh West Statistics |

|Beat Area |Number of Calls |Area |

7. Kirkliston Community Council Community Fund

There have been three applications as follows –

• KSQFC - £2720 for strips with the proviso that the Kirkliston Consortium is displayed on the strips

• Kirkliston Gala - £2000 with the proviso that the Consortium is mentioned in advertising; J. Mackay expressed his thanks on behalf of the Gala Committee

• KPSA - £3000 for I-Pads with the proviso that the Consortium is recognised when communicating with parents.

All the above were approved. £20000 has now been paid out and £30000 remains for the next three years.

8. Correspondence

|Subject |Email? |Printed |Forward to |Action |

| | |Copy? |CC? | |

|Sustainability and Planning |Y |N |Y |  |

|Clean up Edinburgh |Y |N |Y |Forwared to Rob Brechin |

|X38 Bus fares |Y |N |Y |  |

|Action Eartwards |Y |N |Y |Forwared to Rob Brechin& Dean Schmit |

|Litter Campaign |Y |N |Y |Forwared to Rob Brechin |

|National Planning |Y |N |Y |  |

|Lothian Health Board |Y |N |Y |FYI |

|Defibrellator Site |Y |N |Y |FYI |

|Health Themed Poster |Y |N |Y |Placed in KCC notice board |

|ASBOS |Y |N |Y |Awaiting further information |

|Library Information Poster |Y |Y |N |Placed in KCC notice board |

|Minutes | Y |Y |N |Draft |

|Headed Paper |Y |N |N |  |

|Public Realms |Y |N |N |FYI |

|Dog Fouling |Y |N |N |Awaiting further information |

|Edinburgh ASBOS |Y |N |N |Awaiting further info |

|Site lorries on Almondhill Road |Y |N |N |FYI |

|Public Realms Meeting |Y |N |Y |Confirmation of meeting. |

|ASBOS Ref 1763 |Y |N |Y |Forwared toDB. |

|Public Realms |Y |N |N |accknowlagement |

|Draft Minutes |Y |N |N |Draft Update |

|CEC Environmental Warden |Y |N |N |Warden Update. |

|POLICE PLAN Ward Community Sessions |Y |N |Y |Placed in KCC notice board |

|POLICE PLAN Ward Community Sessions |Y |N |N |Duplicate |

|EACC AGM |Y |N |Y |No action |

|POLICE PLAN Ward Community Sessions |Y |N |N |Duplicate |

|Local Planing Policy |Y |N |N |  |

| Emergency Road Closure |Y |N |N |  |

|Edinburgh Roadworks Ahhead Agreement |y |N |N |  |

|PolICE PLAN Ward Community Sessions |Y |N |N |Update |

|Almond Partnership NP Meeting |Y |N |Y |Minutes forwared to D Buchanan |

|Sunday 10 Nov X38 Bus Timetable Update |Y |N |Y |Facebook update |

|Letter to Healthboard |Y |Y |N |Posted Friday 16.30 |

|Dog Fouling |Y |N |N |Warden Update. |

|Almond Partnership NP Meeting |Y |N |N |Partnership Update |

|Almond Partnership NP Meeting |Y |N |N |Duplicate |

|Natural Heritage Newsletter |Y |N |N |Duplicate |

|APSE Member consultation |Y |N |Y |Forwarded To D Buchanan |

|Queens baton Relay |Y |N |Y |Forwarded To D Buchanan |

|Almond NP development plan scheme |Y |N |Y |Forwarded To D Buchanan |

|Clean-up Edinburgh campaign |Y |N |y |Forwarded To Rob Brechin |

|Road Closure |Y |N |N |Notice board. |

|Almond neighbourhood Partnership Meeting |Y |N |Y |Forwarded To D Buchanan |

|Consultation Community Empowerment |Y |N |Y |Forwarded To D Buchanan |

|Consultation Community Empowerment |Y |N |Y |Forwarded to members |

|Winter weather consultation |Y |N |Y |Steve Lee to note in Facebook. |

9. Hogmanay Bus Service

N43 – At first this service was not recommended but following questioning this decision was reversed with the proviso that more advertising be done so that better use was made of it. The three elected members and M. Elder worked to get this situation resolved.

The services in rest of Edinburgh are run by Lothian Buses, sponsored by Diageo and it is wondered why this could not have been extended to the Almond Ward.

There is a meeting on 11th November regarding Transport in Rural West Edinburgh – D. Buchanan and M. Elder will attend.

A complaint was raised about the bus route in Kirkliston going through the new development and a request was made for another bus stop near the traffic lights on Queensferry Road – this would resolve the problem of the distance from the Bus Gate at present.

Clarification will be sought at the above meeting about the tendering re Horsburgh – it was thought the tender would continue until July 2014 when the trams start, but another viewpoint was that the tender would go out in November this year.

10. Public Realms

Safety is the priority regarding the above works and there will be a meeting on 12th November at 6.00pm starting at the Library. M. Borthwick CEC will be in attendance. N. Davidson to write with details. CEC will have to contact the Consortium to let them know what is changing in order to keep them onside with our thoughts. £250000 has been paid to the CEC by the Consortium for these works.

11. Planning

Nursery Extension – objections have been raised re the use of wooden cladding if it is not kept in good condition and the use of the play space which is not being replaced. The School Growth Budget is paying for this extension. Section 75 money earmarked for the School is only for the Primary School and not the Nursery School

Planning Applications / Decisions – October 2013

Part One: Applications List

| |Use of existing | |Mr Andrew |delegated |Registered |Francis Newton |

| |residential dwelling | |Marshall., |decision |on: |0131 529 6435 |

| |(gatehouse at rear | |70/3 Evelyn | |25/09/2013 |francis.newton@ |

| |access) as educational | |Gardens | |Comments |.uk |

| |accommodation for | |London | |Due by |Community |

| |horticultural academy | |SW7 3BQ | |16.10.2013 |Council: Kirkliston |

| |for a maximum of 6 | | | | |Other Consents |

| |students. The course | | | | |and Certificates |

| |will run 3 days a week | | | | | |

| |between the hours of | | | | | |

| |10am and 4pm. | | | | | |

| |at | | | | | |

| |Carlowrie Castle Lodge | | | | | |

| |Boathouse Bridge | | | | | |

| |Road | | | | | |

| |Kirkliston | | | | | |

| |EH29 9ES | | | | | |

| |13/03241/CLP | | | | | |

| |Convert existing domestic | |Mr David Newton, |delegated |Registered on: |Rihards Sobols |

| |garage to form room and | |46 Eilston Loan |decision |26/09/2013 |0131529 3543 |

| |creation of new entrance | |Kirkliston | |Comments Due by|Rihards.Sobols@edinburgh.go|

| |porch. | |Edinburgh | | | |

| |at | |EH29 9FL | |24.10.2013 |Community Council: |

| |46 Eilston Loan | | | | |Kirkliston |

| |Kirkliston | | | | |Householder Developments |

| |EH29 9FL | | | | | |

| |13/04017/FUL | | | | | |

| |Alter and extend existing |Smith Scott Mullan |The City Of |delegated |Registered on: |David McFarlane |

| |nursery school. |Associates. |Edinburgh Council., |decision |27/09/2013 |0131 529 3512 |

| |at |FAO Jamie Bateman |FAO Mr Peter Almand | |Comments Due by|david.mcfarlane@edinburgh.g|

| |Kirkliston Community Centre|378 Leith Walk |Waverley Court | | | |

| |And Nursery |Edinburgh |4 East Market Street| |28.10.2013 |Community Council: |

| |16 - 18 Queensferry Road |EH7 4PF | | | |Kirkliston |

| |Kirkliston | |Edinburgh | | |Other Developments - Local |

| |EH29 9AQ | |EH8 8BG | | | |

| |13/04067/FUL | | | | | |

Part Two: Decision List - N/A

| | | | | | |

12. Councillors’ Report

• Cllr. L. Paterson spoke about the change at Queensferry Police Station as mentioned by P.C. Palin. She added that there would be a rotation of officers attending the KCC meetings. There would also be an emphasis on Community Policing

• The Neighbourhood Partnership is looking to how it can move forward and be relevant to the communities it encompasses. D. Buchanan attending a meeting on 30th October.

• Cllr. A. Shields thanked D. Buchanan for attending a “Youth Decides Initiative” meeting

• Suggestions are welcome for alternative hubs if the front desk is not available at the Police Station. D. Buchanan expressed concern about the Community Police in schools and hoped that aspect would continue

13. Santa’s Sleigh

• Rotary Sleigh to be used and it will be towed by R. Brechin

• A subgroup of KCC will meet to decide on stopping points in the village and to discuss any financial implications – J. Paterson, B. Brooks, M. Elder

• It was agreed that the necessary funding within reason was available to cover all the costs

• Cllr. N, Work has agreed to be Santa once again

14. Kirkliston Health Centre

Concern has been expressed about the difficulty in making appointments at the Centre and the lengthy waits for one. D. Buchanan, N. Davidson and J. Paterson will compose a letter to the Health Board enquiring about Kirkliston meeting its service level agreements.

15. Kirkliston Leisure Centre

S. Lee spoke with B. Stewart about the 11-a-side team playing there and discovered that the team now plays at South Queensferry. The 11-a-side park should have been reinstated over a year ago for Kirkliston residents. S. Lee is willing to speak with L. Renwick of Edinburgh Leisure and invite him to our next meeting to discuss the issues. The Chairman indicated we should go ahead with this. Markings have been put down for 11-a-side pitch on the other side of the Leisure Centre but goal posts are required. It was suggested that younger teams could play at the Centre and older ones at Allison Park

16. Treasurer’s Report

£1815.49 in the Bank - £800 of the grant towards the noticeboard remains but will not be taken away.

17. Street Signage

The signage should shortly be in place for Newmains and Maitland Roads

18. Co-opted Members of the Community Council

P. Macleod, L. Mitchell and H. Zukowski have indicated they would be willing to be co-opted onto the Council. This was approved by the Community Council.

Friends of Pike’s Pool would also like representation, but they have to fill in the necessary documentation to register as a local interest group.

19. A.O.B.

• Primary School Extension - There is an opportunity to make comments on the extension for the primary school

• Dog Wardens - It was felt that more are required due to the mess of fouling. The number to contact to speak about Environmental issues is 529 3030. KCC will also publicise this. In the new estates, as the roads are not adopted, the wardens will not attend

• Bus Timetable – the printed timetable of the 38 bus does not tally with the timetable at the bus-stop; there is no shelter at Waterloo Place. These two points will be raised at the Transport meeting on 11th November

• Edinburgh Airport Consultative Committee – J. Henderson is willing to continue attending on behalf of KCC. This was confirmed by the Community Council

• Trees on Newmains Farm Lane – CEC can give advice on what can be done about the size of the trees and the nuisance they are causing to residents; telephone 529 3030 to speak with an arborist

• Facebook Comments – re the meetings always being a Tuesday and the Minutes not coming out until late on – it was pointed out by the Chairman that the minutes cannot be issued to the public until approved.

20. Date of Next Meeting – Tuesday 26th November at 7.00pm in Kirkliston Library

• The Chairman would also like a meeting in December to finalise Santa’s Sleigh



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