Clerk to Flamstead Parish Council


Clerk to the Council

Caroline Freer

Bridgford End

127 Trowley Hill Road phone: 01582 841346

Flamstead e mail:

Herts AL3 8DS website: .uk



Number: 2011/4

PRESENT: Clrs: Killen, Gibson, Taunton, Wright, Humphreys, Bines, Cadman, McCurdy, Abel Smith

Also present: Clerk- Caroline Freer, Clr David Lloyd, Ted Alford – rep for Luton Airport, Neil Thompson (Operations Director Luton Airport), Roger Kacoulis (Operations Luton airport), PC Matthews, PCSO Peklivanas (Luton Airport Flight Path Protection Team), Nigel Emms representing the Residents’ group against aircraft noise, approx. 40 members of the public



APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes having been previously circulated were agreed by all to be a true record.

The Chairman suspended standing orders for the presentations to take place:


Neil Thompson gave a detailed presentation on the background and reasons why there has been a dramatic increase in the number of flights directly over Flamstead, flying at lower altitudes and at a slower speed. A Residents’ group has been very active in encouraging people affected by the noise to complain to the airport. This group in conjunction with the Parish Council has met with airport officials, resulting in this presentation at the parish meeting.

The main problem concerns the westerly departures of flights ie when the prevailing winds are from the west. All aircraft turn left immediately after take-off and then follow the same 3km wide path until dispersing just south of Flamstead, the Compton and Olney to the south west and the Clacton/Dover to the east. At present the point at which the aircraft turn on the Clacton/Dover route, as a result of the EasyJet trial, is directly over Flamstead turning at an actual height of around 3000ft but at reduced speed which creates more noise. An additional problem for residents is that pilots appear to be flying the Compton/Olney route in a similar manner again adding to the noise impact on the village. Discussion between LLAOL and the pilots is ongoing.

All aircraft from Luton Airport navigate by old technology using navigational beacons, the point of reference for departing aircraft departing is the Bovingdon Beacon. The beacons are recalibrated every 5 years as their accuracy is affected by magnetic drift, currently this beacon is inaccurate by 1 degree which means all aircraft are flying 400-500 metres to the east than they should, nearer or directly over the village. The airport has taken action and made adjustments to take account of the 1˚ shift which will begin on the 22nd September. The combination of the magnetic drift, the way the Compton aircraft are being flown and the trial, has had a devastating effect on Flamstead.

EasyJet, at the request of LLAOL and the LLAC, agreed to take part in a trial which the airline has been simulating for the past year and fly a different flight path on the Clacton/Dover route using 10 aircraft that would constitute the number of its daily flights to Eastern Europe. The reason for the trial was concern that flights were not keeping within the 3 km swathe of the flight path on the final turn making a wide sweep that took some aircraft over the north of Hemel Hempstead.

The intention to fly nearer the centre line on the turn means aircraft have to fly considerably slower and turn east 1 mile sooner than in previous years, the result is a serious increase in noise exacerbated by all Monarch and Thompson flying a similar path together with some aircraft flown by Wizz, who are the biggest operators on this route.

There is optimism that taking account of magnetic drift and the involvement of Flamstead in consultation, which Neil assured the meeting would occur, will improve matters. It is possible that these flight path changes will require an airspace change which would result in a 12 week public consultation and an Environmental Impact Assessment.

Looking to the future, all aircraft will navigate using GPS (P-RNAV), which is more accurate than beacon navigation systems; however this would result in all aircraft flying very narrow paths which has a considerable downside.

Going forward:

i) Assess the result of realigning the magnetic drift. If this does not make any significant improvement, the airport team then need to discover why. At the end of the trial there will be further discussion between LLAOL and the DAP who will make any final decision or recommendation. Neil will keep the council informed when the trial ends and of any further developments and was hopeful that changes could be brought about in 6 months or so.

The Luton Airport Noise Working Group will arrange a meeting at Luton to review whether objectives have been achieved.

Neil Thompson assured the meeting that all the complaints made are getting logged. At present there are too many for individual replies.

Thanks given to Neil Thompson. HK confirmed the Parish Council’s support for the campaign and proposed that Nigel Emms and Rob Madden should join Barry Bines and Ted Alford in the Parish Council Working Group, 2nd by DG, all agreed. Neil Thompson and colleague left meeting.


Pc Matthews and PCSO Sarah Peklivanas from the Flight Protection Team gave a brief talk on the situation regarding protection our flight paths to prevent another Lockerbie-type incident. As residents in the area which could be affected by such an incident we are asked to be vigilant and report suspicious activities, strangers or out of character vehicles in fields/lanes etc. The Police are aware of locations which would be suitable for firing weapons, and these sites are monitored by surveyors in unmarked vehicles.

Fortunately the national threat level for terrorists has dropped. The Team which consists of 2 surveyors and 3 Police cover an area from Ivinghoe Beacon to Stevenage. There is liaison with neighbourhood teams who also assist. There is an opportunity for volunteers to get involved – just contact the team. There is heightened awareness ahead of the Olympics, hence the need to be vigilant. Reports of suspicious aircraft will send the armed unit into action and divert aircraft to an alternative route.

Potential volunteers – contact

POLICE REPORT: The crime report for 13 Aug to 10th Sep:


Burglary Dwelling x 3

Damage to motor vehicle x 1

Theft from motor vehicle x 3

Theft x 1

Bilking x 1

MATTERS ARISING: School bus service: The school consultation is now over. The best outcome would be to have a commercial bus route, the next option being a village lift share arrangement. DL said that it is unlikely that a commercial bus route would be implemented as estimated costs would be approximately £50,000 per year. If necessary DL can arrange a public meeting with an official from the County Council to explain the situation as arrangements need to be in place by Feb. David Gibson is keen to explore the possibility of using a current bus service, which at present starts at Redbourn or Markyate and could be reallocated to the new route. Approx 150 children will need a bus from Markyate and Flamstead. Action: DG to compose letter informing parents of current situation.

Chequers Hill Egress update: letter sent to Mike Penning.

Recreation Ground: line marking update. Peter has been painting the white lines on top pitch. SMc, JF and BB filled in the grooves where the lines are and did some re seeding. Centre of top pitch finished by Graham Bray. In future, the football managers need to inform the clerk when they are playing so the lines can be done in good time. JT: should football managers meet with councillors? Need list of team managers and addresses – arrange meeting with them: Action: CF to organise.

NEW WARDEN ARRANGEMENTS: Pete Merritt is retiring on 5 Jan 2012. His tasks need to be reviewed in conjunction with Markyate. Decisions have to be made as to whether we use an individual employee or a contractor. The job spec needs to be drawn up. Pete will prepare list of what he does presently. Working Group to be set up to liaise with Markyate: JT, HK and MW – costings to be obtained from Markyate.

BUDGET: Finance Working Group to meet on 20 Sep, defer to October’s meeting.

OIL: Community Buying: minimum 10 households to bulk buy oil. Coordinator would need to synchronise deliveries of oil, which will lead to savings of 10-15%. Entrance fee: abt £200 for group. Are there enough people, should we set it up, who would be the coordinator? The community group also sells warning devices, security measures etc. Action: Chris to write article for magazine explaining procedure.

THE MOOR: No further indication yet as to what decision has been made following the visit by Planning Inspectorate on September 1. DG suggested start proceedings for other set of trees on the other side of the river. DL advised to wait for result of current decision.

RECREATON GROUND – FSA – Possibly faced with closure. If it winds up, ownership passes to PC. Parish Council cannot run bar, but can run sporting facilities. Consider any business case in future. Building needs to be maintained. JT – look at grants. Await outcome of AGM at FSA on 22 Sep.

HK went to playground equipment show. Funding is available for outdoor adult gyms from Sport England Inspiration - £50,000 if qualify. Matting that is suggested now is holed matting, not the soft pour rubber. Action: Clerk to chase tennis hole in court.

PLAYGROUND: DH - suggests that we sell off the current play equipment and revamp whole playground. Action: DH to measure area, take photos and give suggestions of what would fit. (Worth looking at Park Street where new playground is being installed.) Budget to be considered.

IMPROVEMENT TO VILLAGE: DH to improve the approaches to the village. JT: Pete can make flower troughs if necessary. Thanks to Spotted Dog and Herts Garden Centre for filling trough opposite 3 Blackbirds.

WARDEN TASKS: Pietley Hill sign to be straightened, road name plates are being smartened up; spray gutters and drains to remove weeds. Brambles at Vicarage Gdns to be cut down.

ACCOUNTS SCHEDULE read out. Rainbows cup cost £41 (£20 had been allocated previously). Extra expense agreed.

PLANNING: Decisions taken: Waggon and Horses illuminated sign: granted. Blacksmith Cottage, River Hill – heating system: Granted

New Applications: Ref: 4/01347/11/FHA Wayside Cottage –demolition of side and rear additions and 2 storey rear extension and alterations: No objections.


Egress letter, Reply from County Hall re bus consultation. DG to respond.

Chiltern Society has had funding removed so is asking for donations.

Letter from Planning Inspectorate re the modification order on the Boat. It was proposed subject to certain modifications.

Highways letter requesting where road repairs are required: Potholes in Singlets Lane

Letter from Herts air ambulance requesting donations.

Observational documentary: Parish Council will not participate in it directly.

Complaints from Trowley Heights re mud/rubble around renovation to house on corner of Friendless Lane. Action: Clerk to ask owner to ensure area kept tidy.

Chairman: Hilary Killen

12 September 2011

Next meeting: 10 October 2011




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