Career Speech Assignment

Career Speech Assignment

• You will research a potential career and present your career to the class.

• The speech must

o Be 4-5 minutes in length

o Have a typed outline and a Works Cited page in MLA format. Both must be submitted on the first day of presentations to receive full credit.

o Include

▪ Introduction

▪ Description of the career

▪ Job requirements/skills

▪ Approximate entry-level salary

▪ Schooling required (high school diploma, Associate’s degree, Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree, Doctorate, medical school, law school, etc.) and a list of schools that offer these degrees

▪ An explanation about why you would like to pursue this career.

▪ A summary of what you have learned about the career as a result of your research for this speech.

▪ A visual aid which enhances your presentation (PowerPoint, poster, handout etc.)

• To begin your research

o Login to your computer

o Go to Start→Library Apps→Bridges Transitions, Inc.

o Create a new portfolio.

o Create own portfolio and own password.

▪ SITE ID:  1221903

▪ PASSWORD:  central

o You may also use the government's Occupational Handbook

• For assistance with MLA format, consult The Purdue OWL.

Career Speech Rubric

| |15 |14/13 |12 |11 |10 or fewer |

|Content |Abundance of material |Sufficient |Great deal of |Some information |Topic unclear or |

| |clearly related to topic; |information related |information related |related to topic; |content is off |

| |points clearly made; sound|to topic; many good |to topic; little use|little use of logic |topic; no evidence |

| |logic evident |points but uneven |of logic evident |evident |of logic presented |

| | |balance; some logic | | | |

| | |evident | | | |

|Coherence/ |Topic is clearly stated; |Most information |Concept and ideas |Concept and ideas |Presentation choppy |

|Organization |persuasive logic developed|presented in logical|somewhat connected; |loosely connected; |and disjointed; does|

| |with support; high impact |sequence; generally |few clear |lacks clear |not flow at all; |

| |introduction; clear |very well organized,|transitions; flow |transitions; flow and|development of topic|

| |conclusion; flows together|but better |and organization |organization choppy |is vague; no |

| |well; effective use of |transitions needed |choppy | |apparent order of |

| |transitions |between ideas | | |presentation |

|Non-Verbal Delivery |Effective use of |Good use of |Fair use of |Poor use of |No evidence of |

|Skills |non-verbal skills (5) |non-verbal skills |non-verbal skills |non-verbal skills (2 |non-verbal skills |

| | |(4) |(3) |or 1) |(0) |

|Verbal Delivery |No grammar, articulation, |Few (1-2) grammar, |Some (3-4) grammar, |Several (5-6) |Many (7+) grammar, |

|Skills |pronunciation, or |articulation, |articulation, |grammar, |articulation, |

| |enunciation errors; no |pronunciation, or |pronunciation, or |articulation, |pronunciation, or |

| |vocalized pauses |enunciation errors; |enunciation errors; |pronunciation, or |enunciation errors; |

| | |few vocalized pauses|some vocalized |enunciation errors; |many vocalized |

| | | |pauses |several vocalized |pauses |

| | | | |pauses | |

|Visual Aid |Visual aid is clearly |Visual aid is mostly|Visual aid is |Visual aid is not |No visual aid |

| |visible, organized, |visible, organized, |somewhat visible, |visible, organized, |exists, or visual |

| |colorful, eye-catching, |colorful, |organized, colorful,|colorful, |aid is irrelevant to|

| |neat, and topic-enhancing |eye-catching, neat, |eye-catching, neat, |eye-catching, neat, |presentation |

| | |and topic-enhancing |and topic-enhancing |and topic-enhancing | |

Non-Verbal Skills Utilized:

|Appearance |Effective Gestures |

|Eye Contact |Good Posture |

|Facial Expressions | |

o Deduction: Adherence to time (-2 points for every

30 seconds under) ________

o Deduction: Works Cited page ________




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