WSET Job Application Form for Translator

WSET Job Application Form for TranslatorThis form has been designed to tell us all we need to know about you at this stage. Please complete the form in black ink and block capitals. Section A: Personal InformationSurname:Forenames: Address:Tel No. (Home): country code:Tel No. (Business):country code:E-mail address:Usual contactable hours (time zone):Secondary Schools; Colleges; UniversityDatesExaminations takenDateResultFromToProfessional Qualifications currently held: how obtained, grade and date Other relevant Educational or Training Courses, with dates:Section B: LanguagesLanguage(s)Level of proficiency ILR ScaleCEFR Scale(please click the above hyperlink for reference)Qualification(s) or experience (include any professional associations, where and how you learn the language, level of education in that specific language etc.)EnglishSection C: Wine, spirits and sake knowledge/experienceSubjectRelevant experience and qualification(s)Year(s) e.g.19XX-20XXWineSpiritsSakeCurrent EmploymentTitle of Post:Salary: Name & Address of Employer:Business of Employer DateCommenced: Date ended(if applicable) Please outline your responsibilities, to whom you are responsible and staff responsible to you (if applicable)Previous Employment (last three jobs if applicable)Name & Address of Former EmployersPosition heldDates From ToReason for leaving and final grade/salaryPlease say why you are applying for this post, outline aspects of your experience and give details of any particular achievements or distinctions which you consider relevant to this application. Please use a continuation sheet if necessary.SECTION D: PREVIOUS WORK WITH WSET or approved programme providersPlease list all completed projects with WSET or any Approved Programme Providers (APPs):ProjectYear of completionSection E: Additional informATIONIf you have any additional specialist areas of knowledge (e.g. legal, medical, scientific background)? Please detail them here.If you familiar with the following technologies and translation technique? Please note that this part is for reference purposes, we do not expect you to use or know all of the below software. Technology / techniqueConfident / familiar / no experienceRegularity of useSpecific technique or program?TranslationManual translationPost-editing machine translationComputer-aided translationTranslating ‘segment-by-segment’Using translation suites (like SDL Trados or Google Translator Toolkit)Using Translation Memory programsTerminology managementUsing glossaries – monolingualUsing glossaries – bilingualUsing glossaries – multilingualCreating/editing glossariesReviewing / copy-editingManual copy-editingUsing Quality Assurance (QA) checks and tools (e.g. XBench)Following TQA frameworks (e.g. MQM)If you familiar with the following software packages? Please note that this part is for reference purposes, we do not expect you to use or know all of the below software. SoftwareDo you use it?Which version do you use?General softwareMicrosoft Word:Microsoft Excel:Microsoft PowerPoint:Adobe Reader/Pro:Translation softwareSDL TradosWordfastMemsourceMemoQFluency (Western Standard)Déjà Vu X3AcrossOther translation systems (please specify):Other relevant software (e.g. Publisher, Quark)(please specify)Thank you for completing this application. ................

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