Fall 2011

Mrs. Radus

Length: 4-7 minutes

Topic: Student's choice with teacher's approval

Sources: Two different, any media, must be cited within speech

Outline (“Major” marking period grade- half speech’s value)

Visual Aid (50 pts. “Minor” grade)

Scoring: Time (25 pts.- 1 pt. deducted for every 3 seconds short)

Auditory aspects (20 pts.)

Visual aspects (20 pts.)

Organization/ Introduction & Conclusion (10 pts.)

Body (25 pts.)

OUTLINE DUE:_______December 22, 2011_______________

SPEECHES WILL BEGIN ON:_____January 2, 2012________



Armadillos, butterflies, cats, dolphins, eagles, elephants, gophers, hippos, killer bees, monkeys, pandas, penguins, pigs, piranhas, poodles, sharks, snakes, spiders, squirrel, tigers, snow leopard

Natural disasters

Ebola virus, tornadoes

Natural wonders

Lightning, rain, waterfalls


Thanksgiving, Santa Claus


Justin Beiber, Rebecca Black, Lady Gaga, Brad Pitt, George Clooney, David Tennant, Kirstin Stewart, Josh Groban, Jake Gyllenhal

UFOs/ paranormal

Lincoln/ Kennedy coincidences, Zodiac signs


Montana, rain forest, Disney World


Chewing gum, ice cream, tea, wine, Coca-Cola, Spaghetti, Pez, Oreos

Legends/ Folk Tales

Athena, Chicago Fire, Dracula, the Jersey Devil, Norse mythology, Egyptian curses


American Pie background, autism, Barbie, basketball history, chemical weapons, Chinese language, cigarettes, computers, dirt bikes, fencing, hardcore music, helicopters, Jeeps, internal combustion engine, Jupiter, lemmings, Mercedes-Benz, migraines, North Carolina St. basketball, nuclear disasters, nuclear weapons, obsessive- phone company, Pokemon, prison life, rockets, rodeo, skateboarding, smoke detectors, snowboarding, Sony, tattoos, vertigo, video games, vitamins



I. gets the attention of the audience with an especially good fact/ story

II. previews your topic


III. 1st block of information

A. supporting material

1. fact

2. fact

B. supporting material

IV. 2nd block of information

A. supporting material

B. supporting material

V. 3rd block of information

A. supporting material

B. supporting material


VI. Restate your main idea

VII. Emphasize your main idea in a memorable way


Name: _________________________________

Mods:___________ Date: ___________ Topic: _________________________


Time (25 pts.- 5 pt. deducted for every 5 seconds short) ___________

Auditory aspects (20 pts.) ____________

volume, enthusiasm, energy, rate/pace, enunciation, pitch variety, avoidance of

vocalized pauses or fillers, appropriate language, did not “read” to audience

Visual aspects (20 pts.) ___________

posture/ stance, poise/ control, (no “fidgeting” or nervous habits),

facial animation, eye contact, effective gestures

Introduction & Conclusion/ Organization (10 pts.) ____________

Body (25 pts., including Works Cited 10 pts.) ____________

Total (100 pts.) ____________




Speaker: ___________________________ Evaluator: ___________________

Date:________ Topic: ___________________________________________

| |Very Good |Good |Fair |Poor |

|1. Organization | | | | |

|2. Poise | | | | |

|3. Eye Contact | | | | |

|4. Vocal projection, pace | | | | |

|5. Enunciation (Could the speaker be understood?) | | | | |

|6. Presentation of facts (Was the speech arranged in a manner | | | | |

|which was interesting to listen to? Were the facts interesting?) | | | | |

|7. Introduction (Did the speaker get your attention?) | | | | |

|8. Conclusion (Did the speaker sum up the speech or end abruptly?)| | | | |

|9. Sources (Did the speaker cite 2 sources?) | Yes | | 1 | No |

Did the speaker hold your interest why or why not?



Give three (3) suggestions for improvement.

1. __________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________

Explain what you felt was the most positive feature about the speech and the speaker.




If you had to assign the speech a numerical grade (0-100), what would it be? __________

Remember- your numerical grade of this speech should correlate with the grid above.



• Don't start off your speech with "My speech is on…."

• Avoid starting with a rhetorical question- “Have you ever wondered how many gorillas are in the world?”

• Don’t start with a dictionary definition. “According to Webster’s dictionary, lightning is defined as…”

• There are facts, and then there are INTERESTING facts!

• Don't conclude your speech with "That's about it…"

• Figure, for the most part, that the audience has little background in your topic.

• You MAY NOT use your outline to give your speech. You MAY use up to five 3x5 index cards with NO complete sentences written on them.

• Late outlines will be penalized twenty points a day. An outline MUST be done before a speech will be allowed to be given.

• PLAGIARISM will not be tolerated- plagiarized outlines will be returned with a zero and the violator will forfeit his or her right to give a speech. You also cannot take an excessive amount of word-for-word material and use it, even WITH crediting.

• Two sources must be credited within the speech. (“According to , Pamela Anderson….”)

• Visual aids must have artwork (more than one picture) AND facts. Vary fonts and sizes for eye appeal.

• Make sure your Internet sources are credible. There are a lot of people with too much free time on their hands putting garbage on the ‘Net.


Self- Evaluation Form

Mrs. Radus

Name: ____________________________________________________

Topic of speech: _______________________________________________

1. List three things you feel were strengths of your speech:

2. List three areas of improvement you feel were needed:




3. Did you rely on vocalized pauses/ filler words? (If so, which ones?)

____ Yes ________________________________________________

____ No

4. Did you rehearse your speech? If so, how? ________________________________________________________________


5. Did you add or subtract material mid-speech to fulfill the time requirements? If so which?


6. Did you enunciate clearly? Yes No

7. Did you get more comfortable as the speech went on? Yes No

8. Did you feel you were enthusiastic? Yes No

9. How did the audience respond to your topic?

10. What were the two most interesting facts you feel you gave?




11. Were the introduction, body, and conclusion clear to the audience? Yes No

12. Did you use a visual? If so, what? Yes No


13. How does this speech rank among the other speeches you’ve done this year? Why?


14. Are you more comfortable before the class than you were at the beginning of the semester? Why or why not?

15. Looking back, would have chosen a different topic for your speech or were you happy with the way your topic turned out?



Numerical grade (0-100) you feel you earned: ___________






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