Geography – Immigration Report Newspaper Style

CGC1D1 Geography – Immigration Report, Newspaper Style

Name: _____________________________

You will be reporting on one of the following topics in the newspaper report style as explained below.

There will be no class time allotted for this assignment; you will be researching this by using articles, web sites or other readings on your own time.

1. Explain what three problems or issues that immigrants may face when they arrive in Canada as they are trying to start a new life in a new country and/or a new culture?


2. What are three programs or services available to immigrants as they arrive in Canada? These programs usually help immigrants get settled and offer guidance to new citizens in Canada, in order to help them adapt.

The written new report style should include the following;

• A proper title/headline

• A font size of 12, double spaced

• no more than 1 ½ - two pages typed


Paragraph 1: 5 W's – who, what, where, when, why and how

- one paragraph will be used in this news report

- start it with a "lead" to draw the reader in

- all three issues or agencies found will be mentioned in this paragraph

Paragraph 2: Eye Witness (Agency/Service representative, an immigrant perspective, ect) #1

- who they are and why they are there ( in context)

- what they said/what is their purpose

- focus on 1st issue or service in more detail (3-5 well written sentences)

Paragraph 3: Eye Witness (Agency/Service representative, an immigrant perspective, ect) #2

- who they are and why they are there ( in context)

- focus on 2nd issue or service in more detail (3-5 well written sentences)

Paragraph 4: Eye Witness (Agency/Service representative, an immigrant perspective, ect) #3

- who they are and why they are there (context)

- focus on 3rd issue or service in more detail (3-5 well written sentences)

Conclusion/wrap up can take place at the end of Paragraph 4 or in a final paragraph.



❖ the research piece presents sufficient high quality facts and details to effectively support the theme

❖ it is relevant to Canadian immigrants

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


❖ the research is applicable to the service or issue and is recent

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


❖ Correct spelling, grammar and punctuation is used throughout the news report

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

TOTAL: /30


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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