H US History 10th

H US History 10 Name: ____________________

Sculley-Ellett, Mrs. Bond & Mrs. Lieb Pd. _________

Honors US History

United States History Research Paper in Noodletools

Research Paper Process:

_____1. Topics will be assigned Fri. Feb. 14.

Ms. S-E will put you in partnerships. During the fourth marking period, you will debate the other person in May or June.

_____2. Create project in Noodletools, share with Ms. S-E and write your research question in Noodletools Due: Tues. Feb. 18, 2014

_____3. Research your topic

o Cite sources (Works Cited) in Noodletools

o Minimum 5 sources. Wikipedia is not permitted as a source.

_____4. Craft thesis statement and put in Noodletools. Due: Friday Feb. 21

_____5. Create Note Cards (1-2 facts per card!) All are Due: Wed. March 5

-Be sure to link them to a source and label them.

-Take notes on all sources in Noodletools

-Reminder: sources can have more than one note card

-After you create note cards….you will organize them into piles as follows: Topic # of notecards

1. Grabber 1-2

2. BG on time period 2-3

3. BG on your topic 5-7

4. Support 1 6-8

5. Support 2 6-8

6. Support 3 6-8

7. Concession 3-4

8. Conclusion 1-2

Total Notecards: 30-42

-Be sure to use the notecard sections correctly:


Quotation: cut and paste from the source. If it is

a written source, record page numbers.

Paraphrase: This is where you paraphrase the direct quotation or from the written source.

My Ideas: As you research, always remember your

research question. This is a great section

to record your thoughts for the analysis

parts of the paper…especially for

Supports, 1, 2 and 3.

_____6. Create works cited in Noodletools MLA Format

_____7. Write intro paragraph Due: Monday Feb. 24

This will include a grabber. (If the grabber is a quote or paraphrase, you must use an in-text citation). It should include

2-3 sentences of background information on the time period.

Your thesis should include a Topic, Position, and three supports.

_____8. Create outline in Noodle Tools by sliding Notecards into Outline feature.

Due: Friday March 7

_____9. Write rough draft (4-5 pages) MLA Format and include in-text citations, 12 point font, Times New Roman, 1 inch margins. Due: Monday March 10

_____ 10 Final paper (4-5 pages) MLA Format and include in-text citations, 12 point font, Times New Roman, 1 inch margins. Due: Friday March 14

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Paper Topics

You will be writing a persuasive position paper related to one of the research questions listed below. After randomly choosing a topic, you and a partner will determine which side of the issue you will defend. Thus, there will be two people writing about each topic, from opposing perspectives.

1. Did immigrants to the United States between the years 1900-1929 arrive in an equal “land of opportunity”?

2. Was the achievement of suffrage –via passage of the 19th Amendment– the most significant achievement for women?

3. Did Franklin Roosevelt consolidate too much power as President during the Great Depression and WWII?

4. Should the United States have done more to prevent and/or end the Holocaust?

5. Did President Harry Truman make the correct decision to use atomic weapons against Japan in 1945?

6. Was the United States government justified in its actions to “root out” communists and/or communist sympathizers within our borders during the Cold War?

7. Is affirmative action an appropriate strategy in the struggle to eliminate discrimination in hiring practices (employment) and education?

8. How confident are you in the accuracy of the official report of the Warren Commission -declaring Lee Harvey Oswald the “lone killer”– in the assassination of President John Kennedy?

9. Did the counterculture movement of the 1950s and 1960s have any significant, lasting effect?

10. Did anti-war sentiment at home during the Vietnam War prevent the United States from winning the conflict?

11. Has history judged President Richard Nixon fairly?

12. Was President Ronald Reagan primarily responsible for ending the Cold War with the Soviet


13. Was the creation of the Guantanamo Bay military prison in Cuba an appropriate strategy in fighting the War on Terror?

14. Was President George W. Bush justified in invading Iraq in 2003?

15. Was the federal government response to Hurricane Katrina appropriate?

Research Paper Rubric

MLA Format: ___ /5 points

▪ Typed, 12pt, Times New Roman font

▪ Double spaced, 1 inch margin on all sides

▪ Heading, Title

▪ 4-5 pages

Conventions & Style ___ /10 points

▪ Spelling, grammar, punctuation

▪ Clarity of writing

Introduction / Thesis Paragraph ___ /15 points

▪ Includes grabber

▪ Strong thesis that takes a position and previews the 3 supports

Background Paragraph ___/ 10 points

▪ Provides overview of the topic.

▪ Prepares the reader to follow development of the thesis

Support #1 Paragraph A ___ / 10 points

1. Topic sentence

2. Fact (MLA in-text citation)

3. Analysis

4. Fact (MLA in text citation)

5. Analysis

o Focus: Develops and supports the thesis

o Evidence:

▪ Effectively uses specific and detailed supporting information

▪ Provides analysis of all supporting information

o Effective organization, topic sentences & transitions

___ / 10 points

Support #1 Paragraph B

1. Topic sentence

2. Fact (MLA in-text citation)

3. Analysis

4. Fact (MLA in text citation)

5. Analysis

o Focus: Develops and supports the thesis

o Evidence:

▪ Effectively uses specific and detailed supporting information

▪ Provides analysis of all supporting information

o Effective organization, topic sentences & transitions

Support #2 Paragraph A ___ / 10 points

1. Topic sentence

2. Fact (MLA in text citation)

3. Analysis

4. Fact (MLA in text citation)

5. Analysis

o Focus: Develops and supports the thesis

o Evidence:

▪ Effectively uses specific and detailed supporting information

▪ Provides analysis of all supporting information

o Effective organization, topic sentences & transitions

Support #2 Paragraph B ___ / 10 points

1. Topic sentence

2. Fact (MLA in-text citation)

3. Analysis

4. Fact (MLA in text citation)

5. Analysis

o Focus: Develops and supports the thesis

o Evidence:

▪ Effectively uses specific and detailed supporting information

▪ Provides analysis of all supporting information

o Effective organization, topic sentences & transitions

Support #3 Paragraph A ___ / 10 points

1. Topic sentence

2. Fact (MLA in text citation)

3. Analysis

4. Fact (MLA in text citation)

5. Analysis

o Focus: Develops and supports the thesis

o Evidence:

▪ Effectively uses specific and detailed supporting information

▪ Provides analysis of all supporting information

o Effective organization, topic sentences & transitions

Support #3 Paragraph B ___ / 10 points

1. Topic sentence

2. Fact (MLA in-text citation)

3. Analysis

4. Fact (MLA in text citation)

5. Analysis

o Focus: Develops and supports the thesis

o Evidence:

▪ Effectively uses specific and detailed supporting information

▪ Provides analysis of all supporting information

o Effective organization, topic sentences & transitions

Concession Paragraph ___ / 10 points + Demonstrates that you have considered alternative arguments that answer your

research question and then show why your argument, is nevertheless, strongest.

+ Cites evidence that has not yet been cited in your paper.

+ Does not simply reverse one of the points your have already made in your paper.

Conclusion Paragraph ___ / 10 points

▪ Restates thesis

▪ Summarizes main points

▪ Makes the reader understand the importance of the current issue

In-Text Citations ___ /10 points

(Any paper submitted without in-text citations will receive a ZERO)

▪ MLA format

Sources ___ /10 points

(Any paper submitted without a works cited is considered plagiarized and will receive a ZERO)

▪ At least 5 high quality, appropriate sources

▪ MLA format works cited page: alphabetized, indentation, double spaced, etc.

▪ Citations in MLA format: required information, punctuation, order, etc.

140 points

Total: ________/140


You did an excellent job of supporting your thesis.

Your evidence was thorough.

I can tell you spent time on this essay.

Your writing is above average.

Essay was average.

Your evidence was satisfactory.

More time could have been spent on this essay.

Essay was below average.

You are not meeting your writing potential.

See Me…I am concerned.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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