Friends of DalesRail

Oh me Oh my! Or OMG as they say in txt spk. Having had the wettest summer in decades, I’m now sat writing this in my thermals as I’m too mean to turn up the heating and it’s been freezing all day, snow lies on the ground and more is forecast. At least I’ve been able to use my YakTrax though they don’t look as though they’ll survive too many miles before the springs break from the rubber outer.

I hope you all had a great time over the festive season and are all walking away the extra calories and detoxifying your livers with sun and fresh air.

My gripe for the new year is Stick Etiquette! I love using my poles and I’m sure they take some strain off my hips and knees and help me go further and, possibly, faster. The problem comes when walking in a line or going over a stile: some people swing the sticks back, practically removing your eyeball and some throw them like a javelin over the stile. I’m as bad as anyone but perhaps we could all make a resolution to be aware of other walkers at all times when using our sticks. I still haven’t got the ideal solution to fixing them to my rucksack and have been known to decapitate three old ladies just by turning round on a crowded train!

Penny Smith Editor

Contents Enclosures

Moya’s Musings Summer Holiday Booking Form

Walk Leaders’ Issues AGM minutes

Event Secretary’s Report List of Officers etc

Train Walk Updates

Holiday Report

Summer Holiday

Lakes Walks


Whernside Report (Alice Parish)

Membership Reminder


Penelope’s Pantry

Photo Reminder


Dates to Remember

Poster for Leaders and Backups Meeting

Giggles and groans provided by Bill Hunt channelling Tommy Cooper – don’t blame me!

Two blondes walk into a'd think at least one of them would have seen it.

Moya’s Musings

Happy New Year! Apparently 2012 was the wettest year in Yorkshire since records began but despite the wet, windy and very muddy walking, in true FDR spirit, our members soldiered on.

As it is the beginning of a new year I need to say thank you many times in this message for members' contributions to the effective running of the Society last year. Firstly thank you to those who attended the AGM. The meeting went well. Martin Housley, Treasurer and Diane Taylor, Events Secretary were re-elected for a further two years. Philip Birtwistle, John Crouch, Elizabeth Myers and Lynn Saleh were all re-elected to the committee. Angela O'Keefe did not stand for re-election but will continue to help Joyce Broughton with delivery of the train walks leaflet and has taken over Meal Bookings from Brian Hall. Thank you Angela for all your work so far and Brian for all the work you have done over several years. Martyn Benton was elected to the committee and will be our Database Co-ordinator.

All other officers, committee members and assistants will continue in their respective roles carrying out essential work to ensure that the club runs smoothly. I would like to thank everyone for their constant efforts on behalf of the Society. Included in this Newsletter is a revised list of committee members and assistants with contact details.

The meeting was followed by an interesting talk from Chris and Tony Grogan entitled "The Dales Highway - 90 Glorious Miles".

The lunch was a lovely buffet that everyone seemed to enjoy. After lunch Martyn Benton presented a very amusing slide show of last year’s members’ photos. Thank you Martyn.

The annual dinner on 5th January 2013 was held at Herriots in Skipton and attended by 55 members. The food was good and the company great.

Stuart Ballard has represented the Society at the Pennine Prospects Annual Conference 2012 and the Open Space meeting of the South Pennine Walking Festival. Thank you Stuart for giving up your time and also for producing comprehensive reports on the meetings.

I would like to wish all members enjoyable walking in 2013. We have had a few dry walks to begin the year -let's hope this continues and we also get some sunshine!

Moya McNamara

I went to a seafood disco last week and pulled a muscle.

Walk Leaders Issues

We are very grateful to all our walk leaders and backups who do a terrific job. However one member has asked the committee if our insurance covers them when they are leading walks for other organisations. The answer is NO, our insurance only covers Friends of DalesRail activities.

I would like to take this opportunity to remind leaders and backups that the Northern train passes are also only for use when recceing and leading/backing up FDR walks or on authorised FDR business. Please do not abuse this.

Also, could train leaders who complete their walk reports on line please send the report as a Word attachment - it makes processing much easier.

Moya McNamara

Phone answering machine message - '...If you want to buy marijuana, press the hash key...'

Event Secretary’s Report

Happy New Year and I won’t dwell on the rain and endless mud but hey, we have coped admirably! Walk numbers have not suffered and our walk leaders have soldiered on and adapted walks where necessary. I for one, have found my boots have shrunk and invested in stretchers! We certainly know which gear holds out the longest in the wettest conditions!!

We have had an excellent Autumn in spite of everything: the AGM went well with good food and excellent speakers in the form of Tony and Chris Grogan…I hear talk of people planning to try their Dales High Way High route and I can recommend their Dales Rails Trails book of walks from the Settle and Carlisle line for those who want to do their own thing. This would be a good way to try route finding before offering to join our grand team of leaders! The New Year’s dinner at Herriots after three excellent walks was a chance for past and present walkers to catch up. The walk numbers were high…a chance to walk off that Christmas pud and it was a dry day. Note: Moya led three times that week and all three days were dry and so were last year’s FDR holidays away. Perhaps she could share the secret with us!!

We have much to look forward to. The March weekend to Keswick (an area we love and are delighted to be returning to judging by the numbers who have booked) and the coming holiday in July with Brighton as our base as we explore the White Cliffs, Beachy Head and the South Downs, areas new to FDR and highly recommended.

The Leaders Meeting will be on March 11th…ignore the date on the calendar which is wrong! A mix up on my part with a CAMRA night at the Grove. Rod Fall will refresh our First Aid skills and offer a hands on practice and there will be the usual refreshments. This is a chance for leaders to get together and look at any issues as well as to celebrate another very successful year.

We welcome new leaders to the meeting and anyone who would like to come along who is wavering about volunteering to help backup or lead.

On behalf of everyone I would like to thank all our amazing leaders who volunteer to lead us over hill and dale…. and through mud and flood. This has not been an easy year! What would we do without you all?

Lastly may I recommend the ride2stride festival from April 30-May 6th. This was a huge success last year and friends of Dales Rail led many of the walks. We are taking part again this year. This is a chance to promote our beautiful dales and to share our walks with the many who came from other areas as far away as Hampshire, Wales and New Zealand. Do come along and support this. There will be walks at all levels, talks about history and geology and traditional music in the pubs….Peter Taylor singing and playing!

Diane Taylor

Ed’s note: You can find the home page for the ride2stride festival on and then go on to the programme and other information.

A guy walks into the psychiatrist wearing only Clingfilm for shorts. The shrink says, 'Well, I can clearly see you're nuts.'

Walk Updates

7 March - No dogs are allowed on the members' Thursday walk to Lord's Seat and Simon's Seat from Bolton Abbey, due to access land restrictions


11 March - The date of the leaders’ and backups’ meeting (full details elsewhere in this newsletter) has been changed. It will now take place on 11 March 2013 (not 4 March as stated in the members' calendar)

We would also suggest that you look up your journey on the Metro website () before travel, where you can find bus and train alerts to warn you of possible disruptions.

Philip Birtwistle

I went to buy some camouflage trousers the other day but I couldn't find any.

Holiday Report

Weekend in the Durham Dales

Based at the Derwent Manor near Consett

What a wonderful weekend we had in September at the Derwent Manor. Who could forget the quirky fruit salad with the lemon cake crumbs and wafer thin slice of pear! The hotel proved to be an excellent base and many enjoyed its swimming pool.

Our walk leaders did us proud with three walks from Blanchland over open moors. In the far distance we could see Hadrian’s Wall and to the west a tantalising glimpse of the golf balls on Dunn Fell. All three groups finished at a delightful village pub.

The following day the coach took us over the tops of the moors to Stanhope. What stunning scenery! The strenuous group followed the old railway towards Waskerley and on to the trig point at Bolts Law, descending by Rookhope and following the river soggily to Stanhope with only just enough time for a cuppa! The moderate group also crossed moors, with some extending their distance to the limit thus also missing a drink at the end, whilst the others broke away to allow themselves time to explore the craft centre and local pub! The easy group explored the old mine area which has sympathetically slipped back into the landscape. It would have been a fit setting for Hobbits!

On Monday various people arranged their own itineraries, including a walk over to Waskerley while others followed John, our intrepid weekend organiser, who led the final walk starting at Tow Law. He clearly felt we were missing the mud and water typical of our Yorkshire walks! We followed fields along Weardale and crossed fords, until we came to one which proved uncrossable……until two Alans solved the impassable with an improvised bridge. If you were at the AGM you saw the photos!

Thank you to John for arranging the weekend, finding the walks, booking Derwent Manor and for arranging the weather. Yes, in all the rain we have waded through this past year Friends of Dales Rail have had another dry weekend away! Brilliant!

Diane Taylor….

My friend drowned in a bowl of muesli. A strong currant pulled him in.

Future Holidays

FDR Summer Holiday 2013

Brighton, Sussex 11-17 July 2013

This is an interesting walking area providing a wide range of terrains. The highlights will be the South Coast Path and the South Downs. Each day we will aim to organise A, B and C walks. There is also plenty of opportunity for sight-seeing. We will plan a day off to see local attractions.

The hotel is The Royal Albion () an attractive three-star hotel nestled on Brighton’s sea front. Accommodation is all ensuite with a mixture of doubles, twins and singles with breakfast and evening meal included. Coach travel will be from Bradford and Leeds and we will have use of the coach throughout the holiday. This is the same coach company that we use on Sundays.

The cost will be £295 per person.

I have booked 16 double/twins and 4 single rooms. If this is all we use there will be no single supplement. If, however, there are more than 4 people requiring singles, I will try to book additional rooms. These will cost an extra £90 each. I would propose to share this between all the singles.

There have been some concerns over negative comments on the Trip Advisor website about the hotel. Whilst there are a number of people reporting disappointing experiences, there are a number of very positive reports. You need to balance these when making your decision about whether to come. The hotel is 3 star and some of the negative comments are obviously from people who were perhaps expecting 5 star treatment. I believe that the hotel will provide us with all we require for a good walking week. We have contacted the hotel manager and he assures us that he deals personally with all negative comments.

John Crouch

I went to the butchers the other day and I bet him 50 quid that he couldn't reach the meat off the top shelf. He said,

'No, the steaks are too high.'

Lakes Walks 2013

The lakes walk programmes for 2013 are available on the web site and calendar. There are two series of walks, Strenuous (co-ordinated by Jay Glasby) and Moderate (co-ordinated by Jean Collyer).  Information on start points, distance and route for the strenuous walks are emailed a week in advance by Jay. If you wish to be included on the email list please email If you wish more details on the moderate walks please email


Two Eskimos sitting in a kayak were chilly.. They lit a fire in the craft, it sank, proving once and for all that you can't have your kayak and heat it.


Owing to the amount of rain forecast for 2013, it is felt that DalesRail should become DalesCanoe for this year. Grades will remain the same. An easy canoe will go downstream or use a canal. A moderate canoe will do half downstream & half upstream. A strenuous canoe will go upstream only. An easy minus canoe (possibly Joyce to arrange this) could be done from Gargrave to Skipton on the canal for first timers.

Canoes may have to be carried to the start but this is yet to be finalised. A leader and backup will still be needed and to help on the recce, an outboard motor will be provided. The leader and backup must be able to swim. Please bring your own lifejacket. Once a month we will use the Morecambe line (providing the tide is in) for crossings of Morecambe Bay.

RULES: If you fall out of the canoe twice, then you will be pulled back in. A third time means that you have left the canoe and you will have to make your own way back to the station. Please bring your passport with you as if we are swept out to sea, we could end up anywhere. Comfort breaks may have to be taken while on the move so any suggestions as to how to do this safely will be greatly appreciated. Standing up in the canoe, fishing or waving your paddle in an aggressive manner at passers by is not allowed. You will be given a warning to stop. Repeat offenders will be pushed overboard. Hitting a fellow passenger with your paddle is also not permitted (there are certain exceptions to this rule so please ask your leader on the day).

If the canoe starts to sink then please do not panic. STAY with the canoe and shout encouragement to your brave leader and backup as they swim to the nearest pub for help.

Hope to see you soon.

Happy Paddling.

Mike Smith

One last time up Whernside

On the 16th of September Gunilla (my wife) and I met an intrepid band of Dales Rail walkers for Mum's (Alice Parish) last trip up her beloved Whernside. I should have guessed it would be a memorable day. The previous day we had strewn half of Mum's ashes in the Wharfe, just below the suspension bridge near Burnsall, in beautiful weather. Our luck, weather wise, was not to continue… the 10:27 Carlisle train pulled into Ribblehead, in a combination of what can only be described as low cloud and lashing rain, determination set in. A gallant band of us met at the station and immediately retired to the pub to ensure David's rucksack (left on the train) would find it's way back to the rightful owner and to get some food for the ascent.

Had I done my research properly we might have baulked at doing the 14km walk and 430m ascent/descent round-trip, but armed with ashes, flowers and 2 bottles of champagne and 13 others standing about there was only one way to go.... upwards and onwards! Joyce, quite rightly, played the "At my age I'll sit in the pub and wait" card. "I'll only slow the rest of you down and I've not got any really good wet weather gear" she said and sat down to a warm 4 hour wait.

So now we were 13, and somewhat reluctantly we left the warmth of the Station Inn and bent into the rain. By the time we had got to the base on the Viaduct we were wet. When we'd reached the Blea Moor signal box we were going to get no wetter. It was just a case of bending into the rain and keeping going. Stuart led and set the backup to keep an eye on the ever lengthening crocodile making it's way up the hill. Just after crossing the tracks it was decided we'd come back the same way and catch the stragglers on the way down, if need be. Audrey now decided it was even worse and turned back, we were now 12. Gunilla and I decided that we'd get to the top if we had to claw our way up. With thoughts of "Mum, couldn't you have chosen somewhere less exhausting to get to as a favourite stop" we ploughed on.

Finally we neared the summit. Stuart informed Gunilla that there was some shelter at the top. I think she envisaged a small cabin with a roof and fire, however a U-shaped dry stonewall with limestone seats with 2 inches of water slopping round our feet had to suffice. The wind howled from Lancashire over our heads as we tucked into our snap, champagne and Christine's excellent calorie bomb Nutella scones. Keen to get back we quaffed the booze and then I spread Mum to the wind. I think she made it past York before we got back down! Then we each threw a rose into the wind and agreed Mum couldn't have chosen a better day for it. There was no chance we were going to forget it!

We couldn't hang about as some people needed to get the train, so we set off back down. I understand why Yorkshire sheep spend so much time in the lee of walls; had I been able to shift the buggers I'd have been there!  We eventually reconvened back at the Station Inn, joining a merry band that had come all the way out to be part of the day. I must say I've never been in a pub where they had to mop the floor to get rid of liquids that the patrons have brought with them, the bar floor resembled a brook, with waterfalls falling off our soaked gear. It took a while to get my camera working but here's the link to the pictures from that day. I've also included some of Mum's ashes "hanging about" in the Wharfe.

Finally a huge thank-you to all of you who participated on the day, special mention to Jenny for organising it and Stuart for getting us up and down safely. Friends of Dales Rail meant a lot to both Mum and Dad, they often told of the wonderful times they had together with the groups. We hope to keep in touch and even try another walk with you when we come back home to the Dales on visits.

Keep on walking!

Gunilla and Stephen on behalf of and all the members of our family.

PS. Hopefully Phil Richards at the Dales National Parks has managed to reinstate Dad's plaque on the Dalesway above Grassington.

Link to photos

You know, somebody actually complimented me on my driving today. They left a little note on the windscreen. It said, 'Parking Fine.' So that was nice.'

Membership Renewal


If you haven’t renewed your membership for 2013 please do so ASAP in order to receive your calendar and membership card(s).  The membership database will be updated shortly and non-members will be removed and no further communication will be sent out, either by post or email. Please note: to take part in member only events, lead or back up, you must be a current member. To renew, please complete the membership renewal form and send a cheque for £8.00 payable to Friends of DalesRail to:

Elizabeth Myers, 35 Waincliffe Drive, LEEDS LS11 8ET. Please state names of each person in household who wishes to be a member.


Newsletters are being sent out by post or email.  If you are not receiving it in the format you would prefer, please advise by email at content removed or ring me on content removed.


Thank you to those who have already renewed their membership and many thanks for donations made which help to offset our postage costs.  


Elizabeth Myers


Conman (Con) Willman, Railway and Mountain Man 1940 -2012

It is with sadness that I announce the death of Con. Whilst not a long standing member of the Society he has walked with many members since 2000 and was a very familiar face on the train. Coming from Scunthorpe, he had more than 50 extra miles to travel but still turned out come rain or shine.

Con painted some fine pictures of the trains which were often part of his walking life. For his 70th birthday he rode one of his beloved steam engines from Pickering.

He suffered a stroke in the autumn and passed away on 27th December 2012. We will miss walking with him, particularly on the train walks. Arrangements are being made to scatter Con's ashes in the Ingleborough area on one of his favourite walks followed by a drink in the Lion at Settle. Contact Tony Smare for details.

Moya McNamara

Penelope’s Pantry

First, I must report that my Blackberry Vodka has gone down a bomb! I’ve used it as a restorative on walks, a long drink with lemonade or tonic, a posh drink (like Kir Royale) with cava/champagne and a delicious sauce on meringue, ice cream and blackberries. Unlike Sloe Gin, I saved the pickled blackberries but they need to have a bit of extra sugar to go with the dessert. I thought, rather than Eton Mess, I could call it Dewsbury Debacle!

Your recipe for this newsletter has kindly been sent in by Pat Childs. It is a very moist cake, rather like Malt Loaf and is positively healthy having no added sugar or fat and very little flour. It slices nicely for taking on walks! I don’t know how it got its name.

Molly Cake


*250gm stoned dates, roughly chopped *300ml water

*85gm plain flour *1 teaspoon mixed spice *3 teaspoons baking powder

*85gm wholemeal flour *500gm mixed dried fruit *50gm ground almonds *80ml juice (orange/apple)


Preheat oven to 170ºC.

Line a 900gm/2lb loaf tin with baking parchment

Put the dates and water into a saucepan and bring to the boil. Set aside to cool slightly

Sift the plain flour, baking powder and mixed spice into a bowl

Add the wholemeal flour, mixed fruit and ground almonds and mix together

Stir in the wet date mixture and the orange juice

Bake for 45 – 50 minutes

Guy goes into the doctors. 'Doc, I've got a cricket ball stuck up my bottom.'

'How's that?'

'Don't you start.'

Your Photos

Everyone has said how much they enjoy the film show that follows the AGM. In fact, some say it’s their main reason for going!

Martyn Benton has noticed that most of the pictures are from holidays and events that immediately precede the meeting. It would be better if you could let him have your photos as you do them, throughout the year.

Please send to him at: content removed

'Doc I can't stop singing 'The Green, Green Grass of Home'

'That sounds like Tom Jones syndrome. '

'Is it common?'

'It's not unusual.'

First Aid

I’ve been to the Destinations Travel Show at Manchester (good fun and plenty of ideas) and The British Red Cross had a stand.

They promote the teaching of basic first aid to everyone and have developed some easy to access online teaching modules and a smart-phone application (which is free). I’d like to encourage you all to have a look and the phone app can be referred to on the hill, even if there is no signal. It answers a lot of questions we hear from members at the Leaders’ Meeting and should give you a little more confidence to offer assistance if you see someone in trouble.

For the online learning resource visit:

The phone app can be downloaded from :


Dear Elizabeth,

Many thanks for the latest copy of the newsletter. As always most interesting and a joy to read for old fogies like myself who cannot get out of the flat. I wish you all happy walking in 2013 and hope the weather is kinder.

Yours sincerely,

Sylvia D Green.


A man takes his Rottweiler to the vet. 'My dog is cross-eyed, is there anything you can do for him?'

'Well,' said the vet, 'let's have a look at him'

So he picks the dog up and examines his eyes, then he checks his teeth. Finally, he says, I’m going to have to put him down.' 'What? Because he's cross-eyed?'

'No, because he's really heavy'

Dates for your diary

March 3rd: If you haven’t sent in your booking form for Brighton – you’re too late

March 11th: Leaders and Backups Meeting

April 30th : May 6th: ride2stride festival

May 31st: Final payment for Brighton

Ireland’s worst air disaster occurred early this morning when a small two-seater Cessna plane crashed into a cemetery. Irish search and rescue workers have recovered 2826 bodies so far and expect that number to climb as digging continues into the night.


At The Grove Inn, Back Row, Leeds

Next to Bridgewater Skyscraper, just down from the Railway Station

Monday March 11th


This meeting is by way of a thank you for all of you who volunteer to lead – without you there would be no FDR – and a chance for us to get together, congratulate ourselves on our success as a walking group and discuss any problems or suggestions you would like to bring up.

Topics to be discussed will include:

• leading with large numbers

• alternative train walks from other lines

• your grouses and suggestions and, of course,

• FIRST AID and what to do in an EMERGENCY

There will be refreshments……..

Please come and bring a friend who would be willing to backup/lead an FDR walk.

Please let Diane know if you can’t attend on:

0113 2931924 or email at diane.taylor350@

Map for The Grove Inn at




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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