Regional Outline for


Consider the Following: Polytheism (pantheon) vs. monotheism, enumerated laws, relation to state (theocracy), gender roles, missionaries, major ideologies, schisms, syncretism, economic interests, persecution of minority religions

| |8000 – 600 CE |600 – 1450 CE |1450-1750 CE |1750 – 1914 CE |1914 - Present |

|East Asia |Ancestor worship (China, Japan) |Neo-Confucianism |Influence of Buddhism- Samurais |Christianity Japan |Both open up |

| |Spirits of nature (China) |Daoism, Confucianism, Legalism= |detachment from pain. |Agnostics- believe in god but no |Atheism- no god in China |

| |Confucianism, Daoism, Legalism. |philosophies/semi religion |( |religion. |Shintoism, sects of Buddhism, and |

| |women treated as subservient (food |Ancestor worship ( |Neo Confucianism |Global |some belief of Confucianism (a |

| |binding) |Leaders- Mandate of Heaven |Religion through trade. |State sponsored religion-Shintoism ( |combination of all) |

| | |Foot binding less due to silk road |Women increased restrictions, lower | | |

| | | |class better | | |

|Western Europe |Polytheism- many gods |Christianity spread- Crusades |Reformation- split in church |Persecute Judaism- (later Nazi) ( |Christianity |

| |Animism- believe in animals |Theocratic |Protestant, Catholic |Increasing beliefs in deism and |Influx of Muslim |

| |Monotheism- single god |Church powerful economic entity(no |Enlightenment |Atheism – due to Enlightenment and |Freedom of religion |

| |Christianity, Judaism |tax) |Scientific revolution- less |affects of Bubonic Plague | |

| | | |religious, secular |Protestant (counter-reformation) | |

| | | |Inquisition-kill heretics |Strong revival in Roman Catholicism | |

| | | | |(counter-reformation) | |

|Eastern Europe |Animism |Some influence of Islam – due to |Orthodox Christianity Tsar supported |Continued strong belief in Orthodox |1917-1991- Atheism |

| |Christianity- monotheism |Mongol influence |by Church |Christianity |Christian revival |

| |Judaism- monotheism |Christianity (Tsar) |Ortho- right correct dox- thinking, |Persecute Jews- pogroms |More freedom in religions |

| | |Orthodox Christianity |Third Rome | |Still strong belief in Orthodox |

| | | |Women- dressed like Western | |Christianity |

| | | |( | |Existing influence of Islam |

|South Asia |Animism |Ashoka-Buddhism, classical- religion |Gupta-caste system, Hinduism |Islam continues to grow |Second largest Muslim nation |

| |Spirits of nature |flourished |Classical-religion flourished |British colonization affects |Hinduism main |

| |Caste system- through Hinduism |Subverted caste system- Brahmans |Islam-major force |religion, Christianity |India split, Pakistan and India |

| |Codified laws |angry |Out law sati, female aristocrats | | |

|Latin America |Animism |Native American religious |Missionary dominant force to |Christianity dominant |Christianity- limited role (however, |

| |Polytheism |Sun god- sacrifice |conversion |Less of traditional gods. |strong legacy of Christianity behind)|

| | |Losers of the battle sacrificed to |African belief systems (due to slave |Restricted religion | |

| | |the Gods. |trade) Christianity- dominant | | |

|Middle East |Polytheistic |Greater women’s right (Muhammad’s |Conservative movements |Ottoman Empire |Persecution of Jews |

| | |wife higher) |Gunpowder nations - Ottoman Empire- |Islam |Majority Islam – Sunnis vs. Shiites |

| | |Islam- submission |tolerant of non-Muslims. |Secularized- scientific knowledge | |

| | |Acceptance of people of the book |Govern variety – Orthodox, Nestorian,|instead of clergy complaints | |

| | |(Christianity, Judaism) |Coptic, Catholic, Protestant , |Tanzimat reforms- religious | |

| | |Allow converts (Malawi) |Sunnis, Shiites |tolerance, schools for women | |

| | |Ulama- fundamentalist |Harems | | |

| | |Sharia- Islamic laws, veiling | | | |

|Major Themes/Turning Points |Nation-states- need for organized |Spanish-Christianity |Schism- great split Orthodox and |Colonization |Globalization |

| |religion |Mohammed |Catholic |Missionaries |Flat world |

| |Something to hold them together. |Spread of trade |Reformation-protestant and Catholic |Secular |Technology- internet |

| |Islam- Arabs held by religion |Persian Ulama- conservative back lash|Against catholic abuse- intellectual |Industrialization | |

| | | |movements |More trade | |

| | |Spread of trade (Mongol, silk road) |Atlantic trade | | |


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