Gauteng Department of Roads and Transport Customer ...

center000Gauteng Department of Roads and Transport (GDRT)Customer Satisfaction Survey 2016Consulting Engineers Focus GroupIntroductionThe Gauteng Department of Roads and Transport (GDRT) has identified the need to conduct a survey to determine levels of customer satisfaction in the province with regard to the various services administered by the GDRT. This information will be useful for the GDRT in terms of identifying existing issues and challenges with regards to customer satisfaction, enabling the GDRT to improve future service delivery to its customers.The Stakeholder Relations Directorate is the project owner within the GDRT.Scope and Objectives of the Customer Satisfaction StudyThe scope of the customer satisfaction survey includes: The survey should ascertain the expectations and concerns of Department of Roads and Transport (DRT) customers, and in so doing addressing the following questions:How satisfied are DRT customers with respect to various services and attributes of the DRT engagement with them?What are the expectations of DRT customers?How can DRT improve the manner in which it is perceived by its customers?In terms of the specific objectives of the study, the RFP list the following:Generate feedback on the level of satisfaction of customers with DRT operations and servicesObtain inputs from customers on how to better address their needs and expectationsServe as a diagnostic tool for DRT to facilitate effective assessment of and solutions to service delivery problemsDocument both the best practices and to find arrears of improvement in identified gaps.Key Customer Group: Consulting EngineersThe engineering consulting industry has been identified as a key customer group for the GDRT, particularly around the services administered by the GDRT in terms of wayleave applications, traffic impact assessments and development planning.In this regard, the GDRT would like to welcome the engineering consulting industry within Gauteng, made up of various associations and institutions, to a focus group interview to discuss customer satisfaction.The industry associations and institutions that are being approached include:Institute of Road Transport Engineers (IRTE) South African Institution of Civil Engineering (SAICE)Consulting Engineers of South Africa (CESA)Purpose of the focus groupTo gain insights on key thematic areas around the engineering consulting industry’s satisfaction, experience and expectations relating to the services administered by the GDRT. This platform will allow the GDRT to gain valuable information on what clients think of its services and how these services can be improved in the future.Objective of the focus groupTo hold a structured discussion on the services administered by the GDRT that directly or indirectly influence the engineering consulting industry, and to determine levels of satisfaction in the industry with the GDRT performance.Expectations for the focus groupIt is expected that the participants of the focus group:Have insight in and experience of submitting applications to the GDRT in terms of wayleave applications, traffic impact assessments and other planning proceduresAre aware of the key services the GDRT provides to the industryHonestly share opinions, experiences, expectations and views on the services administered by the GDRTAre willing to participate in the discussion and contribute to the discussionFocus Group DetailsThe details of the focus group are outlined in the table below:ElementConsulting Engineering Focus GroupTime and Date:10h30 – 12h00, 9 December 2016Venue:GDRT Head Offices, Pritchard Street, JohannesburgType of session:Structured discussion.Number of participants:20 individuals (max.) Prior preparation required:Guideline questions to be circulated before the session.Lunch:A light lunch will be provided.The project team will confirm all the details regarding the focus group closer to the time, but encourage you to set aside the dates provided above.We hope the above information has been useful to you, and we encourage you to make use of this valuable platform as we continue on our path towards service excellence espoused in our batho pele principles.Sincerely,Stakeholder Relations Directorate, GDRT ................

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