| |


|  |

|Took place in December 5 -7 of 2000 in Bridgetown, Barbados and are included the final report : |

|  |


|  |

|The purpose of the Inter-American Committee on Ports (CIP) of the Organization of American States (OAS) is to serve as a permanent|

|inter-American forum for the highest-ranking national government authorities on port-related issues in the member states and to |

|strengthen cooperation in the area of hemispheric port development, with the private sector's active participation and |

|collaboration. The CIP was established by the OAS General Assembly in 1998, which approved the transformation of the |

|Inter-American Port and Harbor Conference into the CIP. |

|The Executive Board (CECIP) was elected at the First Meeting of the CIP, held in October 1999 in Guatemala City. The Board is |

|composed of the following 15 countries: Argentina (Chair), Barbados, Mexico, the United States, and Uruguay (Vice Chairs), and |

|Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Jamaica, Panama, and Saint Lucia. |

|The Executive Board serves as the executing agency for Committee resolutions. Pursuant to Article 63 of its Rules of Procedure, |

|the Board must hold its first meeting within 90 days of its establishment. To that end, through resolution CECIP/RES. 9 (I-99), |

|the Committee decided that the second meeting of the Executive Board would be held in Barbados in December 2000. |

|The draft agenda was prepared by the Committee Secretariat, in coordination with the Chair of the Executive Board. The Rules of |

|Procedure of the Inter-American Committee on Ports governed the meeting. |

|  |


|The Second Meeting of the Executive Board of the Inter-American Committee on Ports (CECIP) was held in the Hotel Grand Barbados, |

|Bridgetown, Barbados, from December 5 to 7, 2000. |

|  |


|Approval of the agenda. |

|Report from Secretariat. |

|Report from the Chair of the Subcommittee on Policy and Coordination: |

|Follow-up on the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas (FTAA) and other integration processes and their impact on ports. |

|Relations with the European Union and other international organizations. |

|Preliminary draft rules of procedure for the Executive Board. |

|Preliminary draft rules of procedure for the Technical Advisory Groups. |

|Report on the status of contributions: countries in arrears. |

|Other business. |

|        Report from the Chair of the Subcommittee on Port Training: |

|Activities conducted in 2000. |

|Report from the Working Group on cost recovery for training activities. |

|Questionnaire to identify training needs. |

|Information dissemination on national port training activities in 2000. |

|Other business. |

|         Report from the Chair of the Subcommittee on Port Administration: |

|  |

|Privatizations and port reforms. |

|Modern technologies applied in ports. |

|Ports for cruise ships. |

|Port statistics. |

|Port tariffs. |

|Port-Customs relations. |

|City-port relations. |

|Waterways. |

|Use of the coastline. |

|Quality assurance. |

|Other business. |

|Report from the Chair of the Technical Advisory Group on Port Operations. |

|Report from the Chair of the Technical Advisory Group on Port Safety. |

|Report from the Chair of the Technical Advisory Group on Navigation Safety and Environmental Protection. |

|Evaluation of the Technical Advisory Groups. |

|Port reforms in the Caribbean countries. |

|Revision of the Agreement on Cooperation and Mutual Assistance among Inter-American Port Authorities. |

|CIP logo. |

|Natural disasters and ports. |

|Programming and organization of the second meeting of the CIP (2001). |

|Preparation and approval of the Plan of Action of the Executive Board for 2001. |

|Meetings of the Subcommittees of the Executive Board: |

|  |

|Fifth Meeting of the Subcommittee on Policy and Coordination: |

|i. Proposed Work Plan for 2001. |

|ii. Other business. |

|Second Meeting of the Subcommittee on Port Training: |

|i. Proposed Work Plan for 2001. |

|ii. Other business. |

|Second meeting of the Subcommittee on Port Administration: |

|i. Proposed Work Plan for 2001. |

|ii. Other business. |

|Status of the Special Port Program. |

|Venue and date of the Third Meeting of the Executive Board (2001). |

|Venue and date of the Fourth Meeting of the Executive Board (2002). |

|Other Business. |


|Chair: Daniel Levy (Argentina) |

|Vice Chair: Francisco Pastrana (Mexico) |

|Coordinator: Everton Walters (Barbados) |

|Secretary: Carlos M. Gallegos (OAS) |

|Subcommittees of the Executive Board |

|Chair of the Subcommittee on Policy and Coordination: Daniel Levy (Argentina) |

|Chair of the Subcommittee on Port Training: Doris Bautch (United States) |

|Vice-chair of the Subcommittee on Port Administration: Andrés Rengifo (Chile) |

|  |


|The following member countries of the Board participated in the Second Meeting of the Executive Board of the CIP: Argentina, |

|Barbados, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Jamaica, Mexico, Saint Lucia, the United States, and |

|Uruguay. Delegations of other OAS member countries also participated: Antigua and Barbuda, Bolivia, Dominica, Ecuador, Granada, |

|Guyana, Haiti, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, and Venezuela. The Delegation of Spain attended in its |

|capacity as Permanent Observer to the OAS. The list of participants is attached as Annex A (Document CECIP/doc.2/00) to this |

|report. |

|  |


|The list of meeting documents is attached as Annex B (Document CECIP/doc.1/00) to this report. |

|  |


|  |

|At the meeting, an inaugural session, five plenary sessions, the meetings of the Executive Board Subcommittees, and a closing |

|session were held. |

|Inaugural Session |

|The Inaugural Session was held at 9:00 a.m. on December 5, 2000. Mr. Larry Tatem, Chairman of the Barbados Port Authority (BPA), |

|welcomed the participants and thanked them for accepting the proposal of Barbados to hold this important meeting of the |

|hemispheric port system. He highlighted the leading role his country had played in this field in the region and stressed the need |

|to adapt to the major changes taking place throughout the world and their repercussions on ports in the developing countries. He |

|also discussed the participation and integration of labor with management as a modern element of business administration. |

|The Secretary of the CIP, Dr. Carlos M. Gallegos, spoke on the progress the Committee had made in its first year of operation and |

|the strict adherence to the decisions of the Committee and the Board that had been observed. He expressed thanks for the support |

|provided by member countries and encouraged new port authorities, having taken office as a result of recent elections in various |

|countries, to continue cooperating closely with the CIP and the Executive Board. He stressed the need to promote the CIP’s and the|

|Board’s activities at the national level within the member countries and to encourage private-sector participation in the |

|Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs) as a new instrument for improving the efficiency of the region’s port system. He thanked the |

|member countries for attending this meeting and the authorities of Barbados for their excellent contribution to the organization |

|of this event. |

|Mr. Daniel Levy, Under Secretary of Transportation, Waterways and Ports in Argentina and Chair of the CIP Executive Board, |

|stressed the importance of the issues to be addressed at this meeting. He called particular attention to the TAGs as mechanisms |

|for private-sector involvement in the activities of the CIP. He spoke of the challenge of achieving proper balance between |

|private- and public-sector action and urged the delegates to take every opportunity during the meeting to exchange ideas and |

|experiences to improve port efficiency in the region. Finally, he commented on the importance of defining the Work Plan for 2001, |

|which would cover the matters to be addressed during the forthcoming year. |

|Mr. Noel Lynch, Minister of Tourism and Transportation of Barbados, expressed a warm welcome to the delegates on behalf of the |

|people of Barbados, thanked the OAS for the confidence placed in his country as the venue for this meeting, and called attention |

|to the efficient work performed by the BPA on behalf of the country and the region. He spoke of the new players that had appeared |

|on the world scene as a result of the globalization process, such as the World Trade Organization (WTO), transnational |

|enterprises, and multidisciplinary interest groups, all of which posed a great challenge, especially for developing and more |

|sparsely populated countries. He talked about the continuous interrelationship that exists between ports and transportation, and |

|the importance of both for the Caribbean region. He stressed the need to modernize ports institutionally and in terms of |

|infrastructure. He highlighted the importance of human resources and continuous training processes to reach high levels of |

|efficiency in the operation of ports. To conclude, he urged the participants to enjoy the traditional hospitality of Barbados, |

|wished them a highly successful outcome, and officially declared the meeting open. |

|Lastly, the General Manager of the BPA, Mr. Everton Walters, declared that it was a privilege for Barbados to hold this meeting |

|and expressed a vote of thanks to the authorities of the OAS, the participating delegations, the private sector participants |

|working with the TAGs, the Chair of the Executive Board, the Secretary of the Committee, and the Organizing Committee and its |

|staff. He also thanked the Minister of Tourism and Transportation for his presence. |

|First Plenary Session |

|The session was called to order at 10:30 a.m. on December 5, 2000, and was chaired by Mr. Daniel Levy, principal delegate of |

|Argentina. The following agenda items were discussed: |

|Approval of the agenda (agenda item 1) |

|The plenary approved the agenda contained in document CECIP/doc.3/00 and the schedule contained in document CECIP/doc.4/00. |

|Report from Secretariat (agenda item 2) |

|The Secretary of the OAS Inter-American Committee on Ports reported on the main activities conducted in 2000, which were included |

|in document CECIP/doc.6/00 and are summarized as follows: (i) fulfillment of the Executive Board’s mandates and support for the |

|work of the Subcommittees. The Secretariat performed numerous technical support activities for the Subcommittees on Policy and |

|Coordination, Port Training, and Port Administration, including in particular: preparation of the preliminary draft rules of |

|procedure of the Executive Board and the TAGs; updated version of the Agreement on Cooperation and Mutual Assistance Among |

|Inter-American Port Authorities; follow-up study on the FTAA; execution of the Training Program for 2000; participation in the |

|working group on training; and a questionnaire on port reforms; (ii) Support for the Technical Advisory Groups: The Secretariat |

|prepared and distributed an information document in two languages on the TAGs. It also: organized a coordination meeting between |

|the three TAGs in Brasilia for the purpose of harmonizing criteria for implementation; facilitated the organization of the three |

|meetings of the TAGs in Barbados; and assisted the countries in the campaign to attract associate members for each TAG. (iii) |

|Planning, organization and holding of forum meetings. These included three meetings of the Subcommittee on Policy and Coordination|

|(Washington, D.C., March; Brasilia, August; and Barbados, December); a coordination meeting of the CTC (Brasilia, August) and the |

|Second Meeting of the Executive Board (Barbados, December). (iv) Technical support for international port events. The Secretariat |

|provided support for the organization of, participation in, and dissemination of information on, the following events, inter alia:|

|Spring meeting of the Association of Port Authorities of the Americas (AAPA); CARICOM Conference on Trade and Transporation, |

|Montego Bay, Jamaica; Ibero-American Seminar on Port Technology Exchange, National Ports of Spain, Cancun, Mexico; Third Andean |

|Port Colloquium with the Community of Andean Nations, Lima, Peru; Second Ibero-American Conference on Logistics, with the |

|Inter-American Institute for Logistics (ILI), Montevideo, Uruguay, November. (v) Strengthening of interagency port cooperation. |

|Relations were strengthened with: the National Ports of Spain; the Port of Miami; the Ports of Bilbao, Valencia and Santander in |

|Spain, the Andean Community of Nations, ECLAC, UNCTAD, and the Institute for Maritime Development (INDESMAR) of Peru. (vi) |

|Information dissemination. Among other activities, seven newsletters were issued in Spanish and English and disseminated |

|throughout the world; a CIP Website was maintained; documents concerning meetings of the Committee in Guatemala and the Executive |

|Board in Buenos Aires were prepared and disseminated; and a brochure in Spanish and English was prepared and distributed at |

|various international events attended by the CIP. |

|  |

|The plenary approved this report and thanked the Secretariat for its work. |

|Report from the Subcommittee on Policy and Coordination (agenda item 3) |

|Mr. Daniel Levy, delegate of Argentina and Chair of the Subcommittee, presented the report on activities conducted during the |

|year. He also gave the floor to delegations that had been entrusted with specific tasks. The following agenda items were covered: |

|Follow-up on the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas (FTAA), other integration processes, and their impact on ports. Dr. Mario |

|Montemurro, delegate of Uruguay, presented this agenda item, covered in document CECIP/doc.31/00. He identified and explained the |

|main integration and trade agreements in the Hemisphere (FTAA, NAFTA, MERCOSUR, the Central American Common Market, the Common |

|Market of the Caribbean, and the Subregional Andean Integration Agreement, among others). He then referred to the Summit of the |

|Americas and the formation of Negotiating Groups in accordance with the Plan of Action of the Ministers of Trade of the |

|Hemisphere. Lastly, he analyzed the repercussion of trade integration processes on ports, the intermodal function performed by |

|ports, and their importance in the transportation chain. He recommended that work continue on this matter on a more detailed and |

|geographically focused basis. |

|Relations with the European Union and other international organizations. The Secretariat reported on progress made with the |

|delegation of Spain with respect to the mission to that country and to the European Union (EU), included in the document |

|CECIP/doc.7/00 and on the profiles of projects for possible submission to the EU for nonreimbursable cooperation resources |

|(documento CECIP/doc.24/00). Mr. Carlos Ibarz, delegate of Spain, then reported on activities conducted to structure the mission |

|of hemispheric port authorities to Spain and to the EU (documents CECIP/doc.36/00 and CECIP/doc.36/00). He indicated the |

|procedures and rules applicable to the requests for cooperation received by the EU and emphasized the role that should be played |

|by the foreign ministries of the member countries in support of the mission and in connection with requests to the European Union |

|for cooperation. He offered the services of his delegation to continue working on this matter. The Chair thanked the delegation of|

|Spain for its valuable contributions to the work of the CIP. |

|  |

|Preliminary draft rules of procedure for the Executive Board. The Secretariat reported that pursuant to the Subcommittee’s |

|instructions, it had prepared a preliminary set of draft rules of procedure, derived strictly from the CIP’s rules of procedure, |

|which would be provided to the Board at a later time. |

|  |

|Preliminary draft rules of procedure for the Technical Advisory Committees. The Secretariat reported that pursuant to the |

|Subcommittee’s instructions, it had prepared a preliminary set of draft rules of procedure, derived strictly from the CIP’s rules |

|of procedure, which would be provided to the Board at a later time. |

|  |

|Report on the status of contributions: countries in arrears. The Secretariat reported that the Subcommittee had agreed to urge all|

|of the countries in arrears to settle their accounts outstanding and to make future contributions early in the year so that |

|programmed activities and projects could be carried out. |

|  |

|Other business. The Chair reported on the Subcommittee’s proposal, which was for each Subcommittee to have a Vice Chair in order |

|to facilitate the proceedings. The Executive Board then approved resolution CECIP/RES.1 (II-00). |

|  |

|Report from the Chair of the Subcommittee on Port Training (agenda item 4) |

|  |

|The delegate of the United States, Mrs. Doris Bautch, Chair of the Subcommittee, described the work conducted by the Committee |

|during the year. |

|  |

|Activities conducted in 2000. She explained that the training program included the Fifth Subregional Course on Port Security, held|

|in Saint Lucia, the Fifth Ibero-American Course on Port Management, conducted in Madrid, Spain, and the First Ibero-American |

|Course on Port Engineering, held in Santander, Spain. The delegate of Spain, Mr. Carlos Ibar, indicated that evaluations of the |

|two courses held in his country had been very favorable and that conclusions and recommendations had been issued that would be |

|extremely useful in perfecting future versions of these courses. The Chair noted that the IMO Course on Port Security to Control |

|Illicit Drug Trafficking had been postponed for 2001, and that the Seminar on Information Technologies had been cancelled. |

|  |

|Report from the Working Group on cost recovery for training activities. The Chair indicated that the group’s report was provided |

|in document CECIP/doc.10/00. The Group met in Washington, D.C. in March and the delegations of Barbados, the United States, and |

|the Secretariat took part. The report recommended in particular that a registration fee should be charged for all Secretariat |

|training activities, to be paid by each participant. Under exceptional circumstances, grants could be provided, but not to |

|participants from countries in arrears. A scholarship fund was to be set up. |

|  |

|Questionnaire to identify training needs. The Chair reported that a questionnaire had been prepared in cooperation with the |

|delegation of Barbados to detect training needs. She asked the member countries to review that questionnaire, which was found in |

|document CECIP/doc.11/00, and to send their comments to the delegation of the United States within 60 days. |

|  |

|Information dissemination on national port training activities in 2000. The Chair indicated that the compendium prepared included |

|information from very few countries and that it had been distributed in the middle of the year. She stressed the importance of the|

|document and said that work should continue on it through the web page. To that end, she invited all of the countries to send |

|information to the Secretariat immediately. |

|  |

|Other business. The Chair indicated that the delegation of the United States had submitted a project to CIDI to finance training |

|activities in the area of port security for 2001, but that unfortunately, the necessary resources were therefore not available. |

|  |

|Lastly, the Chair thanked the member countries and observers that had contributed to the activities discussed as well as the |

|Secretariat. The plenary session then approved the Subcommittee Report. |

|Report from the Chair of the Subcommittee on Port Administration (agenda item 5) |

|  |

|Mr. Andrés Rengifo, delegate of Chile, Vice Chair of the Subcommittee, presented the activity report (document CECIP/doc.36/00) |

|that had been sent by the Chair of this Subcommittee, the delegation of Panama, together with valuable contributions from the |

|delegates of countries entrusted with specific tasks. The following matters were covered: |

|  |

|Privatizations and port reforms. The delegate of Argentina, Captain Martin Sgut, reported on the regional privatization |

|questionnaire, which had been sent to all of the delegates to the CIP. He thanked the Secretariat for its technical support and |

|mentioned that only 10 responses (30 percent) had been received to date. He stressed the need to send questionnaire responses in |

|digital form as soon as possible and to attach the texts of national laws on ports and their implementing regulations with a view |

|to constructing a database to be placed on the Internet. The delegate of Spain, Miss Nuria Gaitón, reported that sufficient |

|information had not been received to carry out the study on privatizations in Ibero-America. The Chair proposed that this latter |

|product be discontinued in order to avoid a duplication of effort. |

|  |

|Modern technologies applied to ports. The delegate of Mexico, Mr. Francisco Pastrana, gave an account of the Ibero-American |

|Seminar on Port Technology Exchange held in Cancun, and thanked the National Ports of Spain for their cooperation and support |

|(document CECIP/33/00). He indicated the six matters covered at the event: (i) recent developments affecting ports; (ii) |

|engineering and construction of infrastructure; (iii) port administration and operation; (iv) privatization and ownership models; |

|(v) financial instruments; and (vi) a business symposium. He indicated that two volumes had been published containing all of the |

|presentations given, which he distributed to the participants and which can be found on the Internet; he indicated that a second |

|seminar would be held in Argentina in 2002. |

|  |

|Ports for cruise ships. The delegate of the Dominican Republic, Colonel Salvador Montás, presented document CECIP/doc.46/00 and |

|described progress that had been made in the Caribbean cruise industry. He emphasized that the largest share of the market was |

|controlled by five major shipping companies, which were increasing the use of megavessels, requiring a special infrastructure as |

|well as better and additional security measures. He stressed the need to apply Annex V of the MARPOL 73/78 Convention and to |

|establish special conditions for waste disposal in the Caribbean area, as well as for the intensive use of large passenger |

|capacity cruise ships, which necessitated the construction of solid waste collection facilities in the ports. The delegate of |

|Uruguay talked about the creation of a Port Association in the southern cone of the Americas for SURCRUISE ships, which had been |

|conducting a series of activities in support of this industry segment. |

|  |

|Port statistics. The delegate of Mexico emphasized the importance of obtaining up-to-date and comparable statistics on ports in |

|the Hemisphere. He said that it was unfortunate that many member countries had not sent in the information on the form designed at|

|this forum. The information he presented was therefore very limited, included in the document CECIP/doc.32/00. He said that his |

|delegation would present proposals to correct this deficiency during the meeting of the Subcommittee. |

|  |

|Port tariffs. The delegate of Mexico reported that a special form had been prepared to gather information, but that it had been |

|found that the countries had very different tariff structures and sometimes did not clearly explain the basis for the charges, |

|which made their interpretation and standardization difficult. He noted that only six countries had responded to the form, |

|included in the document CECIP/doc.34/00. He concluded by stressing the importance of obtaining this information and urging the |

|countries to send the information requested. He said that this preliminary analysis had revealed a general trend toward the |

|requirement that ports be self-financing, and that the use of direct subsidies had not been detected. |

|  |

|Port and customs relations. The Secretariat referred to its responsibility for ensuring broad dissemination of the conclusions and|

|recommendations of the seminar held in Houston in December, 1998. The plenary agreed to place this matter under the item |

|concerning port facilitation and to ensure greater follow-up. |

|  |

|City-port relations. The delegate of Uruguay reported on the proceedings of the Sixth Meeting of the Annual Association of Port |

|Cities and presented document CECIP/doc.26/00 containing detailed information on this meeting. |

|  |

|Waterways. The delegate of Argentina, Mr. Daniel Levy, in his capacity as Executive Secretary of the Paraguay-Paraná Waterway |

|Committee, gave the presentation for this agenda item, stressing the importance of this waterway for physical integration. Ten |

|years earlier, it had moved 700,000 tons annually compared with 20 million tons at the current time. He reported on dredging works|

|in the Pantanal sector and environmental problems that had been detected in this connection, stressing that for the purposes of |

|specific works, concessions would be awarded and costs recovered through tolls. As entrusted, the delegate of United States |

|provided the information requested on waterways in her country and indicated that interested parties could obtain more information|

|from Inland Rivers Ports and Terminals .org. |

|  |

|Use of the coastlines. The delegate of Chile described the difficulties encountered in preparing this report, but confirmed that |

|it would be available for the next meeting of the Executive Board. |

|  |

|Quality assurance. The delegate of Mexico described the process of certification for ISO 9000 quality assurance, confirmed at the |

|port of Tampico as a model port and initiated as well in other Mexican ports (document CECIP/doc.20/00). The delegate of the |

|United States indicated that further information could be obtained with respect to ISO 9000 at its website: abs-. |

|  |

|Other business. The delegate of the United States called attention to the following electronic addresses providing extremely |

|relevant information with respect to dredging: owow/oceans/ndt. She also pointed out that the Maritime Administration |

|of her country had conducted a relevant study entitled Coastwise Shipping Study, which could be found at the following electronic |

|address: marad.. |

|  |

|The Vice Chair of the Subcommittee on Port Administration thanked all of the delegations that had contributed with their work and |

|technical support. |

|  |

|The Executive Board then approved the Subcommittee’s report, and the Chair stressed the need to continue working on these |

|important matters over the next year. He also stressed the importance of involving the private sector in this work. |

|Second Plenary Session |

|  |

|The session was called to order at 3:30 p.m. on December 5, 2000 and was chaired by Mr. Daniel Levy, principal delegate of |

|Argentina. The following agenda items were addressed: |

|  |

|Report from the Chair of the Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs) on Port Operations (agenda item 6) |

|  |

|The Chair of the TAG, the delegation of Mexico, represented by Mr. Francisco Pastrana, thanked the BPA and the Secretariat for |

|facilitating the first meeting of the TAG. He then described the activities conducted during the year, referring in particular to |

|the Brasilia meeting, where guidelines for launching the TAG had been identified. After the basic guidelines for the TAG were |

|developed, the work consisted of preparing the TAG information materials; the labor-intensive job of identifying associate |

|members; and finally developing the proposed Work Plan for 2001, including the identification of work groups by specialized area. |

|Based on preliminary consultations, the following six groups had been identified: Infrastructure; Equipment; Specialized |

|Terminals; Information Technology; Multimodal Facilities; and Facilitation. He called particular attention to the involvement of |

|associate members from the private sector and their participation in the first meeting, where the Vice Chair would be elected. He |

|concluded by stressing the importance of this regional mechanism for consultation and cooperation with the private sector. |

|  |

|Report from the Chair of the Technical Advisory Group on Port Security (agenda item 7) |

|  |

|The Chair of this TAG, the delegation of the United States, represented by Mrs. Doris Bautch, thanked the BPA and the Secretariat |

|for facilitating the first meeting of the TAG. Among the activities conducted during the year she highlighted the transmittal of |

|information from this TAG to numerous private enterprises in her country to promote their entry into the TAG as associate members.|

|She mentioned that she had received very few responses from the delegates of other countries. She referred to the work conducted |

|at the coordination meeting in Brasilia among the three TAGs the preceding August. She mentioned that the information prepared on |

|the TAG was available at the website of the Inter Agency Commission on Crime and Security in U.S. Ports |

|and the Maritime Security Report at marad.. She concluded by mentioning that a proposed Work Plan for 2001 had been |

|prepared, that the Vice Chair would be elected at their next meeting, and that this was an important advisory committee to the CIP|

|for the development and security of ports. |

|  |

|Report from the Chair of the Technical Advisory Group on Navigation Safety and Environmental Protection (agenda item 8) |

|  |

|The Chair of this TAG, the delegation of Argentina, represented by Mr. Jorge Abramian, thanked the BPA and the Secretariat for |

|facilitating the first meeting of this TAG. He described the activities conducted during the year. He highlighted the preparation |

|of an information brochure on this committee, which had been sent to prospective associate members interested in the matter. He |

|talked about progress made in establishing contingency plans and analyzing navigation control systems, matters to be included in |

|the Work Plan of this TAG. He referred to contacts that had been established with the private sector community of his country, who|

|were sent information on this TAG and on a seminar on navigation safety held in November 2000 in Buenos Aires, where this TAG was |

|also promoted. |

|  |

|Evaluation of the Technical Advisory Groups (agenda item 9) |

|The Chair of the Executive Board talked about the concept of the TAGs, established by the Inter-American Committee on Ports in |

|1999, their importance, and the work performed by the Chair of each TAG to date. He alluded to the main difficulties encountered |

|in getting these activities under way. He stressed the importance of actively involving the private sector in the work of the CIP,|

|and said that there were high expectations for their first meetings, to be held during the course of this Board meeting. He |

|proposed that the Executive Board issue a favorable vote on the evaluation of the TAGs at the end of the year. He added that the |

|tangible results of this work would be seen in about two days, when the three TAGs meetings were held. The Secretary briefly |

|presented the agreements reached at the coordination meeting held in Brasilia the preceding August to facilitate the organization |

|of the first meetings of the TAGs. He stressed the importance of the work being done by the delegations chairing the TAGs in order|

|to reach programmed objectives and conveyed the support of the plenary for the Chair’s motion to issue a favorable evaluation of |

|the TAGs at the end of their first year of existence. Resolution CECIP/RES.5(II-00) was approved to this effect. |

|  |

|Revision of the Agreement on Cooperation and Mutual Assistance among Inter-American Port Authorities (agenda item 11) |

|The Secretariat, represented by Dr. Regina Arraiga of the OAS Legal Department, briefly described the development of the agreement|

|approved by the Ninth Inter-American Conference on Ports held in Asunción, Paraguay, in 1996. She indicated that with the |

|transformation of the Conference into the Inter-American Committee on Ports it was necessary to made certain adjustments in the |

|text of the Agreement. She noted that the Agreement had not entered into force or been ratified by any country in accordance with |

|its provisions, quite possibly because of the procedure adopted for that purpose. Accordingly, a revised version of the Agreement,|

|containing the body of the Agreement, unchanged, but a new procedure for ratification allowing for a wide range of possibilities |

|adapted to the domestic laws of the various member countries, was being presented to simplify the process. She indicated that the |

|draft revision was being presented at the meeting and would be officially sent to each country providing the instructions |

|necessary for delegates to obtain authority to sign the agreement at the Second Meeting of Inter-American Committee on Ports, to |

|be held in Costa Rica in September 2001. The Secretary underscored the importance of this valuable international cooperation |

|instrument and pointed out that, while it had not been signed or ratified officially by the countries, it was already being |

|applied de facto. This administrative formality was therefore necessary to give the Agreement full legal effect. The plenary |

|accepted the proposal and the Chair requested that the Secretariat officially transmit the Agreement and related information |

|enabling delegates to obtain the authority necessary to approve and sign it at the next meeting. |

| |

|CIP logo (agenda item 12) |

|The Secretary recalled that at the previous meeting, the Executive Board had approved the CIP logo "ad referendum" based on the |

|proposal of the delegation of Guatemala, to which certain adjustments were to be made. The Secretary now presented the corrected |

|version. The Executive Board approved this new version "ad referendum" pending the next meeting of the Committee. The resolution |

|approved to this effect was CECIP/RES.7 (II-00). |

|  |

|Natural disasters and ports (agenda item 13) |

|Dr. Stephen Bender of the OAS Unit for Sustainable Development and Environment gave the presentation on this matter, indicating |

|that a study was underway on trade corridors and risk reduction in the context of natural disasters, and providing a detailed |

|description of this work. He explained that the OAS was applying three fundamental principles to the analysis: free trade, |

|sustainable development, and strengthening for democracy. He indicated that these corridors were subject to three factors: basic |

|production; value-added; and market access. He said these factors had been shaped from the perspective of agriculture, energy, and|

|transportation, with ports playing a key role in the last of these factors. He spoke of corridor evaluation as a tool for |

|environmental management and a key to reducing risk in the event of natural disasters, such as hurricanes, earthquakes, droughts, |

|floods, etc. By reducing the vulnerability of trade, such tools take on political value. He examined the possibility of the CIP |

|playing a fundamental role in these studies, which were being conducted through a joint effort known as the Program for Training |

|and Research on the Development of Trade Corridors (PROCORREDOR), a higher educational consortium advising governments at all |

|levels on the preparation of future generations for these key aspects of globalization and world trade. He invited CIP member |

|countries and the Secretariat to join the PROCORREDOR program and to attend the international conference to be held on this matter|

|in Mendoza, Argentina, the following March. To this effect, resolution CECIP/RES.8 (II-00) was approved. |

|  |

|Programming and organization of the Second Meeting of the CIP (2001) (agenda item 14) |

|The Secretary indicated that the Second Meeting of the CIP would be held in 2001 in Costa Rica. Dr. Juan Ramón Rivera, delegate of|

|Costa Rica, confirmed his government’s interest in hosting this meeting. The dates being considered were September 10-12, 2001. In|

|discussing the items to be addressed at the meeting, consideration was given to focusing on either one major issue or a number of |

|issues. Following extensive discussion, it was agreed to focus on three substantive matters reflecting the issues being addressed |

|by the three TAGs: port operations, security, and navigation safety and environmental protection. It was also considered useful to|

|have an exhibition room with promotion stands to be leased to interested exhibitors, providing a parallel exhibit in connection |

|with the meeting. It was proposed that a number of exhibitors should be selected and decisions should be made as to the time to be|

|allotted to, and the profile required of, each exhibitor. The Executive Board agreed that the Subcommittee on Policy and |

|Coordination, with the support of the delegation of Costa Rica and the Secretariat, would be responsible for organizing this event|

|as soon as possible, in order to permit the advance promotion required. To this effect, resolution CECIP/RES.9 (II-00) was |

|approved. |

|Third Plenary Session |

|  |

|The session was called to order at 9:00 a.m. on December 6, 2000, and was chaired by Mr. Daniel Levy, principal delegate of |

|Argentina. The following agenda items were addressed: |

|  |

|Preparation and approval of the Plan of Action for the Executive Board for 2001 (agenda item 15) |

|  |

|The Chair recalled that according to the CIP’s Plan of Action for 2000-2001, approved by resolution CIDI/CIP/RES.6 (I-99) in |

|Guatemala, work was to continue on the matters assigned to the subcommittees, especially in cases where the work had not been |

|completed. It was agreed that work on these matters would continue in the subcommittees as shown below: |

|Policy and Coordination Subcommittee |

|i. Follow-up on the FTAA, other integration processes, and their impact on ports. |

|ii. Relations with the European Union and other international organizations. |

|iii. Preliminary draft Rules of Procedure of the Executive Board. |

|iv. Preliminary draft Rules of Procedures of the Technical Advisory Groups. |

|v. Evaluation of the Technical Advisory Groups. |

|vi. Revision of the Agreement on Cooperation and Mutual Assistance among Inter-American Port Authorities. |

|vii. Programming and coordination of the Second Meeting of the CIP (Costa Rica 2001). |

|viii. Programming and coordination of the Third Meeting of the Executive Board (Dominican Republic 2001). |

|  |

|Subcommittee on Port Training: |

|i. 2001 training program. |

|  |

|Subcommittee on Port Administration: |

|i. Privatizations and Port reform. |

|ii. Modern technologies applied in ports. |

|iii. Ports for cruise ships. |

|iv. Port statistics. |

|v. Port tariffs. |

|vi. Port-Customs relations. |

|vii. City-Port relations. |

|viii. Waterways. |

|ix. Use of coastlines. |

|x. Quality assurance. |

|xi. Dredging. |

|xii. Trade corridors. |

|xiii. Logistics. |

|  |

|The Chair proposed that each of the subcommittees, at their separate meetings, prepare a Work Plan for 2001, and that these plans |

|would be combined to form the Work Plan for the Executive Board for that year. It was so agreed by the Executive Board. |

|  |

|Port reforms in the Caribbean countries (agenda item 10) |

|This subject was addressed in a seminar coordinated by Mr. Everton Walters, General Manager of the Barbados Port Authority. After |

|stressing the importance of the subject and the need to modernize the ports of the Caribbean, he gave the floor to the following |

|speakers: |

|Jan Hoffman, ECLAC. Mr. Hoffman described the theoretical elements needed to understand the progress that had been made in |

|modernizing the region's ports. He described the different types of ports: private ports, landlord single-operator ports, tool or |

|multi-operator ports, and the operation and ownership of State port services. He provided a general outline of progress made in |

|the region, which showed the absence of any particular orthodoxy, with each country modeling its ports according to its own needs,|

|particularly in the case of island countries or countries with only one international port. He indicated that the largest |

|countries of Latin America have adopted the landlord model, based on concessions. He explained the evaluation of the various |

|hemispheric processes that had been conducted by ECLAC and the parameters applied in terms of the impact of reform on economic and|

|social conditions, GDP, and unemployment. He presented the conclusions of a seminar recently conducted in Trinidad and Tobago on |

|these subjects and highlighted the need to hold a broader seminar in the near future to continue evaluating the effects of reform |

|not only on the Caribbean, but on the hemisphere as a whole. |

|Bryon Lewis, delegate of Jamaica. Mr. Lewis presented an historical review of the changes that had taken place in the port sector |

|of his country in recent years, highlighting the role of the public sector in this process in the country's two main ports and the|

|progress made in promoting private-sector involvement in service and management concessions since the law of 1970. He described |

|the process of reaching labor agreements and rationalizing port employment, and the introduction of automation, training programs,|

|and social benefits. He talked about the development of the container terminal in the Port of Kingston and a master plan to be |

|phased in up to the year 2005. He presented figures on the movements of ships and containers and on significant increases in |

|productivity. |

|  |

|Kent Adlee, delegate of Barbados. Mr. Adlee described changes in the maritime industry and economic model as influenced by the |

|international cooperation and financing agencies. He referred to various periods between 1960, when the port was nationalized, and|

|the establishment in 1979 of the BPA. He briefly described the process of rationalizing employment and the agreements implemented |

|in that regard and explained the new model being applied in Barbados, based on a 65-percent share for the State and a 35-percent |

|share for the private sector. There was discussion on managerial autonomy and the application of the master plan, which in |

|addition to the incorporation process indicated earlier, includes a process for the modernization of infrastructure in loading |

|zones as well as cruise terminals. |

|David Johns, delegate of Guyana. Mr. Johns presented the model being applied in his country. He referred first to the historical |

|evolution of the State Port of Georgetown and the development of private terminals in three ports. He provided statistical data |

|and projections through the year 2005 with a breakdown according to the various types of cargo and terminals in the different |

|ports. As part of the current reform program, he indicated, a National Maritime Authority is being created, and he referred in |

|detail to the law of 1998, which restructured the government's Department of Transportation and Ports. Lastly, he explained the |

|importance of ratifying the various international conventions and stressed the close and important relationship between ports and |

|national development. |

|Kelvin Harris, delegate of Trinidad and Tobago. Mr. Harris spoke about the institutional and physical evolution of the ports of |

|his country and the various factors contributing to that process. He described changes that had been made in the new system and |

|presented statistics on ship and cargo movements. He discussed the modernization process, with private-sector participation, and |

|the various agreements that had contributed to its gradual implementation. |

|The Coordinator then opened an interesting round of questions and answers that resulted in a wide-ranging and productive exchange |

|of experiences and ideas, with particular emphasis on the need to analyze processes in other countries – not to copy them, but |

|rather to adapt them to the particular realities of each country. It was observed that all countries, to varying degrees, had |

|involved the private sector in port operations, and that many countries were studying various ways of involving them in needed |

|infrastructure investments. Particular attention was given to the role played by labor agreements, the rationalization of |

|employment, and the importance of human resources in these processes, where there had been a great spirit of cooperation and a |

|determination to avoid confrontation. There was discussion on the impact on ports of changes in the world maritime industry, which|

|had required improvements in infrastructure, increases in efficiency, and a rejection of cosmetic changes and bad practices. In |

|concluding the discussions, Mr. Walters, thanked all of the presenters and participants in the seminar on port modernization in |

|the Caribbean, and remarked that a similar event with broader coverage should be held in future. |

|  |

|Meetings of the Subcommittees of the Executive Board (agenda item 16) |

|  |

|Fifth Meeting of the Subcommittee on Policy and Coordination (agenda item 16.a) |

|The Subcommittee met on Thursday, December 7, 2000. It was chaired by Capt. Martin Sgut, alternate delegate of Argentina, and |

|attended by the delegates of Barbados, Mexico, the United States, and Uruguay, members of the Subcommittee. The delegates of |

|Antigua and Barbuda, Bolivia, Canada, Costa Rica, Chile, Dominica, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, |

|Haiti, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, and Venezuela also participated. The |

|delegates of Spain attended in that country's capacity as Permanent Observer of the OAS. The Subcommittee covered all of the items|

|on its agenda and, following extensive discussions, approved the final report, which is included as Annex C (Document |

|CECIP/doc.58/00) to this report |

|Second Meeting of the Subcommittee on Port Training (agenda item 16.b) |

|The Subcommittee met on Thursday, December 7, 2000. It was chaired by Mrs. Doris Bautch, delegate of the United States, and |

|attended by the delegates of Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Chile, Dominica, St. Lucia, Suriname, and |

|Trinidad and Tobago, members of the subcommittee. The delegates of Canada, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Grenada, Guatemala, |

|Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Mexico, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Uruguay, and Venezuela also participated. The delegates of Spain |

|attended in that country's capacity as Permanent Observer of the OAS. The Subcommittee covered all of the items on its agenda and,|

|following extensive discussions, approved the final report, which is included as Annex D (Document CECIP/doc.59/00) to this |

|report. |

|Second Meeting of the Subcommittee on Port Administration (agenda item 16.c) |

|The Subcommittee met on Thursday, December 7, 2000. It was chaired by Mr. Andrés Rengifo for the delegation of Chile, the Vice |

|Chair of the Subcommittee, and attended by the delegates of Bolivia, Canada, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Suriname,|

|the United States, and Uruguay, members of the Subcommittee. The delegates of Argentina, Barbados, St. Vincent and Grenadines, |

|Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, and Venezuela also participated. The delegates of Spain attended in that country's capacity as |

|Permanent Observer of the OAS. The Subcommittee covered all of the items on its agenda and, following extensive discussions, |

|approved the final report, which is included as Annex E (Document CECIP/doc.60/00) to this report. |

|Fourth Plenary Session |

|The session was called to order at 12:30 p.m. on December 7, 2000, and was chaired by Mr. Daniel Levy, principal delegate of |

|Argentina. The following agenda items were addressed: |

|  |

|Status of the Special Port Program (Agenda Item 17) |

|The Secretary presented the financial report for 2000 (Doc. CECIP/doc.18/00). With respect to income, he referred to the problem |

|of contribution arrearages, indicating that only 52 percent of the member countries were up-to-date in their payments. |

|Expenditures exceeded income by $35,000, a deficit that would have to be financed from the Emergency Port Program. The Chair urged|

|the countries to make their contributions as soon as possible and to bring their contributions up-to-date for years prior to 2000 |

|as well as for 2001. The Executive Board approved Resolution CECIP/RES.6 (II-00). |

|  |

|Venue and date of the Third Meeting of the Executive Board (2001) (agenda item 18) |

|The Executive Board agreed to accept the offer of the delegate of the Dominican Republic, Colonel Salvador Montas, to hold its |

|third meeting in that country in December 2001. The Chair thanked the delegate of the Dominican Republic for his generous offer to|

|hold this important event in that country. To this effect, the Executive Board approved resolution CECIP/RES.10 (II-00). |

|  |

|Venue and date of the Fourth Meeting of the Executive Board (2002) (agenda item 19) |

|The Executive Board agreed to accept the offer of the delegate of Uruguay, Mr. Edison González, to hold its fourth meeting in that|

|country in December 2001. The Chair thanked the delegate of Uruguay for his generous offer to hold this important event in that |

|country. To this effect, the Executive Board approved resolution CECIP/RES.11 (II-00). |

|Fifth Plenary Session |

|The session was called to order at 4:30 p.m. on December 7, 2000, and was chaired by Mr. Daniel Levy, delegate of Argentina. The |

|following agenda items were addressed: |

|  |

|Approval of the Work Plan of the Executive Board for 2001 (continuation of agenda item 15) |

|The Executive Board approved the final reports including the Work Plans for 2000 of the Subcommittee on Coordination and Port |

|Policy, the Subcommittee on Port Training, and the Subcommittee on Port Administration. Together, all of the activities included |

|in these documents were to constitute the Work Plan of the Executive Board for 2001. To this effect, resolutions CECIP/RES.2, 3, |

|and 4 (II-00) were approved. |

|Other business (agenda item 20) |

|  |

|a. Visit to the Port of Bridgetown |

|On the afternoon of Wednesday, December 6, a visit was conducted to the Port of Bridgetown. The BPA received the large delegation |

|of visitors and showed them the various technical facilities available. The visit was of great interest to the visitors, enabling |

|them to observe a multipurpose port for general cargo, containers, and cruise ships. |

|  |

|b. Vote of thanks |

|The participants thanked the Government of Barbados, and particularly the BPA, for their hospitality and the excellent |

|organization of the meeting. They also acknowledged the contribution and effective work of the Secretariat of the CIP/OAS, which |

|had helped to bring this meeting to a successful conclusion. To this effect, resolution CECIP/RES.12 (II-00) was approved. |

|  |

|Closing Session |

|The Closing Session was held at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 7, 2000. The Chair of the Executive Board, Mr. Daniel Levy, |

|thanked the Government of Barbados for its valuable contribution to the organization of this meeting and thanked the delegates for|

|the work completed, which helped to make the results of this important event very successful. |

|Mr. Noel Lynch, Minister of Transportation and Tourism of Barbados, stressed the importance of the work conducted and resolutions |

|adopted by the Executive Board, which would serve to reaffirm the process of port modernization in the hemisphere. He expressed |

|his satisfaction that his country had been able to welcome such important authorities and specialists from the region's ports, and|

|he wished them a happy return to their countries. |

|The Secretary of the Committee, Dr. Carlos M. Gallegos, thanked the Minister of Transportation and Tourism for attending the |

|inaugural and closing sessions for the event. He said that 70 specialists and authorities from 24 countries had attended, together|

|with strong representation of the private sector, which had permitted the development of an extensive and varied program for 2001.|

|He expressed his sincere thanks to the Barbados Port Authority, and in particular its General Manager, Mr. Everton Walters. |

|To conclude, the General Manager of the Barbados Port Authority, Mr. Everton Walters, thanked all of the participants for their |

|participation and for the successful results of this meeting, as well as the Secretariat of the OAS Inter-American Committee on |

|Ports and its staff for the services they provided. |

|  |


|CECIP/RES.1 (II-00) |

|  |



|  |


|That, through resolution CIDI/CIP/RES.2 (I-99), the Inter-American Committee on Ports established three subcommittees of the |

|Executive Board: the Subcommittee on Policy and Coordination, chaired by Argentina; the Subcommittee on Port Training, chaired by |

|the United States; and the Subcommittee on Port Administration, chaired by Panama; |

|That, if the Subcommittees are to function as efficiently as possible, they should have a vice chair who cooperates with the chair|

|in discharging its functions; and |

|That the Subcommittee on Policy and Coordination, at its fourth meeting, made the corresponding proposals for these offices, |


|  |

|1. To appoint the following countries as Vice Chairs of the Subcommittee on Policy and Coordination: Mexico in 2001, Uruguay in |

|2002, and Barbados in 2003. |

|2. To appoint Barbados as Vice Chair of the Subcommittee on Port Training. |

|3. To appoint Chile as Vice Chair of the Subcommittee on Port Administration. |

|  |

|CECIP/RES.2 (II-00) |


|  |

|  |



|The report of the Fifth Meeting of the Subcommittee on Policy and Coordination; and |

|  |


|That, through resolution CIDI/CIP/RES.6 (I-99), the Inter-American Committee on Ports (CIP) approved its Plan of Action 2000-2001,|

|which is implemented through the Executive Board and its subcommittees; |

|That the activities of the CIP for 2000 have been carried out successfully, as was reported to the Executive Board at this |

|meeting; and |

|That the work plan 2001 of the Subcommittee on Policy and Coordination of the Executive Board must be defined, |


|  |

|To approve the following Work Plan 2001 of the Subcommittee on Policy and Coordination: |

|  |

|Follow-up of the FTAA and other integration processes and their impact on ports |

|  |

|To continue consideration of the topic and follow up on the progress made. |

|To entrust the delegation of Uruguay with following up on the FTAA. |

|To entrust the delegation of Venezuela with following up on the Andean Community of Nations (CAN). |

|To entrust the delegation of Jamaica with following up on CARICOM. |

|To entrust the delegation of COCATRAM with following up on the Central American Common Market. |

|To entrust the countries and the agency responsible for these matters to present a progress report to the Executive Board at its |

|next meeting. |

|  |

|Relations with the European Union and other international organizations |

|To maintain and enhance relations with the delegation of Spain and thank it for its valuable contribution to the Executive Board’s|

|activities. |

|To entrust the Secretariat with reviewing the terms of reference and project profiles received during this meeting so as to |

|identify those that might be presented in due course to the European Union. |

|  |

|Draft Rules of Procedure of the Executive Board |

|o take note of this draft, which is excerpted from the Rules of Procedure of the CIP and will be submitted to the Board at its |

|next meeting. |

|  |

|Draft Rules of Procedure of the Technical Advisory Groups |

|To take note of this draft, which is excerpted from the Rules of Procedure of the CIP and will be submitted to the Board at its |

|next meeting. |

|  |

|Evaluation of the Technical Advisory Groups |

|To evaluate, in accordance with Article 77 of the Rules of Procedure of the CIP, the completion of the tasks assigned to each TAG.|

| |

|  |

|Agreement on Cooperation and Mutual Assistance among Inter-American Port Authorities |

|To take note of the updated version of the Agreement on Cooperation and Mutual Assistance among Inter-American Port Authorities. |

|To entrust the Secretariat with transmitting the draft agreement to the port authorities with pertinent instructions to enable |

|said instrument to be signed at the next meeting of the Committee. |

|  |

|Second Meeting of the CIP (Costa Rica, 2001) |

|To organize and plan this meeting. |

| |

|  |

|Third Meeting of the Executive Board (Dominican Republic, 2001 |

|To organize and plan this meeting. |

|To entrust the delegation of Argentina, which is chairing this subcommittee, and the delegation of Mexico in its capacity as Vice |

|Chair, to ensure compliance with this resolution. Likewise, to request the member countries, in particular those that are members |

|of the Subcommittee, to provide the necessary support for implementation of the Work Plan. |

|  |

|  |

|CECIP/RES. 3 (II-00) |



|  |


|The report of the Second Meeting of the Subcommittee on Port Training; and |

|  |


|That, through resolution CIDI/CIP/RES. 6 (I-99), the Inter-American Committee on Ports (CIP) approved its Plan of Action |

|2000-2001, which is being implemented through the Executive Board and its subcommittees; |

|That the activities of the CIP for 2000 have been carried out successfully, as was reported to the Executive Board at this |

|meeting; and |

|That the work plan 2001 of the Subcommittee on Port Training of the Executive Board must be defined, |

|  |


|  |

|To approve the following Work Plan 2001 of the Subcommittee on Port Training: |

|  |

|To execute the Inter-American Port Training Program 2001, which includes holding the following courses: |

|  |

|VI Ibero-American Port Management Course, in cooperation with Puertos del Estado of Spain, in Madrid, Spain; |

|  |

|II Ibero-American Port Engineering Course, in cooperation with Puertos del Estado of Spain, in Santander, Spain; |

|  |

|IMO Course on Security and Anti-drug-trafficking, in Mexico; |

|  |

|Course on Port Rates, in cooperation with UNCTAD and INDESMAR, in Lima, Peru; |

|  |

|Course on Marine Engineering and Training for Pilot and Dock Masters for countries of the English-speaking Caribbean. |

|  |

|To support the Course on Private Participation in Caribbean Ports, which will be conducted by ECLAC. |

|To begin an in-job training program. |

|o instruct the General Secretariat to stimulate and coordinate bilateral relations among training organizations and institutions |

|and interested countries. |

|  |

|To entrust the delegation of the United States, which is chairing this subcommittee, and the delegation of Barbados in its |

|capacity as Vice Chair, to ensure compliance with this resolution. Likewise, to request the member countries, in particular those |

|that are members of this subcommittee, to provide the necessary support for implementation of the Work Plan |

|  |

|CECIP/RES. 4 (II-00) |


|  |

|  |


|  |


|The report of the Second Meeting of the Subcommittee on Port Administration; and |

|  |


|That, through resolution CIDI/CIP/RES. 6 (I-99), the Inter-American Committee on Ports (CIP) approved its Plan of Action |

|2000-2001, which is being implemented through the Executive Board and its subcommittees; |

|That the activities of the CIP for 2000 have been carried out successfully, as was reported to the Executive Board at this |

|meeting; and |

|That the work plan 2001 of the Subcommittee on Port Administration of the Executive Board must be defined, |

|  |


|To approve the following Work Plan 2001 of the Subcommittee on Port Administration: |

|  |

|Privatizations and port reforms |

|To entrust the delegation of Argentina with continuing the efforts at port reform assigned to it and to thank it for preparing the|

|questionnaire on port reform. |

|To urge the member countries to transmit those questionnaires to the delegation of Argentina by March 1, 2001. |

|  |

|Ports for cruise ships |

|To entrust the delegation of the Dominican Republic with coordinating the Working Group that will compile the experience of the |

|countries with the highest cruise ship traffic, especially those in the Caribbean, in order to design an operations manual making |

|it possible to improve these services in South American ports. This group will also consist of the delegations of Argentina, |

|Barbados, Chile, and Jamaica, with the collaboration of SURCRUISE. |

|Statistics |

|To entrust the delegation of Mexico with continuing to examine this topic and, in particular, with carrying out the following |

|tasks: Examination of ECLAC databases on port statistics. Revision of the present format for collecting statistical data that was |

|approved by the CIP for the purpose of enhancing data collection. |

|To urge the member countries to transmit to the Mexican delegation the information requested in the aforementioned forms or in the|

|manner in which the information is processed. |

|  |

|Port rates and financing |

|To entrust the delegation of Mexico with continued examination of this topic. |

|To urge the member countries to send to the delegation of Mexico as early as possible the information requested under the form |

|established in document CECIP/doc.34/00 and, in the absence of said form, in the way in which the information is available. |

|  |

|Port facilitation |

|To entrust the delegation of Argentina to prepare, together with the delegation of Venezuela, a document pointing out the most |

|relevant features of the facilitation problems affecting ports. |

|  |

|City-port relationship |

|To entrust the delegation of Chile with preparing a document containing information and experiences on port communities. |

|  |

|Study of waterways |

|To entrust the delegation of Argentina with preparing a report indicating the progress and changes made in developing the |

|Paraná-Paraguay waterway. |

|To entrust the delegation of Venezuela with preparing a document with information on the development of the Orinoco-Amazonas |

|waterway. |

|  |

|Use of the coastline |

|To entrust the delegations of Chile and Uruguay with preparing a document that will make it possible to identify a methodology or |

|a guide to coordinate urban land planning and port development. |

|  |

|Quality Control |

|To entrust the delegation of Mexico, in collaboration with Puertos del Estado of Spain, to coordinate the working group that will |

|prepare a practical guide to serve as a model for seeking ISO certification and adapt the case study "Port Community" developed by|

|Puertos del Estado to the criteria of the "Ibero-American Model for Excellence in Management." |

|To note for the record that the delegations of Barbados, Ecuador, and Venezuela will also make up this working group. |

|  |

|Dredging |

|To entrust the delegation of Venezuela with preparing a document containing a register on access to data on this topic and an |

|inventory of the dredging equipment that exists in the member countries. Likewise, it should determine the installed capacity of |

|dredgers; the annual dredging volume per year, per port, and per navigable waterway required in each country; and the firms of the|

|region providing these services. |

|  |

|Trade corridors |

|To entrust the Secretariat with joining the Research and Training Program for Trade Corridor Development (PROCORREDOR) in order to|

|participate in its Advisory Committee and compile all relevant information for dissemination among member countries. |

|To urge member countries to collaborate with PROCORREDOR and participate in the training and development activities designed to |

|strengthen the capacity of ports to plan trade corridor development. |

|  |

|Modern technologies applied to ports and logistics |

|To send these items to the Technical Advisory Group on Port Operations for development. |

|  |

|To entrust the delegation of Panama, which chairs this subcommittee, and the delegation of Chile, in its capacity as Vice Chair, |

|to ensure that this resolution is implemented. Likewise, to request all member countries, in particular those that are members of |

|this subcommittee, to provide the necessary support for the implementation of the Work Plan. |

|  |

|CECIP/RES.5 (II-00) |



|  |


|That resolution CIDI/CIP/RES. 3 (I-99) established the Technical Advisory Group on Port Operations; resolution CIDI/CIP/RES. 4 |

|(I-99) established the Technical Advisory Group on Port Security; and CIDI/CIP/RES. 5 (I-99) established the Technical Advisory |

|Group on Navigation Control and Environmental Protection; |

|That the Chairs of the Technical Advisory Groups have made valuable efforts to set them in motion; |

|That to coordinate the implementation of the Technical Advisory Groups, a coordination meeting of the three committees was held in|

|Brasilia, Brazil; |

|That the Chairs of the Technical Advisory Groups submitted to the Second Meeting of the Executive Board reports on the work they |

|had carried out during their first year of operations; and |

|That the first meetings of the Technical Advisory Groups will be held immediately after this meeting; |

|  |


|Article 77 of the Rules of Procedure of the Inter-American Committee on Ports, which establishes that the Chair and Vice Chairs of|

|the Executive Board (Subcommittee on Policy and Coordination) shall conduct an annual assessment of the completion of the tasks |

|assigned to each Technical Advisory Group; and |

|  |


|The report of the coordination meeting of the Technical Advisory Groups, held in Brasilia in August 2000, |

|  |


|To commend the work of the Technical Advisory Groups |

|To urge the Chairs of the Technical Advisory Groups, the member countries on each Group, and their associate members to publicize |

|their work as widely as possible, with a view to broadening their activities and strengthening their sphere of action. |

|To instruct the Chairs of the Technical Advisory Groups to report on their activities to the Subcommittee on Policy and |

|Coordination 60 days prior to the Second Meeting of the Inter-American Committee on Ports. |

|To instruct the Subcommittee on Policy and Coordination to prepare the evaluation report on the status of the work assigned to |

|each Technical Advisory Group, to be presented by the Chair of the Executive Board to the Second Meeting of the Committee. |

|To acknowledge the outstanding work done by the delegations of Argentina, Mexico, and the United States, in their capacity as |

|Chairs of the Technical Advisory Groups, in launching the activities of these groups. |

|  |

|CECIP/RES.6 (II-00) |



|  |


|HAVING SEEN the report of the Secretariat on the status of contributions to the Special Port Program; and |

|CONSIDERING that the Inter-American Committee on Ports adopted resolution CIDI/CIP/RES.12 (I-99), whereby it set the annual |

|contribution of the port authorities of the member countries to the Special Port Program at US$6.000 for the year 2000 and |

|US$6.000 for the year 2001, |

|  |


|To urge once again the port authorities of the member countries to make their contributions of US$6,000 for the year 2000 and |

|US$6,000 for the year 2001 to the Special Port Program of the Inter-American Committee on Ports. |

|To urge member countries which have not made their 2000 contribution to pay it in full as soon as possible. |

|To recommend to member countries that they make their 2001 contributions in the first months of that year. |

|CECIP/RES.7 (II-00) |


|  |


|BEARING IN MIND resolution CECIP/RES. 7 (I-99), by which the Executive Board adopted ad referendum as the Committee’s logo the one|

|presented by the delegation of Guatemala at the First Meeting of the Inter-American Committee on Ports; and |

|  |

|CONSIDERING that the Secretariat made the corrections that had been suggested in that logo, |


|  |

|To adopt the logo shown below for the Inter-American Committee on Ports. |

|To publicize this logo as widely as possible and to instruct the organs of the Committee to use it for their activities. |

|  |

|  |

|[pic] |

|  |

|  |

|CECIP/RES.8 (II-00) |


|  |

|  |


|  |


|That the Research and Training Program for Trade Corridor Development (PROCORREDOR) and the Hemispheric Conference on |

|Vulnerability Reduction of Trade Corridors to Socio-Natural Disasters have underscored the essential role that ports play in the |

|future of trade corridor development in the Western Hemisphere; |

|That it is necessary to reduce the vulnerability of ports to the risks of natural hazards; and |

|That there is a need for establishing an effective training and technology transfer program as a tool to enhance the secure, |

|efficient, and competitive operation of ports, |

|  |


|To instruct the Secretariat to affiliate itself with the Research and Training Program for Trade Corridor Development |

|(PROCORREDOR) in order to participate in the Advisory Committee of PROCORREDOR and to contribute documents and other information |

|deemed relevant. |

|To urge member countries to participate in the Hemispheric Conference on Vulnerability Reduction of Trade Corridors to |

|Socio-Natural Disasters, which will be held in Mendoza, Argentina, March 26-28, 2001. |

|  |

|CECIP/RES.9 (II-00) |



|  |

|  |


|  |


|That Articles 5 and 7 of the Rules of Procedure of the Inter-American Committee on Ports stipulate that the Committee will hold |

|one regular meeting every two years, the place and date of which will be decided at the immediately preceding meeting; and |

|That the Government of Costa Rica has kindly offered to host the Second Meeting in the year 2001, |

|  |


|To hold the Second Meeting of the Inter-Americans Committee on Ports in San José, Costa Rica, in September 2001. |

|To express its gratitude to the Government of Costa Rica for its offer to host this important event. |

|  |

|CECIP/RES.10 (II-00) |



|  |


|  |

|That Article 7 of the Rules of Procedure of the Inter-American Committee on Ports stipulates that the Executive Board shall meet |

|once a year; and |

|That the Government of the Dominican Republic has kindly offered to host the Third Meeting, to be held in the year 2001, |

|  |


|To hold the Third Meeting of the Executive Board in the Dominican Republic in December 2001. |

|To express its gratitude to the Government of the Dominican Republic for its offer to host this important event. |

|  |

|  |

|CECIP/RES.11 (II-00) |



|  |


|That Article 7 of the Rules of Procedure of the Inter-American Committee on Ports stipulates that the Executive Board shall meet |

|once a year; and |

|  |

|That the Government of Uruguay has kindly offered to host the Fourth Meeting, to be held in the year 2002, |

|  |


|To hold the Fourth Meeting of the Executive Board in Uruguay in the year 2002. |

|To express its gratitude to the Government of Uruguay for its offer to host this important event. |

|  |

|  |

|CECIP/RES.12 (II-00) |



|  |


|  |

|That, in keeping with resolution CECIP/RES. 9 (I-99) of the Executive Board, the Barbados Port Authority has held the Second |

|Meeting of the Executive Board of the Inter-American Committee on Ports with outstanding success, due in large part to the |

|excellent job of organizing the event done by the authorities; and |

|That the Organization of American States, through its General Secretariat, also helped make the meeting a success, |

|  |


|To express its sincere gratitude to the officials of the Barbados Port Authority for their outstanding work in organizing this |

|event. |

|To also thank the OAS General Secretariat, which through its participation contributed to the success of the work of the Executive|

|Board. |

|  |



|Comité Ejecutivo de la Comisión Interamericana de Puertos |

|  |

|  |



|5 al 7 de diciembre de 2000 5 diciembre 2000 |

|Bridgetown, Barbados Original: Textual |

|  |

|  |



|  |


|  |


|  |

|Representante Titular |

|  |

|Daniel Levy |

|Subsecretario |

|Subsecretaría de Transporte por Agua y Puertos |

|Av. España 2221, Piso 4, 1107 Buenos Aires, Argentina |

|Tel: (54-11)4361-2154 |

|Fax: (54-11)4361-1134 |

|E-mail: dlevy@.ar |

|  |

|Representante Suplente |

|  |

|Martin Sgut |

|Asesor |

|Subsecretaría de Transporte por Agua y Puertos |

|Av. España 2221, Piso 4, 1107 Buenos Aires, Argentina |

|Tel: (54-11)4816-2000 |

|Fax: (54-11)4813-6813 |

|E-mail: martin.sgut@ |

|  |

|  |

|Asesor |

|Jorge E. Abramian |

|Coordinador General Programa de Modernización Portuaria |

|Subsecretaría de Transporte por Agua y Puertos |

|Av. España 2221,Buenos Aires, Argentina |

|Tel: (54 11) 4361-8597 |

|Fax: (54 11) 362- 2995 |

|E-mail: jeabramiam@ |

|  |


|  |

|Principal Representative |

|  |

|Everton Walters |

|General Manager |

|Barbados Port Authority |

|University Row, Princess Alice Highway |

|Bridgetown, Barbados |

|Tel: (246) 430-4705 |

|Fax: (246) 429-5348 |

|E-mail: ewalters@ |

|  |

|Alternate Representative |

|  |

|Leonard Morris |

|Manager, Terminal Operations |

|Barbados Port Authority |

|University Row, Princess Alice Highway |

|Bridgetown, Barbados |

|Tel: (246) 430-4719 |

|Fax: (246) 426-7587 |

|E-mail: lmorris@ |

|  |

|Advisor |

|  |

|Louis Sealy |

|Chief of Security |

|Barbados Port Authority |

|Bridgetown, Barbados |

|Tel: (246) 430-5115 |

|Fax: ( 246) 228-8009 |

|  |


|  |

|Principal Representative |

|  |

|Paul-Emile Drapeau |

|Director, Port Divestiture and Operations |

|Transport Canada |

|Place de Ville, Tower C |

|Ottawa, Ontario K1A ON5, Canada |

|Tel: (1-613) 990-3069 |

|Fax: (1-613) 954-0838 |

|Email: drapeap@tc.gc.ca |

|  |


|Representante Titular |

|  |

|Andrés Rengifo |

|Coordinador de Empresas Portuarias Estatales |

|Subsecretaría de Transportes |

|Amunetagui 139, 9to. piso |

|Santiago, Chile |

|Tel: (56-2) 421-3924 |

|Fax: (56-2) 672-2785 |

|E-mail:arengifo@mtt.cl |

|  |

|Asesores |

|  |

|Alejandro Chaparro |

|Jefe de Gabinete de Ministro |

|Ministerio de Transportes y Telecomunicaciones |

|Amunategui 139 |

|Santiago, Chile |

|Tel. (562) 421-3403 |

|Fax. (562) 697-4653 |


|  |

|Lautaro Poblete |

|Presidente |

|Empresa Portuaria Austral de Punta de Arenas |

|O"Higgins 1385, |

|Punta Arenas, Chile |

|Tel. ( 56-61) 2220-82 |

|Fax. (56-61) 2411-11 |

|Email: lpoblete@epa.co.cl |

|  |

|  |

|Daniel Barrera |

|Presidente |

|Empresa Portuaria Puerto Montt |

|Hernando de Magallanes 509 |

|Puerto Montt, Chile |

|Tel. ( 56 65) 252247 |

|Fax. (56 65) 252247 |

|Email: mbarrera@telsur.cl |

|  |

|Enrique Runin |

|Gerente General |

|Empresa Portuaria Chacabuco |

|Recinto Portuario S/N |

|Puerto Chacabuco, Chile |

|Tel. (56-67) 3511-39 |

|Fax.(56-67) 3511-74 |

|Email: erunin@patagoniachile.cl |

|  |


|Representante Titular |

|  |

|Juan Rivera |

|Presidente |


|Limón, Costa Rica |

|Tel: (506) 798-5757 |

|Fax: (506) 758-1728 |

|E-mail: Jrivera@gobnet.cocr |

|Asesores |

|Elizabeth Bolaños |

|Directora |

|Instituto Costarricense de Puertos del Pacifico (INCOP) |

|San José, Costa Rica |

|Tel: (506) 223-7111/233-1391 |

|Fax: (506) 223-4348 |

|  |

|Rafael Campos |

|Director |

|Instituto Costarricense de Puertos del Pacifico (INCOP) |

|San José, Costa Rica |

|Tel: (506) 223-7111/224-1497 |

|Fax: (506) 223-4348 |

|E-mail: incoppe2@racsa.co.cr |


|  |

|Representante Titular |

|  |

|Edwin G. Milán |

|Director y Miembro Junta Directiva |

|Comisión Portuaria Nacional |

|14 Calle, Zona 1, Edificio Armagua, 3er. Nivel. |

|Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala |

|Tel: (502-3) 366-9408 / 220-8085 |

|Fax: (502-3) 220-6187 |

|E-mail: quetplan@.gt |

|  |

|Representante Suplente |

|  |

|Vinicio F. Arango |

|Comisión Portuaria Nacional |

|14 Calle 8-14, Zona 1 Edif. Armagua, 3er. Nivel |

|Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala |

|Tel: (502-3) 334-8133 |

|Fax: (502-3) 220-6187 |

|E-mail: quetplan@.gt |


|  |

|Principal Representative |

|  |

|Byron Lewis |

|Senior Vice President, Corporate Planning & Special Projects |

|The Port Authority of Jamaica |

|17 Duke St., Kingston, Jamaica |

|Tel: (876) 922-6345 |

|Fax: (876) 967-4223 |


|  |

|Representante Titular |

|Francisco Pastrana |

|Director de Tarifas y Análisis Económico |

|Dirección General de Puertos |

|Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes |

|Municipio Libre 377 Piso 8, ala "B". Col. Santa Cruz Atoyac, México D.F., México |

|Tel.: (525) 688-4422 |

|Fax: (525) 604-7899 |

|E-mail: jpastran@sct.gob.mx |

|  |

|Asesor |

|Rocío Guerrero |

|Asesora |

|Dirección General de Puertos |

|Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes |

|Municipio Libre 377 Piso 10, ala "B". Col. Santa Cruz Atoyac, México D.F., México |

|Tel.: (525) 688-4422 / 604-8063 |

|Fax: (525) 604-7899 |

|E-mail: rguerreb@sct.gob.mx |

|  |


|  |

|  |

|Representante Titular |

|  |

|Angela Reynoso |

|Subdirectora |

|Autoridad Portuaria Dominicana |

|Km. 13 Haina Margen Oriental - Oficina Central.Santo Domingo - República Dominicana |

|Tel: (809) 537-0055 |

|Fax: (809) 539-7005 |

|E-mail: semr@ |

|  |

|Asesores |

|  |

|César H. Tejada |

|Subdirector |

|Autoridad Portuaria Dominicana |

|Km. 13 Haina Margen Oriental - Oficina Central, Santo Domingo - República Dominicana |

|Tel: (809) 539-0055 |

|Fax: (809) 539-7005 |

|E-mail: semr@ |

|  |

|Salvador Montás |

|Asesor Técnico |

|Autoridad Portuaria Dominicana |

|Km. 13 Haina Margen Oriental - Oficina Central, Santo Domingo - República Dominicana |

|Tel: (809) 539-0055 |

|Fax: (809) 539-7005 |

|E-mail: semr@ |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|Alejandrina García |

|Subdirectora |

|Autoridad Portuaria Dominicana |

|Km. 13 Haina Margen Oriental - Oficina Central, Santo Domingo - República Dominicana |

|Tel: (809) 539-0055 |

|Fax: (809) 539-7005 |

|E-mail: semr@ |


|  |

|Principal Representative |

|  |

|Vincent Hippolyte |

|General Manager |

|St. Lucia Air and Sea Ports Authority |

|P.O. Box 651, Castries, Saint Lucia |

|Tel: (758) 452-2866 |

|Fax: (758) 452-2062 |

|E-mail: slaspa@candw.lc |

|  |


|  |

|Principal Representative |

|  |

|Doris J. Bautch |

|Chief, Division of Ports |

|Maritime Administration |

|400 7th St SW Rm 7201 |

|Washington D.C 20590, USA |

|Tel: (202) 366-5469 |

|Fax: (202) 366-6988 |

|Email: doris.bautch@marad. |

|  |


|  |

|Representante Titular |

|  |

|Edison González |

|Presidente |

|Administración Nacional de Puertos |

|Rambla 25 de agosto 1825 # 160, 2do. Piso, Montevideo, Uruguay |

|Tel. (598-2) 190-1810 |

|Fax (598-2) 916-1704 |

|E-mail: anppresi@.uy |

|  |

|  |

|Representante Suplente |

|  |

|Mario Montemurro |

|Jefe de Relaciones Internacionales |

|Administración Nacional de Puertos |

|Rambla 25 de Agosto de 1825, No. 160, 2do. Piso, Of. 207 |

|Montevideo, Uruguay |

|Tel: (598-2) 190-1870 |

|Fax: (598-2) 916-2124 |

|E-mail: anpuri@.uy |

|  |

|  |



|  |

|  |

|  |

|Raphael A. Benjamin |

|Port Manager |

|Antigua and Barbuda Port Authority |

|P.O. Box 1052. Deepwater Harbour |

|St. John's, Antigua and Barbuda |

|Tel: (268) 462-2239 |

|Fax: (268) 460-6024 |

|E-mail: anport@candw.ag |


|Roger Longaric |

|Director General |

|Administración de Servicios Portuarios |

|Plaza España 2705 |

|Tel: (591-2)411-519 |

|Fax: (591-2)411-863 |

|E-mail: longaric@lpz. |

|  |

|Ramiro Quinteros |

|Director de Desarrollo y Gestión Portuaria |

|Administración de Servicios Portuarios |

|Plaza España #2705, La Paz, Bolivia |

|Tel: (591-2) 411-519 |

|Fax: (591- 2) 411-863 |

|Email:gesport@lpz. |

|  |


|  |

|Vincent Elwin |

|General Manager |

|Dominica Port Authority |

|P.O. Box 243, Roseau, Commonwealth of Dominica |

|Tel: (767) 448-4431/32/33/0067 |

|Fax: (767) 448-6131 |

|E-mail: domport@cwdom.dm |

|  |


|  |

|Belisario Pinto T. |

|Presidente del Directorio |

|Autoridad Portuaria de Guayaquil |

|Av. 25 de Julio, vía Pto. Marítimo |

|Guayaquil, Ecuador |

|Tel: (593-4) 481-130 |

|Fax: (593-4) 482-124 |

|E-mail: blpinto@ |

|  |

|Xavier Velásquez |

|Director |

|Autoridad Portuaria de Guayaquil |

|Av. 25 de Julio, vía Pto. Marítimo |

|Guayaquil, Ecuador |

|Tel: (593-4) 481-130 |

|Fax: (593-4) 482-124 |

|Email: gies_sa@ |

|  |


|  |

|Anthony Belmar |

|Assistant Port Manager |

|Grenada Ports Authority |

|Burns Point, St. Georges, Grenada |

|Tel: (473) 440-3013 |

|Fax: (473) 440-3418 |

|E-mail: grenport@ |

|  |


|  |

|David John |

|Traffic Manager |

|Harbour and Shipping Harbours Department |

|Georgetown Ferry Stelling, Water Street, Stabroek, Georgetown, Guyana |

|Tel: (592-2)67-842 |

|Fax: (592-2)78-545 |

|Email: dujohn123@ / Trafficdj@ |

|  |

|  |


|  |

|Gabriel Fontaine |

|Administrative Manager |

|National Port Authority |

|Blvd La Saline, P.O. Box 616, Port-au-Prince, Haíti |

|Tel: (509) 510-7469 |

|Fax: (509) 223-2440 |

|Email : apnpap@ |

|  |

|Ginelle Noel |

|Operations Manager |

|National Port Authority |

|Blvd La Saline, P.O. Box 616, Port-au-Prince, Haíti |

|Tel: (509) 510-7469 |

|Fax: (509) 223-2440 |

|  |

|Jessy Pierre |

|Internal Control |

|Autorité Portuaire Nationale |

|Blvd La Saline, Port-au-Prince, Haiti |

|Tel: (509) 222-5300 |

|Fax: (509) 298-4073 |

|E-mail: jessyjen@ |

|  |


|  |

|  |

|Louis Jones |

|Chairman |

|Port Authority Office |

|P.O. Box 1237 |

|Kingston, St Vincent |

|St. Vincent and the Grenadines |

|Tel: (784) 456-1830 |

|Fax: (784) 456-2732 |

|E-mail: svgportmgr@ |

|  |

|  |


|  |

|Marcia Clumper |

|Vice Deputy on Transport |

|Ministry of Transport, Communication and Tourism |

|Paramaribo, Suriname |

|Tel: (597)422-666 / 420-224 |

|Fax: (597)420-100 |

|  |

|Usha Bihariesingh |

|Legal Advisor |

|N.V Havenbeheer Suriname |

|V/h Hagerhuysstraat P.O.Box 2307 |

|Paramaribo, Suriname |

|Tel: (597) 40 40 44 / 40 36 25 |

|Fax: (597) 40 36 91 |

|E-mail: smeport@ |

|  |


|  |

|Kelvin Harris |

|Divisional Manager, Operations |

|Port Authority of Trinidad & Tobago |

|Dock Road, Port of Spain, Trinidad |

|Tel: 1- 868-625-2644 |

|Fax: 1-868-627-2666 |

|Email: patt@ |

|  |


|  |

|Julio Peña Acevedo |

|Asesor |

|Dirección General de Transporte Acuático |

|Parque Central, Torre Este Piso 38 |

|Caracas, Venezuela |

|Tel. (58 2) 509 28 75 |

|Fax (58 2) 509-2858 |

| |

|  |

|  |


|  |


|  |

|Carlos Ibarz del Olmo |

|Jefe del Gabinete de Presidencia |

|Puertos del Estado |

|Avda. del Partenón, 10 |

|Campo de las Naciones, 28042 Madrid -España |

|Tel: (34-91) 524-5500 |

|Fax: (34-91) 524-5502 |

|  |

|Nuria Gaitón |

|Jefe del Departamento de Relaciones Internacionales |

|Puertos del Estado |

|Avda. del Partenón, 10 |

|Campo de las Naciones, 28042 Madrid -España |

|Tel: (34-91) 524-5500 |

|Fax: (34-91) 524-5506 |

|Email: ngaiton@puertos.es |

|  |


|  |

|Stephen Bender |

|Especialista Principal |

|Unidad de Desarrollo Sostenible y Medio Ambiente |

|Organizacion de los Estados Americanos |

|1889 F Street NW |

|Washington, DC 20006 USA |

|Tel 202-458-6295 |

|Fax 202-458-3560 |

|Email: sbender@ |

|  |

|Captain Thomas Breitinger |

|United States Navy |

|Inter American Defense Board |

|Office of Chairman |

|2600 16th Street NW |

|Washington, D.C, 20441 USA |

|Tel. (202) 939-6044 |

|Fax.(202) 265-7026 |

|Email: breitingert@ |

|  |

|Alfonso Breuillet |

|Director |

|Comision Centroamericana de Transporte Maritimo |

|Coutiguo a la Mansion Teodolinda |

|Managua, Nicaragua |

|Tel: (00-505) 222-2754 |

|Fax: (00-505) 222-2759 |

|E-mail: dejecut@.ni |

|  |

|Guillermo Cárdenas |

|Port Operation Manager Latinoamérica |

|Innovación |

|Claudio gay No. 653 Villa El Rocío |

|Villa Alemana, Chile |

|Tel. (56-32) 942127 |

|Fax. (56-32) 927-625+ |

|Email: geocardenas@ / innov@ctcreuna.cl |

|  |

|Siro de Martini |

|HR Manager |

|Terminales Río de La Plata |

|Flaubert 390, Bella Vista, Argentina |

|Tel: 4319-9505 |

|Fax: 4313-2677 |

|E-mail: siro_demartini@ |

|  |

|Anne De Souza |

|Director |

|Trainmar Centre |

|Trainmar Regional Programme |

|4th Floor, CHIC Bldg. |

|Corner Park & Edward Streets, Port of Spain |

|Trinidad, W.I. |

|Tel: (868) 623-5959 |

|Fax: (868) 627-1238 |

|Email: adstrain@.tt |

| |

|  |

|Joachim Fuchsluger |

|Consultant |

|United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and |

|the Caribbean, Subregional Office |

|An der Bahn 6, 89407 Dillingen, Germany |

|Tel: 49-9071-3272 |

|Email: jfuchsluger@ |

|  |

|Edgardo Gamarra P. |

|Director – Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo Marítimo |

|Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo Marítimo (Indesmar) |

|Av.Ricardo Palma 127 |

|Urb. San Joaquín Bellavista, Callao, Perú |

|Tel: (511) 561-0140 / 452-0727 |

|Fax: (511) 452-3980 |

|Email: indesmar@.pe / egamarra@.pe |

|  |

|Ramón Gómez - Ferrer |

|Director Gerente |

|Fundación IPEC de la Comunidad de Valencia |

|Edificio del Reloj, Muello del Grao, s/n |

|46024 Valencia, España |

|Tel: (34 9) 6393 9400 |

|Fax: (34 9) 6393 9409 |

|Email: ramongf@ |

|  |

|  |

|Jan Hoffmann |


|P.O.Box. 179-D CEPAL |

|Santiago de Chile |

|Tel: (56 2) 2102131 |

|Fax: (56 2) 2080252 |

|Email: JHoffmann@ECLAC.cl |

|  |

|H. Thomas Kornegay |

|Executive Director |

|Port of Houston Authority |

|P.O. Box 2562 |

|Houston, Texas 77252-2562 |

|USA |

|Email: tkornegay@ |

|  |

|Gonzalo Martín |

|Directivo |

|Associacion de Despachantes de Aduana de Uruguay |

|Montevideo, Uruguay |

|Tel: (598) 2916-5612 |

|Fax: (598) 2916-5862 |

|E-mail: ADAU@.uy |

|  |

|Antonio Moreno |

|Director de Operaciones |

|Internacional de Contenedores Asociados de Veracruz (ICAVE) |

|Simón Bolivar No. 723-2 |

|Veracruz, México |

|Tel.: (525) 989-7001 |

|Fax: (525) 989-7096 |

|E-mail: amoreno@.mx |

|  |

|Philip J. Murray |

|Chairman |

|Maritime Security Council Inc. |

|P.O.Box 472627 |

|Charlotte NC, USA |

|Tel.: (704) 844-8600 |

|Fax: (704) 849-9197 |

|E-mail: pmurray1@carolina. |

|  |

|  |

|Kim Parker |

|ABS Group Inc |

|16855 Northchase Drive, Houston, Texas |

|USA |

|Tel: (281) 877-6734 |

|Fax: (281) 877-6702 |

|E-mail: kparker@ |

|  |

|Ricardo Rodríguez |

|Jefe del Departamento Seguridad y Control Ambiental |

|Administración Puerto de Buenos Aires |

|Ing. Huergo 431 (1107) |

|Buenos Aires, Argentina |

|Tel: (54-11) 4342-6832 |

|Fax: (54-11) 4343-7469 |

|E-mail: puertobsas@ |

|  |

|Diego Sepúlveda |

|Consultor |

|OEA |

|Martín de Salvatierra 1155, Los Almendros - Reñaca |

|Viña del Mar, Chile |

|Tel: (56-32) 835-184 |

|Fax: (56-32) 836-261 |

|Email: diegowhittle@ |

|  |

|Luis Toscan |

|Jefe de Gabinete |

|Administracion General de Puertos |

|Ing. Huergo 431, Buenos Aires, Argentina |

|Tel: 4331-3210 |

|Fax: 4342-8371 |

|E-mail: puertobsas@ |

|  |

|Jesús Vega |

|Director General |

|Navega de Mexico y Navegación Veracruzana |

|Nueva Jersey, Col. Napoles |

|C.P 03710 Mexico, D.F |

|Tel: (52-5) 523-05-22 / 682-1741 |

|Fax: (52-5) 543-7975 |

|E-mail: veganavega@ |

|  |

|  |


|  |

|Carlos M. Gallegos |

|Secretario, CIP |

|Organización de los Estados Americanos |

|1889 F. Street NW, oficina 320-C |

|Washington, D.C. 20006 – Estados Unidos |

|Tel: (202) 458-3871 |

|Fax: (202) 458-3517 |

|E-mail: cgallegos@ |

|Regina B. Arriaga |

|Principal Attorney |

|Organization of American States |

|19th St. and Constitution Ave. Washington D.C. 20006, USA |

|Tel: (202) 458-3415 |

|Fax: (202) 458-3410 |

|E-mail: Rarriaga@ |

|Luis Mathó |

|Especialista Principal de Conferencias |

|Organización de los Estados Amenicanos |

|19th St. and Constitution Ave |

|Washington, D.C. 20006 – Estados Unidos |

|Tel: (202) 458-6098 |

|Fax: (202) 458-3335 |

|E-mail: lmatho@ |

|Ricardo Hinds |

|Manager |

|Training and Special Services |

|Barbados Port Authority |

|University Row, Princess Alice Highway |

|Bridgetown, Barbados |

|Tel: (246) 430-4712 |

|Fax: (246) 429-5348 |

|E-mail: rhinds@ |

|  |

|  |


|Comité Ejecutivo de la Comisión Interamericana de Puertos |

|  |



|5 al 7 de diciembre de 2000 20 febrero 2001 |

|Bridgetown, Barbados Original: Textual |

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|  |

|Número de Documento/ Document Number |

|Título/Title |

|Idioma/Language |

| |

|  |

|CECIP/doc.1/00 |

|  |

|Lista de Documentos |

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|Textual |

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|  |

|CECIP/doc.1/00 Rev.1 |

|  |

|Lista de Documentos |

|  |

|Textual |

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|CECIP/doc.2/00 |

|Lista provisional de Participantes |

|Textual |

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|CECIP/doc.2/00 Rev.1 |

|Lista de Participantes |

|Textual |

|  |

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|CECIP/doc.3/00 |

|Proyecto de Temario |

|E* ,I |

|  |

| |

|CECIP/doc.4/00 |

|Proyecto de Calendario |

|E,I |

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|  |

|CECIP/doc.5/00 |

|  |

|Reglamento de la Comisión Interamericana de Puertos |

|  |

|E,I,P,F |

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|CECIP/doc.6/00 |

|  |

|Informe de la Secretaría |

|  |

|E,I |

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|CECIP/doc.7/00 |

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|  |

|Términos de la Misión de Autoridades Portuarias de América Latina y el Caribe a España y a la sede de la Unión Europea |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|E,I |

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|CECIP/doc.8/00 |

|Anteproyecto de Reglamento del Comité Ejecutivo |

|  |

|E,I |

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|CECIP/doc.9/00 |

|Anteproyecto de Reglamento de los Comités Técnicos Consultivos |

|E,I |

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|  |

|CECIP/doc.10/00 |

|  |

|Reporte del Grupo de Trabajo sobre capacitación |

|  |

|E,I |

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|  |

|CECIP/doc.11/00 |

|  |

|Cuestionarios sobre las necesidades de capacitación ( presentado por las Delegaciones de Barbados y los Estados Unidos) |

|  |

|E,I |

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|  |

|CECIP/doc.12/00 |

|  |

|Programas de Capacitación Portuaria año 2000 |

|  |

|E,I |

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|  |

|CECIP/doc.13/00 |

|  |

|Cuestionario sobre las Recientes Reformas Portuarias en América Latina y el Caribe (presentado por la Delegación de Argentina) |

|  |

|E,I |

| |

|  |

|CECIP/doc.14/00 |

|  |

|Informe del V Curso Subregional de Seguridad Portuaria, Castries, Santa Lucía (presentado por la Delegación de los Estados Unidos)|

|  |

|E,I |

| |

|  |

|CECIP/doc.15/00 |

|  |

|Informe del V Curso Iberoamericano de Gestión Portuaria, Madrid, España (presentado por la Delegación de España) |

|  |

|E,I |

| |

|  |

|CECIP/doc.16/00 |

|  |

|Informe del I Curso Iberoamericano de Ingeniería Portuaria, |

|Santander, España (presentado por la Delegación de España) |

|  |

|E,I |

| |

|  |

|CECIP/doc.17/00 |

|  |

|Versión Actualizada de Proyecto de Acuerdo de Cooperación y Asistencia Mutua entre las Autoridades Portuarias Interamericanas |

|  |

|E,I,P,F |

| |

|  |

|CECIP/doc.18/00 |

|  |

|Estado del Programa Portuario Especial |

|  |

|E,I |

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|  |

|  |

|  |

|CECIP/doc.19/00 |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|Situación del Programa Hidrovía |

|Paraguay-Paraná (presentado por la Delegación de Argentina) |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|E |

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|  |

|CECIP/doc.20/00 |

|  |

|Informe sobre el Proceso de Certificación ISO-9000 en el Puerto Tampico (presentado por la Delegación de México) |

|  |

|  |

|E |

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|CECIP/doc.21/00 |

|Informe Final de la II Reunión del Subcomité de Política y Coordinación |

|  |

|E,I |

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|CECIP/doc.22/00 |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|Informe Final de la III Reunión del Subcomité de Política y Coordinación |

|E,I |

| |

|CECIP/doc.23/00 |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|Corredores de Comercio: El Surgimiento de una Unidad de Planificación de Desarrollo Regional en América Latina |

|  |

|E,I |

| |

|CECIP/doc.24/00 |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|Perfil de Proyectos a ser presentado ante la Unión Europea |

|  |

|E,I |

| |

|CECIP/doc.25/00 |

|  |

|Los Comités Técnicos Consultivos |

|  |

|E,I |

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|CECIP/doc.26/00 |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|Desarrollo de las ciudades-puertos (presentado por la Delegación de Uruguay) |

|  |

|E |

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|CECIP/doc.27/00 |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|Informe Final de la Reunión de Coordinación entre los Comités Técnicos Consultivos |

|  |

|E,I |

| |

|CECIP/doc.28/00 |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|Acuerdo de Cooperación y Asistencia Mutua entre Autoridades Portuarias Interamericanas |

|  |

|E,I,P,F |

| |

|CECIP/doc.29/00 |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|Directorio de las páginas Web de los principales puertos de las Américas |

|  |

|Textual |

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|CECIP/doc.30/00 |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|La Tendencias del Transporte Marítimo y el Desarrollo Portuario en el Contexto del Comercio Mundial |

|  |

|E,I |

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|CECIP/doc.31/00 |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|Progresos en las negociaciones en torno al ALCA y otros procesos de integración. Su repercusión en los puertos (presentado por la |

|Delegación de Uruguay) |

|  |

|E,I |

| |

|CECIP/doc.32/00 |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|Estadísticas Hemisféricas Portuarias |

|(presentado por la Delegación de México) |

|  |

|E |

| |

|CECIP/doc.33/00 |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|Informe sobre la distribución de la Información del Encuentro Iberoamericano sobre intercambio tecnológico portuario (presentado |

|por la delegación de México) |

|E,I |

| |

|  |

|CECIP/doc.34/00 |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|Informe sobre la metodología subyacente en las tarifas portuarias en los países del continente americano |

|(presentado por la Delegación de México) |

|  |

|  |

|E |

| |

|CECIP/doc.35/00 |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|Informe del presidente del Comité Técnico Consultivo sobre Operaciones Portuarias (presentado por la Delegación de México) |

|  |

|E |

| |

|CECIP/doc.36/00 |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|Informe del Presidente del Sub-Comité de Administración Portuaria (presentado por la Delegación de Panamá) |

|  |

|E |

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|  |

|  |

|CECIP/doc.37/00 |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|Información relevante sobre la Cooperación desde el Punto de Vista de la Unión Europea (presentado por la Delegación de España) |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|E,I |

| |

|CECIP/doc.38/00 |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|Delegaciones de la Comisión Europea en América Latina y El Caribe (presentado por la Delegación de España) |

|  |

|Textual |

| |

|CECIP/doc.39/00 |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|Actividad de Intercambio de Experiencias sobre Aseguramiento de la Calidad (presentado por la Delegación de España) |

|E,I |

| |

|  |

|CECIP/doc.40/00 |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|Informe de la Cuarta Reunión del Subcomité de Política y Coordinación |

|  |

|E,I |

| |

|  |

|CECIP/doc.41/00 |

|  |

|Representantes al Comité Ejecutivo de la CIP |

|  |

|Textual |

|  |

| |

|CECIP/doc.42/00 |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|Representantes de la Comisión Interamericana de Puertos CIP |

|Textual |

| |

|CECIP/doc.43/00 |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|Términos de Referencia de Proyectos |

|para ser presentados a la Unión Europea |

|(Presentado por la Delegación de Argentina) |

|  |

|E,I |

| |

|CECIP/doc.44/00 |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|Proyecto de Resolución – Designación de Vicepresidentes de los Subcomités |

|E,I |

| |

|CECIP/doc.45/00 |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|Plan de Acción del Comité Ejecutivo 2001 (Tema asignado a los Subcomités) |

|  |

|  |

|E,I |

| |

|CECIP/doc.45/00 Rev.1 |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|Plan de Acción del Comité Ejecutivo 2001 (Tema asignado a los Subcomités) |

|  |

|  |

|E,I |

| |

|CECIP/doc.46/00 |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|Perspectivas de la Industria del Turismo de Cruceros ( Presentado por la Delegación de República Dominicana) |

|E |

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|  |

|  |

|CECIP/doc.47/00 |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|Proyecto de Resolución – Financiamiento de las actividades de la Comisión Interamericana de Puertos |

|  |

|  |

|E,I |

| |

|CECIP/doc.48/00 |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|Proyecto de resolución – Incorporación a Procorredor |

|E,I |

| |

|CECIP/doc.49/00 |

|  |

|  |

|Proyecto de resolución – Sede y fecha de la Segunda reunión de la Comisión Interamericana de Puertos |

|  |

|  |

|E,I |

| |

|  |

|  |

|CECIP/doc.50/00 |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|Proyecto de resolución - Sede y fecha de la Tercera Reunión del Comité Ejecutivo |

|  |

|  |

|E,I |

| |

|  |

|CECIP/doc.51/00 |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|Proyecto de resolución – Sede y fecha de la Cuarta Reunión del Comité Ejecutivo |

|  |

|E,I |

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|  |

|CECIP/doc.52/00 |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|Proyecto de resolución – Logotipo de la Comisión Interamericana de Puertos |

|  |

|E,I |

| |

|  |

|CECIP/doc.53/00 |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|Proyecto de resolución – Evaluación de los Comités Técnicos Consultivos |

|  |

|E,I |

| |

|CECIP/doc.54/00 |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|Proyecto de resolución – Plan de trabajo 2001 del Subcomité de Política y Coordinación |

|  |

|E,I |

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|  |

|CECIP/doc.55/00 |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|Proyecto de resolución – Plan de trabajo 2001 del Subcomité de Administración Portuaria |

|  |

|E,I |

| |

|CECIP/doc.56/00 |

|Proyecto de resolución – Plan de trabajo 2001 del Subcomité de Capacitación Portuaria |

|  |

|E,I |

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|  |

|CECIP/doc.57/00 |

|  |

|Proyecto de resolución – Voto de Agradecimiento |

|  |

|E,I |

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|  |

|CECIP/doc.58/00 |

|  |

|Informe de la Quinta Reunión del Subcomité de Política y Coordinación |

|  |

|  |

|E,I |

| |

|CECIP/doc.59/00 |

|Informe de la Segunda Reunión del Subcomité de Capacitación Portuaria |

|  |

|  |

|E,I |

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|CECIP/doc.60/00 |

|Informe de la Segunda Reunión del Subcomité de Administración Portuaria |

|  |

|  |

|E,I |

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|  |

|CECIP/doc.61/00 |

|  |

|Informe de la Segunda Reunión del Comité Ejecutivo de la Comisión Interamericana de Puertos |

|  |

|  |

|E,I |

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|  |

|  |

|  |

|Resoluciones |

| |

| |

|CECIP/Res.1 (II-00) |

|Designación de Vicepresidentes de los Subcomités |

|E,I |

| |

|CECIP/Res.2 (II-00) |

|Plan de Trabajo 2001 del Subcomité de Política y Coordinación |

|E,I |

| |

|CECIP/Res.3 (II-00) |

|Plan de Trabajo 2001 del Subcomité de Capacitación Portuaria |

|E,I |

| |

|CECIP/Res.4 (II-00) |

|Plan de Trabajo 2001 del Subcomité de Administración Portuaria |

|E,I |

| |

|CECIP/Res.5 (II-00) |

|Evaluación de los Comités Técnicos Consultivos |

|E,I |

| |

|CECIP/Res.6 (II-00) |

|Financiamiento de las Actividades de la Comisión Interamericana de Puertos |

|E,I |

| |

|CECIP/Res.7 (II-00) |

|Logotipo de la Comisión Interamericana de Puertos |

|E,I |

| |

|CECIP/Res.8 (II-00) |

|Corredores de Comercio |

|E,I |

| |

|CECIP/Res.9 (II-00) |

|Sede y fecha de la II Reunión de la Comisión Interamericana de Puertos |

|E,I |

| |

|CECIP/Res.10 (II-00) |

|Sede y fecha de la III Reunión del Comité Ejecutivo |

|E,I |

| |

|CECIP/Res.11 (II-00) |

|Sede y fecha de la IV Reunión del Comité Ejecutivo |

|E,I |

| |

|CECIP/Res.12 (II-00) |

|Voto de Agradecimiento |

|E,I |

| |

|  |



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|December 5 - 7 , 2000 7 December 2000 |

|Barbados Original: Spanish |

|  |

|Annex C |



|  |

|The Subcommitte on Policy and Coordination celebrated its Fifth Meeting on December the 7th, 2000, in Bridgetown, Barbados. The |

|meeting was chaired by the Captain Martin Sgut, alternate representative of the Delegation of Argentina and the attendence of the |

|members of this Subcommittee: Barbados, México, United States, and Uruguay. Also was attended by the delegates of the following |

|member countries of the OAS: Antigua and Barbuda, Bolivia, Canadá, Chile, Costa Rica, Dominica, Ecuador, Granada, Guatemala, |

|Guyana, Haití, Saint Vicent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad y Tobago, Venezuela, and the Delegation of Spain as a permanent|

|observer of the OAS. |

|  |

|After discussing the agenda, the Subcommittee approved the following Workin Plan 2001: |

|  |

|Follow-up of the FTAA and other integration processes and their impact on ports |

|  |

|To continue consideration of the topic and follow-up on the progress made. |

|To entrust the delegation of Uruguay with the following up on the FTAA. |

|To entrust the delegation of Venezuela with the following up on the Andean Community of Nations (CAN). |

|To entrust the delegation of Jamaica with the following up on CARICOM. |

|To entrust the delegation of COCATRAM with the following up on the Central American Common Markett. |

|Toentrust the countries and the agency responsible for these matters to present a progress report to the Executive Board at its |

|next meeting. |

|  |

|Relations with the European Union and other international organizations |

|  |

|To maintain and enhance relations with the delegation of Spain and thank it for its valuable contribution to the Executive's Board|

|activities. |

|To entrust The Secretariat with reviewing the terms of reference and project profiles received during this meeting so as to |

|identify those that might be presented in due course to the European Union. |

|  |

|Draft Rules of Procedure of the Executive Board |

|  |

|To take note of this draft, which is excerpted from the Rules of Procedure of the CIP and will be submitted to the Board at its |

|next meeting. |

|  |

|Draft Rules of Procedure of the Technical Advisory Groups. |

|  |

|To take note of this draft, which is excerpted from the Rules of Procedure of the CIP and will be submitted to the Board at its |

|next meeting. |

|  |

|Evaluation of the Technical Advisory Groups. |

|  |

|To evaluate, in accordance with Article 77 of the Rules of Procedure of the CIP, the completion of the tasks assigned to each TAG.|

| |

|  |

|Agreement on Cooperation and Mutual Assistance among Inter'American Port Authorities. |

|  |

|To take note of the updated version of the Agreement on Cooperation and Mutual Assistance among Inter-American Port Authorities. |

|To entrust the Secretariat with transmitting the draft agreement to the port authorioties with pertinent instructions to enable |

|swaid instruments to be signed at the next meeting for the Committee. |

|Second Meeting of the CIP (Costa Rica, 2001) |

|  |

|To organize and plan this meeting. |

|  |

|Third Meeting of the Executive Board (Dominican Republic, 2001) |

|  |

|To organize and plan this meeting. |

|  |


|Executive Committee of the Inter-American Committee on Ports |

|  |

|  |



|December 5 - 7, 2000 7 December 2000 |

|Barbados Original: Spanish |

|Annex D |

|  |



|  |

|The Subcommittee on Port Training celebrated its Second Meeting on December the 7th, 2000, in Bridgetown, Barbados. The meeting |

|was chaired by the Principal Representative of the United States, Mrs. Doris Bautch and the attendence of the members of this |

|Subcommittee: Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica, Dominica, Saint Lucia, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago.|

|Also was attended by the delegates of the following member countries of the OAS: Canada, Ecuador, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, |

|Haiti, jamaica, Mexico, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Venezuela, and the Delegation of Spain as a permanent observer of the |

|OAS. |

|  |

|After discussing the agenda, the Subcommittee approved the following Workin Plan 2001: |

|  |

|To execute the Inter-American Port Training Program 2001, which includes holding the following courses: |

|  |

|VI Ibero-American Port Management Course, in cooperation with Puertos del Estado of Spain, in Madrid, Spain; |

|II Ibero-American Port Engineering Course, in cooperation with Puertos del Estado of Spain, in Santander, Spain; |

|IMO Course on Security and Anti-drug-trafficking, in Mexico; |

|Course on Port Rates, in cooperation with UNCTAD and INDESMAR, in Lima, Peru; |

|Course on Marine Engineering and Training for Pilot and Dock Masters for countries of the English-speaking Caribbean. |

|  |

|To support the Course on Private Participation in Caribbean Ports, which will be conducted by ECLAC. |

|  |

|To begin an in-job training program. |

|  |

|To instruct the General Secretariat to stimulate and coordinate bilateral relations among training organizations and institutions |

|and interested countries. |

|  |


|  |



|December 5 - 7, 2000 7 December 2000 |

|Barbados Original: Spanish |

|  |

|Annex E |


|  |

|The Subcommitte on Port Administration celebrated its second meeting on December the 7th, 2000, in Bridgetown, Barbados. The |

|meeting was chaired by the principal representative of Chile, Mr. Andres Rengifo due to the justified absence of the Delegation of|

|Panama, also, the attendence of the members of this Subcommittee: Bolivia, Canada, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Mexico, |

|Suriname, United States, and Uruguay. Also was attended by the delegates of the following member countries of the OAS: Argentina, |

|Barbados, Ecuador, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Venezuela, and the Delegation of Spain as |

|a permanent observer of the OAS. |

|  |

|After discussing the agenda, the Subcommittee approved the following Workin Plan 2001: |

|  |

|Privatizations and port reforms |

|  |

|To entrust the delegation of Argentina with continuing the efforts at port reform assigned to it and to thank it for preparing the|

|questionnaire on port reform. |

|  |

|To urge the member countries to transmit those questionnaires to the delegation of Argentina by March 1, 2001. |

|  |

|Ports for cruise ships |

|  |

|To entrust the delegation of the Dominican Republic with coordinating the Working Group that will compile the experience of the |

|countries with the highest cruise ship traffic, especially those in the Caribbean, in order to design an operations manual making |

|it possible to improve these services in South American ports. This group will also consist of the delegations of Argentina, |

|Barbados, Chile, and Jamaica, with the collaboration of SURCRUISE. |

|  |

|Statistics |

|  |

|To entrust the delegation of Mexico with continuing to examine this topic and, in particular, with carrying out the following |

|tasks: Examination of ECLAC databases on port statistics. Revision of the present format for collecting statistical data that was |

|approved by the CIP for the purpose of enhancing data collection. |

|To urge the member countries to transmit to the Mexican delegation the information requested in the aforementioned forms or in the|

|manner in which the information is processed. |

|  |

|Port rates and financing |

|To entrust the delegation of Mexico with continued examination of this topic. |

|To urge the member countries to send to the delegation of Mexico as early as possible the information requested under the form |

|established in document CECIP/doc.34/00 and, in the absence of said form, in the way in which the information is available. |

|  |

|Port facilitation |

|To entrust the delegation of Argentina to prepare, together with the delegation of Venezuela, a document pointing out the most |

|relevant features of the facilitation problems affecting ports. |

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|City-port relationship |

|To entrust the delegation of Chile with preparing a document containing information and experiences on port communities. |

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|Study of waterways |

|To entrust the delegation of Argentina with preparing a report indicating the progress and changes made in developing the |

|Paraná-Paraguay waterway. |

|To entrust the delegation of Venezuela with preparing a document with information on the development of the Orinoco-Amazonas |

|waterway. |

|  |

|Use of the coastline |

|To entrust the delegations of Chile and Uruguay with preparing a document that will make it possible to identify a methodology or |

|a guide to coordinate urban land planning and port development. |

|  |

|Quality Control |

|To entrust the delegation of Mexico, in collaboration with Puertos del Estado of Spain, to coordinate the working group that will |

|prepare a practical guide to serve as a model for seeking ISO certification and adapt the case study "Port Community" developed by|

|Puertos del Estado to the criteria of the "Ibero-American Model for Excellence in Management." |

|To note for the record that the delegations of Barbados, Ecuador, and Venezuela will also make up this working group. |

|  |

|Dredging |

|To entrust the delegation of Venezuela with preparing a document containing a register on access to data on this topic and an |

|inventory of the dredging equipment that exists in the member countries. Likewise, it should determine the installed capacity of |

|dredgers; the annual dredging volume per year, per port, and per navigable waterway required in each country; and the firms of the|

|region providing these services. |

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|Trade corridors |

|To entrust the Secretariat with joining the Research and Training Program for Trade Corridor Development (PROCORREDOR) in order to|

|participate in its Advisory Committee and compile all relevant information for dissemination among member countries. |

|To urge member countries to collaborate with PROCORREDOR and participate in the training and development activities designed to |

|strengthen the capacity of ports to plan trade corridor development. |

|  |

|Modern technologies applied to ports and logistics |

|To send these items to the Technical Advisory Group on Port Operations for development. |

|  |

|Logistic |

|To send this item to the Technical Advisory Group on Port Operations for development. |

|  |



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