| |  |

| |Took place in December 3-5 of 2001, in Santo Domingo, the Dominican Republic, and are included the final report and its main |

| |documents: |

| | |

| | |


| |The Inter-American Committee on Ports (CIP) is a committee of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI), |

| |established in compliance with resolution AG/RES.1573 (XXVIII-O/98) of the General Assembly, and in accordance with Articles 77 |

| |and 93 of the Charter of the Organization of American States (OAS) and Articles 5 and 15 of the Statutes of CIDI. |

| |The purpose of the Committee is to serve as a permanent inter-American forum of the member countries of the Organization, for |

| |the strengthening of hemispheric cooperation in the area of port-sector development, with the active participation and |

| |collaboration of the private sector. |

| |The Executive Board of the Inter-American Committee on Ports (CECIP) serves as the executing agency for Committee resolutions. |

| |Pursuant to Article 63 of its Rules of Procedure, the Board shall meet once a year. To that end, through resolution CECIP/RES.10|

| |(II-00), the Committee decided that the Third Meeting of the Executive Board would be held in the Dominican Republic in 2001. |

| |The draft agenda was prepared by the Committee Secretariat, in coordination with the Chair of the Executive Board. The Rules of |

| |Procedure of the Inter-American Committee on Ports governed the meeting. |


| |The Third Meeting of the Executive Board of the Inter-American Committee on Ports (CECIP) was held in the Hotel Coral Hamaca in |

| |Boca Chica, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic from December 3 to 5, 2001. |


| |Approval of the agenda |

| |Report from the CIP Secretariat |

| |Report from the Chair of the Subcommittee on Policy and Coordination |

| |Report from the Chair of the Subcommittee on Port Training |

| |Report from the Chair of the Subcommittee on Port Administration |

| |Report from the Chairs of the TAGs about their annual activities |

| |Plan of Action 2002-2003: Assignment of topics to the Subcommittees of the Executive Board and to the TAGs |

| |Meetings of the Subcommittees of Executive Board |

| |Presentation of the reports by the Chairs of the Subcommittees about their previous meetings |

| |Participation of women in the port sector of the Americas |

| |State of compliance with the appointment of representatives to the Executive Board |

| |Presentation of the Uruguay ports |

| |Presentation of the Dominican Republic ports |

| |Statement of the Special Port Program |

| |Place and date of the Fourth Meeting of the Executive Board |

| |Place and date of the Fifth Meeting of the Executive Board |

| |Consideration of draft resolutions to establish the Work Plan of the Executive Board for 2002 |

| |Other issues |


| |Chair: Hugo Cruz (Mexico) |

| |Vice Chair: Mario Montemurro (Uruguay) |

| |Coordinator: Aníbal García (Dominican Republic) |

| |Secretary: Carlos M. Gallegos (OAS) |

| |Subcommittees of the Executive Board |

| |Chair, Subcommittee on Policy and Coordination: Jorge Abramian (Argentina) |

| |Chair, Subcommittee on Port Training: Doris Bautch (United States) |

| |Chair, Subcommittee on Port Administration: Alfonso Rodríguez (Panama) |


| |The following member countries of the Board participated in the Third Meeting of the Executive Board of the CIP: Argentina, |

| |Barbados, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama, the United States, |

| |and Uruguay. Delegations from other OAS member countries also participated: Antigua and Barbuda, Bolivia, Haiti, Honduras, |

| |Nicaragua, St. Kitts and Nevis, and Venezuela. The Delegation of Spain attended in its capacity as Permanent Observer to the |

| |OAS, together with experts from international organizations, and special guests. The list of participants is attached as Annex A|

| |to this report. |


| |The list of meeting documents is attached as Annex B to this report. |


| |At the meeting, an inaugural session, three plenary sessions, the meetings of the Executive Board Subcommittees, and a closing |

| |session were held. |

| | |

| |1. Inaugural Session |

| |The inaugural session was held at 19:30 on December 3, 2001, and was attended by Mr. Sergio Grullón, Minister of the Presidency;|

| |Mrs. Minerva Kasalinovo, representative of the Vice President of the Dominican Republic; Mr. Rafael Supercova, Minister of |

| |Tourism; Mr. Aníbal García, President of the Dominican Port Authority; Dr. Mario Montemurro, Second Vice Chair of the Executive |

| |Board and delegate of Uruguay; and Dr. Carlos M. Gallegos, Secretary of the CIP. |

| |Mr. Aníbal García expressed the pleasure of the Dominican Port Authority at hosting the meeting. He mentioned the common needs |

| |of the ports of the Americas, saying that they need to adapt to meet the challenges of the 21st century. He expressed his thanks|

| |to the Inter-American Committee on Ports of the OAS for making it possible to transmit the experiences of the more developed |

| |ports to those that are in the process of modernization. He highlighted progress made in modernization of the Dominican port |

| |system and drew attention to the technical assistance and cooperation received from various member countries in this process. |

| |Finally he expressed a cordial welcome to the delegates and mentioned the tourist attractions that his country has to offer to |

| |its visitors. |

| |Dr. Mario Montemurro said that it was a privilege to come to this beautiful country in order to define the tasks to be carried |

| |out over the next two years by both the Executive Board, and the Technical Advisory Groups, for the purpose of strengthening |

| |port systems in the hemisphere. He underscored the role of the OAS and the active participation of its member countries, which |

| |since 1956, under what was then the Inter-American Port Conference, have been for the benefit of port systems. He recalled the |

| |1990’s, when the Conference was reactivated and the modernization of most of the port institutions in the hemisphere began. He |

| |said that fruitful work has been done over the past 45 years that has been strengthened in recent years through the close |

| |collaboration of the member countries, which have made available their best experts and specialists to help provide solutions |

| |for port-related issues, particularly in the new context of the globalized economy. He underlined the importance of the Summits |

| |of the Americas, where the OAS has adopted a preponderant role in the creation of the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA). He|

| |mentioned that this has led the port issue to become more important to the needs of sustained economic and social development, |

| |and stressed the importance of ports in the whole supply/demand logistics chain, going from way stations for the exchange of |

| |goods and modes of transport, to poles of development that provide value-adding services. Finally, he thanked the authorities of|

| |the Dominican Republic for having sponsored this meeting. |

| |Mr. Rafael Supercova recalled that the Dominican Republic was the country where the Spanish civilization first settled; where |

| |the first university, the first cathedral, and the first ports in the Americas were founded. He urged the delegates to include |

| |in their discussions the issue of tourism, insofar as ports and passenger ships are concerned. Finally, he highlighted the |

| |virtues of his country, expressed his gratitude that it had been chosen as the venue for this meeting, and wished it a |

| |successful outcome. |

| |Dr. Carlos M. Gallegos transmitted the greeting of the Secretary General of the OAS, Dr. César Gaviria, and his wishes for the |

| |success of the meeting. He mentioned the disruption of world peace since September 11 last, and the need to strengthen integral |

| |security in ports and to combat international terrorism jointly and on a mutually supportive basis. He referred to the meeting |

| |of the Committee of September last, where its Plan of Action for 2002-2003 was approved, mentioning the main strategic issues. |

| |He said that it was the task of the Executive Board to identify specific programs and activities to be covered by the |

| |Subcommittees and the TAGs, in order to implement that plan. He mentioned the critical state of the world economy, the rise in |

| |unemployment, and the low GDP levels, all of which will have a negative impact on the development of the member countries unless|

| |priority is given to reverting the current situation through a substantial increase in international trade, where the ports must|

| |play a pivotal role. He spoke also about the recently created Inter-American Agency for Cooperation and Development (IACD) of |

| |the OAS, whose purpose is to supervise the supply of technical cooperation and training to promote sustainable social and |

| |economic development in the member countries. Lastly, he thanked the Government of the Dominican Republic, in particular its |

| |Port Authority, for the remarkable effort made to make this meeting a reality. |

| |Finally, Mr. Sergio Grullón, in representation of the President of the Dominican Republic, Doctor Hipólito Mejía, expressed a |

| |warm welcome to the delegations present and underscored the special significance of the event for the Dominican port |

| |authorities. He explained the importance of the port system to his country’s economy as a supporting factor of foreign trade, |

| |for which reason a modernization program is being implemented, which will improve levels of efficiency and performance in the |

| |different ports. Next, he asked the delegations present to introduce themselves, and he offered to each, in turn, a special |

| |greeting. Then he proceeded to declare the Third Meeting of the Executive Board of the CIP officially open and wished success |

| |for its discussions. |

| | |

| |2. First Plenary Session |

| |The first plenary session came to order at 9:00 on December 4, 2001, and was chaired by Mr. Hugo Cruz, principal delegate of |

| |Mexico and First Vice Chair of the Executive Board. The following items on the agenda were discussed: |

| |Approval of the agenda (item 1 on the agenda) |

| |The meeting examined the Draft Agenda contained in document CECIP/doc.3/01 and, after deleting Item 14, regarding the Panama |

| |Canal and its current administration, owing to the absence of the speaker, proceeded to approve the agenda, which is included as|

| |section III of this report. |

| | |

| |Report from the CIP Secretariat (item 2 on the agenda) |

| |The Secretary of the CIP reported on the main activities conducted by the Committee and the Executive Board in 2001. He |

| |underscored the accomplishments of the Second Meeting of the CIP (Costa Rica, September 2001), principal among which were the |

| |adoption of the Agreement on Cooperation and Mutual Assistance among Inter-American Port Authorities; approval of the Rules of |

| |Procedure of the Executive Board and of the Technical Advisory Groups, respectively; approval of the official CIP logotype; |

| |evolution of the port training program carried out, by which training was provided to more than 500 port officials in the |

| |Americas. He then expressed his recognition for the efforts of the chairs of the TAGs to launch these new cooperation |

| |mechanisms. He acknowledged the support that the private business sector has been providing in these tasks and the growing |

| |number of companies that are associating themselves with the TAGs. He also referred to the approval of the Plan of Action of the|

| |CIP for 2002-2003. He underscored the need for the Executive Board to proceed at this meeting to identify and propose concrete |

| |measures and to detail the activities and studies that have to be carried out in the course of the year, in order to implement |

| |the Plan of Action of the CIP (document CECIP/doc.6/01). |

| |Report from the Chair of the Subcommittee on Policy and Coordination (item 3 on the agenda) |

| |Mr. Jorge Abramian, delegate of Argentina and Chair of the Subcommittee, presented the report on activities conducted during the|

| |year. He asked the delegations entrusted with specific issues to present the results of their labors. The following items were |

| |covered: |

| |a. Follow-up on the FTAA and other integration processes |

| |Dr. Mario Montemurro, delegate of Uruguay, made a presentation on the progress of the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) |

| |over the past year. He said that four basic areas had been identified whose development it was deemed advisable to keep under |

| |observation in advance of 2005, by which time the FTAA is set to be fully operational. These areas are: the opening-up of |

| |markets; development of trade and services; the increase in volumes of merchandise traffic; and, requirements in the area of new|

| |port infrastructure. He described progress in the application of new communications technologies and the tendency to regard |

| |ports as poles of development in the logistics chain, which makes it necessary to address the issue from this perspective |

| |(document CECIP/doc.18/01). |

| |Mr. Julio Peña, delegate of Venezuela reported on progress in maritime and port matters in the Andean Community of Nations (CAN)|

| |in the framework of the Andean Committee of Aquatic Transport Authorities (CAATA), inter alia: the development of a single |

| |position on aquatic policies; the amendments to decision 487 of that forum, on Maritime Guarantees and Preventive Embargo on |

| |Ships; the project on Andean traffic; the study on the development of two hub ports; review of the new proposals on carrier’s |

| |responsibility in the UNCTAD door to door project. He also mentioned the agreement to present a single Andean position at the |

| |fora of the FTAA and the World Trade Organization (WTO) on the Regional Infrastructure Integration of South-America Initiative |

| |and the eight topics it covers, most notably ports and the initiative on integration of telecommunications and of maritime |

| |transport. He suggested the need for the Secretariat to conduct follow-up on the last point, saying that this initiative has |

| |also been favorably received by the Andean Development Corporation (CAF), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and |

| |FONPLATA, and will be evaluated in the near future by the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the OAS members states. |

| |Mr. Alfonso Breuillet, delegate of the Central American Commission of Maritime Transport (COCATRAM), said that the six Central |

| |American countries have agreed on a series of measures, inter alia, highway integration projects, modernization of maritime |

| |transport, acceleration of the Plan Puebla Panama, drafting of nautical charts, and trade corridors between Nicaragua/Honduras |

| |and El Salvador/Honduras. He also referred to the Central American coastal shipping services project, which linked international|

| |transport routes and has hub ports in Mexico and Panama. He mentioned the port modernization methods geared toward a "landlord" |

| |concession system, for which purpose it has been found that a port law is needed to offer more security to investors. He |

| |underscored the need to speed up ship-port procedures and to draw up an environmental agenda for ports that takes account of all|

| |these aspects ahead of the arrival of the FTAA. |

| |Mr. Everton Walters, delegate of Barbados, mentioned the problems faced by the countries of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), |

| |owing to their relatively low development, in tackling the difficulty of implementing international multimodal transport |

| |standards. He said that these standards affect the norms and development of maritime ports, for which reason he thought it |

| |advisable for the CIP to focus efforts on preventing negative effects on the region arising from the opening-up of markets which|

| |the FTAA will cause. |

| |b. Relations with the European Union (EU) |

| |The Secretariat presented document CECIP/doc.13/01, which reports on relations with the EU and on the results of the mission to |

| |Brussels, headquarters of the EU, in May 2001, to identify mechanisms for raising non-reimbursable cooperation resources to |

| |finance projects for countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. He mentioned the need for the countries officially to unite |

| |in order to apply for those resources, to which end it was essential to sign a memorandum of understanding with the EU. He said |

| |that the CIP could only act as coordinator, channeling information and procedures, and that relations between the country (or |

| |group of countries) and the EU cooperation office have to be direct. He stressed the excellent relations with Spain, |

| |particularly with Puertos del Estado (State Ports of Spain), which have made it possible for the training courses in port |

| |engineering and management to continue. He mentioned that fellowships for the master’s degree course and internships had been |

| |secured through IPEC of Valencia. Finally, he spoke of the memorandum of understanding signed with the Shipping Transport |

| |College of Rotterdam. |

| |c. Approval of the Rules of Procedure of the Executive Board and of the Technical |

| |Advisory Groups |

| |The Secretariat described the approval by the Committee of the Rules of Procedure of the Executive Board and of the Rules of |

| |Procedure of the Technical Advisory Groups, as a result of which both took effect as of September 2001. |

| |d. Report on the Evaluation of the Technical Advisory Groups |

| |The Chair informed the meeting that the Committee had favorably evaluated the activities of the three TAGs (Port Operations, |

| |Port Security, and Navigation Safety and Environmental Protection) conducted during 2000-2001 and, therefore, had extended their|

| |mandate for two more years. Accordingly, he proposed that the evaluation corresponding to 2001, which the Committee had |

| |partially conducted in advance last September, be based on the reports that their respective chairs shall present at the |

| |meetings of each TAG, which were going to be held immediately after this meeting concludes. This would avoid a repeat |

| |presentation of the same report. This proposal was thus approved by the meeting. |

| |e. Approval of the Agreement on Cooperation and Mutual Assistance among |

| |Inter-American Port Authorities |

| |The Secretariat reported that the Agreement on Cooperation and Mutual Assistance among Inter-American Port Authorities was |

| |approved by acclamation at the Second Meeting of the CIP (Costa Rica, September 2001). The member countries of the OAS may agree|

| |to be bound by this agreement in the three ways provided at Article 21, which are: (a) by signing, not subject to ratification, |

| |acceptance, or adoption; (b) by signing subject to ratification, acceptance, or adoption; and (c) by accession thereto. |

| |In that connection the Secretariat presented document CECIP/doc.17/01, which says that on the aforesaid occasion the principal |

| |delegates of Antigua and Barbuda, Colombia, Costa Rica, Peru, Suriname, and Uruguay signed the Agreement, but that it was left |

| |pending that those members states would inform General Secretariat of the OAS under which modality the signing by their |

| |government should be considered. Finally, he mentioned that the Agreement was open for the signatures of the other member |

| |countries at the headquarters of the General Secretariat of the OAS in Washington, DC. Resolution CECIP/RES.4 (III-01) was later|

| |adopted in this respect. |

| |f. CIP magazine project |

| |The Secretariat informed that the Subcommittee on Policy and Coordination had decided to study the possibility of regularly |

| |producing a magazine on the Inter-American Committee on Ports as the official organ to publicize and promote its activities. The|

| |delegation of Argentina had been entrusted with presenting a project proposal but had been unable to carry out the task in time |

| |for this occasion. The chair proposed to reiterate the request to that delegation to continue with so important a project. |

| |Report from the Chair of the Subcommittee on Port Training (item 4 on the agenda) |

| |Mrs. Doris Bautch, delegate of the United States and Chair of the Subcommittee, asked for a minute’s silence to pay posthumous |

| |homage to Messrs. Fred Marrone and James Romito, training instructors of the port security program and representatives of the |

| |Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, who were victims of the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001. Afterwards, she |

| |proceeded to give an account of the training activities carried out during the year (document CECIP/doc.8/01). She mentioned the|

| |following activities: |

| |Course on Prevention and Control of Drug Trafficking on Vessels, Manzanillo, Mexico, June 26-28, 2001, with the cooperation of |

| |the International Maritime Organization (IMO). |

| |Sixth Ibero-American Port Management Course, Madrid, Spain, October 1-26, 2001, with the cooperation of Puertos del Estado of |

| |Spain. |

| |Second Ibero-American Port Engineering Course, Santander, Spain, October 1-26, 2001, with the cooperation of Puertos del Estado |

| |of Spain. |

| |Seminar-Workshop on Port Security and Protection, Montego Bay, Jamaica, December 3-7, 2001, with the cooperation of the IMO. |

| |She went on to say that the International Seminar-Workshop on Strategic Port Tariffs (Lima, Peru) and the Course on Maritime |

| |Engineering and Training for Pilots and Harbormasters (for Caribbean countries), had been postponed until the following year. |

| |She also mentioned that, with the collaboration of Barbados and the Secretariat, a questionnaire on detection of port training |

| |needs had been prepared for the member countries (document CECIP/doc.10/01). |

| |She mentioned the two fellowships granted by Instituto Portuario de Estudio y Cooperación (IPEC) of Valencia, Spain, for the |

| |Master’s Course in Port Management and Multimodal Transport, which she described as a major contribution to the accomplishment |

| |of the Subcommittee’s objectives. |

| |Next she reported on the proposal presented by the United States to the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI) |

| |to hold four training courses on port security, to be carried out in 2002. Finally, she thanked the organizations that had made |

| |it possible to carry out the program this year. |

| | |

| |Report from the Chair of the Subcommittee on Port Administration (item 5 on the agenda) |

| |Mr. Alfonso Rodríguez, delegate of Panama and Chair of the Subcommittee, reported on the activities carried out during the year.|

| |He asked the representatives of the member countries responsible for the various topics to proceed with their reports (document |

| |CECIP/doc.5/01). These are as follows: |

| |Privatizations and port reforms |

| |The delegate of Argentina, Mr. Jorge Abramian, presented the results of the study on this topic (document CECIP/doc.23/01), |

| |which covers the legislation in force in the member countries; concession and privatization processes; public and private |

| |participation; port authority labor issues; automation and marketing; as well as historical reference material on the previous |

| |decade, the current situation, and trends for the short-term in this area. He mentioned that the information for the study was |

| |gleaned from replies to the questionnaire distributed to all the member countries. In the results, he said that 74% of the |

| |member countries have been engaged in a process of port reforms and modernization since 1990, and that 15% are currently in a |

| |phase of fine-tuning these processes. He said that there are countries that have not answered the survey, and, therefore, he |

| |urged compliance with the request that they do so, in order to complete and enhance the study. |

| |Ports for cruise ships |

| |The delegate of the Dominican Republic, Captain Salvador Montás, submitted a report on the preparation of the operating |

| |procedures manual for cruise ships in ports and presented the respective document (document CECIP/doc.11/01). He said that it |

| |had been prepared by collecting relevant information from various sources and it covers matters connected with administrative |

| |and operating procedures for merchant and cruise ships in ports, as well as different types of port indicators. He stressed that|

| |the document takes up recommendations contained in various international agreements on maritime and port activities, together |

| |with the recent safety standards that the U.S. Department of Transport is advocating following the terrorist attacks of |

| |September 11, 2001. |

| |Port Statistics |

| |The delegate of Mexico, Mr. Francisco Pastrana, informed that port statistics have been updated to 2000 only for the nine |

| |countries that sent their respective information on the form designed for that purpose. He mentioned that not all the countries |

| |had sent standardized information and that others do not use the designed form, which makes it difficult to obtain reliable |

| |statistics. He drew attention to the work done ECLAC in this area, saying that both sources are compatible and it would be |

| |advisable to merge their respective databases. Furthermore, he explained that in the Subcommittee Plan for 2002, it has been |

| |deemed prudent to progress further with this matter with a view to clarifying certain concepts and definitions, in order to help|

| |obtain adequate information in a timely manner. |

| |Mr. Gabriel Pérez, representative of ECLAC, said that the information they have and the design of the maritime profile are |

| |limited to the ports of Latin America and the Caribbean and that it would be advisable to have information on the ports of the |

| |United States and Canada. He mentioned the need to have an electronic form to collect the information, which would make it |

| |possible to input data in real time. He offered the cooperation of ECLAC to improve the databases and design the form, which was|

| |welcomed by the Committee. |

| |Port tariffs and financing |

| |The delegate of Mexico, Mr. Francisco Pastrana, reported that collection had begun of the various tariff models used by the |

| |different ports in the hemisphere. He said that for that purpose a form was designed and sent to all the member countries, but |

| |that so far replies had only been received from Canada, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela. He urged |

| |the other countries to send their information as soon as possible. He mentioned the different methods, on which port tariffs are|

| |based, saying that tariffs could be charged for the use of port infrastructure or through other forms of regulation. He also |

| |referred to the royalties that port concessionaires are required to pay for the use of infrastructure, for which there are also |

| |different sources and parameters. He said that these findings will be included in the final report of the above-mentioned study.|

| |Port facilitation |

| |The delegate of Uruguay, Dr. Mario Montemurro, said that a series of problems have been detected in port-customs relations, |

| |which have been included in the report submitted to the Secretariat. He asked that special attention be accorded to the search |

| |for solutions to these problems in concert with customs authorities. |

| |The delegate of Brazil, Mr. Joâo Dentice, said that in his country a special effort had been implemented in this area, in which |

| |emphasis was placed on the development of e-commerce and the use of EDI. He said that in that regard a presentation had been |

| |which will be given at the second meeting of the TAG on Port Operations. |

| |The delegate of Venezuela, Mr. Julio Peña, informed that the recently enacted, new General Law on Ports has addressed the issue |

| |of port facilitation, broadens the powers of the Facilitation Committees, and makes way for the participation of port users in |

| |those committees. The new law also contains standards to harmonize procedures and use of information. Finally, he mentioned the |

| |Customs-Port Project which the Andean Community of Nations is implementing and the need for the CIP to monitor this area. |

| |Study of waterways |

| |Paraná-Paraguay Waterway |

| |The delegate of Argentina, Mr. Jorge Abramian, reported on progress made in this area over the past year. He provided statistics|

| |on ship traffic and freight movement. He also describe the new modes of transport that are in use used on each section of this |

| |waterway, saying that 500-ton barges are used on the Corumbá-Cáceres section; 1,500-ton barges on the Asunción-Santa Fé; and, |

| |deep draught vessels with greater capacity than the above modalities operate on the Santa Fé-Nueva Palmira section. |

| |Orinoco-Amazon Waterway |

| |The delegate of Venezuela, Mr. Julio Peña presented the evaluation of this waterway, highlighting the valuable support received |

| |from his government, which has placed an emphasis on multimodal transport development. He described the route along the |

| |Apure-Orinoco, which is navigable for 630 kilometers, as well as the Orinoco-Río Negro section, which is navigable for 330 |

| |kilometers and has a 12-meter draught. Further, he mentioned that all the interconnection works are underway and there |

| |construction has already been tendered out. He said that there is up-to-date information on this waterway on the Internet |

| |(.ve). |

| |Use of the coastline |

| |The delegate of Venezuela, Mr. Julio Peña highlighted the progress made by his country in this respect, saying that that |

| |progress had been incorporated in the new provisions that had been brought into effect in his country. He mentioned that the |

| |main areas of progress had to do with the concepts of the territorial space and geographical space where the coast and |

| |riverbanks join the land and the marine environments; including island territories and aquatic areas. He said that these |

| |provisions provide for a plan for the integral management of coastal areas, conceived as a multidisciplinary process, and |

| |outline the responsibilities of the different actors involved. Finally, he mentioned the creation under the Ministry of |

| |Infrastructure of a technical unit for coastal areas, which will create an organization plan for coastal areas, which will serve|

| |as a planning instrument for coastal development in his country. |

| |Quality control |

| |The delegate of Mexico, Mr. Francisco Pastrana, made a presentation of the progress made at several Mexican ports in this area. |

| |He referred to the project on the design of a uniform quality model being implemented jointly with Puertos del Estado of Spain, |

| |based on the Spanish model (EFQM), and that the latter serves as a template for the creation of the quality control scheme for |

| |the ports of the Americas. The delegate of Puertos del Estado of Spain, Carlos Ibarz, praised the efforts of the delegation of |

| |Mexico and said that this work should conclude soon and required more collaboration from the member countries. Finally, he |

| |suggested the creation of a working group that might be able to conduct its activities over the Internet. |

| |Dredging |

| |The delegate of Venezuela, Mr. Julio Peña, proceeded to provide an account of progress in this area. He said that as part of the|

| |study a survey had been prepared and distributed to the member countries, but that not all had replied to it. Based on this |

| |survey he outlined the current situation in the seven countries that have sent their information: Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, |

| |Nicaragua, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela. He stressed how important it was to complete the study with the background data and |

| |information of the other countries, for which reason he urged the delegates to reply to the above-mentioned surveys so as to be |

| |able to disseminate the results and final conclusions of the study. |

| |j. Trade corridors |

| |The Secretariat informed that in accordance with Executive Board resolution CECIP/RES.8 (II-00), it joined the Advisory |

| |Committee of the Research and Training Program for Trade Corridor Development (PROCORREDOR) of the OAS Unit for Sustainable |

| |Development and Environment (USDE). The Secretariat also took part in the First Hemispheric Conference on Vulnerability |

| |Reduction of Trade Corridors to Natural Hazards, organized by the USDE and the Secretariat of Environment of Mendoza Province, |

| |Argentina (March 2001). On that occasion it also met with the Advisory Committee of PROCORREDOR in order to study, evaluate and |

| |propose solutions to problems associated with trade corridors in the Americas. He also said that the USDE and the CIP have held |

| |several meetings in Washington, D.C., with a view to harmonizing joint activities. An upshot of these activities is the training|

| |course on "Use of information on natural hazards in the design and evaluation of port infrastructure investment projects," which|

| |will be held in Central America in 2002 in cooperation with COCATRAM. Finally, the Secretariat reported that the CIP is |

| |determined to continue to strengthen cooperation with the PROCORREDOR program. |

| |Reports from the Chairs of the Technical Advisory Groups about their annual activities (item 6 on the agenda) |

| |Bearing in mind that last September the Committee extended the mandate of the three TAGs for two more years, and that the |

| |above-mentioned reports had to be submitted by the chairs at their respective meetings (which shall be held immediately after |

| |this meeting of the Executive Board concludes), the Chair of the Meeting proposed the following: To approve those reports a |

| |priori and that they be presented at their respective meetings in order to avoid duplication. The meeting approved this |

| |proposal. Resolution CECIP/RES.5 (III-01) was later adopted in this respect. |

| | |

| |Plan of Action 2002-2003. Assignment of topics to the Executive Board Subcommittees and to the TAGs (item 7 on the agenda) |

| |In accordance with resolution CIDI/CIP/RES.27 (II-01) of the CIP, which sets out the Plan of Action 2002-2003, the meetings |

| |proceeded to assign topics to the different Committee organs as follows: |

| |Subcommittee on Policy and Coordination: Relations with international organizations and the private sector |

| |Subcommittee on Port Training: Development of human potential |

| |Subcommittee on Port Administration: Reform and modernization of port systems, port costs, and ports and the tourist industry |

| |TAG on Port Operations: Excellence in port management; and port facilitation and the logistics chain |

| |TAG on Port Security: Port security |

| |TAG on Navigation Safety and Environmental Protection: Sustainable development and environmental protection |

| |The Chair recommended that the Subcommittees meet as soon as possible to present concrete and detailed activities which will |

| |built the Plan of Action for the 2002. This recommendation was extended also to the TAGs. |

| |Meetings of the Subcommittees of the Executive Board (item 8 on the agenda) |

| |The meetings were held consecutively in the afternoon of December 4, 2001, as follows: Eighth Meeting of the Subcommittee on |

| |Policy and Coordination; Third Meeting of the Subcommittee on Port Training; and Third Meeting of the Subcommittee on Port |

| |Administration. The reports on each meeting are included, respectively, as Annexes C, D, and E to this document. |

| |Second Plenary Session |

| |The session was called to order at 9:00 a.m. on December 5, 2001, and was chaired by Mr. Hugo Cruz, principal delegate of Mexico|

| |and Vice Chair of the Executive Board. The following items on the agenda were addressed: |

| |Presentation of the reports by the Chairs of the Subcommittees about their previous meetings (item 9 on the agenda) |

| |The chairs of the Subcommittee on Policy and Coordination, of the Subcommittee on Port Training, and of the Subcommittee on Port|

| |Administration presented the reports of their respective meetings, the texts of which are included, respectively, as Annexes C, |

| |D, and E to this report. Resolutions CECIP/RES.1; RES.2; and RES.3 (III-01), respectively, were later adopted. |

| |Participation of women in the port sector of the Americas (item 10 on the agenda) |

| |The delegate of the Dominican Republic, Mrs. Mariselis Tejeda presented document CECIP/doc.9/01, which recounts the history of |

| |women’s participation in the port industry of the Americas, saying that it has been marginal in the past, but that recently an |

| |increasing participation has been noted in port management positions. In that connection, she presented a preliminary inventory |

| |for information purposes on the participation of women in managerial positions in port administrations in the hemisphere. |

| |Bearing this background in mind, she proposed the holding of an annual meeting of women in the sector, the creation of a |

| |database, and the active involvement of women in port training activities. After an interesting discussion on the subject, the |

| |Chair proposed the creation of a permanent CECIP working group, coordinated by the delegation of the Dominican Republic, under |

| |the Subcommittee of Port Administration, and composed of women from the ports in the hemisphere, in order to contribute to the |

| |accomplishment of the Committee’s objectives. Resolution CECIP/RES.7 (III-01) was later adopted in this respect. |

| |State of compliance with the appointment of representatives to the Executive Board (item 11 on the agenda) |

| |The Secretary of the CIP reminded the delegates of the member countries of the Executive Board, that there governments are |

| |required, officially and in writing, to appoint a principal representative or representatives and an alternate representative or|

| |representatives to the Executive Board. He also requested that the information on those representatives be brought up to date as|

| |soon as possible (document CECIP/doc.14/01). |

| | |

| |Presentation of the Uruguay Ports (item 12 on the agenda) |

| |The delegate of Uruguay, Dr. Mario Montemurro, was in charge of this item, and provided a physical description of the ports as |

| |well as statistics on freight traffic and its growth rates. He said the port of Montevideo, as the chief port of Uruguay, has |

| |met its targets with respect to merchandise traffic, surpassing three million metric tons and 184,000 TEU, with an annual growth|

| |rate of 13.6%. He also mentioned the call for bids for the container terminal at that port, which was awarded to a semipublic |

| |private law company called Terminal Cuenca del Plata. He said that the tender was for a 30-year lease and 80% of the stock, |

| |which was auctioned on Montevideo Stock Exchange and purchased for the sum of US$17.1 million. He underscored that its condition|

| |as free port coupled with the legal stability of his country have proved a considerable attraction for foreign investment. Next,|

| |Mr. Walter Sánchez added to the presentation and informed about the project on the new environmental management system for the |

| |port of Montevideo, whose implementation is firmly in progress, and is being financed by the World Bank. He stressed that the |

| |project includes delegation of port operations to the private sector, to which end a analysis of the process is underway to |

| |identify problems that might arise in the future. He mentioned the evaluation of contingency, maintenance, waste management, and|

| |human resources plans used in these operations, which will ensure top-level international environmental standards at the port. |

| |Presentation of the Dominican Republic Ports (item 13 on the agenda) |

| |The delegate of the Dominican Republic, Captain Salvador Montás, gave a presentation of the Dominican port system, which |

| |encompasses the ports of Río Haina, Plata, Santo Domingo, San Pedro, Boca Chica, La Romana, Cabo Ro, Cabo Badora, Azúa, |

| |Manzanillo, and Duarte. He explained that the Dominican Port Authority supervises the system. He provided information on each |

| |port, its facilities, navigation conditions, and statistics categorized according to freight type and traffic. He highlighted |

| |the rise in these figures in recent years. He also mentioned the port modernization process underway since 1993, with varying |

| |degrees of openness to the private sector, and recognized that much remains to be done. He made special mention of the |

| |development of the cruise ship industry, which has grown substantially in recent years. He said that in 2000, Don Diego Colón |

| |terminal in the port of Santo Domingo handled 325 ships with over 200,000 passengers. Finally he referred to the port |

| |development projects underway at the ports of Río Haina, Manzanillo, and San Pedro, as well as the project for a new container |

| |terminal at Punta Cancedro. |

| |Statement of the Special Port Program (item 14 on the agenda) |

| |The Secretary proceeded to describe the statement of contributions from the member countries to the Special Port Program, as |

| |well as expenditures and investments made over the past year (document CECIP/doc.7/01). He reiterated to the port authorities of|

| |the member countries the request to make contributions of US$6,000 for 2002 and 2003, respectively. He urged the member |

| |countries that have not paid their contributions for past years to do so in full at the earliest convenience. At the request of |

| |the delegation of Mexico, it was decided at future meetings to include financial statements for previous years to afford a |

| |complete overview of the financial position of the program. Resolution CECIP/RES.6 (III-01) was later adopted in this respect. |

| |Place and Date of the Fourth Meeting of the Executive Board (2002) (item 15 on the agenda) |

| |The Chair mentioned that in accordance with Article 7 of the Rules of Procedure of the CIP, the Executive Board shall meet once |

| |a year, and he recalled resolution CECIP/RES.11 (II-00), whereby the Executive Board resolved to hold its the fourth meeting in |

| |Uruguay in 2002. The delegate of Uruguay ratified the offer and meeting accepted it by acclamation. Resolution CECIP/RES.8 |

| |(III-01) was later adopted in this respect. |

| | |

| |Place and Date of the Fifth Meeting of the Executive Board (2003) (item 16 on the agenda) |

| |The Chair offered the venue to hold the Fifth Meeting of the Executive Board in 2003. The delegate of Venezuela offered to host |

| |that meeting at Puerto La Cruz in 2003. The meeting accepted by acclamation. Resolution CECIP/RES.9 (III-01) was later adopted |

| |in this respect. |

| |Other issues (item 18 on the agenda) |

| |- Signing of the Agreement on Cooperation and Mutual Assistance among Inter-American Port Authorities |

| |Bearing in mind that the Agreement is open for signatures, the duly accredited representatives of the following countries agreed|

| |to bind themselves under the Agreement: Argentina: Dr. Carlos Piñeiro Iñiguez, Ambassador of the Argentine Republic in the |

| |Dominican Republic; Bolivia: Mr. Roger Longaric, Director of the Port Services Administration; Haití: Mr. Fritz Aristyl, |

| |Director General of the Port Authority of Haiti; and the Dominican Republic: Mr. Aníbal García Duvergé, Executive Director of |

| |the Dominican Port Authority. |

| |The Secretariat said that the Agreement remains open for signatures at the headquarters of the OAS in Washington, D.C. until |

| |such time as the other member countries see fit to sign it. |

| |Finally the Chair congratulated the member countries that had signed the Agreement, and expressed the desire that it will enter |

| |into force very soon and serve to strengthen cooperation for the benefit of the ports in the hemisphere. |

| |- Homage to Mr. Daniel Levy |

| |The Chair mentioned the bereavement of Mr. Daniel Levy, former delegate of Argentina and former Chair of the Executive Board. |

| |The meeting paid posthumous homage by keeping a minute’s silence. |

| |Third Plenary Session |

| |The session came to order at 15:30 on December 5, 2001, and was chaired by Mr. Hugo Cruz, principal delegate of Mexico and Vice |

| |Chair of the Executive Board. The following item on the agenda was addressed: |

| | |

| |Consideration of draft resolutions to establish the Work Plan of the Executive Board for 2002 (item 17 on the agenda) |

| |The Chair submitted to the plenary for consideration the 10 draft resolutions of the Executive Board (document CECIP/doc.30/01).|

| |Subsequently, the plenary unanimously adopted all the draft resolutions, which are presented in Section VIII of this report. |

| |Closing Session |

| |The Closing Session of the Third Meeting of the Executive Board was held at 18:30 on December 5, 2001, and was chaired by Mr. |

| |Hugo Cruz, principal delegate of Mexico and Vice Chair of the Executive Board. |

| |Dr. Carlos M. Gallegos underscored the productive efforts of the meeting. He urged the member countries to do their best to |

| |complete the tasks entrusted to them by the plenary, as well as the conclusion of the studies and activities that will assist |

| |effective progress in the inter-American port system. He mentioned that the attendance of representatives from 21 member |

| |countries of the OAS underscores the importance of the meetings of the Executive Board of the CIP. He thanked the delegates of |

| |the member countries, experts, representatives of international organizations, and administrative personnel for their active |

| |participation, which made the meeting a success. Finally he thanked the authorities of the Dominican Republic for their |

| |cooperation and hospitality. |

| |Mr. Hugo Cruz observed that a joint effort had made it possible to achieve the goals set for this meeting. He mentioned the |

| |satisfaction of the delegation of Mexico at the friendship extended by the other participants and for the interest with which |

| |the tasks and responsibilities have been assigned. All of the foregoing will permit the Plan of Action for 2002-2003 to be |

| |fulfilled. He reflected on the urgency for the member countries to move forward with their port modernization processes, which |

| |will make it possible to enhance the well-being of our peoples. Lastly, he thanked the authorities of the Dominican Republic for|

| |their hospitality and for the efforts made to ensure the success of this meeting. |

| |Finally, Mr. Arcenio Borges, Assistant Executive Director of the Dominican Port Authority, expressed the satisfaction and |

| |gratitude of his Government for the effective efforts on behalf of the port systems in the hemisphere. He underlined the |

| |obligation of the countries to do their utmost to carry out the resolutions and measures adopted, so as to attain the path to |

| |regional development and well-being for our nations. He then declared the Third Meeting of the Executive Board of the CIP |

| |closed. |


| |CECIP/RES.1 (III-01) |


| | |


| |PORTS, |


| |The Report of the VIII Meeting of the Subcommittee on Policy and Coordination; and |


| |That, through resolution CIDI/CIP/RES.27 (II-01), the Inter-American Committee on Ports approved its Plan of Action 2002-2003, |

| |which is implemented through the Executive Board and its subcommittees; |

| |  |

| |That the activities of the CIP for 2001 have been carried out successfully, as was reported to the Executive Board at this |

| |meeting; and |

| |That the 2002 Work Plan of the Subcommittee on Policy and Coordination must be defined, |


| |To approve the following 2002 Work Plan of the Subcommittee on Policy and Coordination: |

| |Follow-up of integration processes in the hemisphere, of the World Trade Organization, and of their impact on ports |

| |Analyze and study the themes and follow up on the advances that are produced in the matter. |

| |Entrust the Secretariat with compiling the most recent advances on the topic in connection with the Free Trade Area of the |

| |Americas (FTAA), the Andean Community of Nations (CAN), Caribbean Common Market (CARICOM), the Central American Common Market |

| |(CACM), and the World Trade Organization (WTO). |

| |Establish a working group, coordinated by Argentina and composed of Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Mexico, and |

| |Venezuela, that will propose strategies to follow with the goal of identifying criteria for evaluating the impact of these |

| |themes on the port system of the hemisphere. |

| |    b.  Evaluation of the Technical Advisory Groups |

| |i) To carry out the evaluation of the established TAGs, based on the degree of fulfillment of the work entrusted to each TAGs. |

| |    c. Agreement on Cooperation and Mutual Assistance among Inter-American Port Authorities |

| |Disseminate the Agreement and encourage the member countries that have not yet signed it, to sign it. |

| |    d. Relations with international organizations and with the private sector |

| |Promote the strengthening of relations with international organizations and private businesses interested in the sector. |

| |Strengthen cooperative relations with the European Union in port matters. |

| |    e. CIP Magazine |

| |Entrust the Argentine delegation with preparing a proposal for the regular publication, production, and distribution of a |

| |"Magazine of the Inter-American Committee on Ports", including possible sources of financing. |

| |    f. Fourth Meeting of the Executive Board |

| |Assign the organization and programming of this meeting, to take place in Uruguay in December of 2002, in coordination with the |

| |Secretariat. |

| |2. To entrust the delegation of Argentina, which is chairing this subcommittee, and the delegation of Uruguay, in its capacity |

| |as Vice Chair, with ensuring that this resolution is implemented. Likewise, to request that those in charge of ensuring |

| |execution of this resolution that they present their respective reports in the next ordinary meeting of the Executive Board. |

| |Finally, to request the member countries, in particular those that are members of this subcommittee, that they offer the |

| |necessary support required for the execution of this Work Plan. |

| |CECIP/RES.2 (III-01) |


| | |



| | |

| |The Report of the Third Meeting of the Subcommittee on Port Training of the Executive Board; and |

| | |


| |That, through resolution CIDI/CIP/RES.27 (II-01), the Inter-American Committee on Ports approved its 2002-2003 Plan of Action, |

| |which is implemented through the Executive Board and its subcommittees; |

| |That the activities of the CIP for 2001 have been carried out successfully, as was reported to the Executive Board at this |

| |meeting; and |

| |That the 2002 Work Plan of the Subcommittee on Port Training must be defined, |

| | |


| |1. To approve the following 2002 Work Plan of the Subcommittee on Port Training: |

| |To execute the Inter-American Port Training Program, which includes holding the following activities: |

| |VII Ibero-American Port Management Course, in cooperation with Puertos del Estado of Spain, in Madrid, Spain. |

| |III Ibero-American Port Engineering Course, in cooperation with Puertos del Estado of Spain, in Santander, Spain. |

| |Regional Course on Port Security for Caribbean Countries, in Barbados. |

| |Regional Course on Port Security for Andean countries, in Peru. |

| |Regional Course on Port Security for MERCOSUR countries, in Argentina. |

| |Regional Course on Port Security for Central American countries, in Guatemala. |

| |Course on uses of information on natural hazards for the development and evaluation of port investment projects, in cooperation |

| |with CARICOM. |

| |Course on port rates, with the cooperation of UNCTAD and INDESMAR, in Lima, Peru. |

| |Course on port rates for Caribbean countries, in cooperation with UNCTAD. |

| |Course on drug control for Central American countries, in cooperation with CICAD. |

| |Course on port performance indicators for Caribbean countries, in Jamaica. |

| |Courses for officers, pilots, and harbor masters for Caribbean countries. |

| |   b. To offer two fellowships for the Master’s course in Port Management and Intermodal Transportation, in Valencia, Spain, |

| |offered by the Fundación Instituto Portuario de Estudios y Cooperación de la Comunidad Valenciana and the Secretariat. |

| |   c. To entrust the delegation of the United States, with the support of the Secretariat, with the study of the possibility of |

| |setting up a half-scholarship for three candidates from Caribbean countries to the International Course on Port Planning and |

| |Management at the University of New Orleans. |

| |    d. To instruct the Secretariat to encourage and coordinate bilateral relations among educational and training organizations |

| |and institutions and interested countries. |

| |   e. To urge member countries to respond by March 30, 2002 to the questionnaire on training needs in the port sector |

| |(CECIP/doc.10/01) prepared by the Secretariat, and to request that the delegation of the United States elaborates on the results|

| |of that questionnaire. |

| |2.  To entrust the delegation of the United States, that chairs this subcommittee, and to the delegation of Barbados, in its |

| |capacity as Vice Chair, to ensure that this resolution is implemented. Likewise, to request that those in charge of the |

| |execution of this resolution present their respective reports in the next ordinary meeting of the Executive Board. Finally, to |

| |request that member countries, in particular those that are members of this subcommittee, provide the necessary support for the |

| |execution of this Work Plan. |

| |CECIP/RES.3 (III-01) |


| | |



| |The Report of the Third Meeting of the Subcommittee on Port Administration of the Executive Board; and |


| |That, through resolution CIDI/CIP/RES.27 (II-01), the Inter-American Committee on Ports approved its 2002-2003 Plan of Action, |

| |which is implemented through the Executive Board and its subcommittees; |

| |That the activities of the CIP for 2001 have been carried out successfully, as was reported to the Executive Board at this |

| |meeting; and |

| |That the 2002 Work Plan of the Subcommittee on Port Administration must be defined, |


| |To approve the following 2002 Work Plan of the Subcommittee on Port Administration: |

| |Reforms and modernization of the port systems (Assigned to the delegation of Argentina) |

| |Conduct a study to identify specific mechanisms that would allow States to improve port bidding procedures and to establish |

| |systems of monitoring and evaluating the performance measurement of concessions. |

| |Designing and evaluating alternative systems for monitoring and protecting free competition in the port sector. |

| |Undertaking a study about reforms and port modernization (particularly including information of member countries that are not |

| |included) that was presented by the delegation of Argentina (CECIP/doc.23/01) in this meeting. |

| |    b.   Port costs (Assigned to the delegation of Mexico) |

| |Conduct a study on comparative cost models, making it possible to establish new productivity indicators for use by member states|

| |in their processes of port modernization. |

| |    c. Ports and the tourism industry (Assigned to the delegation of the Dominican Republic) |

| |Identify the best designs, infrastructure, and equipment for attending to cruise ships in ports. |

| |Compose the "Manual of Operative Procedures of Cruise Ships in Ports", based on the document presented by the delegation of the |

| |Dominican Republic (CECP/doc.11/01). |

| |    d.  Statistics (Assigned to the delegation of Mexico) |

| |Promote the new format of statistics, adapted to the requirements discussed, and maintaining ties with ECLAC for obtaining more |

| |integrated results. |

| |   e.  Study of the City-port relationship (Assigned to the delegation of Venezuela) |

| |Undertake a study that will identify the most relevant areas that will foster and improve the city-port relationship. |

| |    f. Quality control (Assigned to the delegation of Mexico) |

| |Evaluate the possible uniform application in the member countries of the Ibero-American model for excellence in management, |

| |applied to the port system. |

| |    g.  Dredging (Assigned to the delegation of Venezuela) |

| |Collect statistical data on aspects of dredging activity in member countries. |

| |Present information on techniques, collection methods, sedimentation rates, etc. that have an impact on port costs. |

| |     h. Best practice |

| |Initiate consideration of this priority area of interest. |

| |Urge member countries to use the best practices program for sharing experiences, in accordance with the norms presented by the |

| |Secretariat. |

| |Take into account possibilities offered by the Inter-American Agency for Cooperation and Development (AICD) of the Organization |

| |of American States (OAS) for presenting projects and procuring their financing. |

| |2. To entrust to the delegation of Panama, which is chairing this subcommittee, and to the delegation of Chile, in its capacity |

| |as Vice Chair, with ensuring that this resolution is implemented. Likewise, to request those in charge of ensuring |

| |implementation of this resolution that they present their respective reports in the next ordinary meeting of the Executive |

| |Board. Finally, to request that member countries, in particular those that are members of this subcommittee, provide the |

| |necessary support for the execution of this Work Plan. |

| |CECIP/RES.4 (III-01) |



| | |



| |That the Inter-American Committee on Ports, through resolution CIDI/CIP/RES.19 (II-01), adopted the Agreement on Cooperation and|

| |Mutual Assistance among Inter-American Port Authorities; and |

| |That this Agreement is a very useful instrument for assisting member countries in attaining the objectives of the CIP, |


| |To urge the member states that have not done so to sign the Agreement on Cooperation and Mutual Assistance among Inter-American |

| |Port Authorities. |

| |To keep the Agreement open for signature by the member countries, in accordance with any of the modalities authorized by Article|

| |21 thereof. |

| |CECIP/RES.5 (III-01) |




| |That the Inter-American Committee on Ports evaluated favorably the work undertaken during 2000-2001 by the three Technical |

| |Advisory Groups (TAGs) on Port Operations; on Port Security; and on Navigation Safety and Environmental Protection, through the |

| |resolutions CIDI/CIP/RES.24 (II-01), 25 (II-01), y 26 (II-01), respectively; |

| |  |

| |That through resolution CIDI/CIP/RES.23 (II-01) the Inter-American Committee on Ports agreed to maintain the three TAGs in |

| |function during the period 2002-2003; and |

| |  |

| |That Article 13 of the Rules of Procedure of the Technical Advisory Groups provides that it is incumbent on the Chair and |

| |vice-Chair of the Executive Board, which is to say the Subcommittee on Policy and Coordination of the Executive Board, to |

| |conduct an annual evaluation on progress made by each TAG in completing the tasks assigned to it, |

| |  |


| |  |

| |To instruct the Chairs of the three Technical Advisory Groups, the delegations of Mexico, United States, and Argentina, so that |

| |they can present their annual reports of work undertaken during 2002 to the Subcommittee on Policy and Coordination. |

| |  |

| |To instruct the Subcommittee on Policy and Coordination to proceed to evaluate the work of the TAGs during 2002, based on the |

| |annual reports presented by the presidents of the TAGs. |

| |  |

| |To thank the delegations of Mexico, the United States, and Argentina for the work done in their capacity as Chairs of the |

| |Technical Advisory Groups and to urge them to continue working on the development and implementation of those important advisory|

| |bodies of the Committee. |

| |  |

| |  |

| |CECIP/RES.6 (III-01) |

| |  |



| |  |

| |  |


| |PORTS, |

| |  |


| |  |

| |The report of the Secretariat on the status of contributions to the Special Port Program; and |

| |  |


| |  |

| |That, through resolution CIDI/CIP/RES.28 (II-01), the budget of the Inter-American Committee on Ports was approved for the |

| |2002-2003 biennium, and it sets the annual amount of the contributions of port authorities of the member countries to the |

| |Special Port Program at US$6,000 for the year 2002 and US$6,000 for the year 2003, |

| |  |


| |  |

| |To urge the port authorities of the member countries to make their contributions of US$6,000 for the year 2002 and US$6,000 for |

| |the year 2003 to the Special Port Program of the Inter-American Committee on Ports. |

| |  |

| |To urge member countries that have not made their contributions for prior years to pay them in full as soon as possible. |

| |  |

| |To recommend to member countries that they make their 2002 contributions in the first months of that year. |

| |  |

| |CECIP/RES.7 (III-01) |

| |  |


| |  |

| |  |


| |PORTS, |

| |  |


| |  |

| |The document on the participation of women in the port sector of the Americas (CECIP/doc.9/01), presented by the delegation of |

| |the Dominican Republic; and |

| |  |


| |  |

| |That women have shown that they are fully capable of outstanding performance in the highest-level posts in port administration, |

| |both public and private; and |

| |  |

| |That increasingly more women are exercising important managerial positions in the port industry of the countries of the |

| |hemisphere, |

| |  |


| |  |

| |1. To recognize the importance of integrating women into all activities of the Inter-American Committee on Ports, its Executive |

| |Board, and its advisory bodies. |

| |  |

| |2. To establish a Working Group of the Subcommittee on Port Administration, coordinated by the delegation of the Dominican |

| |Republic, to propose the best means of implementing the actions and activities included in the document on the participation of |

| |women in the port sector of the Americas. Likewise, to request that the delegation of the Dominican Republic presents its |

| |proposal in the next meeting of the Executive Board. |

| |  |

| |  |

| |CECIP/RES.8 (III-01) |

| |  |


| |  |

| |  |


| |PORTS, |

| |  |


| |  |

| |That Article 7 of the Rules of Procedure of the Inter-American Committee on Ports stipulates that the Executive Board shall meet|

| |once a year; and |

| |  |

| |That the Government of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay has kindly offered to host the Fourth Meeting, to be held in 2002, |

| |  |


| |  |

| |To hold the Fourth Meeting of the Executive Board in Montevideo, Oriental Republic of Uruguay, December 3 - 6, 2002. |

| |  |

| |2. To express its gratitude to the Government of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay for its offer to host this important event. |

| |  |

| |  |

| |CECIP/RES.9 (III-01) |

| |  |


| |  |

| |  |


| |PORTS, |

| |  |


| |  |

| |That Article 7 of the Rules of Procedure of the Inter-American Committee on Ports stipulates that the Executive Board shall meet|

| |once a year; and |

| |  |

| |That the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has kindly offered to host the Fifth Meeting, to be held in 2003, |

| |  |


| |  |

| |1. To hold the Fifth Meeting of the Executive Board in Puerto La Cruz, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela during the month of |

| |December, 2003. |

| |  |

| |2. To express its gratitude to the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela for its offer to host this important |

| |event. |

| |  |

| |CECIP/RES. 10 (III-01) |

| |  |


| |  |

| |  |


| |PORTS, |

| |  |


| |  |

| |That the Port Authority of the Dominican Republic, in keeping with resolution CIP/RES. 10 (II-00), has held the Third Meeting of|

| |the Executive Board of the Inter-American Committee on Ports with outstanding success, due in large part to the excellent job of|

| |organizing the event done by the authorities; and |

| |  |

| |That the Organization of American States, through its General Secretariat, has contributed to the meeting’s success, |

| |  |


| |  |

| |1. To express its sincere gratitude to the Government of the Dominican Republic and, in particular, to the Port Authority of the|

| |Dominican Republic for its outstanding work in organizing this event. |

| |  |

| |To express thanks to the OAS General Secretariat, especially to its Office of the Inter-American Committee on Ports (OCIP), for |

| |its valuable contribution to the success of the work of this Executive Board. |


| |  |


| |  |


| |  |

| |  |


| |Representante Titular |

| |Jorge ABRAMIAN |

| |Coordinador General Programa de Modernización Portuaria |

| |Subsecretaría de Transporte Ferroviario, Fluvial y Marítimo |

| |Av. España 2221, Piso 4, 1107 Buenos Aires, Argentina |

| |Tel: (54 11) 4361-8597, Fax: (54 11) 4362-2995 |

| |Email: jeabramian@ |

| |  |


| |  |

| |Principal Representative |

| |Everton WALTERS |

| |General Manager |

| |Barbados Port Authority |

| |University Row, Princess Alice Highway, Bridgetown, Barbados |

| |Tel: (246) 430-4705, Fax: (246) 429-5348 |

| |Email: ewalters@ |

| |  |


| |  |

| |Representante Titular |

| |  |

| |Joao Affonso DENTICE |

| |Assess Presidente |

| |Empresa Brasileira de Planejamento de Transportes (GEIPOT) |

| |San Quadra 3 Blocos. n/o, Sala 22310, Brasilia, DF, Brasil |

| |Tel: (55 61) 315-4952, Fax: (55 61) 315-4758 |

| |Email: dentice@.br |

| |  |

| |  |

| |  |

| |  |

| |  |


| |  |

| |Principal Representative |

| |  |

| |Paul Emile DRAPEAU |

| |Director, Port Divestiture and Operations |

| |Department of Transport |

| |3330 Sparks Str., KIAON 7, Ottawa, Canada |

| |Tel: (613) 990-3069, Fax: (613) 954-0838 |

| |Email: drapeap@tc.gc.ca |

| |  |


| |  |

| |Representante Titular |

| |  |

| |Fernando SANCLEMENTE |

| |Superintendente |

| |Superintendencia de Puertos y Transporte |

| |Cra. 7a. No. 7347, Piso 3, Bogotá, Colombia |

| |Tel: (571) 640-5282 ext. 301, Fax: (571) 640-3156 |

| |Email: fernandosanclemente@.co |

| |  |


| |  |

| |Representante Titular |

| |  |

| |Guillermo RUIZ |

| |Presidente Ejecutivo |

| |Instituto Costarricense de Puertos del Pacífico (INCOP) |

| |Apdo. 543-1000, San José, Costa Rica |

| |Tel: (506) 233-1391, Fax: (506) 223-4348 |

| |Email: incoppe2@racsa.co.cr |

| |Representante Alterno |

| |  |

| |Juan R. RIVERA |

| |Presidente Ejecutivo |


| |Apdo. 1320 –7300, Limón, Costa Rica |

| |Tel: (506) 798-5757, Fax: (506) 758-1728 |

| |Email: jrivera@japdeva.go.cr |

| |  |

| |  |

| |  |

| |Asesores |

| |Rafael CAMPOS |

| |Director |

| |Instituto Costarricense de Puertos del Pacífico (INCOP) |

| |Apdo. 543-1000, San José, Costa Rica |

| |Tel: (506) 224-1497, Fax: (506) 253-1758 |

| |Email: incopd.r2@racsa.co.cr |

| |  |

| |Sibaja OCAMPO |

| |Director |

| |Instituto Costarricense de Puertos del Pacífico (INCOP) |

| |Apdo.001, Puntarenas, Costa Rica |

| |Tel: (506) 661-0925, Fax: (506) 634-4495 |

| |Email: incopdir@racsa.co.cr |


| |  |

| |Representante Titular |

| |Edwin G. MILIAN |

| |Asesor Jurídico/ Miembro Junta Directiva |

| |Empresa Portuaria Nacional |

| |Calle Real de la Villa y 17 calle, 18-43 zona 10, Ed. Plaza Santo Tomás de Castilla, Guatemala |

| |Tel: (502 2) 20-8085, Fax: (502 2) 20-6187 |

| |Email: geomilianr@ |

| |Representante Alterno |

| |Vinicio ARANGO |

| |Jefe Unidad Comercialización y Mercadeo / Miembro Junta Directiva |

| |Puerto Quetzal / Comisión Portuaria Nacional |

| |4a Calle 07-53, Zona 9, of. 105 Ed. Torre Azul, Ciudad de Guatemala,Guatemala |

| |Km.111 Carretera San Jose, Iztapa, Escuintla, Guatemala |

| |Tel: (502 ) 331- 1360 / 881-3015, Fax: (502 ) 881-2905 |

| |Email: pquetzal@.gt |

| |  |

| |  |

| |  |

| |  |

| |  |

| |  |

| |  |

| |  |

| |  |


| |  |

| |Principal Representative |

| |Byron LEWIS |

| |Senior Vice-President |

| |Port Authority of Jamaica |

| |1517 Duke St., Kingston, Jamaica |

| |Tel: (876) 922-6345, Fax: (876) 924-9437 |

| |Email: bglewis@ |

| |  |

| |  |


| |  |

| |Representante Titular |

| |  |

| |Hugo CRUZ |

| |Director General de Puertos |

| |Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes |

| |Nuevo León 210, México D.F. |

| |Tel: (52 5) 574-2702, Fax: (52 5) 605-3987 |

| |Email: hcruzv@sct.gob.mx |

| |Representante Alterno |

| |  |

| |Francisco PASTRANA |

| |Director de Tarifas y Estadística |

| |Dirección General de Puertos |

| |Nuevo Leon 210 Piso 17, México, D.F. |

| |Tel: (52 5) 584-2844, Fax: (52 5) 584-2844 |

| |Email: jpastrana@sct.gob.mx |

| |  |


| |  |

| |Representante Titular |

| |Alfonso RODRIGUEZ |

| |Director de Puertos |

| |Autoridad Marítima de Panamá |

| |Antigua Escuela de Diablo, Edificio 5534, Ancon, Panamá 7, Panamá |

| |Tel: (507) 232-6278, Fax: (507) 232-6269 |

| |Email: alrosaamp@ |

| |  |

| |  |

| |  |

| |  |


| |  |

| |Representante Titular |

| |Aníbal GARCIA |

| |Director |

| |Autoridad Portuaria Dominicana |

| |Km. 13 Haina Margen Oriental, Oficina Central 259-2, Santo Domingo, Republica Dominicana |

| |Tel: (809) 537-4981, Fax: (809) 537-1706 |

| |Representante Alterno |

| |Salvador MONTAS |

| |Asesor Técnico Dirección Ejecutiva |

| |Autoridad Portuaria Dominicana |

| |Km. 13 Haina Oriental, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana |

| |Tel: (809) 539-5402 / 539-0055, Fax: (809) 539-7005 |

| |Email: semr@ |

| |Asesores |

| |  |

| |Alejandrina GARCIA |

| |Subdirectora Ejecutiva |

| |Autoridad Portuaria Dominicana |

| |Km. 13 Haina Oriental, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana |

| |Tel: (809) 537-0055, Fax: (809) 518-1086 |

| |Email: semr@ |

| |Viviana SANTAMARIA |

| |Asuntos Internacionales |

| |Autoridad Portuaria Dominicana |

| |Km. 13 Haina Oriental, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana |

| |Tel: (809) 537-0055 ext. 242, Fax: (809) 537-1706 |

| |Email: edecanes@.do |

| |Mariselis TEJEDA |

| |Administradora Puerto La Marinita |

| |Autoridad Portuaria Dominicana |

| |Km. 13 Haina Oriental, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana |

| |Tel: (809) 598-2083 ext. 242, Fax: (809) 537-1706 |

| |  |

| |  |

| |  |

| |  |

| |  |

| |  |


| |  |

| |Principal Representative |

| |  |

| |Doris J. BAUTCH |

| |Chief of the Division of Ports |

| |Maritime Administration |

| |400 7th Street, SW, Room 7201 |

| |Washington, DC 20590 |

| |Tel: (202) 366-5469, Fax: (202) 366-6988 |

| |Email: doris.bautch@marad. |

| |Advisor |

| |Juan KURYLA |

| |Asistant Port Director |

| |Port of Miami |

| |1015 N. America Way, 2nd Floor, Miami, FL 33132, USA |

| |Tel: (305) 347-4907, Fax: (305) 347-4849 |

| |Email: juk@ |

| |  |


| |  |

| |Representante Titular |

| |  |


| |Jefe Unidad de Relaciones Internacionales |

| |Administración Nacional de Puertos |

| |Rambla 25 de Agosto de 1825 No. 160, 11000 Montevideo, Uruguay |

| |Tel: (598 2) 190-1870, Fax: (598 2) 916-2124 |

| |Email: anpuri@.uy |

| |  |

| |  |


| |  |

| |  |


| |  |

| |Raphael A. BENJAMIN |

| |Port Manager |

| |Antigua and Barbuda Port Authority |

| |P.O. Box 1052. Deepwater Harbour St. John's, Antigua and Barbuda |

| |Tel: (268) 462-2239, Fax: (268) 460-6024 |

| |Email: anport@candw.ag |

| |  |


| |Roger LONGARIC |

| |Director Ejecutivo |

| |Administración de Servicios Portuarios de Bolivia |

| |Plaza España # 2705, Esq. Victor Sanjinez, Casilla 2159, La Paz, Bolivia |

| |Tel: (591 2) 412-167, Fax: (591 2) 41-1911 |

| |Email: longaric@lpz. |

| |Ramiro QUINTEROS |

| |Director de Desarrollo y Gestión Portuaria |

| |Administración de Servicios Portuarios de Bolivia |

| |Plaza España # 2705, Esq. Victor Sanjinez, Casilla 2159, La Paz, Bolivia |

| |Tel: (591 2) 41-1519, Fax: (591 2) 41-1863 |

| |Email: gesport@lpz. |

| |  |

| |HAITI |

| |  |

| |Fritz ARISTYL |

| |Director General |

| |Autoridad Portuaria de Haití |

| |Blvd. La Saline HT 6100, B.P. 616, Port-au-Prince, Haití |

| |Tel: (509) 298-4071 / 510-7469, Fax: (509) 221-3479 |

| |Email: apnap@ |

| |  |

| |Claudette ALEXZY |

| |Miembro de la Oficina del Director General |

| |Autoridad Portuaria de Haití |

| |Blvd. La Saline, Port-au- Prince, Haití |

| |Tel: (509) 298-4071, Fax: (509) 221-3479 |

| |Email: calxzy@ |

| |  |

| |  |

| |Charles Jeans EVENS |

| |Miembro del Gabinete Tecnico de la Oficina del Director General |

| |Autoridad Portuaria de Haití |

| |P.O. Box 616, Port-au- Prince, Haití |

| |Tel: (509) 298-4071, Fax: (509) 221-3479 |

| |Will LAROC |

| |Director de Cabotage |

| |Autoridad Portuaria de Haití |

| |P.O. Box 616, Port-au- Prince, Haití |

| |Tel: (509) 298-4071, Fax: (509) 221-3479 |

| |  |


| |  |

| |Roy PINEDA |

| |Jefe Asesoria Legal |

| |Empresa Nacional Portuaria |

| |Puerto Cortés, Honduras |

| |Tel: (504) 665-3201, Fax: (504) 665-2144 |

| |Email: rpineda@enp.hn |

| |  |


| |Joaquín TORRES |

| |Gerente Técnico |

| |Empresa Portuaria Nacional |

| |Res. Bolonia, Optica Nicaraguense, ½ c. al N Y 1C al Oeste. Apartado 3570, Managua, Nicaragua |

| |Tel: (505) 266-7634 / 222-2059 / 222-3837 / 266-3039, Fax: (505) 266-7973 |

| |Email: a-infor@.ni |

| |  |


| |  |

| |  |

| |Thomas A. WILLIAMS |

| |General Manager |

| |St. Christopher Air & Sea Ports Authority |

| |P.O. Box 963, Basseterre, St. Kitts and Nevis |

| |Tel: (869) 466-5560 / 465-8121, Fax: (869) 465-8124 |

| |Email: scaspail@ |

| |  |

| |  |

| |  |


| |  |

| |  |

| |Julio Alberto PEÑA |

| |Vicepresidente |

| |Instituto Nacional de los Espacios Acuáticos |

| |Av. Lecuna, Parque Central, Torre Este, Piso 38, Caracas, Venezuela |

| |Tel: (58 212) 509-2810 / 2811 / 2890, Fax: (58 212) 509-2885 |

| |Email: jpenaa@ |

| |Aleide J. URBAEZ |

| |Coordinadora de Asuntos Portuarios Internacionales |

| |Ministerio de Infraestructura, Dirección General de Transporte Acuático |

| |Parque Central, Torre Este, Piso 38, Caracas, Venezuela |

| |Tel: (58 212) 509-2870 / 2827, Fax: (58 212) 509-2870 / 2737 |

| |Email: planificaydesarroportuario@ |

| |  |

| |  |



| |  |

| |Carlos IBARZ |

| |Jefe de Gabinete de Presidencia |

| |Puertos del Estado |

| |Ave. del Partenón, 10, Campo de las Naciones 28042, Madrid, España |

| |Tel: (34-91) 524-5515, Fax: (34-91) 524-5516 |

| |Email: cibarz@puerto.es |

| |Nuria GAITON |

| |Jefe del Departamento de Relaciones Internacionales |

| |Puertos del Estado |

| |Ave. del Partenón, 10 Campo de las Naciones 28042, Madrid, España |

| |Tel: (34-91)524-5507, Fax: (34-91) 524-5505 |

| |Email: ngaiton@puerto.es |

| |Santiago MONTMANY |

| |Cooperación Internacional / Jefe Departamento |

| |Puertos del Estado |

| |Ave. del Partenón, 10 Campo de las Naciones 28042, Madrid, España |

| |Email: smontmany@puerto.es |

| |  |


| |  |


| |Gabriel PEREZ |

| |Asistente de Sistema de Información |

| |CEPAL |

| |Avda. Dag Hammarskjold s/n, Vitacura, Casilla Postal 179-D, Santiago, Chile |

| |Tel: (56 2) 210-2240, Fax: (56 2) 208-0252 |

| |Email: gperez@sloc.cl |

| |  |


| |Rafael PARADA |


| |1889 F St. N.W Washington, D.C, 20006 |

| |Tel: (202) 458-3614, Fax: (202) 458-3658 |

| |Email: rparada@ |

| |  |


| |  |

| |Alfonso BREUILLET |

| |Director Ejecutivo |


| |Apartado Postal 2423, Managua, Nicaragua |

| |Tel: (505) 222-2754, Fax: (505) 222-2759 |

| |Email: dejecut@org.ni |

| |  |


| |  |

| |César ATENCIO |

| |Jefe de Informática |

| |Puerto de Maracaibo |

| |CLL 83, No. 85-63, Maracaibo, Venezuela |

| |Tel: (58-261) 753-0709 Fax: (58-261) 723-0328 |

| |Email: catencio@ |

| |  |

| |Pedro ATILES . |

| |Asesor Marítimo de Industria y Comercio |

| |Secretaría de Estado de Industria y Comercio |

| |Of. Gubernamentales, 7mo. Piso, Ed. Juan Pablo Duarte, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana |

| |Tel: (809) 685-5171, Fax: (809) 686-1975 |

| |Email: atiles21@ |

| |Alexander BOOTH |

| |Vice-Presidente |

| |Valley Forge Corporation |

| |Av. 27 de Febrero No. 96, Santo. Domingo, República Dominicana. |

| |Tel: (809) 689-8200, Fax: (809) 238-5493 |

| |Email: vfcdom@ |

| |  |

| |Arsenio BORGES |

| |Sub Director Ejecutivo |

| |Autoridad Portuaria Dominicana |

| |Km 13 Haina Oriental, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana |

| |Tel: (809) 539-0055, Fax: (809) 539-5348 |

| |Leigh BOSKE |

| |Associate Dean and Professor of Economics |

| |University of Texas |

| |8821 Silver Arrow Circle, Austin, Texas, USA |

| |Tel: (512) 471-3305, Fax: (512) 471-4962 |

| |Email: leigh.boske@mail.utexas.edu |

| |Shirley BYRON-COX |

| |Executive Secretary |

| |Port Management Association of the Caribean (PMAC) |

| |P.O. Box 317, St. Vincent Granadines |

| |Tel: (784) 485-6084, Fax: (784) 451-2802 |

| |Email: pmac@ |

| |  |

| |  |

| |  |


| |Asistente Secretario de Turismo |

| |Secretaría de Estado de Turismo |

| |Av. México, Esq. 30 de Marzo, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana |

| |Tel: (809) 592-3704 |

| |Guillermo CARDENAS |

| |Training Manager |

| |R&T Ambiente |

| |Claudio Gay No. 653 – Villa del Rocío, Villa Alemana, Chile |

| |Tel: (563) 272-2988 |

| |Email: geocardenas@ |

| |Beethoven CORDERO |

| |Vice Presidente Administrativo |

| |Valley Forge Corporation. |

| |Av. 27 de Febrero, No. 96, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana |

| |Tel: (809) 589-820, Fax: (809) 234-5143 |

| |Email: alfinsa@ |

| |Ivonne del C. DIAZ |

| |Executive Director |

| |Interdisciplinary Universities Consortium for Maritime Activities |

| |P.O Box. 8072, Marina Station, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, 00687 |

| |Tel: (787) 834-7446 |

| |Email: I_diaz@rumad.uprm.edu |

| |  |

| |César DUVERGE |

| |Administrador Muelle Haina Oriental |

| |Autoridad Portuaria Dominicana |

| |Km 13 Haina Oriental, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana |

| |Tel: (809) 539-7609 Fax: (809) 383-7326 |

| |  |

| |Lludelis ESPINAL |

| |Abogada |

| |Frederic Schad C por A |

| |José Gabriel García No. 26, Zona Colonial, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana |

| |Tel: (809) 221-8000, Fax: (809) 686-7441 |

| |Email: llespinal@ |

| |Tobías ESQUEA |

| |Director de Operaciones |

| |Autoridad Portuaria Dominicana |

| |Km 13 Haina Oriental, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana |

| |Tel: (809) 539-7008 / 537-0055 ext. 283, Fax: (809)539-7008 |

| |  |

| |Luis A. FACUNDO |

| |Asesor Económico |

| |Autoridad Portuaria Dominicana |

| |Km 13 Haina Oriental, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana |

| |Tel: (809) 537-0055, Fax: (809) 595-6807 |

| |Email: lufagil@ |

| |David FRANCO |

| |Miembro Junta Directiva |

| |Puerto Quetzal |

| |Empresa Portuaria Quetzal |

| |Puerto Quetzal, Km 19 Carretera Iztapa, Guatemala |

| |Tel: (502) 881-2277, Fax: (502) 881-1527 |

| |Omar FRANCO |

| |Asesor Legal |

| |Puerto de Anzoátegui S.A., Venezuela |

| |Av. Raúl Leoni, Guanta, Puerto de Guanta, Estado de Anzoátegui, Venezuela |

| |Tel: (58 268) 33333-41-11 |

| |Email: legaline@ |

| |Jorge O. FRAPOLLI |

| |Director |

| |Consorcio de Gestión del Puerto de Bahía Blanca, Argentina |

| |Puerto de Ingeniero White (8103) |

| |Tel: (54-291) 457-3213, Fax: (54-291) 457-3213 |

| |Email: frapollij@.ar |

| |Cesar GIL |

| |Presidente Liga Naval Dominicana |

| |Liga Naval Dominicana |

| |Marina de Guerra, Central Norte, Santo. Domingo. |

| |Tel: (809) 530-5255, Fax: (809) 530-2767 |

| |Email: seprosa@.do |


| |Director Gerente |

| |Fundación IPEC de la Comunidad Valenciana |

| |Muelle del Grao s/n, 46024, Valencia, España |

| |Tel: (34-96) 393-9400, Fax: (34-96) 393-9409 |

| |Email: ramongf@ |

| |  |

| |Manuel de Jesús GRISANTI |

| |Asesor Técnico, Dirección Ejecutiva |

| |Autoridad Portuaria Dominicana |

| |Km 13 Haina Oriental, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana |

| |Tel: (809) 537-0055 ext. 213 |

| |William HANSON |

| |Manager, Latinamerican / Caribbean |

| |Great Lakes Dredge and Dock |

| |2122 York Road, Oak Brook, II 60523, USA |

| |Tel: (630) 574-3000, Fax: (630) 574-2419 |

| |Email: whhanson@ |

| |  |

| |Guillermo LARA |

| |Ingeniero |

| |Autoridad Portuaria Dominicana |

| |Km 13 Haina Oriental, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana |

| |Tel: (809) 481-1545 |

| |Eduardo De J. LEMUS PAIZ |

| |Director de Proyectos |

| |Empresa Portuaria Quetzal |

| |Puerto Quetzal, Escuintla, Guatemala |

| |Tel: (502) 881-2277, Fax: (502) 881-1527 |

| |Email: elemuz_paiz@ |

| |Jasmine LIZCANO |

| |Autoridad Portuaria Regional del Puerto de Maracaibo |

| |Ave. El Milagro, Edif. Dolorita, Maracaibo, Edo. Zulia, Venezuela |

| |Tel: (58 261) 723-2353, Fax: (58 261) 723-2353 / 1272 |

| |Email: jlizcano@, jlizcano@.ve |

| |  |

| |Marino LORA |

| |Director Administrativo |

| |Autoridad Portuaria Dominicana |

| |Km 13 Haina Oriental, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana |

| |Tel: (809) 537-0055 ext. 300 |

| |Gonzalo MARTIN |

| |Directivo |

| |Asociación de Despachantes de Aduana del Uruguay (ADAU) |

| |Piedras 541, Montevideo, Uruguay |

| |Tel: (598-2) 916-5843, Fax: (598-2) 916-5842 |

| |Email: gonzalomartin@.uy |

| |Jesús MOLINA |

| |Presidente |

| |Puertos de Sucre |

| |Puerto Sucre, Cumaná, Venezuela |

| |Tel: (58 293) 320381, Fax: (58 293) 432-0381 |

| |Email: Puertossucre@.ve |

| |  |

| |  |

| |Karen ORENGO |

| |Presidenta |

| |Interdisciplinary Universities Consortium for Maritime Activities |

| |P.O Box. 8072, Marina Station, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, 00687 |

| |Tel: (787) 829-4695, Fax: (787) 829-0991 |

| |Email: k_orengo@rumad.uprm.edu |

| |  |

| |Rafael E. PAYANO |

| |Administrador Puerto Turístico FERRY |

| |Autoridad Portuaria Dominicana |

| |Calle G. Esq. 3ra. Favidrio, San Cristóbal, República Dominicana |

| |Tel: (809) 527-8596 |

| |  |

| |Bienvenido PEREZ |

| |Asesor Técnico, Dirección Ejecutiva |

| |Autoridad Portuaria Dominicana |

| |Km 13 Haina Oriental, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana |

| |Tel: (809) 763-7556 |

| |Juan B. PEREZ |

| |Director Ejecutivo |

| |Asociación de Navieros de la República Dominicana |

| |Km 13 Haina Oriental, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana |

| |Tel: (809) 539-6080, Fax: (809) 539-6079 |

| |Email: semr@ |

| |Angel RAMOS |

| |Abogado |

| |Privado |

| |Av. Lope de Vega No. 4, Naco, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana |

| |Tel: (809) 562-3344, Fax: (809) 542-7969 |

| |Email: jursitas@.do |

| |Rodolfo RAMOS |

| |Consultor |

| |Conde de la Monclova 871, Dpto. 303 – Lima 27, Perú |

| |Tel: (51-11) 441-4574 |

| |Email: rramosa@ |

| |María A. RAVELO |

| |Administradora Puerto Don Diego |

| |Autoridad Portuaria Dominicana |

| |Av. Del Puerto, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana |

| |Tel: (809) 537-2071 / 687-2226, Fax: (809) 537-2171 |

| |  |

| |  |

| |Angela REYNOSO |

| |Sub Directora Ejecutiva |

| |Autoridad Portuaria Dominicana |

| |Km 13 Carretera Sánchez, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana |

| |Tel: (809) 539-6160 |

| |Héctor RIVAS |

| |Administrador Terminal Turística Almirante Cristóbal Colón |

| |Autoridad Portuaria Dominicana |

| |Km 13 Haina Oriental, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana |

| |Tel: (809) 592-3704 |


| |Vice Presidente |

| |Liga Naval Dominicana |

| |Dr. Gilberto Gomez Rodríguez No. 29, Ensanche Naco, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana |

| |Tel: (809) 565-2780 |

| |  |

| |Rafael SALAZAR |

| |Director Ingeniería |

| |Autoridad Portuaria Dominicana |

| |Km 13 Haina Oriental, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana |

| |Tel: (809) 537-0055 |

| |Julio C. SANCHEZ |

| |Director Legal |

| |Autoridad Portuaria Dominicana |

| |Puerta de Haina Oriental, Of. Principal, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana |

| |Tel: (809) 383-7320, Fax: (809) 473-6445 |

| |Walter SANCHEZ |

| |Gerente de Proyectos |

| |Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería S. R. L. |

| |W. Ferreira Aldunate 1342, Of. 501, P.O. Box. 768, Montevideo 11.100, Uruguay |

| |Tel: (598-2) 902-1066, Fax: (598-2) 901-9058 |

| |Email: wsanchez@.uy |

| |  |

| |Pedro SANCHEZ |

| |Subdirector Ejecutivo |

| |Autoridad Portuaria Dominicana |

| |Km 13 Carretera Sánchez, Haina Oriental, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana |

| |Tel:(809) 537-0055 ext.328 Fax: (809) 763-1474 |

| |Email: fnc2005@ |

| |  |

| |  |

| |Federico SCHAD |

| |Vice Presidente de Operaciones |

| |Frederic Schade |

| |José Gabriel García No. 26, Zona Colonial, República Dominicana |

| |Tel: (809) 221-8000, Fax: (809) 686-7441 |

| |Email: ffschad@ |

| |José M. SCHILD |

| |Director Departamento. de Auditoría |

| |Autoridad Portuaria Dominicana |

| |Km 13 Haina Oriental, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana |

| |Tel: (809) 537-0055 ext. 220, Fax: (809) 686-1975 |

| |Jesús SILVA U. |

| |Presidente |

| |Puerto de Anzoátegui |

| |Av. Raúl Leoni, Ed. Admin. del Puerto de Guanta, Edo. de Anzoátegui, Venezuela |

| |Tel: (58 281) 0414-819 , Fax: (58 281) 268-2011 |

| |Email: pasa_p@ |

| |Carlos SOMOZA |

| |Gerente de Protección Integral |

| |Servicio Autónomo Puerto de Maracaibo del Estado de Zulia |

| |Módulo de Servicios del Puerto de Maracaibo, Av. El Milagro, Venezuela |

| |Tel: (0261) 723-1959, Fax: (0261) 723-1272 |

| |Email: csomoza@ |

| |César A. TEJEDA |

| |Subdirector |

| |Autoridad Portuaria Dominicana |

| |Penetración B. No. 23, Haina, República Dominicana |

| |Tel: (809) 540-1168 / 707-9705 |

| |  |

| |Roberto VALETT |

| |Administrador Puerto Santo Domingo |

| |Autoridad Portuaria Dominicana |

| |Km 13 Haina Oriental, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana |

| |Tel: (809) 667-2661, Fax: (809) 682-8792 |

| |Julio VENTURA |

| |Director Seguridad |

| |Cuerpo Especializado de Seguridad Portuaria (CESEP) |

| |Av. Fco. A. Camano, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana |

| |Tel: (809) 686-1668, Fax: (809) 688-1673 |

| |Email: fedopembayonet@ |

| |  |

| |  |

| |Jesús VEGA |

| |Presidente |

| |Navegación Veracruzana, S.A. de C.V. |

| |Nueva Jersey #14, Col. Nápoles, C.P. 03710, México, D.F. |

| |Tel: (52 5) 682-1741, Fax: (52 5) 543-7975 |

| |Email: veganavega@ |

| |Federico YAQUE |

| |Director de Proyectos de Operaciones Portuarias |

| |Empresa Portuaria Quetzal |

| |Puerto Quetzal, Escuintla, Guatemala |

| |Tel: (502) 881-2277, Fax: (502) 881-2277 |

| |Email: fedecastillo@puerto- |

| |  |


| |  |

| |Carlos M. GALLEGOS |

| |Oficial Ejecutivo |

| |Comisión Interamericana de Puertos, OEA |

| |1889 F St. NW, Washington, DC 20006, USA |

| |Tel: (202) 458-3871, Fax: (202) 458-3517 |

| |Email: cgallegos@ |

| |Diego SEPULVEDA |

| |Consultor |

| |Martín de Salvatierra 1155, Renaca, Viña del Mar, Chile |

| |Tel: (56-32) 835-184, Fax: (56-32) 836-261 |

| |Email: dsepulveda@bbs.imaginativa.cl |

| |Guillermo ROOSE |

| |Consultor |

| |Francia 629, Lima 18, Perú |

| |Tel: (51-11) 445-4817 |

| |Email: garove46@ |

| |  |


| |  |


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| |  |

| |Número de Documento/ Document Number |

| |  |

| |Título/Title |

| |Idioma/ |

| |Idioma/Language |

| | |

| |CECIP/doc.1/01 |

| |Lista de Documentos |

| |Textual |

| | |

| |CECIP/doc.2/01 |

| |Lista provisional de Participantes |

| |Textual |

| | |

| |CECIP/doc.3/01 |

| |Proyecto de Temario |

| |  |

| |E,I |

| |  |

| | |

| |  |

| |CECIP/doc.4/01 |

| |Proyecto de Calendario |

| |E,I |

| | |

| |CECIP/doc.5/01 |

| |Informe de la Presidencia del |

| |Subcomité de Administración Portuaria |

| |(presentado por la Delegación de Panamá) |

| |  |

| |E |

| | |

| |CECIP/doc.6/01 |

| |Informe Final de la Segunda Reunión de la Comisión Interamericana de Puertos (versión preliminar) |

| |  |

| |E,I |

| | |

| |CECIP/doc.7/01 |

| |Estado del Programa Portuario Especial |

| |E,I |

| | |

| |  |

| |CECIP/doc.8/01 |

| |Informe de la Presidencia del Subcomité de Capacitación Portuaria |

| |(presentado por la Delegación de los Estados Unidos) |

| |  |

| |E,I |

| | |

| |CECIP/doc.9/01 |

| |Papel de la Mujer en el Sector Portuario |

| |(presentado por la Delegación de la República Dominicana) |

| |E,I |

| | |

| |CECIP/doc.10/01 |

| |Cuestionarios sobre las necesidades de capacitación en el sector portuario |

| |(presentado por la Delegación de los Estados Unidos) |

| |  |

| |E,I |

| | |

| |  |

| |CECIP/doc.11/01 |

| |  |

| |Manual de Procedimientos Operativos de Buques de Crucero en Puertos (presentado por la Delegación de la República Dominicana) |

| |  |

| |  |

| |E |

| | |

| |CECIP/doc.12/01 |

| |Informe sobre Corredores de Comercio |

| |  |

| |E,I |

| | |

| |CECIP/doc.13/01 |

| |Informe sobre Relaciones con la Unión Europea y otros organismos internacionales |

| |E,I |

| | |

| |CECIP/doc.14/01 |

| |Representantes al Comité Ejecutivo de la CIP |

| |  |

| |Textual |

| | |

| |CECIP/doc.15/01 |

| |Informe Final del VI Curso |

| |Iberoamericano de Gestión Portuaria |

| |Madrid, España, del 1 al 26 de octubre de 2001 |

| |(Presentado por la Delegación de España) |

| |E,I |

| | |

| |CECIP/doc.16/01 |

| |Informe Final del II Curso Iberoamericano de Ingeniería Portuaria |

| |Santander, España, del 1 al 26 de octubre de 2001 |

| |(presentado por la Delegación de España) |

| |E |

| | |

| |CECIP/doc.17/01 |

| |Informe sobre el Acuerdo de Cooperación y Asistencia Mutua entre las Autoridades Portuarias Interamericanas |

| |E,I |

| | |

| |CECIP/doc.18/01 |

| |Progresos en las negociaciones en torno al ALCA y otros procesos de integración. Su repercusión en los puertos |

| |(presentado por la Delegación de Uruguay) |

| |E |

| | |

| |  |

| |CECIP/doc.19/01 |

| |  |

| |Información del Comité Técnico Consultivo sobre Operaciones Portuarias |

| |  |

| |E,I |

| | |

| |CECIP/doc.20/01 |

| |  |

| |Información del Comité Técnico Consultivo sobre Seguridad Portuaria |

| |  |

| |E,I |

| | |

| |CECIP/doc.21/01 |

| |  |

| |Información del Comité Técnico Consultivo sobre Control de la Navegación y Protección Ambiental |

| |E,I |

| | |

| |CECIP/doc.22/01 |

| |Planificación Territorial Portuaria |

| |(presentado por la Delegación de Chile) |

| |E |

| | |

| |CECIP/doc.23/01 |

| |  |

| |Informe sobre recientes reformas portuarias en América Latina y el Caribe |

| |(presentado por la Delegación de Argentina) |

| |E |

| | |

| |CECIP/doc.24/01 |

| |Actividades realizadas por la Comunidad Andina de Naciones (CAN) en relación a los puertos de la subregión (presentado por la |

| |Delegación de Venezuela) |

| |E |

| | |

| |CECIP/doc.25/01 |

| |Discurso del doctor Mario Montemurro, Vicepresidente del Comité Ejecutivo de la OEA/CIP |

| |E |

| | |

| |CECIP/doc.26/01 |

| |Palabras del doctor Carlos M. Gallegos, Secretario de la Comisión Interamericana de Puertos |

| |E |

| | |

| |CECIP/doc.27/01 |

| |Informe de la VIII reunión del Subcomité de Política y Coordinación |

| |E,I |

| | |

| |CECIP/doc.28/01 |

| |Informe de la III reunión del Subcomité de Capacitación Portuaria |

| |E,I |

| | |

| |CECIP/doc.29/01 |

| |Informe de la III reunión del Subcomité de Administración Portuaria |

| |E,I |

| | |

| |CECIP/doc.30/01 |

| |Proyectos de Resolución |

| |E,I |

| | |

| |CECIP/doc.30/01 Rev. 1 |

| |Resoluciones |

| |E,I |

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| |E: Español; I: English |

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