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Name: _____________________________Mock Exam 3 (Hopkins)James is a bicycling instructor. What form of memory does his students employ?Procedural ExplicitDeclarative Effortful Amy fell down the stairs and suffered from a traumatic head injury. She has lost the ability to form new memories. She could be suffering from…..Proactive interference Retroactive interference Retrograde amnesia Anterograde amnesia Which brain structure has been hypothesized to be involved in implicit memories? CerebellumHypothalamus Thalamus Hippocampus Which measure of retention is used on fill-in-the-blank tests?RecognitionRelearning Recall Recollection A memory of an auditory stimulus that lasts about three or four seconds is an example of …..Iconic memory Explicit memory Echoic memory Procedural memory Han Solo is going to the grocery store to get food to cook dinner. He unfortunately forgot his grocery list at home. He only remembers the first and last items on the list, unfortunately. What phenomenon does this illustrate? State-dependent memory Flashbulb memory Serial position effect Context-dependent memory Joann learned how to bake a cake today. She was trying to remember what she had done the night before but she cannot seem to recall it for some reason. What answer choice could explain her issue?Proactive interference Retroactive interference Retrograde amnesia Anterograde amnesia When Anna was little she lost her parents at the supermarket and was found crying in the bathroom. In the present, she does not recall this experience. According to Sigmund Freud, what is the most likely possibility of why she cannot remember this experience? Repression Motivated forgetting Misinformation effect Source amnesia Alice does not remember the first three years of her life. A likely explanation of this could be ….Infantile amnesia childhood amnesia source amnesia repression ROY G. BIV is an example of a ….HierarchyMnemonicSpacing effect Testing effect Linette and Steve are in a disagreement about the morality of abortion. Linette was looking for information that supported her claim on the internet. She found an article that supported Steve’s point of view and disregarded it. What does this illustrate?Insight Heuristic Prototype Conformation bias The difference between an algorithm and a heuristic is that…..A heuristic always guarantees a correct answerA heuristic generally takes longer Algorithms are more error-prone Algorithms are generally more time consuming Framing influences …..Decisions and judgmentsIntuition Adaptation Overconfidence According to Sternberg, which of the following is not a component of creativity?ExpertiseIntrinsic motivation Willingness to accept others Venturesome personality “I” is an example of ….Phonemes Morphemes Phenomes and morphemes Semantic Which stage of language development does telegraphic speech appear? Babbling stage One-word stage Two-word stage None of the above Juliana was in a car accident and she damaged Wernicke’s area in her brain. What is the most probable outcome?Retinal degeneration Loss of ability to produce speech Impaired language comprehension Speech impairment Chester is a student that lives with disabilities. He is however, exceptional at computer programming. This scenario illustrates. Analytical intelligence Relatively independent intelligence Savant syndrome General intelligence Which of the following is not one of Sternberg’s three intelligences?Analytical Creative Emotional Practical Which type of intelligence is in the form of accumulated knowledge?Crystallized intelligence Fluid intelligenceCreative intelligence General intelligence Billy Jean has to take a math exam tomorrow. He should aim to have what level of arousal?High Low Moderate Maximum In Maslow’s hierarchy of need what is the third most important need?Sense of safetyPhysiological Self-esteem Belongingness and love The amount of energy that Ashely’s body expends while resting is referred to as the……Resting metabolic rateSet point Basal metabolic rate Set metabolic rate Which of the following is not a component of emotion?Bodily arousal Expressive behavior Conscious experience None of the above Which of the following could be a sign your sympathetic nervous system has been activated?Inhibition of digestion Skin dries Pupils contract Heart slows Additional Questions 1.Thaddeus will perform in a band concert at his school tomorrow. According to the Yerkes-Dodson law, his musical performance is likely to be ________ if his physiological arousal during the performance is ________.A)best; very lowB)worst; moderateC)best; very highD)best; moderate2.The most basic or lowest-level need in Maslow's hierarchy of human motives includes the need forA)self-esteem.B)love and friendship.C)religious fulfillment.D)food and water.3.The set point isA)the state of arousal that triggers hunger.B)the body temperature of a healthy organism, for example, 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit in humans.C)the point at which energy expenditures from exercise and from metabolism are equal.D)the specific body weight maintained automatically by most adults over long periods of time.4.Research on the accuracy of lie detector tests suggests that theyA)are more accurate for men than women.B)are accurate only 50 percent of the time, even when administered by experts.C)are more likely to declare the innocent guilty than to declare the guilty innocent.D)are more likely to declare the guilty innocent than to declare the innocent guilty.5.People are especially good at quickly detecting facial expressions ofA)anger.B)surprise.C)happiness.D)boredom.6.People from different cultures are most likely to differ with respect toA)the way they categorize basic emotions such as fear and anger.B)their facial expressions of different emotions such as sadness or surprise.C)the specific states of physiological arousal associated with their feelings of happiness or disgust.D)how they interpret hand gestures such as the “A - OK” sign.7.The process of encoding refers toA)the persistence of learning over time.B)the recall of information previously learned.C)getting information into memory.D)a clear memory of an emotionally significant event.8.Consciously repeating the name of a new classmate you want to remember illustratesA)implicit memory.B)the peg-word system.C)effortful processing.D)the self-reference effect.9.The address for obtaining tickets to a popular quiz show flashes on the TV screen, but the image disappears before Sergei has had a chance to write down the complete address. To his surprise, however, he has retained a momentary mental image of the five-digit zip code. His experience best illustrates ________ memory.A)iconicB)flashbulbC)echoicD)state-dependent10.Sherry easily remembers the telephone reservation number for Holiday Inn by using the mnemonic 1-800-HOLIDAY. She is using a memory aid known asA)chunking.B)imagination inflation.C)the serial position effect.D)the peg-word system.11.We are more likely to remember the words “bicycle, cigarette, and fire” than the words “void, process, and inherent.” This best illustrates the value ofA)long-term potentiation.B)flashbulb memory.C)imagery.D)iconic memory.12.Jamille is taking French in school. She gets her best grades on vocabulary tests if she studies for 15 minutes every day for 8 days than if she crams for 2 hours the night before the test. This illustrates what is known asA)the spacing effect.B)the serial position effect.C)state-dependent memory.D)automatic processing.13.Joshua vividly recalls his feelings and what he was doing at the exact moment when he heard of his grandfather's unexpected death. This best illustrates ________ memory.A)sensoryB)implicitC)flashbulbD)procedural14.In the study led by Elizabeth Loftus, two groups of observers were asked how fast two cars had been going in a filmed traffic accident. Observers who heard the vividly descriptive word “smashed” in relation to the accident later recalledA)broken glass at the scene of the accident.B)that the drivers of the vehicles were intoxicated.C)that the drivers of the vehicles were males.D)the details of the accident with vivid accuracy.15.Déjà vu refers to theA)emotional arousal produced by events that prime us to recall associated events.B)tendency to remember experiences that are consistent with our current mood.C)unconscious activation of particular associations in memory.D)eerie sense of having previously experienced a situation or event.16.With which of the following statements will people typically agree most quickly?A)A penguin is a bird.B)A goose is a bird.C)A robin is a bird.D)An ostrich is a bird.17.Because she believes that boys are naughtier than girls, Mrs. Zumpano, a second-grade teacher, watches boys more closely than she watches girls for any signs of misbehavior. Mrs. Zumpano's surveillance strategy best illustratesA)the availability heuristic.B)confirmation bias.C)framing.D)belief perseverance.18.On Monday, the meteorologist forecast a 20 percent chance of rain, so Sheryl took her umbrella to work. On Friday, he reported an 80 percent chance that it would not rain, so Sheryl left her umbrella at home. Sheryl's behavior illustrates the effect ofA)confirmation bias.B)overconfidence.C)the availability heuristic.D)framing.19.The system of rules in a language that enables us to understand and communicate with others is calledA)an algorithm.B)telegraphic speech.C)grammar.D)a heuristic.20.By about age 7, those who have not been exposed to either a spoken or a signed language gradually lose their ability to master any language. This illustrates the importance of ________ for language acquisition.A)a critical periodB)an outcome simulationC)the availability heuristicD)linguistic determinism21.Research on the language capabilities of apes clearly demonstrates that they have the capacity toA)vocalize the most common vowel sounds.B)acquire language vocabulary as rapidly as most children.C)communicate through the use of symbols.D)do all of these things.22.People with savant syndrome are best described as those who demonstrateA)high levels of emotional intelligence.B)difficulty remembering past experiences.C)an exceptional specific skill.D)a lack of numerical ability.23.A measure of intelligence based on head size is likely to have a ________ level of reliability and a ________ level of validity.A)low; lowB)low; highC)high; lowD)high; high24.With increasing age, adopted children's verbal ability scores become ________ positively correlated with their adoptive parents' scores and ________ positively correlated with their biological parent's scores.A)more; moreB)less; lessC)more; lessD)less; more25.Jim, age 55, plays basketball with much younger adults and is concerned that his teammates might consider his age to be a detriment to their game outcome. His concern actually undermines his athletic performance. This best illustrates the impact ofA)factor analysis.B)divergent thinking.C)extrinsic motivation.D)stereotype threat.Questions for Dr. Strang’s Class ONLY (Chapter 11) Which of the following factors does not predict happiness? Active religious faith GenderClose relationships Personality traits Which of the following is not one of Seligman’s pillars for his concept of positive psychology? Positive well-being Positive character Positive enrichment Positive groups, communities, and cultures Jasper has an extremely competitive personality and he gets angered really easily. What would Friedman and Rosenman classify him and is he more or less prone to develop coronary heart disease? Type A, more prone Type A, less prone Type B, more proneType B, less prone How has stress been implicated in cancer? High stress levels have been proven to cause people to develop cancerCarcinogens feed on stressHigh stress weakens the immune system leading to increased vulnerability Stress has been proven to create cancer cells Cells of the immune system that ingest damaged cells and invaders are referred to as …..B lymphocytes T lymphocytes Macrophages Natural killer cells ................

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