Memory - Pennsylvania State University

Memory ? ? Lecture Goals ??? Introduce Types of Memory ??? Introduce Memory Processes ??? Introduce Ways to Improve Memory ? Corresponding Readings ??? Modules 24-26 ? Processes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Encoding ??? = process for getting info. from _______ into _____________________ ??? Story Demonstration ? ??? Usually encode _______, NOT verbatim ??? Don’t encode everything (__________________________) Examples Is goal based Is flexible: lots of encoding formats ??????? Verbal (words) ??????? Acoustic (sounds) ??????? Visual (images, colors) ??????? Spatial (locations) ??????? Kinesthetic (body movements) ? Storage ??? = process for _______________________________________ ??? = holding info. after environmental item removed ? Sensory Storage ??? = hold info. in relatively unprocessed form ??????? Demonstrations: ??????????? Mouse Demonstration ??????????? Rhythms ? ????Iconic Memory (____________________ Store) ????????Holds 9-10 items ????????Lasts 200-400 ms ????Echoic Memory (____________________ Store) ??????? Holds 5 items ??????? Lasts 1-2 seconds ? ??? Q - Why need sensory storage? ??? A - ____________________ ? Only SOME sensory info. goes on Need to keep a record of what we sensed while we decide ? ? Short-term Storage ??? Why need STM? ??????? 1) Working memory 2) Much info. goes through STM to ______________________ ??????? 2) Info. goes from LTM to STM to ______________________?? Capacity: ??????? "chunk" ??????? __________ chunks ??????? As much as you can say in ______________ ? ??? Duration ??????? Seconds ??? Maintenance rehearsal = ____________________ ????????Example: Self talk??? Need ____________________ rehearsal (elaboration) to get info. into LTMElaborative Rehearsal????Active learning (____________________)????Study for understanding ???? Map new info. to prior knowledge ???? Rephrase info. into ____________________ ???? Make info. self-relevant (ask questions)????ExamplesLong-term Storage ??? Capacity Debate ??????? We forget things, LTM is limited ??????? LTM is limitless, we lose ability to retrieve info.? ??? Content = __________ + ________________ ??? Use consistencies to reconstruct mem. ??? False memories ??????? Feel real ??????? PET scans (hippo. & temp. lobe) ??? Memory = mix of real & ________________? ??? Eyewitness testimony ??????? Misinformation effect Exposure to subtle misinformation creates ________________________ ? Examples: Cars hit/SMASHED Lawyers, police can alter our memory??? _____ Emotion = _____ Memory ??????? Flashbulb Memory ??????????? 1st kiss ??????????? Challenger explosion Flashbacks and PTSD ??????? Why? - ____________________________________ ? ? Retrieval ??? Info. from LTM back to STM ??? Retrieval ________________ ??????? Reminders of relevant info. ????????Surf LTM to related info. (RED) ??? Physical Context Effects ??????? Examples: Old neighborhood memories Benefit when match _____________________ and retrieval contexts ??????? Example: Scuba divers study??????? _____________________ - new context cues old memories ???? Mental Context Effects ??????? Moods State-dependent memory (drunk)??? Confuse Cues ??????? Proactive Interference ??????? Retroactive Interference ??????? Proactive Interference ??????????? Something learned _____ interferes with recall of info. learned _____ Example: _____ locker combo. disrupts memory for _____ combo.??????? Retroactive Interference ??????????? Something learned _____ interferes with recall of info. learned _____ New info. overwrites/blocks old info.? Example: Lose old addresses or phone #? ??? Lose Cues ??????? Tip of the tongue phenomenon Freud’s __________________________________________________ ??????????? Protect self-image ??????????? Repressed memories ??????????? Freud's psychoanalysis ? ................

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