TEACHER NOTES - Dysart High School

|TEACHER NOTES |sign-in: textured name cards |sign-in: white chalk on black paper |sign-in: dry erase boards |sign-in: white chalk on black paper |

|Materials List |CT: say names or vocabulary words have |(CT: Point to an object in the room and ask |CT: sticky notes with |CT: say names or vocabulary words have |

| |students repeat & clap the syllables. |students to say if the object is heavy or |M, M, A a |students repeat & clap the syllables. |

| |ST: Sort pictures into two groups: items you |light (use obvious examples). |ST: stdts point to words in the story |ST: point to words in the title |

| |would/would not find in space. |ST: Hand out vocabulary cards and tell | | |

| | |students to hold up the card when they hear | | |

| | |the vocabulary word called. | | |


| | | | | |

|Table Time: |Table Time: |Table Time: |Table Time: |Table Time: |

| | | | | |

|fine motor |writing/drawing |creating |cutting |puzzles |

| | | | | |

|1. Playdough |1. dry-erase boards |1. linking |1. cardboard |1. inset |

| | | | | |

|2. Playdough |2. crayons + ½ paper |2. building |2. advertisements |2. full-pieces |

| | | | | |

|3. Playdough |3. markers + tracing |3. making |3. scrap paper |3. thematic |

| | | | | |

| |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - |

| | | | | |

|Story |Small Group Rotation: |Small Group Rotation: |Small Group Rotation: |Small Group Rotation: |

|The Mitten | | | | |

| |J: TELL story time– BOOK WALK |J: TELL story time - READ |J: TELL story time - SEQUENCE |J: TELL story time - RETELL |

|Songs | | | | |

|You Are Special |E: Lit: Activity (red bag TELL) + letter A |E: Math: moon rock counting |E: Lit: Activity (red bag TELL) + journals: |E: Fine Motor: playdough |

|- Disc __. #__ |sheet | |What would you see in space | |

|The Winter Clothing Hokey Pokey | |V: Lit: Activity (red bag TELL) + letter M | |V: Lit: Activity (red bag TELL) + robot- |

|- Disc __. #__ |V: Sci: living things characteristics |sheet |V: Art: paint on aluminum foil to create space|craft |

| |(animals in story) | |collage | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|RECOMMENDED |Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 |Day 4 |

|Circle Time |Warm-Up: Sing Along |Warm-Up: Rhythmic Pattern |Warm-Up: Sing Along |Warm-Up: Rhythmic Pattern |

|Whole group |Follow the Circle Warm-Up card instructions to|Follow the Circle Warm-Up card instructions to|Follow Day 1 instructions. |Follow Day 2 instructions. |

|20 minutes |have students practice saying the target |practice pattern recognition and production. | | |

| |letter sounds /m/ | | | |

|Target Letters |and /a/. | | | |

|Mm, Aa | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Songs | | | | |

|Wibbley Wobbley Woo | | | | |

|Mr. Sun | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Social Stories | | | | |

|Please Tell Me When You’re Done | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Fact Chat Cards | | | | |

|(Snack Time) | | | | |

|Outer Space | | | | |

|Solar System | | | | |

|Earth | | | | |

|Moon | | | | |

| |Music and Movement |Music and Movement |Music and Movement |Music and Movement |

| |Play Wibbley Wobbley Woo and use the song |Play Mr. Sun and use the song poster to point |Follow Day 1 instructions. |Follow Day 2 instructions. |

| |poster to point out key words and pictures as |out key words and pictures as you sing. | | |

| |you sing. Encourage students to dance and sing|Encourage students to dance and sing with you.| | |

| |along with you. | | | |

| |ABC Action |ABC Action |ABC Action |ABC Action |

| |Follow the instructions on the |Follow Day 1 instructions. |Follow Day 1 instructions. |Follow Day 1 instructions. |

| |Mm and Aa action cards, directing students to | | | |

| |say the letter names and letter sounds along | | | |

| |with you. | | | |

| |Social Story |Fact Chat |Fact Chat |Fact Chat |

| |Follow the instructions on the Please Tell Me |Cycle through the cards as time allows, |Follow Day 2 instructions. |Follow Day 2 instructions. |

| |When You’re Done social story card. |following the instructions on each. | | |

| |Circle Transition (PA) |Circle Transition (V) |Circle Transition (ABC) |Circle Transition (PA) |

| |Say names or vocabulary words and have |Point to an object in the room and ask |Write the letters M, m, A, and a on sticky |Say names or vocabulary words and have |

| |students repeat the names or words then clap |students to say if the object is heavy or |notes and post them around the room. Ask |students repeat the names or words then clap |

| |the syllable(s). |light (use obvious examples). |students to find the letters and point them |the syllable(s). |

| | | |out by name. | |

|REQUIRED |Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 |Day 4 |

| |Book Walk |Story Reading |Story Sequencing |Story Retell |

| |•Page through the book and ask students to |Read The Man on the Moon, explaining any |•Reread The Man on the Moon. |•Have students take turns using the story |

| |make predictions about the story based on the |unknown vocabulary. |•Use the story sequence cards to review the |sequence cards, props, or both to retell or |

| |pictures. | |story. |re-enact The Man on the Moon. |

| |•Have students point to individual words in |Target Letter ID |•Discuss why flying to the Moon was exciting |•Ask students to explain how they feel when |

| |the title as you read it. |Tell students they are going on a letter hunt.|for the astronauts and how it might feel to |they see the moon in the sky at night. |

| | |Page through the book and ask students to |travel to the moon. | |

| | |identify the target letters (Mm, Aa); point | | |

| | |out any instances students might have missed. | | |

| |Story Transition |Story Transition |Story Transition |Story Transition |

| |Have students sort pictures into two groups: |Hand out vocabulary cards and tell students to|Say a word and ask students to point to the |Have students point to individual words in the|

| |items you would/would not find in space. |hold up the card when they hear the vocabulary|word in the story. |title as you read it. |

| | |word called. | | |

|Activity Time |Warm-Up: Sing Along |Warm-Up & Explicit Teaching |Warm-Up & Explicit Teaching |Warm-Up & Explicit Teaching |

|Small group |Follow the Activity Warm-Up card instructions |Follow Day 1 instructions with a different |Follow Day 1 instructions with a different |Follow Day 1 instructions with a different |

|10 minutes |to have students practice naming the target |group of students. |group of students. |group of students. |

| |letters (Mm, Aa). | | | |

| |Explicit Teaching: | | | |

| |Moon Walk | | | |

| |Follow the instructions on this card to have | | | |

| |students recognize initial sounds in | | | |

| |theme-related words. | | | |

|REQUIRED |Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 |Day 4 |

|Snack Time |Conversation Starter |Conversation Starter, Fact Chat, Transition |Conversation Starter, Fact Chat, Transition |Conversation Starter, Fact Chat, Transition |

|Whole or small group |Follow the instructions on the cards. |Remember to make sure students are exposed to |Remember to make sure students are exposed to |Remember to make sure students are exposed to |

|15 minutes | |different cards each day. |different cards each day. |different cards each day. |

| | | | | |

|Special Instructions | | | | |

|Place either a Conversation | | | | |

|Starter or Fact Chat card on each| | | | |

|table. | | | | |

|Use the Activity Tracker to | | | | |

|ensure that each student is | | | | |

|exposed to all numbered | | | | |

|Conversation Starter and Fact | | | | |

|Chat cards during Theme 8. | | | | |

| |Fact Chat |Conversation Starter Cards |Fact Chat Cards | |

| |Follow the instructions on the card. |around |outer space | |

| | |heavy/light |solar system | |

| | |1/one diamond |Earth | |

| | |peaceful/calm |Moon | |

| | |planets | | |

| |Snack Transition | | | |

| |Ask students to name the target letters as you| | | |

| |point to instances of them (Mm, Aa) on the | | | |

| |Conversation Starter and Fact Chat cards. | | | |

| |required - not day specific |recommended - not day specific |

|Integrated Writing |Journal |Art |Math |Science |

|Small group |•Have students draw what they imagine they |•Have students paint on aluminum foil, then |•Have students use number cards (1-8) and |•Tell students they will put confetti in |

|15 minutes |would see if they traveled to space and |use various materials to create a space |count out the correct number of “moon rocks” |water, then dip a toothpick in dish soap and |

| |encourage them to add labels to their |collage. |for each numeral. |dip that into the bowl. Ask them to write or |

| |pictures. |•When students have finished, ask them to help|•When students have finished, have them |draw predictions about what will happen. |

| |•When students have finished, ask them to talk|you label items in the collage. |practice writing the numerals on paper. |•When students have finished, discuss what |

| |about what they drew; write student stories on| | |they observed (i.e., how the particles, or |

| |their drawings, encouraging them to write some| | |confetti, attracted and dispersed). |

| |words too. | | | |

| |Fine Motor Prewriting |

| |While students wait their turn to dictate, have them use the Fine Motor Prewriting cards. (You may use the laminated cards with dry erase markers or print out sheets from the TELL CD to |

| |use with pencil, crayon, or marker.) |

|REQUIRED |recommended - not day specific |

|Child Directed Play |Dramatic Play |Library |Science |Math |

|Small group |oxygen tanks (2 liter soda bottles covered in |solar system theme books, poster or pictures |kaleidoscope, telescopes (real or paper towel |plastic stars to count, different colored |

|30 minutes |foil or painted silver), painter suits for |of outer space and planets, magazines with |tubes), nonfiction space books, astronomy |“moon rocks” (painted rocks) to sort |

| |space suits, milk jug helmets, black paper to |space articles and pictures |charts, dish soap, confetti, toothpicks | |

| |make a planetarium, plastic planets and stars | | | |

| |Blocks |Free Writing/ABC |Art |Manipulatives/Table Toys |

| |astronaut dolls, rockets, space carpet with |glow-in-the-dark crayons, book making |star sponges, glitter, black construction |Lego blocks to build space port/station, |

| |planets, blocks covered in foil |materials, journal paper, sandpaper and |paper, colored chalk, aluminum foil |rockets, star builders |

| | |tactile letters, laminated name cards | | |

|OPTIONAL |Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 |Day 4 |

|Guided Dramatic Play |Play Plan |Play Plan |Play Plan |Play Plan |

|Small group |Use the Theme 8 plan–Rocket Travel to Outer |Follow Day 1 instructions with a different |Follow Day 1 instructions with a different |Follow Day 1 instructions with a different |

| |Space–located on the TELL CD, to help guide |group of students. |group of students. |group of students. |

| |students in theme-related play. | | | |

|Fine Motor |Quick Practice |Quick Practice |Quick Practice |Quick Practice |

|Small group or individual |Print out the M and A outline cards found on |Print out the diamond shape found on the TELL |Print out the rocket found on the TELL CD and |Have students use tongs to pinch and count |

| |the TELL CD and have students color in and cut|CD and have students color it in and cut it |have students color it in and cut it out, then|plastic stars and write the number they |

| |out the letters. |out, then write the word diamond on the back. |write the word rocket on the back. |counted. |

|Closing Circle |Quick Read |Quick Read |Quick Read |Quick Read |

|Whole group |Carle, Eric |Branley, Franklyn M. |George, Jean Craighead |Brown, Margaret Wise |

|10 min |Papa Please Get the Moon for Me |Sun, Our Nearest Star |Morning, Noon, and Night |Goodnight Moon |

|TEACHER NOTES | | | | |

|Materials List | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|TEACHER NOTES | | | | |

|Assessment Schedule | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|RECOMMENDED |Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 |Day 4 |

|Circle Time |Warm-Up: Sing Along |Warm-Up: Rhythmic Pattern |Warm-Up: Sing Along |Warm-Up: Rhythmic Pattern |

|Whole group |Follow the Circle Warm-Up card instructions to|Follow the Circle Warm-Up card instructions to|Follow Day 1 instructions. |Follow Day 2 instructions. |

|20 minutes |have students practice saying the target |practice pattern recognition and production. | | |

| |letter sounds /s/ | | | |

|Target Letters |and /p/. | | | |

|Ss, Pp | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Songs | | | | |

|Wibbley Wobbley Woo | | | | |

|Mr. Sun | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Social Stories | | | | |

|Please Tell Me When You’re Done | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Fact Chat Cards | | | | |

|(Snack Time) | | | | |

|Outer Space | | | | |

|Solar System | | | | |

|Earth | | | | |

|Moon | | | | |

| |Music and Movement |Music and Movement |Music and Movement |Music and Movement |

| |Play Wibbley Wobbley Woo and use the song |Play Mr. Sun and use the song poster to point |Follow Day 1 instructions. |Follow Day 2 instructions. |

| |poster to point out key words and pictures as |out key words and pictures as you sing. | | |

| |you sing. Encourage students to dance and sing|Encourage students to dance and sing along | | |

| |with you. |with you. | | |

| |ABC Action |ABC Action |ABC Action |ABC Action |

| |Follow the instructions on the |Follow Day 1 instructions. |Follow Day 1 instructions. |Follow Day 1 instructions. |

| |Ss and Pp action cards, directing students to | | | |

| |say the letter names and letter sounds along | | | |

| |with you. | | | |

| |Social Story |Fact Chat |Fact Chat |Fact Chat |

| |Follow the instructions on the Please Tell Me |Cycle through the cards as time allows, |Follow Day 2 instructions. |Follow Day 2 instructions. |

| |When You’re Done social story card. |following the instructions on each. | | |

| |Circle Transition (PA) |Circle Transition (ABC) |Circle Transition (PA) |Circle Transition (V) |

| |Say names or vocabulary words and have |Say a letter sound and ask students to name or|Say names or vocabulary words and have |Hold up two vocabulary cards (or one dual |

| |students repeat the names or words then clap |point to the letter that makes the sound. |students repeat the names or words then clap |vocabulary card) and read the definition for |

| |the syllable(s). | |the syllable(s). |one of the words. Then ask students to |

| | | | |identify which word corresponds to the |

| | | | |definition you read. |

|REQUIRED |Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 |Day 4 |

| |Book Walk |Story Reading |Story Sequencing |Story Retell |

| |•Page through the book and ask students to |Read I Want to Be an Astronaut, explaining any|•Reread I Want to Be an Astronaut. |•Have students take turns using the story |

| |make predictions about the story based on the |unknown vocabulary. |•Use the story sequence cards to review the |sequence cards, props, or both to retell or |

| |pictures. | |story. |re-enact I Want to Be an Astronaut. |

| |•Have students point to individual words in |Target Letter ID |•Discuss why it would be fun or would not be |•Ask students to explain what jobs they would |

| |the title as you read it. |Tell students they are going on a letter hunt.|fun to be an astronaut. |want to do if they were an astronaut traveling|

| | |Page through the book and ask students to | |in space. |

| | |identify the target letters (Ss, Pp); point | | |

| | |out any instances students might have missed. | | |

| |Story Transition |Story Transition |Story Transition |Story Transition |

| |Point to illustrations in the story and have |Have students point to individual words in the|Have students name something found in space. |Have students point to individual words in the|

| |students identify and name the following: |title of the book or another page as you read.| |title of the book or another page as you read.|

| |astronaut, rocket, or planet. | | | |

|Activity Time |Warm-Up: Sing Along |Warm-Up & Explicit Teaching |Warm-Up & Explicit Teaching |Warm-Up & Explicit Teaching |

|Small group |Follow the Activity Warm-Up card instructions |Follow Day 1 instructions with a different |Follow Day 1 instructions with a different |Follow Day 1 instructions with a different |

|10 minutes |to have students practice naming the target |group of students. |group of students. |group of students. |

| |letters (Ss, Pp). | | | |

| |Explicit Teaching: | | | |

| |Moon Walk | | | |

| |Follow the instructions on this card to have | | | |

| |students recognize initial sounds in | | | |

| |theme-related words. | | | |

|REQUIRED |Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 |Day 4 |

|Snack Time |Conversation Starter |Conversation Starter, Fact Chat, Transition |Conversation Starter, Fact Chat, Transition |Conversation Starter, Fact Chat, Transition |

|Whole or small group |Follow the instructions on the cards. |Remember to make sure students are exposed to |Remember to make sure students are exposed to |Remember to make sure students are exposed to |

|15 minutes | |different cards each day. |different cards each day. |different cards each day. |

| | | | | |

|Special Instructions | | | | |

|Place either a Conversation | | | | |

|Starter or Fact Chat card on each| | | | |

|table. | | | | |

|Use the Activity Tracker to | | | | |

|ensure that each student is | | | | |

|exposed to all numbered | | | | |

|Conversation Starter and Fact | | | | |

|Chat cards during Theme 8. | | | | |

| |Fact Chat |Conversation Starter Cards |Fact Chat Cards | |

| |Follow the instructions on the card. |around |outer space | |

| | |heavy/light |solar system | |

| | |1/one diamond |Earth | |

| | |peaceful/calm |Moon | |

| | |planets | | |

| |Snack Transition | | | |

| |Ask students to name the target letters as you| | | |

| |point to instances of them (Ss, Pp) on the | | | |

| |Conversation Starter and Fact Chat cards. | | | |

| |required - not day specific |recommended - not day specific |

|Integrated Writing |Journal |Art |Math |Science |

|Small group |•Have students draw, “If I traveled to outer |• Have students work together to paint a solar|•Have students draw, color, and cut out eight |•Ask students to write or draw predictions |

|15 minutes |space, I would go to…” and encourage them to |system mural. |planets, then glue the planets onto paper. |about what will happen when items filled with |

| |add labels or descriptions to their pictures. |•When students have finished, ask them to |•When students have finished, tell them to |air (ball, balloon, or cup turned upside down |

| |•When students have finished, ask them to talk|label the planets they painted with original |number the planets from 1-8; assist students |with a small towel over it) are submerged in a|

| |about what they drew; write student stories on|names; assist students as needed. |as needed. |bucket of water. |

| |their drawings. | | |•When students have finished, discuss what |

| | | | |they observed. |

| |Fine Motor Prewriting |

| |While students wait their turn to dictate, have them use the Fine Motor Prewriting cards. (You may use the laminated cards with dry erase markers or print out sheets from the TELL CD to |

| |use with pencil, crayon, or marker.) |

|REQUIRED |recommended - not day specific |

|Child Directed Play |Dramatic Play |Library |Science |Math |

|Small group |oxygen tanks (2 liter soda bottles covered in |solar system theme books, poster or pictures |kaleidoscope, telescopes (real or paper towel |plastic stars to count, different colored |

|30 minutes |foil or painted silver), painter suits for |of outer space and planets, magazines with |tubes), nonfiction space books, astronomy |“moon rocks” (painted rocks) to sort |

| |space suits, milk jug helmets, black paper to |space articles and pictures |charts, dish soap, confetti, toothpicks | |

| |make a planetarium, plastic planets and stars | | | |

| |Blocks |Free Writing/ABC |Art |Manipulatives/Table Toys |

| |astronaut dolls, rockets, space carpet with |glow-in-the-dark crayons, book making |star sponges, glitter, black construction |Lego blocks to build space port/station, |

| |planets, blocks covered in foil |materials, journal paper, sandpaper and |paper, colored chalk, aluminum foil |rockets, star builders |

| | |tactile letters, laminated name cards | | |

|OPTIONAL |Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 |Day 4 |

|Guided Dramatic Play |Play Plan |Play Plan |Play Plan |Play Plan |

|Small group |Use the Theme 8 plan–Rocket Travel to Outer |Follow Day 1 instructions with a different |Follow Day 1 instructions with a different |Follow Day 1 instructions with a different |

| |Space–located on the TELL CD, to help guide |group of students. |group of students. |group of students. |

| |students in theme-related play. | | | |

|Fine Motor |Quick Practice |Quick Practice |Quick Practice |Quick Practice |

|Small group or individual |Print out the S and P outline cards found on |Print out the diamond shape found on the TELL |Print out the rocket found on the TELL CD and |Have students use tongs to pinch and count |

| |the TELL CD and have students color in and cut|CD and have students color it in and cut it |have students color it in and cut it out, then|plastic stars and write the number they |

| |out the letters. |out, then write the word diamond on the back. |write the word rocket on the back. |counted. |

|Closing Circle |Quick Read |Quick Read |Quick Read |Quick Read |

|Whole group |Wilson, Lynn |Sweeney, Joan |Carter, David A. |Coffelt, Nancy |

|10 min |What’s Out There? A Book About Space |Me and My Place in Space |Bugs in Space |Dogs in Space |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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