Adult focus sheet ELG – Conversation starter

right6093823This is an adult led activity targeted towards meeting the ELGs in listening and attention. As each group completes the activity plot their names in the table below, when complete a whole class overview will show any key next steps needed to improve further development.020000This is an adult led activity targeted towards meeting the ELGs in listening and attention. As each group completes the activity plot their names in the table below, when complete a whole class overview will show any key next steps needed to improve further development.77001355725540005773420Adult focus sheet ELG – Conversation starter035000Adult focus sheet ELG – Conversation starter Adult focus sheet- Conversation startersWeek beg: CL, PSEAdult:Learning Intention:To talk about something important to you. Success Criteria:*To listen attentively.* To respond to others and actions effectively.*To play co-operatively, taking turns.Differentiation:In mixed ability groups of 3-4 children.Activity:In a small group look at the different conversation cards. (Have different conversation starters to link into particular topic or theme e.g. If you were a super hero what would your power be?) Explain that the teacher will turn these cards upside down, one at a time a card will be revealed. If somebody would like to talk about that topic then they must hold the speaking box. When somebody is holding the speaking box then it is their turn to talk and everybody else must listen. If somebody else wants to talk then they must put their hand up and wait. The person with the box must recognise if somebody is waiting and pass the box along, they must also recognise when they have finished talking and have nothing else to say. KEY NOTES:The teacher must guide the children to listen and respond effectively, ensuring that everybody has a go and that children are paying attention to others whilst they are having their turn.RESOURCES: Conversation cards/promptsSpeaking box/objectChildren ( * achieved / support)Evaluation:Next step: ................

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