Week 3 Phase 3: 23/04/07 - EXETER CONSORTIUM

|Week 3 Phase 3: |

|-practice previously learnt GPCs – teach ch sh th ng -practice blending for reading - practice segmentation for spelling - teach reading tricky words was, you, |

|they -practice reading and spelling high frequency words – practice reading two syllable words – practice reading captions and sentences -practice writing captions and sentences |

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|Revisit and review |– Practice |– Point to the letters in the alphabet |– Practice previously learned digraphs |– Point to the letters in the alphabet |– Practice previously learned digraphs |

| |J v w x |while singing the alphabet song |Ch, sh |while singing the alphabet song |ch, sh, th, ng |

| |Y z zz qu | | | | |

|Teach |– Teach consonant digraph ch using |– Teach consonant digraph sh using |– Teach the consonant digraphs th using|– Teach the consonant digraphs ng using|– Teach reading the tricky words |

| |cards and jolly phonics action. Can |cards and jolly phonics action |cards and jolly phonics action |cards and jolly phonics action |was, you, they |

| |we find the sound in any of these words|Write some words on whiteboard can | | | |

| |and read? |children underline words with sh in | |Examples | |

| | |them? | |(Ring, rang, hang, wing) | |

| |(chop, chin, such, chip, chill, much,) |shed, fuss, shell, stop, fish, | | | |

| | |wishes-sound button and blend | | | |

|Practice |–Play Obb and Bob phonics play, ch |– Practice segmentation for spelling on|– Practice blending for reading |– play full circle- song, long, lock, |Can you read and blend using our sounds|

| |words (real and rubbish words, blend to|whiteboards |Countdown, beat the timer can you blend|shock, shop, chop, chip, chick, thick, |for the week, |

| |read) |ship, shop, fish, rush, cash |and read the words? |thing, sing, song |chop, shed, them, ring, check, hush, |

| |phonicsplay.co.uk | |them, moth, then, that, this, with, | |moth, rung, much, shock |

| | | |thin, thick, | | |

| | |Use school handwriting patter when | | | |

| | |writing letters | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Tricky words,- he, she, we, me, be | | | | |

|Apply |– Practice reading a captions |– Practice writing a caption |– Practice reading a caption |– Practice writing a caption |– Practice reading a caption |

| |‘A man is rich.’ |‘I am in a rush to get to the shops’ |‘The ship hit the rocks with a thud.’ |‘The van will chug up the long hill’. |Lots of shops sell chickens as well as |

| |The chicken is fat. | |Sound out/ find sound buttons and find | |fish and chips. |

| |sound and blend, use sound buttons. | |key words. | |-Josh had a shock as he got a bash on |

| | | | | |his chin. |

|Assessment: |

|Give the sound when shown any set 6 and 7 letter and phase 3 grapheme. |

|Find any set 6 and 7 and phase 3 letter from a display when given the sound. |

|Be able to blend and read cvc words. |

|Be able to segment and spell cvc words. |

|Be able to read the non-decodable ‘red’ words he she we me be was my you her they all are. |

|Be able to spell the non-decodable ‘red’ words and the to I |

|Write each letter correctly when following a school handwriting patter. |

|Week 4 Phase 3: -practice previously learnt GPCs – teach ai, ee, oa, oo, -practice blending for reading - practice segmentation for spelling - teach reading tricky words was -practice reading and spelling high frequency words|

|– practice reading two syllable words – practice reading captions and sentences -practice writing captions and sentences |

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|Revisit and review |– Practice |– Point to the letters in the alphabet|– Practice vowel digraphs |Point to the letters in the alphabet |– Practice vowel digraphs |

| |Ch, sh, th, ng |while singing the alphabet song, ai |ai, ee |while singing the alphabet song |oa, oo |

|Teach |– Teach the vowel digraph ai using |– Teach the vowel digraph ee using |– Teach the vowel digraph oa using |Teach the vowel digraph oo using |– Teach reading the tricky word are, |

| |cards and jolly phonic action |cards and jolly phonic action |cards and jolly phonic action |cards and jolly phonic action |her |

| | | | | | |

| |Blend to read the words: |(weep, feet, jeep, seem, week, keep)- |(Can children find and underline our |Have list of words on board- boot, | |

| |(Wait, hail, pain, aim, sail, main) |read new sound in words |new sound? boat, feel, sail, toad, |wood, moon, hook, root-teacher to | |

| |use alphabet letters or sounds on | |jeep, road, oak) |sound talk can children blend and them| |

| |cards can we change the letters to | | |come up and circle the word? | |

| |make the words, sound out, blend read | | | | |

| |and sound button. | | | | |

|Practice |– Practice blending for reading or |– Practice segmentation for spelling- |– Practice blending for reading |– Quick write using new sound |Countdown –beat the timer using sounds|

| |‘picnic on Pluto’ on- ai focus |on boards write, see, feel, deep, |Have pictures of a coat, soap, goat, |zoo, food, cook, book, wool |from this week, |

| |phonicsplay.co.uk |keep, meet |oak, road and toad and the words- | |main, keep, boat, hood, pain, weep, |

| | |Phoneme frame p.88 |children to blend and read sounds and | |loaf, cool, tail, goat |

| |Tricky words- he, she, we, me, be, | |put back with the correct picture | | |

| |was, you, they | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |Use school handwriting patter when | | | |

| | |writing letters | | | |

|Apply |– Practice writing caption |Practice reading -cut off some |– Practice writing a caption |Practice reading a caption |Practice writing a caption |

| |‘Jill got wet in the rain’ |captions from the picture, can |Show children one of the caption |‘I can hear a hoot.’ |‘Chip the dog runs to the woods. |

| |‘The sail is red’ |children read and put the caption and |pictures, what might the sentence be | | |

| | |picture back together? |write in on whiteboards. | | |

|Assessment: |

|Give the sound when shown any set 6 and 7 letter and phase 3 grapheme. |

|Find any set 6 and 7 and phase 3 letter from a display when given the sound. |

|Be able to blend and read cvc words. |

|Be able to segment and spell cvc words. |

|Be able to read the non-decodable ‘red’ words he she we me be was my you her they all are. |

|Be able to spell the non-decodable ‘red’ words and the to said I |

|Write each letter correctly when following school handwriting patter. |


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