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Request for Proposals: Corporate Partnership Program EvaluationOrganizational InformationChesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc.6 Herndon Avenue, Annapolis, MD 21403ContactSarah Boynton, Associate Director of Corporate and Foundation RelationsEmail: sboynton@Main Line: 410-268-8816ISSUE DATE: 7/12/2018INTRODUCTION: Founded in 1967, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s (CBF) mission is direct: Save the Bay. CBF’s vision is a restored Bay with healthy rivers and streams; sustainable fisheries populations; thriving water-based and agricultural economies; and a legacy of success for our children and grandchildren. CBF pursues its mission through complimentary programs of environmental education, policy advocacy, strategic litigation, and restoration. CBF operates throughout the Chesapeake’s six-state, 64,000 square mile watershed.SUMMARY OF NEED: In a time when corporate philanthropic and marketing dollars are becoming more competitive to secure, CBF’s Development Department is interested in engaging a firm to lead a Corporate Partnership Program evaluation. With the results of this corporate evaluation paired with the launch of a new fundraising campaign, we believe there is potential for increased engagement and fundraising opportunities with current and potential new corporate partners. This will also aide in the managing of communications and marketing efforts related to corporate branding opportunities. For CBF to build a successful Corporate Partnership Program, it is important that CBF has a strategic plan on how we manage the varying levels and types of corporate giving, as well as how we promote and market our Corporate Partnership Program in order to maximize revenue potential and brand value for the organization. THE PROJECT:CBF currently receives support from over 400+ corporate donors with gifts ranging from $100 to over $100,000/year, totaling about $1,700,000 or about 5% of total annual revenue. Corporate support consists of a variety of types including: Individual Employee Leadership Gifts Corporate and Corporate Foundation Grants CBF Event Sponsorship Promotions & Commercial Co-Ventures (Cause Related Marketing)Donated Gifts In-KindWorkplace Giving & Employee Matching GiftsCBF’s Corporate Partnership Program is unique since it spans many categories of giving and crosses internal development operations. CBF's Associate Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations has the responsibility for the daily management of the Corporate Partnership Program within the Major Gifts team. Currently, there is a variety of solicitation strategies and public recognition and other ‘benefits’ that are provided to the corporate donor based upon the size and scope of support, as well as the sources and location, and the approach of the managing solicitor. CBF’s Manager of Events & Promotions oversees the financial support from corporations in the form of event sponsorship, promotional revenue, and cause-related marketing. CBF has tried to better align the sponsorship levels and benefits of our various events to one-another and with market rates. For more information about CBF's current Corporate Partnership Program, see: about-cbf/corporate-partnerships/. SCOPE OF WORK:CBF requests a third-party audit of our corporate program and feasibility study for a comprehensive/integrated Corporate Partnership Program that enables organization-wide partnerships, including sponsorships with tangible and trackable marketing benefits. Specific requested actions include:Inventory and analyze CBF corporate donors and partnerships, using current and historical revenue data and corporate event sponsorship and promotional data and materials, benchmarking CBF’s Corporate Partnership Program with similar non-profit organizations (size, impact, budget) and overall national corporate giving trends, offering feedback on findings and recommendations for future management based on industry best practices;Assess and recommend growth potential of CBF's Corporate Partnership Program over the next two to five years, including identification of optimal corporate partners; Audit internal processes and review management responsibilities to recommend strategies to best internally manage Corporate Partnership Program;Help determine value of CBF assets to external audiences and advise on promotional and cause-related marketing strategies, and performance metrics; andDraft corporate partnership collateral templates, such as a brochure, corporate partner promotional piece, powerpoint partnership pitch, and standardized sponsorship benefit package.THE SCHEDULE: We request that your proposal be delivered electronically to CBF staff member, Sarah Boynton sboynton@, no later than 5:00 pm on Monday, July 23, 2018. It is the intent of CBF to make a selection no later than August 15, 2018. We will notify you once a decision for award of bid is made. The schedule requires that the selected entity complete the corporate program evaluation study by January 15, 2019. The Corporate Program Evaluation Study will include:Draft Findings & Strategies & Marketing CollateralComment time for feedback and review of resultsFinal Report with in-person presentationMINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: At a minimum, you must be able to provide the following:The name and full contact information of your company and, if applicable, any other entity comprising your team. Pease attach resumes or bios of staff who would be involved. Please provide a description of the study methodology and process for conducting a Corporate Partnership Program evaluation, including how many interviews would you conduct of internal staff, would you be interviewing current corporate donors and how would come to the decision on who to interview, and what internal information would you be requesting from CBF. What distinguishes your processes and approach from those of others?Provide an estimated timeline/working schedule.Outline the responsibilities of CBF vs. your firm. Please detail the expectations of staff. Identify resources and information required from CBF. Outline the fee proposal, detailed to the greatest extent possible: cost for service: hourly rates (if applicable), typical direct out of pocket costs (such as travel reimbursement, copies, mailings), and any other anticipated expenses that you foresee. Describe any costs your firm will not cover.List and describe three projects completed within the previous five year that are relevant to this project—Corporate Partnership Program Evaluation. List three client references and their contact information for whom you or your team members have completed work similar to that described in this RFP.Include basic information and history about the business entity, including financial information, technical capability, and any other information you feel is important for us to know. INTERVIEWS: We anticipate engaging top candidates in interviews. Date and times will be mutually agreed upon by CBF and candidates. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION OR QUESTIONS: Sarah Boynton, Associate Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations, sboynton@, 410-268-8816MINORITY PARTICIPATION: CBF actively encourages proposals from Small, Women and Minority Owned (SWAM) businesses. Please indicate if you are a Small, Women or Minority Owned business and if you are certified by the State/Commonwealth/DC. A successful applicant may need to provide proof of insurance based on the services or product provided. The undersigned certifies that the information submitted above is true and accurate. The undersigned certifies that the person, firm, association, co-partnership or corporation herein named, has not, either directly or indirectly, entered into any agreement, participated in any collusion, or otherwise taken any action in restraint of free competitive bidding in the preparation and submission of a proposal to the Chesapeake Bay Foundation for consideration in the award of a contract.The undersigned further certifies that the firm, association, or corporation or any person in a controlling capacity associated therewith or any position involving the administration of federal funds; is not currently under suspension, debarment, voluntary exclusion, or determination of ineligibility by any federal agency; has not been suspended, debarred voluntarily excluded, or determined ineligible by any federal agency within the past three years; does not have a proposed debarment pending; and has not been indicted, convicted, or had a civil judgment rendered against said person, firm, association, or corporation by a court of competent jurisdiction on any manner involving fraud or official misconduct within the last three years.I further acknowledge that by signing this page of the proposal, I am deemed to have agreed to the provisions of the affidavit.__________________________________________________________________________ (Name of Firm)_____(Authorized Signature)(Title)_________________________________________________________________________ (Please print Name)______(Date) ................

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