Becky - Western New England University

April 2010

Rebecca P. F. MacDonald, Ph. D., BCBA


Employment Address: Home Address:

The New England Center for Children 42 Elm St.

Intensive Instruction Preschool Program Holliston, MA 01746

33 Turnpike Rd. (508) 429-8815

Southborough, MA 01772

(508) 481-1015


Education: University of Kansas Ph.D. Developmental and Child

Psychology (1983)

University of Kansas M.A. Early Childhood Education, Applied

Behavior Analysis


Emerson College B.S. Communication Disorders


Licenses: Licensed Psychologist Commonwealth of Massachusetts

#4787 (1989)

Early Childhood State of Kansas (1980)

Education Certification

Board Certified Behavior National Certification

Analyst #1-00-0334

Autism Diagnostic Obser-. University of Chicago Hospitals

vation Schedule-Generic Autism Research Group

(ADOS-G) Certificate


1995 - Present Intensive Instruction Preschool Program Director, New England Center for Children (formerly The New England Center for Autism), Southborough, MA. The New England Center for Children’s Early Learning Program provides intensive preschool and home-based services to young children (ages 2-6) with autism/PDD. Responsibilities include; supervision of the educational programming for children enrolled in the preschool. Additional responsibilities include: parent training, curriculum development, staff training, working closely with schools and families to develop transition plans for each child, and research.

1996 - Present Adjunct Professor, Department of Education, Simmons College, Boston, MA. Adjunct faculty in the Special Education Program.

1995 - Present Adjunct Professor, Department of Counseling and Applied Psychology, Northeastern University, Boston, MA. Adjunct faculty in the Master’s in Applied Behavior Analysis.

1992 - 1995 Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Simmons College, Boston, MA. Full time faculty in the Special Education Program. Responsibilities include: teaching both graduate and undergraduate students completing degrees in Special Needs and Intensive Special Needs, coordinating the Special Education Internship Program, grant writing, and outreach activities to Boston area public schools.

1983 - 1992 Clinical Director, New England Center for Autism, Southborough, MA. The New England Center for Autism is an intensive community based school for autistic and behaviorally disordered children. Responsibilities included; supervision of the clinical and educational programming at the Center, transitional work with schools and families, curriculum development, staff training, and research.

1986 - 1990 Instructor (Part-time), Undergraduate Psychology Department, and Graduate School Special Education Department, Wheelock College, Boston, MA

1984- 1989 Visiting Lecturer, Department of Special Education, Fitchburg State College, Fitchburg, MA

1982 - 1983 Psychology Trainee, Kansas Neurological Institute for Physically and Mentally Handicapped Children, Topeka, KS. Conducted psychological assessments as part of an interdisciplinary team on the Community Services Unit. Served as Psychologist for a treatment team within the institution. Responsibilities included; psychological testing, development of behavioral treatment plans, and research.

1982 - 1983 Tester on Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale, Infant Study Center, Department of Human Development, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS. Responsibilities included; testing 2 babies a week, scoring the tests and discussing the findings with the parents. These data are included in the Infant Center Laboratory normative data file for use in longitudinal research projects under the supervision of Dr. Frances D. Horowitz.

1980 - 1982 Research Trainee, Kansas Research Institute for the Early Childhood Education of the Handicapped #30077-0308 USOE, Department of Human Development and Family Life, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS. Responsibilities included: teaching both undergraduate and graduate level university courses under the direction of Dr. Judith M. LeBlanc and Dr. Barbara Etzel, and conducting dissertation research in the area of conceptual development.

1980 Instructor (Summer), Department of Humanities, Cape Cod Community College, Barnstable, MA.

1978 - 1980 Head Teacher, Edna A. Hill Child Development Laboratory, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS. Taught in integrated preschool and supervised handicapped practicum teaching experience of undergraduate early childhood education certificate and university students.

1977 - 1978 Teacher, May Institute for Autistic Children, Chatham, MA. Participated as member of a clinical team in the treatment of 8 autistic children. Taught daily living and communication skills.


2006-Present Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies, Member Board of Advisors

1995 Simmons College Committee on Human Subjects Research

Review Board for Simmons College, Boston, MA

1991 - 1992 Program Chairperson for Division 25, American Psychological Association 1991 National Convention, in San Francisco, CA.

1989 Early Childhood Program Curriculum Task Force, Cape Cod Community College, Barnstable, MA.

1987 - Present Human Rights Committee, The New England Center for Autism, Southborough, MA

1985 - 1986 Autism Task Force, Massachusetts Executive Office of Human Service, Boston, MA

1985 Nominations Committee for Berkshire Association for Behavior Analysis and Therapy, Amherst, MA

1980 - 1982 Affiliate Steering Committee (Student) for the Association of Behavior Analysis.


American Psychological Association

Association of Behavior Analysis

Berkshire Association for Behavior Analysis and Therapy


Principle Investigator: Grand funded by Organization for Autism Research (OAR) 2/1/09-2/1/10

Examination of Prerequisite Skills for Learning using Video Modeling

Co-Principal Investigator: Grant funded by National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Project title; Behavioral Allocations of Social Contexts, start date May 2004 (grant awarded for 5 years).

Project Director: Training grant funded by the U.S. Department of Education entitled, Simmons College Training Program in Severe Special Needs, start date August 1994 (grant awarded for 5 years).

Project Co-Director: Inservice training grant submitted to U.S. Department of Education entitled, Simmons College Model Inservice Training Project, July 1994 - June 1997.

Course Lecturer and Field Project Supervisor: Training grant awarded to the Eunice Kennedy Shriver Center by the U.S Department of Education entitled, Preservice Training for Special Educators: Studies in Autism, start date July 1993 (grant awarded for 4 years).


2005-Present Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis – Guest Reviewer

2003-Present Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders – Guest


2003-Present Behavioral Interventions – Editorial Board Member


MacDonald, R.P.F., Sacramone, S.R., Mansfield, R., Wiltz, K., & Ahearn, W.H. (2009). Using video modeling to teach reciprocal pretend play to children with autism. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 42, 43-55..

MacDonald, R.P.F. (2008).   Hey, look, it’s a train! In E.Cipani (Ed.), Triumphs in Early Autism Treatment. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.

Klein, J.L., MacDonald, R.P.F., Vaillancourt, G., Ahearn, W.H., & Dube, W.V. (in press). Teaching discrimination of adult gaze direction to preschool children with autism. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders.

Dube, W. V., MacDonald, R. P. F., Wheeler, E. E., & Ahearn, W. H. (2008). A behavioral interpretative analysis of gaze shift in joint attention initiation: Testing discriminative and reinforcing stimulus functions [Abstract]. Proceedings of the 41st Annual NICHD Gatlinburg Conference on Research and Theory in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 66.

Smaby, K., MacDonald, R.P.F., Ahearn, W.H., & Dube, W.V. (2007)  Assessment protocol for identifying preferred social consequences.  Behavioral Interventions, 22, 311-318.

Ahearn, W.H., Clark, K.M., MacDonald, R.P.F., & Chung, B.I. (2007). Vocal stereotypy: Assessing and treating a contextual vocalizations in children with autism. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis.

Roberts, S., MacDonald, R. P. F., & Ahearn, W. H. (2007).   A method to teach varied play to children with ASD using video modeling Autism and Related Developmental Disabilities: Special Interest Group Newsletter. 23, 1-2.

Ahearn, W. H. MacDonald, R. P. F., Graff, R. B., & Dube, W.V. (2007). Behavior analytic teaching procedures: Basic principles empirically derived practices. In P. Sturmey & A. Fitzer (Eds.), Autism Spectrum Disorders: applied Behavior analysis, Evidence, and Practice (pp. 31-83). Austin, TX: PRO-ED.

MacDonald, R. P. F., Gardenier, N., Geckeler, A., Green, G., Holcomb, W. L., Mansfield, R. C., & Sanchez, J. (2007). Stereotypy in young children with autism and typically developing children. Research in Developmental Disabilities. 28, 266-277.

MacDonald, R., Clark, M., Garrigan, E., & Vengala, M. (2005). Increasing play using video modeling. Behavioral Interventions, 20, 225-238.

Dube, W.V., MacDonald, R. P. F., Holcomb, W. L Mansfield, R. C.,. & Ahearn, W. H. (2004). Toward a behavioral analysis of joint attention. The Behavior Analyst, 27, 197-207.

MacDonald, R. P. F., Anderson, J., Dube, W. V., Geckeler, A. S., Green, G., Holcomb, W. L., Mansfield, R. C., & Sanchez, J.  (2006). Behavioral assessment of joint attention: A methodological report. Research in Developmental Disabilities.27, 138-150.

Gardenier, N.C., MacDonald, R., & Green, G. (2004). Comparison of direct

observational methods for measuring stereotypic behavior in children with autism spectrum disorders. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 25, 99-118.

Green, G., Chellquist, K., Krendel-Ames, S., Ross, S., & MacDonald, R. (1993). Analyzing the source of "facilitated" communications. Proceedings of the 1993 Association for Behavior Analysis Convention, 145.

MacDonald, R. F., Dixon, L. S., and LeBlanc, J. M. (1986). Stimulus class formation following observational learning. Analysis and Intervention of Developmental Disabilities .

Touchette, P., MacDonald, R., & Langer, S. (1985). A scatter plot for identifying stimulus control of problem behavior. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 18, 343-351.


MacDonald, R.P.F. (May 2008).  The assessment and application of momentary time sampling and partial interval recording in classroom settings. Symposium discussed at the annual convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Chicago, IL.

MacDonald, R.P.F. (May 2008).  Rethinking early intervention for autism spectrum disorder: The critical role of parents as therapists. Symposium chaired at the annual convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Chicago, IL.

Ostrowsky, D., Fouts, N., & MacDonald, R.P.F. (May 2008).  Using video modeling to increase social interactions during play for children with autism. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Chicago, IL.

Tereshko, L., MacDonald, R.P.F., Holcomb, W.L., & Ahearn, W.H. (May 2008).  Strategies for teaching children with autism to imitate response chains using video modeling. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Chicago, IL.

MacDonald, R.P.F. (April 2008).  Teaching pretend play to children with autism using video modeling. Presented at the annual conference of the Connecticut Association for Behavior Analysis, Cromwell, CT.

MacDonald, R.P.F., Sacramone, S., Roberts, S., & Cerrone, T. (April 2008).  Establishing repertoires of thematic play in children with autism using video modeling. Workshop presented at the annual convention of the Council for Exceptional Children, Boston, MA.

Mansfield, R., Andrade, M., & Bellone, B. (April 2008).  Curriculum strategies for children with autism. Workshop presented at the annual convention of the Council for Exceptional Children, Boston, MA.

Dube, W.V., MacDonald, R.P.F., Wheeler, E.E., & Ahearn, W.H. (March 2008). A behavioral interpretative analysis of gaze shift in joint attention initiation: Testing discriminative and reinforcing stimulus functions. Poster presented at the 41st annual meeting of the Gatlinburg Conference, San Diego, CA.

MacDonald, R.P.F. (March 2008).  Assessment and treatment of joint attention in young children with autism. Presented at the annual conference of the Texas Association for Behavior Analysis, Dallas, TX.

MacDonald, R.P.F. (July 2007). Establishing repertoires of thematic play in children with autism using video modeling. Workshop presented at the annual conference of the Autism Society of America, Scottsdale, AZ.

MacDonald, R.P.F., Dube, W.V., & Ervin, D.J. (May 2007).  The role of social consequences in the development of joint attention in young children with autism. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, San Diego.

MacDonald, R.P.F. (May 2007). Operant analysis and the establishment of joint attention skills in children with autism. Symposium chaired and discussed at the annual convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, San Diego.

MacDonald, R.P.F. (May 2007).  Teaching joint attention skills to children with autism. Symposium chaired at the annual convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, San Diego.

Cota, S.R., MacDonald, R.P.F., Cerrone, T., & Roberts, S.N. (May 2007). Using video modeling to teach play to young children with autism. Workshop presented at the annual convention for Behavior Analysis, San Diego.

MacDonald, R.P.F., Roberts, S.N., Cerrone, T., & Cota, S.R. (February 2007).  A curriculum for establishing play repertoires in children with autism using video modeling. Poster presented at the Progress and Challenges in the Behavioral Treatment of Autism Conference, Boston, MA.

Reynolds, H., Libby, M.E., Weiss, J.S., & MacDonald, R.P.F. (October 2006).  Comparison of video modeling and graduated guidance to acquiring a chained task. Paper presented at the Berkshire Association for Behavior Analysis and Therapy, Amherst, MA.

LeBlanc, C., MacDonald, R.P.F., & Holcomb, W.L. (October 2006).  Joint attention responding using activation toys and gestural prompts. Poster presented at the Berkshire Association for Behavior Analysis and Therapy, Amherst, MA.

Juthe, S.L., MacDonald, R.P.F., & Holcomb, W.L. (October 2006).  Teaching initiating joint attention to a child with autism using video modeling. Poster presented at the Berkshire Association for Behavior Analysis and Therapy, Amherst, MA.

MacDonald, R.P.F. (July 2006).  Assessment and treatment of joint attention deficits in young children with autism. Session presented at the annual conference of the Autism Society of America, Providence, RI.

Cota, S.R., MacDonald, R.P.F., Clevenger, T.M., & Roberts, S.N. (May 2006). Using video modeling to teach play to young children with autism. Workshop presented at the annual convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Atlanta.

Klein, J.L., MacDonald, R.P.F., Dube, W.V., O’Sullivan, G., & Ahearn, W.H. (May 2006).  Teaching children with autism to follow an adult gaze. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Atlanta.

MacDonald, R.P.F., Dube, W.V., Klein, J.L., Robert, S.N., Smaby, K., & Wheeler, E. (May 2006).  Analysis and treatment of joint attention in young children with autism. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Atlanta.

Roberts, S.N., MacDonald, R.P.F., & Ahearn, W.H. (May 2006).  Using video modeling to teach generative play skills. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Atlanta.

Vaillancourt, G., MacDonald, R.P.F., Dube, W.V., & Klein, J.L. (May 2006).  Assessment of joint attention responding in young children with autism. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Atlanta.

Sookochoff, S. (October 2005).  Video modeling as a method to teach appropriate play and its effects on stereotypy. Poster presented at the Berkshire Association for Behavior Analysis and Therapy, Amherst, MA.

MacDonald, R.P.F. (May 2006).  Teaching pretend play to children with autism using video modeling. Workshop presented at the annual conference of the Pennsylvania Association for Behavior Analysis, Hershey, PA.

MacDonald, R.P.F. (May 2006).  Early intensive behavioral intervention for young children with autism. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Pennsylvania Association for Behavior Analysis, Hershey, PA.

MacDonald, R.P.F. (April 2006). Using video modeling to teach pretend play to children with autism. Address delivered at a one-day conference sponsored by the Cambridge Center for Behavioral Center for Behavioral Studies, Shrewsbury, MA.

Dube, W. V., Klein, J. L., MacDonald, R. P. F., O'Sullivan, G. A., & Wheeler, E. E. (2006). Joint attention deficits in preschool children and discrimination of adult gaze direction: Assessment and training [Abstract]. Proceedings of the 39th Annual Gatlinburg Conference on Research and Theory in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 86.

Foster, K.E., MacDonald, R.P.F., Mansfield, R., & Strully, V. (November 2005). Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention: Outcome data for children with autism. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Beijing, China.

MacDonald, R.P.F., Mansfield, R., O’Sullivan, G., & Klein, J. (November 2005).  A behavioral analysis and treatment of joint attention responding for children with autism. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Beijing, China.

MacDonald, R.P.F., Cota, S., & Cohen, J. (November 2005).   Thematic play in children with autism using video modeling. Seminar presented at the American Speech and Hearing Association, San Diego, CA.

MacDonald, R.P.F., Mansfield, R., O’Sullivan, G., & Klein, J. (November 2005).  A behavioral analysis and treatment of joint attention responding for children with autism. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Beijing, China

Cota, S., Sanchez, J., MacDonald, R.P.F., & Roberts, S. (October 2005). Using video modeling to teach play to young children with autism (Parts 1 & 2). Workshop presented at the Berkshire Association for Behavior Analysis and Therapy, Amherst, MA

MacDonald, R.P.F. (July 2005). Establishing repertoires of thematic play in children with autism using video modeling. Workshop presented at the annual conference of the Autism Society of America, Nashville, TN.

Cota, S.R., MacDonald, R.P.F., & Wiltz, K. (May 2005). Assessment of unscripted reciprocal play following video modeling instruction for children with autism. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Chicago, IL.

Dube, W.V., MacDonald, R.P.F., & Mansfield, R.C. (May 2005). Joint attention and socially mediated reinforcers in children with autism. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Chicago, IL.

Klein, J., O’Sullivan, G., & MacDonald, R.P.F. (May 2005). Assessment of responding to joint attention after one year of EIBI treatment. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Associatiion for Behavior Analysis, Chicago, IL.

MacDonald, R.P.F., O’Sullivan, G., Dube, W.V., Cohen, J., Mansfield, R.C., & Klein, J. (May 2005).  An analysis of responsiveness to joint attention bids in children with autism. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Chicago, IL.

MacDonald, R.P.F., Roberts, S.N., Cota, S.R., & Wiltz, K. (May 2005). Strategies for expanding pretend play in children with autism using video modeling. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Chicago, IL.

Mansfield, R.C., & MacDonald, R.P.F. (May 2005). Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention: Evaluation of a direct observation assessment protocol for children with autism and PDD. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Chicago, IL.

Dube, W. V. & MacDonald, R. P. F., Mansfield, R. C., & Holcomb, W. L. (2005). A behavioral analysis of joint attention initiation [Abstract]. Proceedings of the 38th Annual Gatlinburg Conference on Research and Theory in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 169.

MacDonald, R.P.F. Sanchez, J., & Dangel, B. (December 2004). Using video modeling to teach pretend play to young children with autism. Session presented at the 20th annual International Conference on Young Children with Special Needs and their Families, sponsored by the Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children, Chicago.

Hunt, L., Fink, H., Wiltz, K., & MacDonald, R.P.F. (October 2004).  Generalization of play skills following video modeling training. Poster presented at the annual conference of the Berkshire Association for Behavior Analysis and Therapy, Amherst, MA.

Geckeler, A.S., Holcomb, W., MacDonald, R.P.F., Mansfield, R., & Sanchez, J. (August 2004). Stereotypy in children with autism at program entry and after one year of EIBI: Comparison to age-matched typically developing peers. Paper presented at the 2nd International conference of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Campinas, Brazil.

Johnson, C., MacDonald, R.P.F., Mansfield, R., & Holcomb, W.L. (August 2004). Skill deficits in children with autism. Paper presented at the 2nd International conference of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Campinas, Brazil.

MacDonald, R.P.F. (July 2004). Using video modeling to teach pretend play to young children with autism. Workshop presented at the annual meeting of the Autism Society of America, Seattle, WA.

Sanchez, J.M., MacDonald, R.P.F., Wiltz, K., & Cota, S. (May, 2004). Using video modeling to teach play to young children. Presented at the annual convention of the Association for Applied Behavior Analysis, Boston.

MacDonald, R.P.F, Mansfield, R, Wiltz, K. (May 2004).  The use of activity schedules and instructional fading to manage challenging behavior: A case study. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Boston.

MacDonald, R.P.F., Anderson, J., Dube, W.V., Holcomb, W.L., Mansfield, R., Sanchez, J.M., & South, E. (May 2004). The effects of EIBI on joint attention in young children with autism. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Boston.

Mansfield, R., Ahearn, W.H., Cota, S., MacDonald, R.P.F., & Vangala, M. (May, 2004). Using video modeling to increase social reciprocity. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Association for Applied Behavior Analysis, Boston.

MacDonald, R.P.F., & Holcomb, W.L. (May 2004). The effects of EIBI on young children with autism. Workshop presented at the 25th annual Massachusetts Early Intervention Consortium Conference, Marlboro, MA.

Geckeler, A.S., MacDonald, R.P.F., & Rynning, D. (April 2004). Models for public and private school educational collaboration. Workshop presented at the Children Making Strides conference, Sturbridge, MA.

MacDonald, R., Sanchez, J., Wiltz, K., & Cota, S. (October, 2003). Using video modeling to teach play skills to children with autism. Presented at the annual meeting of the Berkshire Association for Behavior Analysis and Therapy, Amherst, MA.

Cota, S., DeBar, R., Geckeler, A., MacDonald, R., Mansfield, R., O’Flaherty, C. & Sanchez, J. (May, 2003). Using vide modeling to teach pretend play to children with autism and typically developing peers. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, San Francisco.

Ahearn, W. H., Clark, K. M., Chung, B., Gardenier, N., & MacDonald, R. (May 2003). Treating vocal stereotypy with response redirection and stimulus competition. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Association for Applied Behavior Analysis, San Francisco.

Anderson, J., Gardenier, N., Geckeler, A. S., Holcomb, W., MacDonald, R., Mansfield, R., & Sanchez, J. (May 2003). Stereotypy in children with autism at program entry and after one year of EIBI: Comparison to age matched typically developing peers. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Association for Applied Behavior Analysis, San Francisco.

Anderson, J., Geckeler, A. S., Holcomb, W., MacDonald, R., Mansfield, R., & Sanchez, J. (May 2003). Changes in joint attention in young children with autism. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Association for Applied Behavior Analysis, San Francisco.

MacDonald, R., DeBar, R., Geckeler, A., Mansfield, R., O’Flaherty, C. (May 2003). Using video modeling to teach play and social skills to children with autism and typically developing peers. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Association for Applied Behavior Analysis, San Francisco.

Anderson, J., Gardenier, N., Geckeler, A.S., Holcomb, W.L., MacDonald, R. P. F., Mansfield, R., & Sanchez, J. M. (November 2002). Profiles of young children with autism: A comparison with typically developing peers. Paper presented at the Inaugural World Autism Conference, Melbourne.

Anderson, J., Geckeler, A. S., Holcomb, W. L., MacDonald, R. P. F., Mansfield, R., & Sanchez, J. M. (October 2002). Teaching joint attention to preschool children with autism. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Berkshire Association for Behavior Analysis and Therapy, Amherst, MA.

Clark, M., Garrigan, E., & MacDonald, R. P. F. (October 2002). Increasing pretend play in preschool children with autism using video modeling. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Berkshire Association for Behavior Analysis and Therapy, Amherst, MA.

Geckeler, A. S., Anderson, J., Holcomb, W. L., MacDonald, R. P. F., Mansfield, R., & Sanchez, J. M. (October 2002). Stereotypy in children with autism at age 2, 3 and 4 at program entry and after one year compared to age-matched typically developing peers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Berkshire Association for Behavior Analysis and Therapy, Amherst, MA.

Mansfield, R., Anderson, J., Geckeler, A. S., Holcomb, W. L., MacDonald, R. P. F., & Sanchez, J. M. (October 2002). Overall skills of children with autism at age 2, 3 and 4 at program entry and after one year compared to age-matched typically developing peers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Berkshire Association for Behavior Analysis and Therapy, Amherst, MA.

Sanchez, J. M., Anderson, J., Geckeler, A. S., Holcomb, W. L., MacDonald, R. P. F., & Mansfield, R. (October 2002). Joint attention in children with autism at age 2, 3 and 4 at program entry and after one year compared to age-matched typically developing peers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Berkshire Association for Behavior Analysis and Therapy, Amherst, MA.

Anderson, J., Geckeler, A. S., Green, G., MacDonald, R. P. F., Mansfield, R., &

Sanchez, J. M. (May 2002). Teaching joint attention skills to preschool children with autism. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Association for Applied Behavior Analysis, Toronto.

Clark, M., Garrigan, E., MacDonald, R. P. F., & Sanchez, J. (May 2002). Increasing play skills using video modeling techniques. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Association for Applied Behavior Analysis, Toronto.

Geckeler, A. S., Gardenier, N. C., Green, G., Holcomb, W. L., MacDonald,

R. P. F., Mansfield, R., & Sanchez, J. M. (May 2002). Age at treatment entry and changes in stereotypic behavior in young children with autism. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Association for Applied Behavior Analysis, Toronto.

Ide, T., Langer, S., Green, G., Johnson, C., MacDonald, R., & White, D. (May 2002). A systematic procedure for teaching generalization of discrimination skills. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Association for Applied Behavior Analysis, Toronto.

Mansfield, R., Anderson, J., Sanchez, J. M., Geckeler, A. S., Green, G., Holcomb,

W. L., & MacDonald, R. P. F. (May 2002). A protocol for the behavioral assessment of joint attention. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Association for Applied Behavior Analysis, Toronto.

Sanchez, J. M., Geckeler, A. S., Green, G., Holcomb, W. L., MacDonald, R. P. F.,

Mansfield, R., & Gardenier, N. C. (May 2002). Joint attention, play, and stereotypy in young children with autism. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Association for Applied Behavior Analysis, Toronto.

Anderson, J., Gardenier, N., Geckeler, A., Green, G., Holcomb, W., Ide, T., MacDonald,

R., & Mansfield, R. (May 2001). A comparison of levels of vocal vs. motor stereotypy across preschool children with autism and typically developing preschool children. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis, New Orleans.

Anderson, J., Gardenier, N., Geckeler, A., Green, G., Holcomb, W., MacDonald, R.,

Mansfield, R., & Sanchez, J. (May 2001). A comparison of levels of play across preschool children with autism and typically developing preschool children. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis, New Orleans.

Anderson, J., Gardenier, N., Geckeler, A., Green, G., Holcomb, W., MacDonald, R.,

Mansfield, R., & Sanchez, J. (May 2001). Changes in stereotypy and play of preschool children with autism. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis, New Orleans.

Anderson, J., Gardenier, N., Geckeler, A., Green, G., Holcomb, W., MacDonald, R.,

Mansfield, R., & Sanchez, J. (May 2001). Stereotypy and play of children with autism and typically developing preschool children. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis, New Orleans.

Clark, M., & MacDonald, R. (October 2001). Increasing play skills in children using

video modeling techniques. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Berkshire Association for Behavior Analysis and Therapy, Amherst, MA.

Gardenier, N. C., & MacDonald, R. (May 2001). Measuring stereotypy of short,

medium, and long episode lengths. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis, New Orleans.

Anderson, J., Gardenier, N., Geckeler, A., Green, G., Holcomb, W., MacDonald,

R., & Mansfield, R. (May 2000). Performance profiles of children with PDD-autism and age-matched typically developing peers. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Washington, D.C.

Gardenier, N., & MacDonald, R. (May 2000). Sampling estimates of low, moderate, and

High levels of stereotypy in children with autism. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Washington, D.C.

Geckeler, A., Anderson, J., Gardenier, N., Green, G., Holcomb, W., Mansfield, R.,

& Mac Donald, R. (May 2000). Stereotypy in preschool children with autism and typically developing preschool children. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Washington, D.C.

MacDonald, R., & Holcomb, W.(May 2000). Evaluation of the Autism Diagnostic

Observation Schedule (ADOS). Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Washington, D.C.

Mansfield, R., Anderson, J., Gardenier, N., Geckeler, A., Green, G., Holcomb, W.,

& MacDonald, R.(May 2000). Stereotypy and performance profiles of preschool children with PDD-autism. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Washington, D.C.

Rynning,, D., Evans, C., & Terrault, C. (November 2000). Supported inclusion for children with PDD and Autism. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Massachusetts Federation of the Council for Exceptional Children, Worcester, MA.

Ahearn, W. H., Veigh, M., Castine, T., Murphy, J., & MacDonald, R. (May 1999).

Assessing and treating food selectivity/refusal in young children with autism.

Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Chicago.

Anderson, J., Geckeler, A., Green, G., Holcomb, W., MacDonald, R., Mansfield, R., &

Silvestri, S. (May 1999). Conditional discrimination performances of preschool

children with autism. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Chicago.

Ciotti, N., Silvestri,S., & MacDonald, R. (May 1999). Assessing levels of stereotypic

behavior in children with autism: An evaluation of sampling procedures. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Chicago.

Holcomb, W., Anderson, J., Clark, K., Geckeler, A., Green, G., & MacDonald, R.

(August 1999). Outcomes of an intensive behavioral program for preschoolers

with autism. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Boston.

MacDonald, R., Geckeler, A., Green, G., Holcomb, W.,Mansfield, R., Silvestri, S., & Sutton, J. (May 1998). Evaluation of early assessment procedures for children with autism and PDD. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Orlando.

MacDonald, R. F., Davis, J. & Fleming, E. (April 1995). Curriculum design for the inclusive education classroom. Annual meeting of the New England Chapter of the Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps. Hartford.

MacDonald, R. F. (October 1994) Inclusion of students with severe disabilities. Panel discussion at the Berkshire Association for Behavior Analysis and Therapy, Amherst, MA.

MacDonald, R. F., Langer, S. (May 1993). Preparing teachers to teach children with severe developmental disabilities. Paper presented at the Annual convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Chicago.

Green, G., Chelquist, K., Krendall, S. & MacDonald, R. (May 1993) Analyzing the source of "facilitated communication." Paper presented at the Annual convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Chicago.

MacDonald, R. F., Mansfield, R., & Smith, L. (May 1992). The behavioral treatment of Tourette's Syndrome. Paper presented at the Annual convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, San Francisco, CA.

Foster, J. L., Walters, J., & MacDonald, R. F. (May 1991). Reliability between functional analysis assessment methodologies. Paper presented at the Annual convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Atlanta, GA.

MacDonald, R.F., Torrey, C., Johnson, C., & Langer, S. (May 1991). Comparison of in-context and out-of-context instruction: Acquisition and generalization. Paper presented at the Annual convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Atlanta, GA.

Foster, J. L., MacDonald, R. F., McCaffrey, B., & Rotholz, D. A. (May, 1990). Functional analysis: The effects of demands and group size on aggression and SIB. Paper presented at the Annual convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Nashville, TN.

Mansfield, R. C., MacDonald, R. F., & Rotholz, D. A. (May, 1990). Repeated use of a functional analysis methodology in the assessment of self - injury. Paper presented at the Annual convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Nashville, TN.

Rotholz, D. A., & MacDonald, R. F. (May, 1990). A stimulus control approach to solving clinical problems for clients with autism and developmental disabilities. Pre-convention Institute conducted at the Annual convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Nashville, TN.

MacDonald, R. F. (Oct. 1989). Management of behavior problems in young children. Workshop sponsored by Continuing Education Consortium for Early Intervention Providers, Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA.

Rotholz, D. A., & MacDonald, R. F. (Oct., 1989). Establishing community based group homes for autistic and behavior disordered individuals: Elements of change. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the American Association on Mental Retardation (Region X), Montreal, Canada.

MacDonald, R. F., & Rotholz, D. A. (May, 1988). Issues associated with transitioning clients from institutional to community-based living arrangements. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Philadelphia, PA.

Rotholz, D. A., MacDonald, R. F., & Foster, J. L. (May, 1988). A qualitative and quantitative comparison of engagement across institutional and community-based settings with persons with autism and developmental disabilities. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Philadelphia, PA.

Rotholz, D. A., MacDonald, R. F., Strully, V., & Foster, K. (May, 1988). The New England Center for Autism: A program in transition. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Philadelphia, PA.

Rotholz, D. A., & MacDonald, R. F. (Oct. 1988), Comparing engagement of autistic students across institutional and community-based settings. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Berkshire Association for Behavior Analysis and Therapy, Amherst, MA.

MacDonald, R. F., & Kari, A. (May, 1986). Teaching autistic children safe pedestrian skills. Workshop presented at the Eighth Annual Special Education In-service Conference for the Massachusetts Association of 766 Approved Private Schools, Boston, MA

MacDonald, R. F., & Cunniff, J. (May, 1986). Establishing "natural" cues for conversational speech with autistic adolescents. Paper presented at the Association for Behavior Analysis, Milwaukee, WI.

MacDonald, R. F., & Kari, A. (Oct., 1986). Teaching pedestrian skills to autistic adolescents. Paper presented at the Seventh Annual Berkshire conference on Behavior Analysis and Therapy, Amherst, MA.

MacDonald, R. F., & Maguire, R. (Oct., 1986). Instructional control: Who's really in control? The identification and remediation of failure to learn. Workshop presented the Seventh Annual Berkshire Conference on Behavior Analysis and Therapy, Amherst, MA.

MacDonald, R. F., Cunniff, J., & Foster, K. E. (May 1985) The role of contextual variables in the establishment of conversational skills with autistic adolescents. Paper presented at the Annual convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Columbus, Ohio.

Touchette, P., & MacDonald, R. F. (May 1985). Scatterplotting: A method for discovering stimuli that control problem behavior in applied settings. Paper presented at the Annual convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Columbus, Ohio.

DeConti, A., Foster, K. E., & MacDonald, R. F. (October 1985). PC-File: An aid to program monitoring. Paper presented at the Sixth Annual Berkshire Conference on Behavior Analysis and Therapy, Amherst, MA.

Hutchins, S., & MacDonald, R. F. (October 1985). A behavioral analysis of learning disabilities. Paper presented at the Sixth Annual Berkshire Conference on Behavior Analysis and Therapy, Amherst, MA.

Jacobi, D., & MacDonald, R. F. (October 1985). Whole task versus partial task: Effects on rate of task completion. Paper presented at the Sixth Annual Berkshire Conference on Behavior Analysis and Therapy, Amherst, MA.

MacDonald, R. F., & Touchette, P. (December, 1985). The identification and control of problem behaviors in applied settings. Paper presented at the Twelfth Annual Association for Person with Severe Handicaps Conference, Boston, MA

MacDonald, R. F., & Cunniff, J. (December, 1985). Teaching conversational skills to autistic adolescents. Paper presented at the Twelfth Annual Association for Person with Severe Handicaps Conference, Boston, MA

Schneider, H., MacDonald, R. F., Redmond, D., & Stockton, W. (October 1985). New directions in residential treatment. Roundtable discussion at the Sixth annual Berkshire Conference on Behavior analysis and Therapy, Amherst, MA.

MacDonald, R. F. (March 1984). Issues related to teaching conversational skills to autistic adolescents. Presented at the Efficacy Research Institute Conference, Newton-Lower Falls, MA.

MacDonald, R. F. (April 1984). Teaching social conversation skills. Paper presented at the American Ortho-psychiatric Association, Toronto, Canada.

MacDonald, R.F., Mansfield, R., & Dold, M. (April 1984). Classroom procedures for the difficult-to-teach child. Workshop presented at the Annual Special Education In-service Conference for the Massachusetts Association of 766 Approved Private Schools, Boxborough, MA.

MacDonald, R. F., & Touchette, P. (Sept. 1984). A scatter plot for evaluating stimulus control in applied settings. Presented at the Annual Berkshire Conference on Behavior Analysis and Therapy, Amherst, MA.

Mansfield, R., & MacDonald, R. F. (Sept. 1984) The use of a stimulus fading procedure to transfer stimulus control across teachers. Presented at the Annual Berkshire Conference on Behavior Analysis and Therapy, Amherst, MA.

MacDonald, R.F., Dixon, L., & LeBlanc, J. M. (May 1983). An assessment of stimulus equivalence with retarded adults. Presented at the Annual Convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Milwaukee, WI.

MacDonald, R. F. Cooperative play with an emphasis on communication skills. Paper presented at Kansas Conference on Mental Retardation, Kansas Neurological Institute, Topeka, KS.

LeBlanc, J. M., Ruggles, T. R.., Kramer, S. A., & MacDonald, R. F. (April 1982). Observational learning and stimulus equivalence effects on children's learning. Presented to the faculty and students of the Central University of Venezuela Child Development Laboratory, Caracas, Venezuela.

MacDonald, R.F., Ruggles, T. R., & LeBlanc, J. M. (May 1982). Acquisition of an S- stimulus class: Effects upon observational learning. Presented at the Annual Convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Milwaukee, WI.

MacDonald, R. F., Ruggles, T. R., & LeBlanc, J. M. (May 1981). Teaching strategy effects on children's acquisition of concepts through direct training and observational learning. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Milwaukee, WI.

LeBlanc, J. M., Ruggles, T. R., Kramer, S., & MacDonald, R. F. (November 1981). The technology of stimulus control: Instructions, stimulus equivalence, and observational learning. Presented to Faculty and graduate students at the following institutions:

1. Keio University, Tokyo, Japan

2. The National Institute of Special Education,

Yokasaka, Japan

3. Kyushuy University, Fukuoka, Japan.

LeBlanc, J. M., Ruggles, T. R., & MacDonald, R. F. (April 1981). The effects of different instructional procedures on children's learning. One in a series of five invited lectures entitled: Observational learning and stimulus equivalence in group learning. Presented at the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Escuela Nacional de Estudios Profesionales in Iztacala, Mexico.

Cooper, A. Y., & Fallows, R. P. (April 1980). Language: A key to social interaction. How do we open the door for preschoolers? Presented the Mid-West Association for the Education of Young Children, Milwaukee, WI.

Fallows, R. P., Cooper, A. Y., Ruggles, T. R., & LeBlanc, J. M. (May 1980). Manipulation of peer behavior and teacher attention as an antecedent stimulus to increase the social interaction of an isolate child. Presented at the Annual Convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Dearborn, MI.

Fallows, R. P., Cooper, A. Y., Etzel, B. C., LeBlanc, J. M. & Ruggles, T. R. (August 1980). Stimulus equivalence and observational learning in teaching concepts to preschool children. Paper presented at the 88th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Montreal, Canada.

MacDonald, R. F., Ruggles, T. R.., & LeBlanc, J. M. (October 1980). Concept training through a combination of stimulus equivalence and observational learning strategies: An analysis of acquisition rates. Presented at the 14th Annual convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New York City, NY.

Cooper, A. Y., & Fallows, R. P. (July 1979). Making large group time fun and exciting. Presented at the Kansas Association for the Education of Young Children Mini-conference, Parsons, KS.


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