

Finally, some amazing weather, (in short bursts!), and we have been planting our garden and enjoying our new and beautiful seating area with planter boxes

We have visited the Victoria Compost and Education centre and learned all about the cycle of composting and recycling our food waste into food for our garden! We will be setting up our own compost bin as soon as we get some red wrigglers! If you have some of these amazing worms, or have a contact who can give us some, please let us know!


We are so pleased to announce that we have qualified for the Canada Summer Jobs program again this year and will be hiring an ECE student to be with us over the summer months. This program supports students gain work experience in their field, and we get to have the addition of a fantastic student!

We hope you have all had the opportunity to meet and talk to Victoria who is with us as a supported

child care worker offering support to children and the program alike!


Please make sure your child has the following here at daycare to make the

most of the sunshine and warmer weather, keeping in mind the weather changes constantly, and we may need extra sweaters too!

• Sunscreen

• Hat (Everyday)

• Walking sandals (when appropriate). Please no crocs or flimsy sandals, especially between the toe flip flop style. We go on trips to the playground and Gorge waterway frequently, and fun field trips over and this type of footwear is not suitable.

• Over the shoulder coverage. Please make sure that t. shirts and dresses cover the sensitive shoulder area so we avoid risking any painful sunburn. So, no spaghetti straps or tanks if you can help it.

• Think that’s it for the NOs! The rest is HAVE FUN!


Despite the wonderful spring-like weather, we have a LOT of sick children right now coming to daycare with runny noses, coughs and fevers. I have included our policy that comes straight from the parent handbook. If you need to review the handbook it is available to download and read on the website centennialdaycare.ca

When your child is absent due to illness, please phone the daycare and notify the staff of the type of illness so the appropriate precautions can be made for all families and staff. If your child cannot participate in all aspects of our daily program, he/she should be at home. While we are sensitive to the stress illness may cause your family, we also want to ensure a healthy environment for all our families and staff.

If any of the following symptoms occur, a staff member will phone and ask that you immediately pick up your child:

• A temperature of 100F or higher

• Vomiting

• Open sores

• Diarrhea

Your child may return to the daycare when the above symptoms have been absent without the assistance of medication for 24 hours or your child is no longer contagious.

• Head lice or nits

Your child may return to the daycare after being treated with an appropriate product and if he/she is nit free. Upon returning to daycare, staff will check your child before you leave for the day. All bedding, clothing, stuffed animals, etc., should be washed in hot water and dried in a hot dryer or sealed in plastic for 72 hours. Your home should be vacuumed thoroughly. Car seats can be disinfected or sealed in plastic.



Daycare staff will not administer non-prescription cough and cold remedies or medications that are meant to reduce or suppress symptoms that would otherwise require a child to be absent from daycare (i.e. fever medication).



Tuesday April 22nd is earth day. We talk a lot with the children about taking care of our planet: cleaning up our garbage, recycling, re-using whenever possible and reducing what we use and then waste. We collect our packaging after lunch and recycle what we can, but we all notice that a lot of lunchkits contain pre-packaged portion size foods that build a mountain of waste on our lunchtable, a lot of which is non-recyclable. We have talked with the children about other options that create less waste, and are ultimately cheaper for our families. We would love your support in doing what we can to reduce waste. Please consider larger containers of things like apple sauce and yogurt, and packing it in small re-usable Tupperware-like containers that can return home to be re-used. Yogurt tubes are unbelievably messy, unsanitary (children put the plastic directly in their mouths), and children frankly have a hard time getting all the yogurt out! Cheese can be purchased in blocks and a few slices can be sent wrapped in a small amount of cling wrap. Marketing tells us kids chees needs to be “stringable.” Regular cheese works! Crackers can be bought in bulk instead of individual bags that never get finished, and PLEASE consider the nutritional content of your child’s lunch bag, many of your children are making it through the day predominantly on carbs and refined sugar!



We are looking forward to picking up our butterfly larvae at the end of the month, and learning about their lifecycle and transformation, and will be looking for frog spawn to nurture soon too! Watch for things growing and transforming in our learning environment!


If you have any questions, concerns ideas or input, please do not hesitate to share with us.


From your Centennial Staff:

Samantha BA (ECE),

Bea ECE,

Brenda ECE, IT,

Corissa ECE, IT, and Victoria C.S.E.A.


Providing Quality Early Learning and Care for 35+ Years

Newsletter: Spring 2015


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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