Country: - United Nations Development Programme

Country: Chile


Reporting period: 2011-2014

I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (1/2 page maximum)

Major achievements during this period:

- Success in introducing a new approach to poverty policies. UNDP participated in the 2013 Presidential Commission on Poverty Measurement that concluded on the proposal to address poverty measuring from a multidimensional perspective considering additional variables to well-being besides income.

- New methodology to replace the Social Protection Card by improving the targeting of social programmes beneficiaries through an evaluation system that utilizes information from registers and administrative data under discussion

- Law amendment to reform the training system tripling the availability of quotas for skills training aimed at obtaining employment for vulnerable groups (from 6,000 to 20,000) and a new law to eliminate the access to tax exemption for middle-high and high-income workers.

- UNDP has been able to bring together think tanks from different political movements to promote policy dialogue and consensus on the introduction of several pending reforms, specifically: automatic voter registration and voluntary voting, Democracy Assessment Report 2014: key instrument for policy advocacy and dialogue and for the promotion of pending reforms to the political system (binominal electoral system, political parties financing), built on consensus. Wide recognition in the media and public institutions.

- Human Development Report 2012 on Subjective Well-Being. This Report fostered a change in the approach of certain socio-economic instruments measuring poverty by incorporating additional variables, subjective well-being, further to the economic in Government instruments (CASEN Survey, Survey on Social Provision)

- New and innovative mechanisms for the conservation of protected areas: the “conservation landscape” approach tested in the Río San Pedro Valley is being replicated in another protected area, Alhué, under the National System of Protected Areas, and was incorporated as part of the draft law on the National Biodiversity Service.

- The new Act 66 incorporates the procedures to implement the right to consultation set out in the 169 ILO Convention. The elaboration process was undertaken through a multiparty consensus-building and dialogue table where UNDP participated as an observer.

- New multisectoral regional policy to address HIV/AIDS in Arica, the most affected region by HIV, in close collaboration with the UN Joint Team on HIV.

- As a consequence of the 2010 earthquake, a new programme for indigenous communities, adopting the Small Grants Programme methodology, was implemented benefiting 900 people (3,500 if we consider indirect beneficiaries) on thematic issues such as the use of renewable energies or the installation of greenhouses.

- New SSC mechanism, Chilean Fund for Poverty and Hunger, established.

II: Country Programme Performance Summary

|Country information | |

|Country name: Chile |

|Current country programme period: 2011-2014 |

|Outcomes |Total Expenditure |Key Indicators of outcome (1-4 per outcome) |Progress made against key indicators |

| |(estimated) | | |

|1. Public policies combat poverty and |10.7M |Number of new initiatives, regulations , programmes or |2 new proposals |

|inequality in its various dimensions | |policies in the areas of labour, education or social |3 instruments reviewed |

| | |protection, to reduce socioeconomic and/or gender |1 report on MDG for indigenous people (disaggregated by sex) |

| | |inequalities |1 multi-sectoral regional policy on HIV for the región of Arica-Parinacota |

| | |Number of programmes/policies/ economic instruments |15 regional reports on MDGs |

| | |assessed/reviewed. | |

| | |Number of initiatives to reduce gaps for indigenous people| |

| | | | |

| | |Number of initiatives or policies to reduce gaps related | |

| | |to the MDGs, including MDG 6 | |

| | |Number of MDG reports at the regional level | |

|UNDP Contribution: |

| |

|CP Outputs: |

|(a) Capacity building of the main institutions in charge of social policies; (b)Knowledge generation for policy dialogue and advocacy |

| |

|Progress and Achievements: |

|Success in introducing a new approach to poverty policies. UNDP participated in the 2013 Presidential Commission on Poverty Measurement that concluded on the proposal to address poverty measuring from a |

|multidimensional perspective considering additional variables to well-being besides income. |

|New methodology to replace the Social Protection Card by improving the targeting of social programmes beneficiaries through an evaluation system that utilizes information from registers and administrative |

|data under discussion |

|Law amendment to reform the training system tripling the availability of quotas for skills training aimed at obtaining employment for vulnerable groups (from 6,000 to 20,000) and a new law to eliminate the |

|access to tax exemption for middle-high and high-income workers. |

|Support for redesigning the Ethical Familiar Income that could reduce the indigence level considerably. |

|Development of a new model to estimate poverty at the local level, improving accuracy of poverty estimators of 90% of municipalities by reducing the confidence intervals of the average poverty level. |

| |

|2. Consolidation of the human development |2.3M |Number of public policies that incorporate contents and |2 planning instruments at the national level include proposals from the National |

|approach in public policy and among the | |recommendations from the national Human Development |HDR 2012 (CASEN Survey and Social Provision Survey) |

|Chilean society | |reports | |

|UNDP Contribution: |

| |

|CP Outputs: Knowledge generation and advocacy; Capacity development |

| |

|Progress and Achievements: |

|National Human Development Report 2012 on subjective well-being resulted in the incorporation of specific questions in 2 Government surveys on this issue: the CASEN Survey and also the Survey on Social |

|Provision. |

|Establishment of new partnerships with 20 regional universities to work on the HD approach from this perspective and to promote this approach on regional policies and to generate capacities at the regional |

|level. |

|3. Social and political participation and |12.5M |a.Number of legislative proposals on strengthening the |a.4 proposals (Law on automatic voter registration and voluntary vote, primary |

|mechanisms for public control of public | |democratic system and social participation discussed in |elections, election of Regional Councils, right to vote for Chileans abroad) |

|management strengthened. | |Congress. |b.2 modernization proposals (Transparency Council, National Service for Women) |

| | |b.Number of State modernization proposals implemented at | |

| | |the local and national levels | |

|UNDP Contribution: |

| |

|CP Outputs: Knowledge generation and advocacy; Capacity development |

| |

|Progress and Achievements: |

|UNDP has been able to bring together think tanks from different political movements to promote policy dialogue and consensus on the introduction of several pending reforms, specifically: automatic voter |

|registration and voluntary voting, Democracy Assessment Report 2014: key instrument for policy advocacy and dialogue and for the promotion of pending reforms to the political system (binominal electoral |

|system, political parties financing), built on consensus. Wide recognition in the media and public institutions. |

|Improvement of the policies for attention and prevention for domestic violence victims and capacities of civil servants in the areas of health, security, justice and local services, in collaboration with the |

|National Service for Women. |

|The new Act 66 incorporates the procedures to implement the right to consultation set out in the 169 ILO Convention. The elaboration process was undertaken through a multiparty consensus-building and dialogue|

|table where UNDP participated as an observer. |

|Report on intercultural relations with an indigenous and non-indigenous academic team, which included more than 400 in-depth interviews and a national survey. |

| |

|4. Capacities of regional institutions for |700,000 |Number of development strategies and regional policies |3 (6 target) planning instruments formalized |

|policy development strengthened | |designed. |2 (3 target)) (Strategy with MDG approach, strategy with HD approach) |

| | |Number of development strategies and regional policies |50 (60 target) |

| | |that incorporate UN approaches | |

| | |Number of civil servants trained in issues related to | |

| | |participation, planning and public management. | |

|UNDP Contribution: |

| |

|CP Outputs |

|Capacity development. |

|Progress and Achievements |

|Development of new regional development strategies for the regions of Santiago, Tarapacá and Arica. |

|5. The country develops technical and |17M |Número de acciones desarrolladas para la puesta en |17.527,5 ha with adequate management (La Rinconada, Quebrada Cardones, Río |

|institutional capacities to promote | |funcionamiento del sistema nacional para la protección de |Clarillo). Proposal for a financing instrument defined. |

|environmental sustainability | |la biodiversidad. |Act 2012 defines limits for imports in relation to 2010 baseline from 2013 and |

| | |Toneladas de HCFC consumidas/importadas anualmente. |onwards |

| | |Número de iniciativas implementadas en el sector privado |Refrigeration equipment substitution in 2 supermarkets in implementation. |

| | |para contribuir a la reducción en el uso de sustancias que|Certification for technical experts. |

| | |agotan la capa de ozono. |2 experiences (waste landfill in Lo Errázuriz, initiative for the development of |

| | |Número de iniciativas que incrementan las capacidades |projects with civil society) |

| | |locales en recuperación de pasivos ambientales y | |

| | |soluciones contra la desertificación | |

|UNDP Contribution: |

| |

|CP Outputs |

|Capacity development; |

| |

|Progress and Achievements |

|Establishment of a new partnership for the management and financing of the protected area “Reserva Costera Valdiviana” through a trust fund managed by the NGO The Nature Conservancy. |

|Proposal of a new intersectoral Operations Committee to promote the adequate management of protected areas. |

|UNDP, the LCD Convention and the Commission on Water Resources and Desertification of the Chamber have set this issue on the public agenda providing the community perspective and demonstrating the efficiency |

|of actions from the local level. |

|6. Chile promotes a low-emissions strategy |7.5M |a. Initiatives for the promotion of energy efficiency and |2 initiatives of energy efficiency in public lighting and 1 in renewable energy |

| | |renewable energies defined and implemented |(solar) |

| | |b. Number of NAMA y reduction options identified and |1 NAMA for the energy sector |

| | |validated |3 adaptation plans (health, agricultura and land planning) |

| | |c. Number of adaptation sectoral plans designed and |7 sectors participate in the definition of actions adn mitigation scenarios |

| | |implemented | |

| | |d. Number of sectors that participate in the elaboration | |

| | |of the national mitigation strategy | |

|UNDP Contribution: |

| |

|CP Outputs |

|Capacity development; knowledge generation and advocacy |

|Progress and Achievements |

|Elaboration of baseline information on greenhouse gas emissions, mitigation scenarios and options, adaptation plans, and other evidence for the definition on public policy to address the risks and challenges |

|of climate change, and for the preparation of the Third Communication on Climate Change. |

|300 people from the public, private, academia, NGOs and consultants participating in the Mitigation Action Plan and Scenarios initiative with the support of UNDP in collaboration with the Climate Change |

|Office of the Ministry of the Environment. |

|Definition of the baseline 2012-2020 for the 7 most relevant sectors in terms of emissions and capture of greenhouse gases, and the mitigation scenarios, and also of the 2007-2030 y Requested by Science |

|scenarios. |

|Replacement programme of 4,000 lamps for public lighting in 4 vulnerable municipalities |

|Training programme for civil servants on management of public lighting (60 municipalities, 7 regions and 120 civil servants) |

|Installation of 44,000sq meters of solar thermal collectors. |

|7. The country has strengthened its |1.5M |Number of SSC initiatives with the participation of civil |New mechanism to finance SSC activities with new actors |

|capacities for SSC with countries in the | |society and private sector |5 initiatives with civil society |

|region | | | |

|UNDP Contribution: |

| |

|CP Outputs |

|Capacity development |

|Progress and Achievements |

|New SSC mechanism, Chilean Fund for Poverty and Hunger, established. |

|Sinergies generated for the joint implementation of SSC activities among different actors: civil society, UN System, national institutions. |

|Main projects on generating capacities and livelihoods for rural communities on community gardens, sustainable energy, access to water, among other. |

| |

|8. Capacities to respond to the risks of |1.05M |a. Number of municipalities that develop recovery plans |a. 24 municipalities have developed a risk prevention strategy at the local level|

|natural disasters and damages caused by the | |and/or planning and management instruments with a disaster| |

|earthquake/tsunami strengthened | |risk reduction approach | |

|UNDP Contribution: |

| |

|CP Outputs |

|Capacity development; knowledge generation |

|Progress and Achievements |

|24 municipalities have developed a risk prevention strategy at the local level. Municipalities that participated were remote and had never had access to training on this issue |

|Community centers for risk management were developed in the municipality of Talcahuano |

|Support in the design of 4 recovery plans for the most affected municipalities by the 2010 earthquake: Talcahuano, Lebu, Curepto y Longaví, with participation of civil society. |

|Please add rows above for additional outcomes as appropriate |

|Summary of evaluation findings (e.g. from outcome and project evaluations, UNDAF reviews, and other assessments) |

|Based on the evaluation s and/or assessments undertaken please provide a brief summary of the overall findings on the CP for the 4 year period in terms of performance effectiveness and efficiency and key |

|achievements and lessons learned. Maximum 500 words. |

| |

|Key Achievements: |

|HD reports and the Democracy Assessment report have had great impact on public institutions, the media and civil society, resulting in new proposals and ideas for designing public policies and addressing |

|pending reforms |

|Continuous support to social development institutions has contributed to the installation of capacities and to the introduction of new approaches on how to address and measure poverty |

|Major Lessons Learnt: |

|The efficacy and efficiency of initiatives that incorporate the communities in the design and implementation of activities to combat desertification |

|The role UNDP plays as facilitator of dialogue to promote discussions that may not happen in the absence of UNDP and the need to incorporate other social actors to ensure proposals include their views |

| |

III. Country Programme Resources

|Focus Area |Programme Expenditure ($) |% of Total |

| |Regular (TRAC) |Other |Total | |

|Poverty and MDGs |1.6M |9.1M |10.7 | |

|Democratic Governance |600,000 |11.9M |12.5 | |

|Crisis Prevention and Recovery |260,000 |790,000 |1.05 | |

|Environment and Sustainable Development |400,000 |24.1M | | |

|Total | | | | |

|Data sources: (please indicate the main sources from which data were obtained for this report.) |

|Atlas, ROAR |

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[1] This assessment of results is to be prepared only in the absence of a completed Assessment of Development Results (ADR) for the cycle.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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