Earth Day Helping Hands Craft

Keep the Air Clean:Read?The Lorax?by Dr. Seuss. Talk about the story and air pollution. Trees and plants clear the air. Plants and trees turn carbon dioxide into the oxygen that we need to breathe. Explain that we cannot see air but that it is all around us and that we need to keep our air fresh and clean to be healthy. Trees also help keep the soil from eroding away, and they give animals a place to live. Plant a tree or plant.Air Activity:?Have children blow through a straw, trying to move a cotton ball, paper, etc.Planting Activity:?Have children plant flowers and plants and then watch them grow. Recycle a milk carton and make it into beautiful planter for planting seeds or growing plants.More Recycle Songs:The More That We Recycle(Tune: Did You Ever See a Lassie Go This Way and That?)Oh, the more that we recycle, recycle, recycle,Oh, the more that we recycle,The happier we'll be.?Cause your earth is my earthAnd my earth is your earthSo the more that we recycle?The happier well be.A Recycling Song(Tune: Frere Jacques)Save your bottles, save your bottles,Save your cans, save your cansBundle up your papers, bundle up your papers,Thats the plan, thats the planPaper-Mache GlobeBy: Amanda FormaroDifficulty:?AverageAge: 8 & upParental supervision is recommendedThis paper-mache globe craft is perfect for the classroom or for a weekend with rainy or cold weather. For extra tips and photos of some of the steps described in our guide, view our? HYPERLINK "" \t "_self" papier mache globe slideshow.Take some time to visit our?Earth Day?homepage?which features other funEarth Day crafts,?recipes?and?fun printables. Take our quiz to test your?Earth Day IQ?and find out if?you?are living green.?What you'll need:BalloonHeavy medium-sized bowl or large glass measuring cupNewspapers1 cup flour5 cups of waterMedium saucepanTwo 7-inch paper platesScrap cardboard (recommended: cereal box, back of writing pad, etc.)1 cardboard toilet paper tubeScissorsGesso (optional) (recommended: Liquitex Basics Gesso)Acrylic paint: gold, brown, green, white, light bluePaintbrushesHow to make it:Line your work surface with several newspapers. This is a messy project so you want to make sure you cover everything.Blow up the balloon and tie. If you have a more oval shaped balloon, don't blow it up all the way, try to keep it round. Place balloon, knot side down, onto medium bowl or glass measuring cup. This will act as a holder/stand for your project.Mix together the flour and one cup of the water until completely combined. (See photo.)Bring 4 cups of water to a boil in a saucepan. Add the flour and water mixture to the boiling water. Reduce the heat to low and simmer for 2-3 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and let cool. (See photo.)When flour glue mixture is cool, move the saucepan to your work surface. Be certain the pot is cooled completely! (See photo.)Tear additional newspapers into 1” strips.Dip strips into the flour glue and run the strip through your fingers to squeeze off the excess. Place the wet strip of newspaper across the balloon and smooth it down onto the surface until it sticks. Continue adding strips until entire balloon is covered. (See photo.)Cover saucepan with plastic wrap; push the wrap down onto the surface of the flour mixture. Allow balloon to dry overnight.Reheat the flour mixture so it bubbles and then allow to cool. (See photo.)Repeat the process of covering the balloon with newspaper strips until a second layer is achieved. Allow to dry overnight. You can do a third layer, but two layers should be sufficient.Turn the balloon over so that the tied end is up. Holding the tied end, use a pin or another sharp object to pop the balloon. The balloon will slowly pull itself away from the sides of the newspaper, leaving the round shell in place. Remove the balloon.Paint the globe with a layer of gesso. If you don't have any gesso you can paint the balloon with white paint. This will create a layer of white that will cover the newsprint so the words and pictures printed on the paper do not show through. Allow to dry. (See photo.)Paint the entire balloon light blue and let dry. (See photo.)Print out a world map to use as a stencil. Cut out the land masses and trace around them onto the balloon. (See photo.)Paint the land masses with brown paint. Add some green paint using a dabbing method on top of the brown in random areas.Add clouds, using a dabbing method with white paint. This is a great way to cover up any pencil lines that may be showing from your tracings. Allow to dry completely. (See photo.)Turn the balloon over so that the hole where you removed the balloon from is on top. Paint the bottom of the globe, about 2” around the hole with gold paint. Allow to dry. (See photo.)To create the globe stand, Glue two paper plates together (nested together).Cut cardboard into 4” squares. These will provide some weight for your globe stand.With paper plates right side up glue one square of cardboard to the middle of the plate. Glue another on top of that, offset. Repeat for a total of 4 or 5 squares. Let dry. (See photo.)Cut slits in one end of the toilet tube, about 1” up and 1” apart. Fold those slits outward.Turn paper plate over so that the bottom is facing up.Cover the slits of the cardboard tube with glue. (See photo.) Press down onto the center of the plate. Press the flaps onto the plate until the glue grabs and let dry. (See photo.)Paint the cardboard tube and the plate with gold paint and let dry.When dry, line the cardboard tube with glue and insert into the hole at the bottom of the globe. Turn over and adjust so that globe stands straight. Place back onto the glass bowl or measuring cup stand (upside down) until dry. (See photo.) Turn over and display.Tips:Liquitex Basics Gesso is a craft medium that provides a surface for paint to easily adhere to and is available at your local craft supply store.For younger kids, simply paint the globe with blue and green, leaving out the brown and white.You can speed up the drying process by using a hair dryer or placing the wet balloon near a heat source such as a space heater. If you do this follow all the manufacturer's safety guidelines for using such an appliance.Contact_Email: dbosle@Area: Earth Day-Art or ScienceIdea:EarthcakesCover the work surface with newspaper. Place a tub of each of the following on the art table or floor: sand, dirt, salt, gravel.Have small pitchers of water plus old bowls and spoons nearby. Let each child concoct an earthcake by choosing some of the materials in the tubs, mixing them in a bowl with water. Let the earthcakes dry. Have the children collect items on a walk to decorate their cakes, such as twigs, grass, stones, etc.Contact_FullName:Contact_Email:date::Area: Earth Day - craftIdea:Have children bring in a empty cereal box. Have children paint cereal box and attach the letter "L" for litter. Go for a walk and gather litter cleaning up the neighborhood. Sort the litter when you return with the children in playground into the correct containers for recycling. (i.e. newspaper, cans, glass, etc...)Contact_FullName: DeeContact_Email: poohprincs@date:: 04/11/02Area: Earth Day-ArtIdea:We made "Earth Day Necklaces" (or you could make bracelets) with our 3-5 year olds. It is a two day project. You need clean dirt (a few cups), glue, paperclips(1 per child), yarn, green and blue paint. First you mix the dirt and glue to a nice moist consistency (maybe 3 parts dirt and 1 part glue) just enough glue to keep the dirt together. Children roll about 1-2 teaspoonfuls of the dirt into small balls with their hands. Stick the paperclip in the top of the ball. Let harden and dry overnight. Day 2 ..When dry paint with green and blue paints. Put the string through the paperclip and wear for necklace or bracelet. If worn around the neck please watch child carefully for safety reasons so the necklace doesn't get caught on something.Contact_FullName: ColleenContact_Email: jettsetfam@date:: 03/24/02Area: Earth Day ArtIdea:To celebrate Earth Day, I make Recycle Paint Prints with my preschoolers. First, I collect some interesting plastic recyclable containers. I also have the kids bring in something that can be recycled. At the art table, set out trays of tempera paint and white paper. The kids dip the bottom of the containers in the paint and make prints on the paper. You would be surprised by the shapes they will make. Some pop bottles (Coke) even look like flowers!! Have fun!!Contact_FullName:AndriaContact_Email:mpas@10-6-00Have child make their own world!Using green and blue water (food coloring), have children use an eyedropper to drip colors onto a coffee filter. They love watching the coffee filter absorb and spread the colors. Looks like the Earth when finished!Contact_FullName:Deb in NebraskaContact_Email:dbosle@8-24-00LITTLE EARTHSWe make "little earths" with: Coffee filters and blue and green colored water (with food color) and eyedroppersFill a muffin tin with blue water and green colored water The children use the eyedropper to pick up the water and place it on the coffee filter. (great for small motor control), When they dry, they look like the times I label...Happy Earth Day 2000___.Contact_FullName:Deb in NebrContact_Email:dbosle@8-24-00Trash Monster Supplies:2 Paper Grocery Bags Pipe Cleaners Construction PaperGet 2 large paper grocery bags for each child. Cut a large oval out of the bottom of one. Slide it into the other bag, open end first, so that the oval is on top. The oval will be the monster's mouth. Decorate the top of the bag with construction paper eyes, mouth, hair, whatever. Poke a small hole on the top center, about 2" from the edge, and another on the back, about 3" from the top. Run a pipe cleaner thru the two holes and twist together to make a handle. Then take the monsters for a walk, and "feed" them any trash you find. Also looks cute for a trash bag in the child's room. To empty and reuse, untwist the pipe cleaner and pull the top bag out, empty and replace. ---submitted by Barb G. in Iowa. This idea was taken from the book Every Day is Earth Day by Kathy Ross.Every year we have an art festival. We celebrate recycling and how it saves the earth one way we do this is by asking the children to recycle at home. They bring in their recycled products to school and we make beautiful art mosaics out of then they just create their own using partners or groups and they can glue paint tape what ever they may want to use or all three and then we have a display set up so the parents can visit their child's art work.Contact_FullName:KristenContact_Email:kcordes@kc.4-15-00Cooperative EarthsMaterials needed: Circle patterns, blue, green, brown tempera paint, smocks, a partner for each child.Introduce the children to the Earth by showing them a globe. Point out the different colors on the globe - and what each color represents. Be sure to point out the amount of blue.Have the children paint their circles blue. When finished with blue - the children have a partner. On one partners Earth drop brown tempera paint - on the other partners drop green tempera paint. The two place each others Earths together (face down) and press - When lift up - they will have an impression of the Earth made with a friend.Contact_FullName:KathyContact_Email:Kamyles@Date: 2-25-00For a cooperative Earth Day project, cut a large circle of butcher paper. Draw a general outline of continents on it. Put out green and blue paint on paper plates and give children wooden spools to use for painting. Encourage them to use green inside the continent areas (for land) and blue outside (for water). When complete, this will make a really neat representation of our planet Earth.Earth Day Bracelet. Cut a two inch wide strip of clear contact paper. Cut the length to make a bracelet. Attach sticky Velcro to to the ends, so your bracelet can go on and off. The children wear their bracelets sticky side out. Go on a nature walk. They can put pieces of grass, flowers, weeds, feathers or anything they find on the nature walk. When you come in put the other piece of contact paper over your bracelet. Discuss with the children what they found on the nature walk. You can do this a simpler way by just putting masking tape sticky side out, on the children's wrists. The clear contact looks so much better.After lunch, collect all items that were thrown away. Such as plastic bags, wrappers, juice boxes or bottles, yogurt and pudding containers, plastic ware, paper napkins, any one-use and disposable items. Rinse out any dirt items. With these items make a group collage or bulletin board. At top of collage using newspaper, cut out letters for the heading " Let's make our lunches trash less" Talk to the children as you are making the collage about all the items that were thrown away. Talk about how everyone can change how the lunches are packed. Listen and record what the children say. Adult suggests could be, use washable containers for drinks , sandwiches and other items in lunch. Use cloth napkins and silverware... The children came up with some great ideas and the parents get to see how much garbage thrown away in one day.Contact_FullName:BrendaContact_Email:bcustis@in-2-20-00?Stuff a white paper lunch sack with newspaper, insert a paper towel tube into the open end of the sack and put a rubber band around it to hold it together. This makes the puppets head and handle. Decorate by adding cut strips of newspaper hair, aluminum foil balls for eyes, red foam smiles cut from meat trays, and anything else you think would add to the project. We call our puppets Recycling Rita or Rick.Contact_FullName:SheilaContact_Email:s2s2@2-17-00For older children 5-6 you can discuss recyclable materials and have them cut out pictures from magazines and use real materials such as newspaper and plastic to make a collage.Contact_FullName:RobertaContact_Email:isewg@Date: 2-2-00The Rain Stick (Another neat way to recycle paper towel tubes...) I used paper towel rolls to make Rain Sticks for a 2nd grade class.We first read a book about The Rain Stick, then we made our own like this:You will need:Paper towel rolls Brown packing tape (or any kind of tape you can paint on) Brown tempera paint Toothpicks White glue Rice I pre-poked holes in them (a lot of holes) before the kids started to work on it and I also covered one end of the roll with tape. Use tape you can paint on.The kids then painted their stick with brown tempera paint. Let the stick dry then have the kids put toothpicks through one hole and out another. Glue both ends of the toothpick. The whole idea is to have the toothpicks going in at different angles to make the required sound. Have an adult cut off any protruding ends of the toothpicks.Each child then fills their roll with rice. I had them decide on their own how much to use; just have them put the rice in a little at a time and have them flip it back and forth so they could hear the "rain" sound they wanted. (It won't take a lot of rice though.)Tape up the other end with paint-able tape and, there you have it, a rain stick!!!!!Contact_FullName:NancyContact_Email:cre8things@Date: 1-31-00There are packing pieces made out of starch that when slightly wet, stick together. you need: packing pieces, shirt cardboard, sponges wet with colored water. The children are instructed to touch the packing pieces onto the wet sponges then stick them onto the cardboard and to each other to build interesting and creative structures. (they do not need to be very wet to stick to each other)Air Pollutionmaterials needed: milk cartons, VaselineCut out different shapes out of the plastic milk cartons - butterflies, birds, flowers, etc. have children rub Vaseline on cutout. Punch hole in and tie yarn on end. Take outside and hang on tree or fence - observe how dirty it gets. Talk about what causes air pollution.Contact_FullName:KristenContact_Email:kcordes@kc.4-15-00Water PollutionMaterials needed: old black marker, two glasses of water, two stalks of celerytake tip out of black marker - place into one of the glasses of water. Place a stalk of celery in each glass. Observe.Contact_FullName:KristenContact_Email:kcordes@kc.4-15-00Mining RocksMaterials needed: chocolate chip cookies, blunt plastic needles, or toothpicksChildren dig out the "rocks" (chocolate chips) with their tools.Contact_FullName:Miss ConnieContact_Email:?Date: 3-6-00Three weeks before Earth Day my class and I discuss what is bio-degradable and what is not. We choose several items to bury in the playground. On Earth Day we dig them up and see the changes (or not) the items went through.Contact_FullName:kathyContact_Email:kamyles@Date: 2-25-00To teach young ones about pollution, I have each child bring in a piece of recyclable garbage. We sit around a pretend pond (a large painted blue sheet of butcher paper) that is filled with paper fish. I tell a story about how the fish live in the pond surrounded by the beautiful woods. As people visit the area for picnics, they begin to throw their trash into the water. I have the children do this, one at a time. As more trash goes in, the fish of course have to come out. Soon the pond is full of garbage and no fish. Now I ask the children to help clean up the pond by removing their garbage and placing it into appropriate recycling containers. These I have made ahead of time by taping commonly recycled items (newspaper, glass bottle, plastic container) to the outside of a paper bag. We feel really good when the pond is clean and the fish can come back to swim there.Contact_FullName:DawnContact_Email:rowrd@Date: 2-9-00Let each child plant flower seeds in a cup with potting soil, and watch how mother nature works. Keep by window for sun light.Contact_FullName:SheilaContact_Email:s2s2@2-17-00Take children on a study trip to a recycling plant to learn more about the importance of recycling. This will also give them a chance to see the process by which it is done. HYPERLINK "" Earth Day Helping Hands CraftThis original project is the perfect classroom project for Earth Day. We used old wallpaper book samplers to make the hands. You can also use paper bags, magazine pages, comics or just about anyother type of recycled paper. This is an encore craft where we bring you the best?craftsfrom previous years.SuppliesRecycled PaperPencilScissorsStaplerClick here for printables, patterns and Templates?InstructionsTrace around your hand on recycled paper. Cut out. Click on Printables and print the earth graphics provided. Use our sayings or make your own. Cut out. Staples hands and earths together to make a bulletin board collage.How to DIY a bead crafts for your kids...without BEADS???Hi, again.The school holidays always seem too short for the kids and too long for moms..I mean ME! ?After weeks playing in the house, outside the house..all over the the girls started to get bored...So, today...I create a new activities for them...Help Mom housekeeping the kitchen!!! ?To make the activities more exciting and rewarding...I promise they can keep one 'treasure' from whatever they come across during the job.?I purposely 'hide' some 'rewards' in few drawers the end..they seem to attracted to a bunch of old colorful straw and some odd shape bottles?I kept in the shelf?(Now, they REALLY found mom's?JUNK? 'treasure'!!!). ?At first, they play pretend cooking with them and after few minutes...they get bored AGAIN!!!.So, looking at the mess...What the heck..let's create SOME MORE MESS!!! ?So, I introduce them to an "impromptu" project...err..craft...whatever to make them quiet for the next one hour at least!So, I ask the girls to cut the straw into small short cubesSimple Summer Activities: Water PaintingThis just might be the simplest activity I've ever done with Sweet P. It was fun and required very little preparation! The only problem was the heat. We played for 10 minutes before she turned to me and said, "Go inside?" You said it sister. And in we went. But it was fun while it lasted and we'll definitely do a few 100 more times this summer!Simple Summer Activity: Water PaintingWhat you need:1 bucket of waterVarious paint brushesSidewalk (or a random cinder block)Fill up a bucket of water and let your kiddos go to town on your driveway or sidewalk. It's such a huge canvas! No clean up involved! Except of course emptying the extra water into your flower bed!Recycled crafts: juice carton pencil organiserSubmitted by?Maria?on June 6, 2011 – 2:12 am2 Comments?I am crazy about new ideas on how to reuse before recycling and as much as I often come up with some clever ideas of my own I am regularly inspired by the brilliant works I see online by other amazing crafters. Last week I have come across to a fantastic pencil organizer made out of an orange juice carton on? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" Inhabitots. It was so unique that I could not resist making one too by following a few easy steps. The good thing about juice cartons is that they are sturdy and look good so you don’t even need to decorate them.To make this desk organizer is very simple:1. Wash the carton and leave to dry.2. Cut one vertical section and lift the small flap; punch a hole in the flap and insert a string if you wish to hang it.3. Remove the plastic cap at the top and use the large hole for glue sticks or similar4. Punch as many holes as you wish and insert pencils.?After making the first one I used the same principle to make a pencil tower standing upright rather than horizontally. For the second organizer I used a milk carton, but it turned out to be less strong than the juice container so I will stick to juice for the next one.Monday Crafts: how to make flowers with magazine pagesSubmitted by?Maria?on March 14, 2011 – 1:47 am2 CommentsI like making things with old newspapers and magazine pages. They are a great material to make anything you want, so at the weekend we made some pretty flowers using glossy magazine paper, glue, straws and garden wire.You can make many different shapes, tulip like, daffodils, or a classic wide petal flower. We made various ones making it up as we went along, but here I give you a tutorial for the easiest one.1. Cut 5 oval shaped petals from your magazine pages. Try to pick the parts of the paper that?are most colourful.2. Fold a plait on each of the petals and stick them together with glue one by one.3. Attach a button in the centre with glue. If the button you have available is not a bright one, you may want to liven it up with either paint or nail polish.4. When the flower is dry proceed to attaching the straw at the back. Split the top extremity of the straw in three parts. Apply glue in the inside and attach it to the back of the flower.5. For a stronger hold use a piece of garden wire to secure the straw to the back of the petals. here's what you'll need:-some string or yarn-straws cut into?peices (about 1 inch long)-contruction paper?or scrapbook paper for your flowers, flower centers & leaves-markers, crayons or pencil crayons to decorate your flower pieces-a hole punch to punch holes in the center of all your?flower pieceshere's what to do:-cut out some flowers, circles & leaves in varying colors from cardstock/construction paper-decorate your flower pieces any way you choose using markers, crayons or pencil crayons-cut up your straws into approximately 1 inch long pieces-start stringing your flower peices & straw beads onto your string-when you`re done tie the ends of the string together and you`re doneHyacinths paper[Translate]These are our hyacinths of paper that might make the children themselves and donate their mothers.?What better than a flower, made from children's hands (sometimes need a little help from an adult).The stem is made ??of rolled?green paper?, which is finally bonded with glue. Earth Day song?- Sung to "Mary Had a Little Lamb"Plant a seed and you will see,?you will see, you will see,Plant a seed and you will seeWhat a beautiful world it can be.Help us to recycle things,?recycle things, recycle things,Help us to recycle things,What a beautiful world it brings.Put your trash where it belongs,?where it belongs, where it belongs,Put your trash where it belongs,And the world stays beautiful for long.The Earth Needs Our Help?- Sung to The Farmer in the DellThe earth needs our helpThe earth needs our helpTurn off the lights when you???re donethe earth needs our help.2. Let???s pick up the litter. . .3. Reuse and recycle. . . .Pollution Song?- Sung to "My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean"The litter blows over the highwayThe litter blows over the park: Unless we do something to stop itThe world will be *LITTERALY* darkpick up, pick up, oh pick up the litter you see, you see.Pick up, pick up, oh pick, the litter you see.The cars that drive over the highwayAre spewing exhaust in the airWe're leading our world to extinction.And just don't seem to careBring back, bring back, bring back a clean word to me to meBring back, bring back, please bring back a clean world to me.God gave us clean air for our breathingBut we just don't keep it that way:Instead we pollute it from smoke stacksand breath in the garbage each dayBring back, bring back, bring back a clean world to me to me.Bring back, bring back, please bring back a clean world to me.~Submitted by WendyEarth Day song?- Sung to "Mulberry Bush"This is the way we pick up trash,pick up trash, pick up trash.This is the way we pick up trashTo help our Mother Earth.Recycling Song?- Sung to "Mulberry Bush"Recycling is the smart thing to do,smart thing to do, smart thing to do.Recycling is the smart thing to do,separating things we can use.Recycling Song?- Sung to "Row Row Row Your Boat"Save, save, save the cans, throw them in the bin,We can help to save the earth if we all pitch in.Save, save, save the paper....Save, save, save the bottles....Save, save, save the plastics....Rain SticksSubmitted by AmyWhat You Need:Paper Towel RollsTape that you can paint onGluePaintUncooked RiceToothpicksWhat You Do:Pre-poke holes into the side of the paper towel rolls. Then have your children poke toothpicks through the holes (glue both ends). Next tape one end of the roll closed. Add rice and tape the other end. Next let your children paint their sticks any way that they want. Finally, cut off any ends of the toothpicks sticking out. Now your children have a great rain stick made out of recycled paper towel rolls ................

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